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Old 21st August 2015, 22:14   #106
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Re: Understanding Car Air-Conditioners

Thank you csateesh! They were extremely helpful and managed to get the entire thing fixed for half the cost.
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Old 23rd August 2015, 18:04   #107
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Re: Understanding Car Air-Conditioners

Originally Posted by Abeer View Post

I wanted to check on the recommendations of the group members. Is it advisable to get this part replaced or repaired?
How much is the condenser damaged? Usually, a little damage can be repaired however repairing of bigger damages never last long. Ask the mechanic about why he is advising against repairing it.

Also, if you are getting it replaced, then buy the condenser from any reputed spare parts shop. I don't think a genuine AC condenser should should cost you more than 4-5k in a spare parts shop(not Hyundai ASS). However, I got the condensor replaced in my Santro around 2-3 years ago with a Taiwan made, and had no issues thereafter.
I will advise you going for the genuine one if you can procure it within 4-5k otherwise, go for the Chinese make.

Do you live in Noida? If you come to South Delhi frequently, I can suggest a really experienced A/C guy in Green Park who handles Air cons of mine and my friends cars! He is really good
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Old 23rd August 2015, 18:56   #108
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Re: Understanding Car Air-Conditioners

Originally Posted by lyneld View Post
Thank you csateesh! They were extremely helpful and managed to get the entire thing fixed for half the cost.
What was the issue? What parts were replaced? Can you share the part and labor break up please?
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Old 1st September 2015, 20:11   #109
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Re: Understanding Car Air-Conditioners

Hi Experts,

Been plagued with foul smell in the ac, when running on blower mode only, if I switch on the ac, I dont get any bad smell.

Seems there is some mould or fungi, have tried to spray in all kinds of things from Herbal stuff to ABRO spray etc, even left the car in bright sun, nothing helped.

Now thinking of spraying a Lysol disinfectant spray, costs close to 2.2k! Seems it has to be sprayed from the outside air vents, which are just below the wipers, is there a way that these vents can be opened in the elite i20?
Does the water outlet and air intake share the same path? Wouldn't water leak inside if this is the case, can anyone help.

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Old 1st September 2015, 20:49   #110
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Re: Understanding Car Air-Conditioners

Originally Posted by aspire View Post

Been plagued with foul smell in the ac, ...

Seems there is some mould or fungi,....

Now thinking of spraying a Lysol disinfectant spray, costs close to 2.2k! Seems it has to be sprayed from the outside air vents, which are just below the wipers, is there a way that these vents can be opened in the elite i20?
Does the water outlet and air intake share the same path? Wouldn't water leak inside if this is the case, can anyone help.
A possibly easy & cheap fix follows:
1) Change the AC filter below and to the right of the glove box, if you have not done so recently (in the past year or two), and if you live in a dusty area (possibility of clogging with mites).

2) Pour 1:20 Mixture of Lysol 3 In 1 and plain water in an empty bottle of colin spray
3) Turn the car on. Switch off re-circulation mode in the car (fresh air mode), and cabin blower on full speed. Open all doors.
4) Ask someone to sit on the front seat with nostrils covered with a cloth - so he/she does not inhale too much too deeply
5) Spray the Lysol mix into the air vents for a good minute or so, until the person inside can just smell the fragrance inside the car.
6) Stop spraying now, and keep the blower running in fresh air mode until the fragrance is reported to have gone.
7) Turn on the cabin heater to full heat (maximum temperature), and blower on full speed.
8) Repeat steps 5 and 6.
9) Stop. Close all doors, and crack the windows open about an inch. Leave the car outside (not in a closed garage).

The mold/mildew infestation should have gone with this treatment or at least abated significantly. If it comes back in a week or two - repeat treatment.
The best way to avoid this in the first place, is to use fresh air mode, and heater at least once a week. That helps keep the ducts free from mildew.
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Old 1st September 2015, 22:00   #111
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Re: Understanding Car Air-Conditioners

Originally Posted by joybhowmik View Post

The best way to avoid this in the first place, is to use fresh air mode, and heater at least once a week. That helps keep the ducts free from mildew.
Hi Joy,

Did the whole process, hopefully by tomorrow the problem would be sorted out.

Thanks so much, will update tomorrow.

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Old 3rd September 2015, 14:48   #112
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Re: Understanding Car Air-Conditioners

Originally Posted by aspire View Post
Hi Joy,

Did the whole process, hopefully by tomorrow the problem would be sorted out.

Thanks so much, will update tomorrow.

Hi Joy,

Not much luck, had spent a good hour doing the thing, but the damn smell came back the next day, yesterday went and did the 3M ac spray for 1130 Rs. Not sure whether it will be effective, waiting and watching, as of now ensuring I switch off the AC a good 5 minutes before switching off the car.

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Old 15th September 2015, 20:09   #113
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Chevrolet Spark - AC problem not getting resolved

The entire AC unit -- compressor, condenser, evaporator, O-ring etc -- of my Spark was replaced in September 2014, 5 years after purchase, since the cooling had gone bad. This was all OEM stuff done at the authorised service dealer Shiva Motors, in Ghaziabad.

