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Old 4th April 2007, 05:08   #46
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Has anyone tried using suitably higher compression to take advantage of the octane rating?
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Old 4th April 2007, 05:34   #47
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Originally Posted by v1p3r View Post
Has anyone tried using suitably higher compression to take advantage of the octane rating?
we have. we are running close to 12.5 compression with a piper rally camshaft and +5 degree advance. Car will not run on 93 octane petrol, timing needs to be backed WAY off if it runs out of LPG.

PS: This is on a Fiat 1100.
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Old 4th April 2007, 06:53   #48
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Originally Posted by nikunj_cal View Post
After reading the whole thread I am still a bit confused ! Does LPG lead to Lower Emission Norms . SO in other words the Wagon R DUO when run on LPG mode should give lower emissions and higher mileage as compared to when the same runs on petrol or am I missing some thing ??? :-)
When your car is running on LPG, it'll surely have lower LPG emissions than on petrol. And also, you don't have to bother with the emissions norms since LPG will surely pass all the emission norms easily(atleast upto the year 2020 !!!).

The Duo will be having a lower FE when running on LPG.
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Old 4th April 2007, 13:26   #49
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there are some differences too.
stoic.ratio of 87 octane pertol is 14.7 where as for auto lpg its 15.4 so if u r using a closed looped syatem <which uses a lambda reading and adjust the gas quantity with the help of a separate stepper motor> and if ur system is PROGRMMED for 15.4 separately insted of left to auto learn , then it should give u more power more torque and more avrage tooo un fortunately there are very few people who take all the pains.. as thereare very few customers who know it and want it and ready to pay for the difference...
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Old 4th April 2007, 15:06   #50
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Can you share basic difference between open loop & closed loop system lpg kit?...I liked the idea of having more power & more FE with this...

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Old 4th April 2007, 19:49   #51
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Originally Posted by finetuning View Post
Can you share basic difference between open loop & closed loop system lpg kit?...I liked the idea of having more power & more FE with this...
I know some basic details. I can explain only in layman's idea. Open loop is like the carb vehicles. The closed loop works like in a MPFI system. The ECU based on the feedback from sensors like Lambda sensor (which I think is fixed in the exhaust - excuse if wrong) will instruct the stepper motor (something like a valve) to supply fuel based on the load conditions.

The ECU will also take feedback from the regular sensors which most Maruti cars have like O2, throttle , cam position etc. This will help us to get better pickup and mileage
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