Courtesy and Courtesy:
Clarks Garage
Here's a quick reckoner ...

Symptoms , possible causes & Resolutions Low Compressor Discharge Pressure
1. Leak in system -> Fix the leak
2. Defective expansion valve -> Replace
3. Suction valve closed -> Open
4. Refrigerant shortage -> Recharge
5. Plugged receiver drier -> Replace
6. Compressor suction valve leaking -> Replace
7. Bad reed valves in compressor -> Replace reeds
High Compressor Discharge Pressure
1. Air in system -> Recharge
2. Clogged condenser -> Clean it
3. Discharge valve closed -> Open it
4. Overcharged system -> Drain some refrigerant
5. Insufficient condenser air -> Check condenser and radiator fans.
6. Loose fan belt -> tighten (tension)
7. Condenser not centered on fan or too far from radiator -> Center and check distance
Low Suction Pressure
1. Refrigerant shortage -> Recharge
2. Worn compressor piston -> Replace compressor
3. Compressor head gasket leaking -> Replace gasket
4. Kinked or flattened hose -> Replace hose
5. Compressor suction valve leaking -> Depends , if integrated suction valve - replace compressor, otherwise change valve plate.
6. Moisture in system -> Replace drier/accumulator
7. Trash in expansion valve or screen -> Replace filter & Receiver/Drier
High Suction Pressure
1. Loose expansion valve -> Tighten valve
2. Overcharged system -> Drain some refrigerant
3. Expansion valve stuck open -> Replace valve
4. Compressor reed valves -> Replace reed valves
5. Leaking head gasket on compressor -> Replace gasket
Compressor Not Working
1. Broken belt -> Replace belt
2. Broken clutch wire or no 12v power -> Check continuity
3. Broken compressor piston -> Replace compressor
4. Bad thermostat -> Replace thermostate
5. Bad clutch coil -> Replace clutch oil
6. Low Refrigerant - low pressure switch has cut off clutch power -> Add Refrigerant
Evaporator Not Cooling
1. Frozen coil, switch set too high -> Adjust thermostat
2. Drive belt slipping -> Tension belt
3. Hot air leaks into car -> Check vents, and openings in door shut line/window frames
4. Plugged receiver drier -> Replace receiver/drier
5. Capillary tube (expansion valve) broken -> Replace valve
6. Shortage of refrigerant -> Add Refrigerant
7. High head pressure -> Check causes under
High Compressor Discharge Pressure
8. Low suction pressure -> Check causes under
Low Suction Pressure
9. High suction pressure -> Check causes under
High Suction Pressure
10. Defective expansion valve -> Replace valve
11. Frozen expansion valve -> Evacuate system and and replace Receiver/Drier
Frozen Evaporator Coil
1. Faulty thermostat -> Replace thermostat
2. Thermostat not set properly -> Adjust
3. Insufficient evaporator air -> Check for excessive duct hose length, kink or bend.
Intermittent Cooling
1. Ice in the system especially in the orifice tube/expansion valve. -> Evacuate the system thoroughly(using vaccuum pump) and recharge.
2. Faulty low pressure cutout switch -> Replace
3.Faulty compressor clutch -> Check voltage to clutch terminals (if ok)-> check air gap between the drive plate and pulley (if ok/not ok) -> check resistance of clutch field coil (not ok) Replace.
If no power to clutch -> check pressure switch -> if activated -> check electricals ; else;
---------------------------------------------------------------------> if deactivated -> check the pressure on high/low sides.
4.Faulty compressor clutch relay-> Check by bypassing relay altogether. If A/C works replace the relay.
5. Faulty A/C control switch. -> Replace if A/C works by bypassing the switch.
6. Problem in control module and/or temperature sensor -> Get a scan done, and note down error code and its meaning. Take appropriate action
1. Caused by compressor -> Replace
2. Rattles etc. -> Check and tighten.
1. Evaporator is dirty-> Clean it.
2. Cabin air filter is dirty -> Replace it.
3. Vents and ducting is dirty -> Clean it. Also perform an A/C flush.
The A/C Flush (Preventive Maintenance)
Over time, the system accumulates sludge and contamination. This is from multiple sources , not the least of which is retained moisture - resulting in the formation of highly corrosive acids, that corrode the insides of hoses, and forms a sludge.
This sludge is very harmful to the components of the system. It collects in the condensor, evaporator, hoses, receiver/drier. If unchecked it can choke the components with disastrous consequences.
When a compressor fails due to moisture or sludge in the system, it releases metallic debris into the line.
If this sludge/debris is not removed before replacement with a new compressor and other components, chances are those will fail soon too.
This is why in situations like this, provided the sludge build up is not too much, it is a good idea to have the system flushed with a solvent such as Dura flush.
A short video about AC flushing