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Old 1st March 2018, 00:53   #1
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Ford 1.4L TDCI: Injector Failures

I have noticed that injector failures on the 1.4 TDCI Engine from 2010/2011/2012 manufactured cars is very common. At any given Ford workshop in any city one is bound to find Fiestas and Figos with continental injectors for "injector service / replacement" .

Cost of each injector from the Ford is around 16000 each and they possibly can be serviced at a lower cost . Usually the cost of fixing this problem varies from 10k to 60k depending on the serviceability of the injectors.

I am facing this problem myself and have left the car at the ford workshop for injector service/replacement (based on whatever is possible!) The car in question has covered around 100k kms , however there are all sorts of cars with this failure some with low mileage too !

The injectors in question are made by Continental. I believe Ford switched to different injectors in the Figo facelift and those donot have problems!

A simple websearch for "ford figo 1.4 tdci injector failure" turns up a large number of complaints on different forums.

One site for example is :

Even on team-bhp the injector failure is mentioned at a few places in the

Has anyone with Ford Fiesta/Figo from 2010/2011/2012 or thereabouts faced similar issues ?

I find it strange that Ford didn't do a recall for these considering how many cars are facing these issues! I believe there is also a TSB for the same issued by ford so they DO know that the problem exists! However since most of the cars are failing post warranty the customer is left with no choice but to foot a hefty bill or worse sell/scrap the car !

Possibly the engine stalling issue was probably in a way connected to the injectors but was managed by "software"

I have been quite happy with the Figo and Ford in general and i have had a trouble free and hassle free experience, especially the handling and the build quality and service costs, however post this injector issue, my confidence is a all shaken up :(

Also all the savings in lower regular service cost and those from buying a diesel have been wiped away in one shot!

Last edited by techn0l0gist : 1st March 2018 at 01:12.
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Old 1st March 2018, 10:51   #2
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Re: Ford 1.4L TDCI: Injector Failures

Originally Posted by techn0l0gist View Post
A simple websearch for "ford figo 1.4 tdci injector failure" turns up a large number of complaints on different forums.
I find it strange that Ford didn't do a recall for these considering how many cars are facing these issues! I believe there is also a TSB for the same issued by ford so they DO know that the problem exists! However since most of the cars are failing post warranty the customer is left with no choice but to foot a hefty bill or worse sell/scrap the car !
Sorry to hear about this issue, but i guess warranty is the key thing. Since it is happening after a long time and mostly out of warranty, Ford is happy to wash it's hands off. Same issue is there with the duster 110 PS also, as long as car is under warranty things are covered, after that it is left to the unsuspecting owners. They also have injectors from another company which does not have this issue, how difficult is to recall the whole lot and provide the newer injector?

Being a costly part no manufacturer wants to own it up.

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Old 1st March 2018, 11:56   #3
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Re: Ford 1.4L TDCI: Injector Failures

Our Figo had all the 4 injectors replaced. It was a very costly affair. But selling off the car was like being penny wise , pound foolish. Our car is 8 years old, stills looks good. I hope it runs for another couple of years. But its true that the injector failure has negated any advantages regarding service cost, infact it is almost double the cost of similar cars.
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Old 1st March 2018, 12:20   #4
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Re: Ford 1.4L TDCI: Injector Failures

This is a issue with ford,a year back my friend from vasco faced similar issue,rough engine and increased engine noise coupled with stalling, car was checked and he was informed that injectors have developed fault due to adulterated diesel, this car in question has been driven only in goa and as far fuel goes there is very negligible chance of adulterated diesel.We did ask ford how come other cars from other brands are not having similar failures but they couldn't give us satisfactory answers. Left with no choice,injectors were replaced and from that day my friend stopped comparing maintenance being cheaper.
Ford should honor and replace if this is a known issue ignoring the excuse of saving themselves by saying car is out of warranty.In the long term such frequent failures will tarnish their market image.
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Old 1st March 2018, 12:42   #5
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Re: Ford 1.4L TDCI: Injector Failures

Originally Posted by techn0l0gist View Post
The injectors in question are made by Continental. I believe Ford switched to different injectors in the Figo facelift and those donot have problems!


