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Old 12th July 2016, 11:09   #1
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ABS / ESP warning light - Now what?

Hello everyone,

I own a 2010 Skoda Yeti Elegance 4X4. On driving to work today, I got an ABS / ESP error on the MID. Even though the brakes are working absolutely fine, I am really concerned of what might be the outcome of this error. I will be sending the car to the workshop tomorrow but is this situation safe to drive? I am assuming that the ABS / ESP sensor may have failed which means they will not activate when required. Could here be any other issue I need to consider?
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ABS / ESP warning light - Now what?-skoda-yeti-mid-error.jpg  

ABS / ESP warning light - Now what?-skoda-yeti-error-signs.jpg  

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Old 12th July 2016, 11:16   #2
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re: ABS / ESP warning light - Now what?

No need to worry too much. Just drive carefully since ABS and ESP will not activate. Most probably a sensor gone kaput, possibly a rat has chewed some wires.
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Old 12th July 2016, 11:36   #3
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re: ABS / ESP warning light - Now what?

It could be

1: Loose or cut wire
2: Faulty sensor
3: duff ECU

A VCDS scan will tell the truth
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Old 12th July 2016, 11:48   #4
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re: ABS / ESP warning light - Now what?

Originally Posted by akshay1234 View Post
No need to worry too much. Just drive carefully since ABS and ESP will not activate. Most probably a sensor gone kaput, possibly a rat has chewed some wires.
Originally Posted by ajmat View Post
It could be

1: Loose or cut wire
2: Faulty sensor
3: duff ECU

A VCDS scan will tell the truth
Thank you akshay1234 and ajmat for the quick reverts. This issue happened yesterday too. But after driving a kilometer or so I stopped the car, switched it 'off', removed the key, waited for around a minute and started it again. The error vanished. However, this morning the error remained even after following the above procedure. I have taken an appointment with the Skoda workshop tomorrow so let's see what they say. I hope it is just a faulty sensor or loose wire as a cut wire will be an expensive affair.
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Old 12th July 2016, 12:02   #5
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re: ABS / ESP warning light - Now what?

It could be

1: Loose or cut wire
2: Faulty sensor
3: duff ECU

A VCDS scan will tell the truth
Take a vacuum cleaner and set it to the blower mode. If possible remove the wheels and give a nice clean up.

If you had recently changed the wheels, disc pads or even brake pads it could also be a loose connection.

Also check if the suspension is fine and is not leaking oil. The oil may reach the sensor and send bad signal.

VCDS will clearly tell which wheel is causing this error. If the error clears up but re-appears it could be dust at the sensor and the best option is to remove the sensor, blow air and clean the contacts and pop it back. If its a rat bite i would expect the error to not clear on its own as the moment the wire is exposed by rat bite the voltage to the sensor varies drastically even if you tape it. The only way to fix that is to solder the wires and seal it or replace the wire that is broken.
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Old 12th July 2016, 12:48   #6
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re: ABS / ESP warning light - Now what?

Sorry for hijacking your thread. I have been facing the same issue for around 2 months now. I have an XUV 500. I have sent my car twice to the service center about the ABS light running on the console. Each time I get it back saying it is resolved. Unluckily for me, it just comes on whenever it wants. It may be driven for 50 kms without the indicator (ABS) turning on. However the next day, it turns on within 500 meters of driving.

What could be the reason?

Sent the car again for a check today. So any help will be appreciated.
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Old 12th July 2016, 13:00   #7
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re: ABS / ESP warning light - Now what?

Sometimes they just remove and clean the ABS wheel speed sensors and put back. It might temporarily resolve the issue in some cases. And the fault keeps showing up intermittently. If the sensor is renewed, that won't happen. If the fault is caused by the ABS wheel sensor that is.
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Old 12th July 2016, 13:46   #8
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re: ABS / ESP warning light - Now what?

Originally Posted by Epic View Post
. I hope it is just a faulty sensor or loose wire as a cut wire will be an expensive affair.
My XUV also showed same error. I called up Mahindra Service center, they send me a Flat Bed. It was a case of cut wire. This occurred while my cousin was driving in highway. Maybe some stone cut it.

It was done FOC.
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Old 12th July 2016, 13:58   #9
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re: ABS / ESP warning light - Now what?

What could be the reason?

Sent the car again for a check today. So any help will be appreciated.

The most important thing required for ABS to work is wheel speed. Check the tone rings. If tone rings are dirty, broken or bent the wheel speed is not detected and it will invariable send a bad signal and say ABS is error.

Tone rings cleaning can be done manually. It takes some effort but usually if there was a disc change (not just the brake pads) there is a chance the tone ring has some dirt in it.

On order of diagnosing

- Air blow dust from the brake system(home blowers/vacuum)
- Rat bites
- Oil leak from suspension
- Tone rings as the last thing.
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Old 13th July 2016, 09:54   #10
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Re: ABS / ESP warning light - Now what?

I sure hope it's a sensor / cut wire as that'll be cheap to fix. The ABS light came on in my Civic and unfortunately, it wasn't a minor fault. The ABS control module had failed. The official pricing for that part was in the region of 50k. We sourced a used one from Chor Bazaar for 12k (IIRC). Just a tip in case any of you guys are in the same situation. All independent garages have a contact at Chor Bazaar so it's not like you need to do any foot work.

Originally Posted by Epic View Post
But after driving a kilometer or so I stopped the car, switched it 'off', removed the key, waited for around a minute and started it again. The error vanished.
Even my Civic had the same intermittent issue. It would go off sometimes after restarting.
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Old 13th July 2016, 11:57   #11
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Re: ABS / ESP warning light - Now what?

I too had exactly same problem in my i20 couple of months ago.
ABS warning light will turn on after i start driving few metres or a kilometre.

I took it to Hyundai service center and it turned out to be in one of the wheels ( Right rear wheel) the sensor stopped working and had to replace it.

Your brakes will work fine but ABS won't kick off when needed. Strongly recommend you to get it corrected quickly.

I remember in one another post where GTO said something like this. Whats the point in having faulty ABS compromising safety feature in a car which comes with ABS.

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Old 13th July 2016, 12:37   #12
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Re: ABS / ESP warning light - Now what?

Hi guys,

So after starting my car to head off to work this morning, everything was normal and no ABS /ESP error showed on the MID for the entire trip. This is driving me nuts!! Will update once I have the car checked by Skoda tomorrow.
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Old 13th July 2016, 13:32   #13
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Re: ABS / ESP warning light - Now what?

I have the same problem since 2-3 years back, mostly during monsoon seasons.
The ABS light comes up on it's own, glows for a while and then disappears on it's own.
Told the same to Hyundai ASS - they did not find anything wrong with the G scan tool.
I do not have any problem with braking - and ABS kicks in whenever required.
So guess it is something of a sensor contact / dirt issue.
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Old 13th July 2016, 14:29   #14
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Re: ABS / ESP warning light - Now what?

Originally Posted by Epic View Post
Hi guys,

So after starting my car to head off to work this morning, everything was normal and no ABS /ESP error showed on the MID for the entire trip. This is driving me nuts!! Will update once I have the car checked by Skoda tomorrow.
A scan will reveal the fault code history even if the fault is not showing now. That will pin point the fault.
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Old 13th July 2016, 15:18   #15
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Re: ABS / ESP warning light - Now what?

It could be

1: Loose or cut wire
2: Faulty sensor
3: duff ECU

A VCDS scan will tell the truth
Apart from this it could be due to a wrongly calibrated steering alignment sensor too.

Have you done any wheel alignment recently, if so this could be the reason for the same since on adjusting steering play, sensor calibration would be off.
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