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Old 14th November 2015, 19:44   #211
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re: Ever locked a car with the keys inside?

I did it with my ancient (13, I think) 1974 Honda Civic in London. You could not close the driver's door with the lock button down, it would pop up again as you tried, but that could be over-ridden by holding the outside door handle open. I don't know why I had got in the habit of doing that, but I had. I think it took me nearly two hours to go home and fetch the spare key.

Nobody really cared about car security when that car was built, and I'm sure there would have been an easy hack, but I didn't know it.

I know I have done it at least twice, but that is the story that I remember.

My next car was a new Ford Fiesta thanks to my employers. I had reason to discover that Ford keys, at that time, were almost universal . Found it out because I sent a friend out with stuff to pack for a day trip --- and he put it in the wrong car! My key fitted. It unlocked easily, although it was a little harder to lock, which we had to do, as that neighbour was not at home.
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Old 14th November 2015, 20:52   #212
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re: Ever locked a car with the keys inside?

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
I did it with my ancient (13, I think) 1974 Honda Civic in London. You could not close the driver's door with the lock button down, it would pop up again as you tried, but that could be over-ridden by holding the outside door handle open. I don't know why I had got in the habit of doing that, but I had. I think it took me nearly two hours to go home and fetch the spare key.
Similar mechanism could be used for locking the old M800 and this has happened quite a few times with our family. The first time it happened, we were our wit's end as the car was 250 km away from home and the home keys were stowed away in the car's glove box. This thing happened sometime in 1993-94. My dad had an ingenious idea. We dug a deep pit beneath the backseat floor and then inserted a curtain rod through the drain hole at the floor. I was standing next the window guiding the movement of this 'telescope'. Finally the correct alignment was achieved and lock lever was pushed up. Later that day one of our family friend demonstrated the 'ruler trick' for opening the M800 door locks.

Now, we changed our car in 2003 and got Wagon R Lxi. This model had central locking but no remote locking. So, it was quite possible to lock the car through locking driver's lock and it used to happen quite often that I would come out of the car, unconsciously lock all the doors (old habits die hard) leaving the keys in ignition. Through the 11 years of its ownership, I might have locked inside the keys at least a dozen times myself and a couple of times dad too.
Most of the times, it was no brainer to open up the lock. Remove the beading, insert a metal scale and push, voila the car is unlocked. If it didnot happen in first few attempts, be patient and aim for the connecting rod. Never ever it took more than 15 minutes to open up. For me, the average time to retrieve the keys used to be just three attempts and you even need not remove the beading. With practice you can perfect the exact dept and position for applying pressure on the actuator lever.
Only once we had to replace the beadings as it was bent up by overzealous taxi driver while trying to help my dad. Once when it so happened that we had gone for dinner with my mom and forgot to remove the keys while locking.
We had to borrow a pair of tongs from their kitchen to open the car. Sometimes, I used to wonder how easy it is for thieves to steal such cars. No doubt I was too paranoid while parking my car in unmarked parkings.
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Old 14th November 2015, 21:23   #213
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I had this experience with a rental car in US. I had booked Chevy Cobalt. My friend and I were shopping and loaded the trunk with bags and accidentally dropped the keys in the trunk and locked it. Now, I spent 2 hours to find the boot release button. I found it in the least expected of places. It was hid in a corner of the glove box!
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Old 23rd May 2016, 17:45   #214
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Re: Ever locked a car with the keys inside?

Locking the keys can be a traumatic experience. Happened to meet a bunch of folks at Wayanad recently who were in a miserable condition because of this. The keys were locked inside a skoda Superb. I never knew that breaking the glass would be such a big task. After they failed multiple times trying to break glass with different objects, I got a video of couple of attempts. In the end they managed to get a hammer with chiseled end and used it to finally break it.Here is the video showing the strong built of the glass.

Trying the classic scale slide and push method did not work for this car.
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Old 23rd May 2016, 18:36   #215
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Re: Ever locked a car with the keys inside?

happened a couple of times with my indica, and have broken in a few minutes with scales, screw drivers, chisels etc
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Old 24th May 2016, 09:01   #216
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Re: Ever locked a car with the keys inside?

Originally Posted by Rahul_ View Post
Trying the classic scale slide and push method did not work for this car.
It wont work with cars having an electronic lock compared to the older cars which had mechanical linkages between the latch and the doorlock. Heck it did not even work with my Uncles wagonR which had its key in the boot and locked in my farmhouse. To add to this my uncle who is the VP of an IT major had an important call in ten minutes time and his phone was in the car too. After failing the scale trick, he requested me to break the glass. I did not have the heart to do that so I wedged through the rear quarter glass and it came out. And I presented the glass to him . Total damage was 84 for the beading and 100 to fit it back, which I did not do.