It is interesting to see that all of them are made by Continental (Continental Siemens VDO)

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Old 4th March 2018, 23:33   #6
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Re: Ford 1.4L TDCI: Injector Failures

What are the symptoms? I have a 2010 Figo which is run 1.23 lakh kms. I have not had any problems yet.
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Old 5th March 2018, 08:35   #7
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Re: Ford 1.4L TDCI: Injector Failures

My 2011 Fiesta has had issue with one injector. But it has been in a "rectifiable" state, as the Ford mechanic/service advisors told me. When the problem was first seen (of course, after the four years warranty period was well over), they asked me to add a little of engine oil each time I fill the tank. I did that, and next time in the scanning, no problem was reported. Again, after a year, it was there, and the advisor at PVS Ford Kannur told me that it is "rectified".

This much of injector problem affects your average a little, but they said it would not cause other problems as of now. They haven't advised me to get it changed so far.

The car is 104200 kms run.

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Old 5th March 2018, 09:17   #8
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Re: Ford 1.4L TDCI: Injector Failures

Originally Posted by techn0l0gist View Post
however there are all sorts of cars with this failure some with low mileage too !
One of my uncle faced this injector failure issue twice in his Figo 1.4 TDCI, this was just after the warranty. If I remember correctly, he spend around 18-20K each time and later he got fed up and sold the car. His car had run around 25K Kms only.
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Old 5th March 2018, 09:28   #9
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Re: Ford 1.4L TDCI: Injector Failures

Goodness, if this is a known issue across multiple manufacturers for injectors supplied by a single player, why can't they make it good for the end customer?

Though this is not at the scale of Takata (Airbag), yet the brand "Ford" is taking a hit by usage of sub-standard injectors.

Even if out of warranty, the company can always provide some discounts on the new part and free labour for the reported cases. People should refrain from getting them repaired and consider switching to an alternate brand of injectors which Ford has also done.

At the very minimum, Ford should issue a service bulletin for injector failure.
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Old 5th March 2018, 09:46   #10
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Re: Ford 1.4L TDCI: Injector Failures

My dad also drives a Ford Classic 1.4 TDCi 2012 make. Haven't faced any such issue yet. I am away from home and dad does not have a keen eye for all these. I'll check it this time i go home in 3 weeks.
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Old 5th March 2018, 10:40   #11
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Re: Ford 1.4L TDCI: Injector Failures

Like the OP has mentioned the failure rates are very high. Removing these injectors are also very tricky, Most of the times they break.

Workshops who find injector removal little tricky suggest removal of the head to take it to the lathe and remove the injectors. In that case you need to shell additional amount for the head gasket and Liquid gasket maker(its some special kind, not the regular red/grey ones available)

Ford should actually step-up and replace these free of cost, Its high time India has a lemon law.

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Old 5th March 2018, 10:46   #12
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Re: Ford 1.4L TDCI: Injector Failures

Originally Posted by Deep Blue View Post
What are the symptoms? I have a 2010 Figo which is run 1.23 lakh kms. I have not had any problems yet.

The initial symptoms are a loud engine noise, and the occasional "hunting" or jerk at high speeds, soon this would be followed by the engine stalling randomly between gearshifts when the clutch is pressed, this is followed by unsteady idle, which one day leads to the flashing "gear" icon on the instrument cluster . The whole process of going from noisy engine to the "gear icon" malfunction light took me about 30 - 40k kms ! If ONLY i had complained about the difference in engine noise when warranty was still applicable !

Also there exists a TSB about engine noise which talks of dealing with injector issues, so Ford could have proactively asked the service centers to voluntarily fix cars which were coming in for service during the warranty period !

There are some cars that have run over 200k kms without any issues , so I believe some cars donot have these issues, which is why Ford didn't probably do a recall !

Originally Posted by arun_josie View Post
One of my uncle faced this injector failure issue twice in his Figo 1.4 TDCI, this was just after the warranty. If I remember correctly, he spend around 18-20K each time and later he got fed up and sold the car. His car had run around 25K Kms only.
This problem might be related to gumming of diesel which is not tolerated by this particular batch of injectors , however injectors from other manufacturers seem to not have this problem whether used less or not !

Originally Posted by i74js View Post
Goodness, if this is a known issue across multiple manufacturers for injectors supplied by a single player, why can't they make it good for the end customer?
Probably because warranty is over and from Fords perspective, there is nothing much the customer can do without losing more time and money !

