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Old 31st August 2016, 21:49   #91
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Re: TUV300 AMT problems & Mahindra's inability to solve them

Originally Posted by Ashley2 View Post
Hill Hold in comparison to ESP is a simple feature, as without Acc pedal input the car should not move and you use service brakes to stop that.

Though Duster has as a combo, its absolutely not necessary to have both ESP and Hill hold together rather one can exist without other.
It's not so simple to implement - you need an electronic brain and a pump to actually apply pressure to the brakes, right? At that point of time, you have everything you need (except different algorithms) to implement ESP and hence, you will always find Hill hold control with ESP.

As an exercise, you can try finding any modern car with HHC, but without ESP
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Old 31st August 2016, 23:25   #92
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Originally Posted by ezee View Post
Tell me "Who in this World will buy a under powered TUV just to save Rs 8000/- ?".
i took a Scorpio taxi once in Kerala - Chengannur to Sabarimala and back. Was curious about the vehicle as it was my first time and looked at his RC book. The engine was lower powered than the regular white boards (65bhp) and the driver told me it was for conservation of fuel and control speed (to some extent). Am not saying that is the counter argument to your statement but recalled this incident when I read your post.
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Old 1st September 2016, 21:04   #93
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Re: TUV300 AMT problems & Mahindra's inability to solve them

Originally Posted by d3mon View Post
and a pump to actually apply pressure to the brakes, right?
Would holding (rather than generating) pressure work?

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Old 1st September 2016, 22:13   #94
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Re: TUV300 AMT problems & Mahindra's inability to solve them

Originally Posted by Sutripta View Post
Would holding (rather than generating) pressure work?

1) What kind of device would you use to hold the pressure?

2) You still need a sophisticated brain to control the aforementioned device. Any such device that can control the dynamics of the vehicle needs to be extremely reliable and resilient to failures, to avoid any untoward incidents. Imagine if it accidentally held on to the braking pressure while at a high speed!
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Old 2nd September 2016, 21:07   #95
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Re: TUV300 AMT problems & Mahindra's inability to solve them

Originally Posted by d3mon View Post
1) What kind of device would you use to hold the pressure?
The control valves used in an ABS implementation.

2) You still need a sophisticated brain to control the aforementioned device.
The same brain (hardware) which controls the ABS.

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Old 2nd September 2016, 21:21   #96
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Re: TUV300 AMT problems & Mahindra's inability to solve them

Originally Posted by Sutripta View Post
The control valves used in an ABS implementation.

The same brain (hardware) which controls the ABS.

You're right - but it's lacking the accelerometer to detect a hill in the first place.

"Note that the hydraulic modulator is the same one used in an ABS system, meaning that ESC adds only the yaw sensor, an accelerometer, and steering angle sensor to a standard ABS system."
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Old 2nd September 2016, 21:32   #97
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Re: TUV300 AMT problems & Mahindra's inability to solve them

Originally Posted by d3mon View Post
You're right - but it's lacking the accelerometer to detect a hill in the first place.
But as you have mentioned later on, a far cry from a full blown ESP system.
And in this case the 'áccelerometer' needs to give only a Yes/ No signal (Am I on a gradient? Y/ N), rather than actual values. (Though to be fair, I don't think there is going to be any sensor cost difference if using a MEMS sensor).

There also used to be purely mechanical solutions to hill holding!

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Old 27th February 2017, 12:45   #98
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Re: TUV300 AMT problems & Mahindra's inability to solve them

So here is another case of TUV 300 T8 AMT where my family member is affected on the bad product by Mahindra and their incompetency to resolve the issue. It is has gone to 9 times to the service centre in a span of 10 months. I personally for a long time been a fan of Mahindra and owned scorpio for close to 5 years with 1.9 lakh kms done. But this has definitely changed the perception of the company especially when they launch new products. We now completely lost the faith in the car and cannot rely on it any more.
Here is the link for the tweet
and it contains the full service history. I request the you guyz to post if on social media go get the attention.
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Old 27th February 2017, 22:41   #99
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Re: TUV300 AMT problems & Mahindra's inability to solve them

Originally Posted by sud View Post
So here is another case of TUV 300 T8 AMT where my family member is affected on the bad product by Mahindra and their incompetency to resolve the issue. It is has gone to 9 times to the service centre in a span of 10 months. I personally for a long time been a fan of Mahindra and owned scorpio for close to 5 years with 1.9 lakh kms done. But this has definitely changed the perception of the company especially when they launch new products. We now completely lost the faith in the car and cannot rely on it any more.
Here is the link for the tweet
and it contains the full service history. I request the you guyz to post if on social media go get the attention.
Very sad to know about the ordeal of your family member. From the tweet that you shared I could not find what the exact issue is. Is it with the transmission? Ideally the dealer should have provided a loaner auto shift car (be it another TUV, Scorpio or even a XUV), till the time they fixed the root cause of the issue with the TUV AMT.
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Old 5th March 2017, 19:13   #100
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Re: TUV300 AMT problems & Mahindra's inability to solve them

