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Old 10th February 2007, 22:06   #1
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Ever locked a car with the keys inside?

Last week accidently closed the doors of my car with keys inside. It got locked and we were stranded at Nungambakkam at 22.00 hrs. We tried various options with the scale (inserting the scale through the window after removing the side beeding and making the doors to unlock by hitting the lock) Nothing worked out. Have done it many times with Santro & other cars, but not able to succeed with Swift.

Second set of keys arrived after 1 hr.

Have got such experience?
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Old 10th February 2007, 22:11   #2
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Not in my car - I'm born paranoid abt locking keys in accidently. Happened on a friend's Esteem - lock came undone after removing beading and putting to good use a metal ruler.
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Old 10th February 2007, 22:29   #3
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Had this same experience yesterday in my family's 'Santra'

Removed the beading. Made use of a good old wooden beading. Hit it near the key hole and was inside the car in no time.

What if the vehicle has central locking? How do we open a car then?
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Old 10th February 2007, 22:45   #4
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I did that once, in a rental car in the US (a Chevy) - the central locking would only work manually from within the car... one to lock, one to unlock. I was with a friend traveling up to Lake Tahoe for a day... opened the door, hit the central lock botton, tossed the key on to the seat, but had to leave to go get something, whence my door shut itself. When I got back my friend was still standing by the car, so I asked him while he was still standing there... the rest of the story is rather predictable - I hit the wrong button. Took the call out about 1.5 hour to get there but at least the warranty on the car covered opening the door!!

Anyone care to give this one a try?

Blondie Unlocks Car Video
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Old 10th February 2007, 22:52   #5
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yeah, twice happened to us when we had M800 way back, may be a decade
but with the autocop installed in our current vehicle(Indica), never faced such a situation.
I think you better install a key-less entry system, earliest the better.
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Old 10th February 2007, 23:01   #6
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happened many times in case of my dad's m800...mostly my dad left the keys inside and made me, my brother and my mum look/hunt for the duplicate keys (which he always forgets as to where he keeps them).

at present its pretty simple. the passenger side door lock can be opened using "any key"...even with my padmini's keys.

(in the process the m800's pioneer HU and pio speakers and the spare wheel got stolen about 1 year back)
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Old 10th February 2007, 23:08   #7
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I had a very unique experience a long time back.

Both my cars have autocop. This has a feature of the car locking after the ignition is started.

We were there at kemp fort with a bunch of relatives in both cars. When we were leaving from there my driver got the lancer and got out of the car to go and open the passenger door. Funnily as soon as his door closed shut the autocop locked up the car with the engine running with lights and deck aslo on.

I had to drive back home in the other car and get the spare key. All the while the car was running.

I still havent figured out why it happened.
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Old 11th February 2007, 00:52   #8
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It happened once when I had M 800. I had left some papers in my car parked in the office basement and went back to collect them. Yes, collected the papers but left the key inside. Now my home was 22 KMs away so collecting duplicate key was out of questsion but knew that it's easy to open lock by trying couple of keys but I had no luck that day. So went to near by bazzar and picked up a roadside duplicate key maker. He must be used to with the situation of the customer. He charged a small premium and came with me to my office. He could find a suitable key which can work in my car in just in less than a minute time! Untill recently I had that key along with house keys which are separate from car key keychain and it had saved me couple of time later....
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Old 11th February 2007, 01:01   #9
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Originally Posted by vid6639 View Post
I still havent figured out why it happened.
I think I know... they have since modified this flawed design. See, when your car's engine shuts down the locks are releazed on all the doors. The reverse happens when you gun the engine... after a delay of 5 seconds all the locks trigger themselves. Now, here lies the catch. Your kind of incidences happened a few times and people got themselves locked out with the engine running as they got out after starting the engine (and before the doors could lock). Now of course, they have corrected this flaw and if you open the door before the lock goes on you automatically disarm the system as well.

Of course there is another rare possibility... the driver did not open the lock latch properly and it was just about open. The vibration due to the shutting door caused the master latch to again shut and this locked all the other doors as well.
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Old 11th February 2007, 03:17   #10
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I have this problem with my doesnt have central locking..but when ever i shut the door it just locks...this shouldnt happen on a normal lock,got stuck twice like that but then again its maruti and any key opens that,fridge,house..any key opens the car door...
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Old 11th February 2007, 11:50   #11
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happened to us few years back on our m800,Me and my dad were driving towards m'lore,stopped at a small town call ballupet in hassan.IT was already dark and my dad left the key in the car and locked all the doors,felt like we were stranded in middle of nowhere.No mobile phones with us then.After much hunting,i came across a garage who repairs cars,the owner of the garage sent us a 17 year old chap,he just carried one tool! a long steel scale!!Inserted it between the window and the rubber padding of the door,just above the door lock and voila within few seconds the door opened!!
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Old 11th February 2007, 21:38   #12
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Has happened quite a few times. Another car's keys have come in handy all the time.
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Old 11th February 2007, 21:46   #13
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Happened to me too.
The keys of the corolla were left inside in the ignition slot and the driver went to fill water in his bottle and when he came back, the doors were locked.
It has an autocop system and i have not yet understood how this happened even though autocop was installed and the car switched off with the keys in the ignition slot.
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Old 12th February 2007, 00:04   #14
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I had a worse situation. I ended up locking myself out with both the keys inside.
I was cleaning up my Wagon R in the Night to hand it over to take procession of my new Swift the next day. So I had taken the duplicate key and put it in the same key ring as the original key. Then without realizing I had left the keys inside, I closed the door.

Didn't have a scale at home and so I ended up twisting an Aluminum hanger as a make shift "steel scale like" shape and managed to open the door after perhaps a struggle of 30 mins.
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Old 12th February 2007, 02:30   #15
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Happened umpteen times with different cars. All the time it was scales, other keys, small metal rods and in some cases, had to call service mechanics too.

Opel astra was funny when it was locked this way. The service guy imitated a crash type scenario by playing with the electronics in the front of the car and doors unlocked.

Having the accord key in the boot and closing it. Was quite a hectic, sunny and tiring day and far from home too. The car didn't respond to any of the normal tricks and in the end it was second keys called upon. Yes, another reason for parents to stop getting the keys to that car again!
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