Originally Posted by i74js View Post

Though this is not at the scale of Takata (Airbag), yet the brand "Ford" is taking a hit by usage of sub-standard injectors.
Ford did a very good job of convincing people that their cars cost less to own, but i guess they will only take a hit if these injector failure becomes widespread and known. For example people who know me and the issues with my car will probably think twice before buying a ford !

After all this I am not very convinced now about the the Ford Surprisingly Affordable campaign

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Old 5th March 2018, 10:48   #13
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Re: Ford 1.4L TDCI: Injector Failures

Faced the stalling issue many times, even during warranty, in our Figo TDCI Titanium 2011 model. Each time it was rectified by ECU flashing. The problem did go away for a while but recurrence was there. The problem started before the car had clocked 20,000 kms and was still under warranty.
Last year, there was a distinct starting problem and rough, ‘missing’ sound from the engine. I recognised it to be an injector problem and was given a quote by the local dealer of Rs. 18,000/- per injector, incl taxes.
Thought of going to a Mico dealer for injector checking. Injector cleaning places can be found around any trucking areas in all cities.
Then tried injector cleaning additives. Used up 2 bottles and the problem, though not completely solved, is better. Much less engine clatter but cold start problem persists.
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Old 5th March 2018, 12:25   #14
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Re: Ford 1.4L TDCI: Injector Failures

My story-

I bought a 2011 35k run Ford Figo in December 2016. Everything was ok except the car would stall when downshifting and driven spiritedly at the same time. Also the car exhaust would smell of unburnt fuel. I knew the cause as my BIL had the same in his 2012 Figo which eventually got rectified by software update.

But I was not so lucky. Even after two software updates and a clutch switch replacement ( as suggested in one of team-bhp threads) the problem persisted. I adjusted my driving style but never gave my car to anyone else fearing that it would stall during downshift which normally happens when one approaches a turn and it is very easy for anyone to get panicked in such situation as steering becomes rock hard. I was suggested replacement of a faulty injector costing around 16000 plus tax by Ford ASS. They also told me that they can get it repaired for 4k but that is a hit or miss scenerio.

Meanwhile I was having another problem of my speedo not working and the car would go into limp mode for few minutes. I googled again and found the speed sensor is culprit here. I got that sensor replaced and another software done and volia.. all problems gone. And now after 8k kms the problem has not surfaced touchwood.

My understanding of all this:

1. Yes there is problem with injectors of 2011/12 Figo/fiesta which Ford took care through software updates when the cars were in warranty.

2. I feel that ASS always recommend injector replacements for cars that are out of warranty even when another software update can somehow rectify/control the situation.

3. Ford should come forward and address the situation ASAP as their image and reputaion is stake. Imagine any accident/lives lost due to this would certainly damage Ford more than ever and trust me it is not very hard or difficult to get in tricky situation with this problem.

4. Even though my car is alright now but I know that this problem can arise anytime and when this thing is in back of your mind, it is not good.

If anyone is willing/capable of taking it against Ford legally I am all for it.

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Old 5th March 2018, 12:54   #15
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Re: Ford 1.4L TDCI: Injector Failures

Originally Posted by kkg View Post
clutch switch replacement
The stalling was probably something to do with the injectors, that they managed in software, post the ECU update , i could "feel" the car almost stall and come back on (sounded like a missing injector for a fraction of a second!)

Originally Posted by kkg View Post

2. I feel that ASS always recommend injector replacements for cars that are out of warranty even when another software update can somehow rectify/control the situation.
My car is with the service center as right now, they have been really helpful and have recommended servicing the injectors(if possible) and have sent the injectors to a service facility.

Originally Posted by kkg View Post
3. Ford should come forward and address the situation ASAP as their image and reputaion is stake. Imagine any accident/lives lost due to this would certainly damage Ford more than ever and trust me it is not very hard or difficult to get in tricky situation with this problem.
Honestly I would really think twice going for a long drive even after getting the injectors repaired ! Now long term reliability of these injectors post servicing too would be suspect !

If Ford could do a recall for "high pressure power assisted steering hose" for cars made from 2004-2012 in 2017 , having a recall for injector issues isn't difficult for them too ! Why they aren't doing it is best known to them !

Last edited by techn0l0gist : 5th March 2018 at 13:02.
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