Originally Posted by AutoIndian View Post
Very sad to know about the ordeal of your family member. From the tweet that you shared I could not find what the exact issue is. Is it with the transmission? Ideally the dealer should have provided a loaner auto shift car (be it another TUV, Scorpio or even a XUV), till the time they fixed the root cause of the issue with the TUV AMT.
Multiple major issues accelerator pedal is not responsive at times, vehicle not pulling forward while on uphill, sudden shudder (possibly transmission), sudden power drop at high speeds. Once there was smoke from engine bay while on the way back from Mysore. We were suspecting transmission / engine issue.

Here is the full details

Once they gave automatic loaner but other times they refused saying no automatics.

Because of the repeated-ness of the issues and the inability of Mahindra to find the root cause and address it made us to loose complete faith on the vehicle.
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Old 6th March 2018, 22:37   #101
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Want to revive this thread if there are more AMT owners here. I have a Jan 2018 registered T10. I have issues with the sluggish gear changes and have noticed a few other issues with the AMT programming. When braking I notice that the engine revs unnecessarily (maybe to avoid stall) and the Rev increases the rpm by 750rpm or so.
The power loss on gear changes is a pain and one needs to adjust to it. I was told there is a firmware for the slow pickup and I intend getting it flashed once I have the rear camera installed something this week.
Also wanted to understand if anyone else has worked out how to drive this AMT better.
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Old 26th May 2019, 21:36   #102
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Re: TUV300 AMT problems & Mahindra's inability to solve them

Originally Posted by sud View Post
Multiple major issues accelerator pedal is not responsive at times, vehicle not pulling forward while on uphill, sudden shudder (possibly transmission), sudden power drop at high speeds. Once there was smoke from engine bay while on the way back from Mysore. We were suspecting transmission / engine issue.

Here is the full details

Once they gave automatic loaner but other times they refused saying no automatics.

Because of the repeated-ness of the issues and the inability of Mahindra to find the root cause and address it made us to loose complete faith on the vehicle.
I am also facing some issues with my AMT. Did you get any solution from Mahindra? Mine is currently resting in MASS due to AMT issues, my TUV is shifting to N from A2 or A3. This combined with other issues like while driving in A2 sudden power loss and when shifted to A3 sudden jerk.

The sudden loss of power was fixed to some extent by replacing Fly kit and Clutch kit. Fly kit under warranty and clutch kit had to pay 5,400 (Later got refund from Mahindra after complaining).

I also requested vehicle refund or exchange to newer version of MT, but back of my mind I know its not possible in India.

What is the current status of your issue?
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Old 27th May 2019, 13:11   #103
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Re: TUV300 AMT problems & Mahindra's inability to solve them

Originally Posted by ramnaresh_2000 View Post
I am also facing some issues with my AMT. Did you get any solution from Mahindra? Mine is currently resting in MASS due to AMT issues, my TUV is shifting to N from A2 or A3. This combined with other issues like while driving in A2 sudden power loss and when shifted to A3 sudden jerk.

The sudden loss of power was fixed to some extent by replacing Fly kit and Clutch kit. Fly kit under warranty and clutch kit had to pay 5,400 (Later got refund from Mahindra after complaining).

I also requested vehicle refund or exchange to newer version of MT, but back of my mind I know its not possible in India.

What is the current status of your issue?
The issue kept on recurring for him and Mahindra couldn't solve it fully. Finally he let it go and moved over to Duster.
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Old 15th May 2022, 19:03   #104
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Re: TUV300 AMT problems & Mahindra's inability to solve them

I am owner of a MAHINDRA TUV300 T8 AMT 100HP (M HAWK) since Sep 2017. Since March 2020 the problems faced by me regarding this Vehicle are never ending and escalating. The Vehicle is lying with NBS Ltd. at Mumbai for most of 2022 since Jan 2022.

My Vehicle has developed several problems which keep repeating regularly and has to be towed to NBS Ltd., Mumbai, the authorised service center of Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd..

