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Old 4th February 2022, 19:01   #1
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VW Polo GT TSI engine oil leak

Hi Folks,
I left my Black VW Polo GT TSI (2014) for the 1.05L kms service at VW Bangalore North yesterday. During inspection we noticed engine oil leak under the bonnet (images attached). The SA said he'd get it examined. Today I've received a quote from him that multiple parts (totaling to 37k + 10k labor) have to be replaced (list attached here). This seems like they are doing trial-and-error rather than a proper RCA to understand the reason and recommend the correct fix. Request the experts on the forum help me.
I've had zero expense on this car apart from the regular maintenance - had a gearbox failure at 42K kms, but that was covered under warranty.
Attached Thumbnails
VW Polo GT TSI engine oil leak-photo20220204123341-2.jpg  

VW Polo GT TSI engine oil leak-photo20220204123341-3.jpg  

VW Polo GT TSI engine oil leak-photo20220204123341-4.jpg  

VW Polo GT TSI engine oil leak-photo20220204123341.jpg  

VW Polo GT TSI engine oil leak-photo20220204123413.jpg  

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Old 5th February 2022, 12:48   #2
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re: VW Polo GT TSI engine oil leak

It seems that this oil leak is not very fast paced but it has been seeping for long. Its extremely difficult to pinpoint what exactly it could be simply by looking at the underbody, because oil has splattered all over the place. The S.A has cunningly billed you for almost every probable seal that can leak oil.

My suggestion is to clean the entire mess up first and make sure there's no oil residue left behind. Fill fresh new oil in, put a new oil filter and drive around for about 50-60km. Then check again. You will be able to figure out exactly where the oil is coming from instead of doing guesswork. All oil seals on an engine don't leak at the same time.

- If the leak magically stops, it's your oil filter O-ring that was leaking which was remedied when you changed the filter

- If the oil is seeping out from the perimeter of the oil sump, it's the oil sump gasket that's at fault. Change it with all the bolts

- If the oil is seeping from the area where the engine meets the gearbox body, it's the rear main oil seal (crankshaft seal on the flywheel side) that is the culprit

- If the oil is leaking from the driver side engine area (near the serpentine belts), it's the crankshaft seal on the crankshaft pulley side that is bad

- If the oil is seeping from the timing chain covers, it's the seals on those which are the culprit. I am not sure if the 1.2 TSI uses a rubber gasket there or a gasket maker (sealant such as anabond). I believe it is the latter, but it's better to check once

Another thing you need to look into is why your thermostat housing is being replaced. I don't think it has anything to do with the oil leaks.

This approach might seem cumbersome, but it's better to be doubly sure and then attempt to fix this issue. From the images atleast, I am finding it extremely difficult to pinpoint the origin of the leak.

Last edited by vishy76 : 5th February 2022 at 13:01.
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Old 5th February 2022, 19:49   #3
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re: VW Polo GT TSI engine oil leak

Thanks Vishy. This is very helpful.
I gave them a somewhat similar approach (via elimination on the RCA for oil leakage) and pushed back on the thermostat change (unless there is a good reason for that). The SA has said "I'll check with the technical team".
I'll keep this thread updated as I hear more (hopefully it'll be a handy guide for fellow BHPians).

On a somewhat related note, if anyone knows a half-decent SA at VW Bangalore North (or any other service centre in BLR) please share the same. I usually ask the SA a couple of basic Qs to get comfortable that he has an analytical mindset (ethical leanings notwithstanding). But the high attrition in the SA community means this is becoming cumbersome.

Thanks once again Vishy.
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Old 5th February 2022, 20:47   #4
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re: VW Polo GT TSI engine oil leak

vishy76 has given you good pointers to troubleshoot the oil leak, and rightly noted about the thermostat.

I noticed the spare part costs to be a bit on the higher side, I may be wrong as I'm not aware of spare part prices of VW cars, is this estimate taken from their spare parts database? To me it looks inflated.

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Old 10th February 2022, 12:19   #5
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Re: VW Polo GT TSI engine oil leak

Originally Posted by vishy76 View Post
This approach might seem cumbersome, but it's better to be doubly sure and then attempt to fix this issue. From the images atleast, I am finding it extremely difficult to pinpoint the origin of the leak
+1 to the suggestions stated.

VW guys truly have billed you in their typical shrewd way, really hate dealing with such people. Do check Boodmo or any other website which has the part info and prices online. Also ask the SA to rework the estimate and send an official copy, the estimate to me seems like a 'kaccha bill' as we would say in vernacular.

You should be able to figure out what the problem is through the steps that were described by Vishy. However, if you are yet unable to then I would definitely suggest going to an external reputed garage instead of the authorized centre, a friend of mine went through a similar problem and got his car back in shape at a fraction of the cost VW will charge you.

Hope your GT gets sorted soon and is fit for another 1L Kms
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Old 10th February 2022, 17:21   #6
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Re: VW Polo GT TSI engine oil leak

If your car is not in Warranty and you are comfortable going FNG route, I can suggest you a good FNG where they will definitely take a more Methodical approach, rather then the typical Showroom approach of replacing everything.
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