I think these days its better to break the quarter glass or remove it than try the scale trick since I saw that it causes more damage to the window chanel and wont work in most cases. Just check the availability of the glass before you decide which one is to be broken. Also the cheapest glass should be broken to reduce damage on the pocket.
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Old 24th May 2016, 12:28   #217
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Re: Ever locked a car with the keys inside?

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
I think these days its better to break the quarter glass or remove it than try the scale trick since I saw that it causes more damage to the window chanel and wont work in most cases. Just check the availability of the glass before you decide which one is to be broken. Also the cheapest glass should be broken to reduce damage on the pocket.
Apparently, these folks called up Skoda and as it turned out, breaking the passenger side glass was the cheapest option as suggested by the Skoda folks over phone for this car (Superb)
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Old 24th May 2016, 13:39   #218
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Re: Ever locked a car with the keys inside?

I was installing a reverse camera had locked my car with keys inside. Worst part was the lights were on, the reverse gear engaged which meant the reverse camera was on, the LDC was on and basically the reverse light and everything that will consume power was on.

My other key was some 20 kms from my place and inspite of a spirited riding in my trust worthy bullet i came back to see the battery die.

No technique works with these german cars and breaking was the only option suggested. I luckily had the second key and a battery tender i got for my motorcycle. The battery tender took close to 6-7 hours to charge enough for the car to start but it worked.

I am not sure if trying to open the car from inside will work. Like breaking the quarter panel glass and trying to open the rear door from inside. There is basically not special lock button and the only action that works in these cars is unlocking twice. I have a feeling that could be a reason why Skoda suggested breaking the glass as a cheaper alternative.
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Old 24th May 2016, 13:46   #219
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Re: Ever locked a car with the keys inside?

Keys inside and car locked - happened with me twice.

Both the times it was Alto (older version, 2006) and was successful in getting it unlocked using an old trick of sliding a ruler in a gap between glass and door panel.

Got to love the simplicity of those cars.
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Old 24th May 2016, 14:40   #220
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Re: Ever locked a car with the keys inside?

It happened with me several times. My better half knows my habit very well. She always keeps spare key in her purse all the time when we go outstation.

Only one time when I locked key inside and spare key was not there. I requested key from other Maruti owner whose car was standing besides my car. It opened driver side door
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Old 24th May 2016, 14:41   #221
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Re: Ever locked a car with the keys inside?

Originally Posted by Rahul_ View Post
I never knew that breaking the glass would be such a big task.
Yes it is difficult.

Go to youtube and search for video comparisons where they test the "Glass Breaking" safety tools that are marketed.

See independent user videos.

None of them worked. All testers got severe pain in their elbows due to recoil / jerk.

All sham!
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Old 24th May 2016, 14:56   #222
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Re: Ever locked a car with the keys inside?

I locked myself out in my Nano twice!

Tried a key from an auto Rick & it worked both times!

Luckily it wasn't my Linea, but FIAT has a program where you can't lock yourself out if the key is slotted in the ignition or forgotten in the boot.
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Old 24th May 2016, 14:58   #223
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Re: Ever locked a car with the keys inside?


See independent user videos.

None of them worked. All testers got severe pain in their elbows due to recoil / jerk
But the ceramic pieces seems to work atleast from various videos i have seen. The spark plug ceramic seems to be the top favorite.
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Old 24th May 2016, 15:04   #224
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Re: Ever locked a car with the keys inside?

I remember the very first time that dad had locked the key in our M800. It was 11pm, he had just reached home from office, parked the car the car, locked the keys inside (by locking the using the internal lock knob), and then realized the mistake. We had lost the duplicate key so we had no option even if the car was at home. He had heard that thieves and garage folks used to bend thin metal strips, insert it within the gap between the front door and the B pillar and then use it to 'lift' up the lock lever. Me and dad tried this with a tongue cleaner and 2 different knives, right in the middle of the night while a few of neighbors were out on their balcony, wondering why we were trying to steal our own car. After almost 30 minutes dad was successful. There were a few scratches on the door and the pillar but we didn't bother. Placed an order for the duplicate key the very next day.
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Old 24th May 2016, 15:09   #225
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Re: Ever locked a car with the keys inside?

Happened to my swift once. Car got locked at a MASS when I gone for some basic repairs. The mechanic did not realize that the autocop system would activate the locks (don't remember now, perhaps the ignition was on).

What was more shocking, however, was the manner in which the key was retrieved. There is a point in the bottom of the car, roughly below the drivers seat- the mechanic when under the car, pressed that point, and this unlocked the boot door! He made his way to the front and then unlocked the car.
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