In Jan 2021 (Vehicle done just 9032 kms), following problems:
Problems - while driving on 35 - 40 kmph speed, the vehicle transmission malfunctioned and the gear shifted to neutral and would not change to automatic transmission mode or manual transmission. . .
Violent Jerking of car when putting gear into drive (automatic). In AMT mode the gear would not shift to 5th even on speed above 70 kmph and above.
The Actuator was changed by NBS in Feb 2021, which seemed to end problems associated with Actuator and AMT. Little did I know that this was the beginning of all major problems and woes of the TUV300 related to Engine. Within 3 months the Engine had started to get sluggish and often would stall. Also starting problem would frequently occur once in a week. On 21/06/2021, Vehicle had to be towed to NBS Ltd. as there was loud sound coming from the Engine. (Towing charges on customer). Also AC blower fan had stopped functioning. This was 3rd time in the last one year the Vehicle had the same problem. However vehicle was returned within few days without bothering about further investigating the Engine noise.
Throughout July 21 to November 21 the Vehicle was sluggish and constrained. In November 2021 the Vehicle was brought to NBS Ltd. once again with the same AC fan blower problem.
In Dec 21, the Vehicle was giving out thick black smoke from the tail pipe while starting in the mornings. It had to be taken to NBS once again. It was returned on 29 Dec 21 after changing the intercooler hose connected to turbo charger and the problem was diagonised as overheating!! Though we constantly complained that Engine was sluggish, nobody paid any attention. Vehicle was returned for use.

Again on 08/01/2022 Vehicle had to be towed to the NBS workshop as Engine suddenly stopped and would not start. Towing charges borne by us. As per advisor, the Engine is seized due to overheating. The entire blame was pinned on us, the customer for seizing the Engline !!
We explained to the advisor, there was warning for temperature increase for only 15 to 30 seconds before the Vehicle had stopped. The Vehicle was not driven at all, with the Engine malfunction light on.
However as per the advisor, the overheating was due to leakage in hose pipe of the coolant radiator/ chamber which was leaking and hence coolant had leaked out and car overheated.
We explained that earlier on 29/12/2021 which is just 10 days before this problem, the Vehicle was brought in and the intercooler hose was changed. At that time on 29/12/2021, after work was completed and after the Vehicle was delivered back to us, the Vehicle had malfunctioned once again at the workshop itself and Engine light was on at the workshop. The advisor himself taken the Vehicle in and tried to restore the Engine light back to its normal state, after completion of th repairs. However, the advisor himself admitted at that time, that he cannot figure out what the problem is.
The Engine warning light had developed while the Vehicle was parked at your workshop for repair as when taken for test drive after repair, the Engine malfunction light was on. Its highly unprofessional to pin this fault on us as this warning of Engine malfunction was identified on 29/12/2021 at NBS Ltd. workshop. Its very much possible that while the intercooler hose was fixed at workshop on 29/122021, the coolant hose pipe was damaged by the service personnel. Even though the engine light went off after that due to tweaking, the coolant would have leaked slowly in the next 10 days. After this the Engine malfunction light came on just before the Engine stopped on 08/01/2022.

This email from the advisor to us, not taking responsibility, and asking us to pay Rs. 75000/- for an estimate work of total Rs. 209000/- fore repair of the seized Engine, even though the Vehicle was covered in the Shield extended warranty program!!:
This is what they have to say:
We would like to reiterate you that we have done technical analysis on failed engine parts and understood that the parts failed due to engine run after vehicle overheat.
It’s concluded that the failure is not because of any product issue or manufacturing defects, please note warranty of vehicle is subjected to pre-mature failure of parts due to manufacturing defects/product issue (Please refer warranty manual for details) however in your case it’s not any product issue. We will be happy to assist you if you want to visit to dealership for physical clarification on vehicle about failed parts for your better understanding if required.

The Vehicle was finally returned on 7th March 2022 after changing few Engine parts. Now once again on 3rd May 2022, due to a loud tak tak tak Engine sound, the Vehicle was towed to NBS Ltd.
The diagnosis is that the Engine parts will need replacing again - Engine block, Piston rings, Connector rod, turbo charger, cylinder etc. Till date there is no specific date given to us for returning the Vehicle and no replacement Vehicle.

We continue to be unable to use our Vehicle and are at the whims and mercy of NBS Ltd. and Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd.
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Old 16th May 2022, 12:02   #105
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Re: TUV300 AMT problems & Mahindra's inability to solve them

Originally Posted by RD_dude View Post
We continue to be unable to use our Vehicle and are at the whims and mercy of NBS Ltd. and Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd.
Hi RD! It is disheartening to read about your ordeals. The AMT in the TUV was bad and should not have been introduced in the market in the first place. But your array of issues traverses beyond the AMT. The turbo inter-cooler hose was replaced in my car too few months back when I started hearing a whoosh sound at certain RPMs. I noticed the leak and replaced the part. The sporadic huge vibrations and sound from engine is also a known issue and is caused by a bad vacuum modulator. Mahindra acknowledges this and changes it free of cost always.

The Mumbai TUV owners' group is very big, active and effective. Get in touch with Ajay there and escalate to Mahindra.
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