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Old 5th August 2023, 01:02   #1
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5th-gen Honda City giving jerks @ 2000 rpm in the 2nd gear

I have a manual transmission Honda City Gen 5 which I purchased 6 months ago.

The car often gives a subtle jerk, which gives a feeling as if the fuel/power has been cut off for half a second before it comes back. This happens mostly in the 2nd gear while accelerating, around the point when the needle hits the 2000 rpm mark.

I also feel a similar jerk sometimes upon pressing the car AC button (with the fan already running), when the car is in motion.

Got the car showed to the 'experts' at the local Honda service center but they have been of no help and dismissing it as a non-issue.

The problem is so distracting that I am always thinking about it when accelerating in the second gear. Sometimes I find myself accelerating needlessly just to check whether the car would give a jerk or not. It does, on occasions.

Another BHPian nTorq had reported a similar issue but they also couldn't find the root cause: Link (The 5th-gen Honda City in India. EDIT: Review on page 62)

Many other people have been facing the same problem, based on this Reddit post but there is no resolution for anybody as of now.

Are any of our fellow BHPians also facing the issue with their Gen 5 Honda City? Would be great if some more insight and help can be provided on this matter.
Attached Thumbnails
5th-gen Honda City giving jerks @ 2000 rpm in the 2nd gear-screenshot-20230805-004154.png  

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Old 5th August 2023, 17:20   #2
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Re: 5th-gen Honda City giving jerks @ 2000 rpm in the 2nd gear

Originally Posted by SandyBITS View Post
I have a manual transmission Honda City Gen 5 which I purchased 6 months ago.

The car often gives a subtle jerk, which gives a feeling as if the fuel/power has been cut off for half a second before it comes back. This happens mostly in the 2nd gear while accelerating, around the point when the needle hits the 2000 rpm mark.

I also feel a similar jerk sometimes upon pressing the car AC button (with the fan already running), when the car is in motion.

Are any of our fellow BHPians also facing the issue with their Gen 5 Honda City? Would be great if some more insight and help can be provided on this matter.
You haven't mentioned the odometer reading of the car.

Not uncommon to find this happening in many petrol cars running on ethanol mix (E10/E15/E20), due to moisture condensation in the fuel tank (especially during the monsoon season). Also, check and change your spark plugs if required. Add an injector cleaner to the petrol (System G or similar), and run the car at highway speeds for an hour or two (go take that road trip you were always deferring).
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Old 7th August 2023, 18:47   #3
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Re: 5th-gen Honda City giving jerks @ 2000 rpm in the 2nd gear

Originally Posted by SandyBITS View Post
I have a manual transmission Honda City Gen 5 which I purchased 6 months ago.
I also feel a similar jerk sometimes upon pressing the car AC button (with the fan already running), when the car is in motion.
How much has the car run? And when was it last serviced?

Since you mention the jerk as similar to AC compressor kicking in, have you tried driving with AC off and observed this issue? or does it happen only with AC on?
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