However, the new compressor unit has been unable to cope with the heat of summer, during the peak hours of the day. It takes over 15-20 minutes to get the car comfortable inside if I drive after parking in the shade outside.

In contrast, the cooling in a friend's old Santro (10 years plus) does the job in 5-7 minutes flat.

I've been to the service dealer twice in the past 3 months. Recently they found the refrigerant gas 'recovered' at 263g (have the printout) and said they used 'nitrogen gas' to check for leaks but found none. Now filled up to 377g. They insist it's fine now. It's certainly better than before but the peak daytime cooling continues to be poor.

My worry is that there is something wrong somewhere which they aren't doing a proper diagnosis on. I was finally told that the cause was that gas quantity filled previously was low. And that's not a line I'm willing to buy.

The replacement cost me close to ₹35,000 and its 1-year warranty expires on September 20th, five days from now. They've verbally assured me of an extended care till mid-October. But it's all verbal. And since this isn't a paid service they seem to be taking easy and basic steps only (at least that's my sense).

My queries:

1. What are they probably missing here?
2. Which checks could I ask for or what data could I insist on?
3. How can I escalate this for a proper and thorough check-up of my car AC?

Thanks in advance.
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Old 15th September 2015, 20:12   #114
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Re: Chevrolet Spark - AC problem not getting resolved

First thing first, take a grill temperature reading. Basically they will use a thermo meter to take reading at the vents. It should be near to 2-5 deg at the grill after couple of minutes of AC running. If that is not the case you have an issue.

Escalation you will have to email or call up the customer service with proof of previous repairs and complaints.
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Old 16th September 2015, 14:17   #115
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Re: Chevrolet Spark - AC problem not getting resolved

Originally Posted by Jaggu View Post
First thing first, take a grill temperature reading. Basically they will use a thermo meter to take reading at the vents. It should be near to 2-5 deg at the grill after couple of minutes of AC running. If that is not the case you have an issue.

Escalation you will have to email or call up the customer service with proof of previous repairs and complaints.
Thanks. They had mentioned something like 6-7 degrees and that it was fine. So then I have an issue, it seems. Is 2-5 degrees a standard reading for a car AC, and any source I could cite?
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Old 16th September 2015, 14:35   #116
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Re: Chevrolet Spark - AC problem not getting resolved

Originally Posted by curios View Post
Thanks. They had mentioned something like 6-7 degrees and that it was fine. So then I have an issue, it seems. Is 2-5 degrees a standard reading for a car AC, and any source I could cite?
Not really, it varies from car to car and based on the exact location (proximity to the actual grill) where the temperature is taken. So if it is within spec, you needn't worry. Now to cross check you can easily take a second opinion from an independent AC shop near you, since it is a non intrusive job it would not cause an issue with warranty. Get the grill temp reading alone.

If the grill temperature is ok, then only thing that can be wrong is the fan and air throw or even a clogged cabin filter, if the vehicle has one.

Just curious what shade is your car? Asking since dark colors generally take longer to cool.
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Old 16th September 2015, 15:46   #117
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Re: Chevrolet Spark - AC problem not getting resolved

Originally Posted by Jaggu View Post
Not really, it varies from car to car and based on the exact location (proximity to the actual grill) where the temperature is taken. So if it is within spec, you needn't worry. Now to cross check you can easily take a second opinion from an independent AC shop near you, since it is a non intrusive job it would not cause an issue with warranty. Get the grill temp reading alone.

If the grill temperature is ok, then only thing that can be wrong is the fan and air throw or even a clogged cabin filter, if the vehicle has one.

Just curious what shade is your car? Asking since dark colors generally take longer to cool.
Really grateful for your reply.

The colour is Cherry Red.

Surprised that despite my insistence on further diagnostics, they kept sticking to their leakage check stance. No mention of any other probable causes. This is why CCI imposed penalties on all car companies but still nothing much has changed.

So you are saying even the fan's throw could be a reason? Is the fan distinct from the AC unit (not sure if it was replaced or they retained the old one)? There's a 'Core A Evaporator' mentioned in the bill for around ₹2,500, though.
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Old 16th September 2015, 17:16   #118
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Re: Chevrolet Spark - AC problem not getting resolved

Originally Posted by curios View Post
So you are saying even the fan's throw could be a reason? Is the fan distinct from the AC unit (not sure if it was replaced or they retained the old one)? There's a 'Core A Evaporator' mentioned in the bill for around ₹2,500, though.
Fan can be, if the grill temperature is in the right range. Since fan disperses the chill from there to the cabin. The item seems to be the AC evaporator that has been replaced, which might have had a minor leak.
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Old 19th September 2015, 18:52   #119
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Re: Understanding Car Air-Conditioners

Originally Posted by aspire View Post
Hi Joy,

Not much luck, had spent a good hour doing the thing, but the damn smell came back the next day, yesterday went and did the 3M ac spray for 1130 Rs. Not sure whether it will be effective, waiting and watching, as of now ensuring I switch off the AC a good 5 minutes before switching off the car.

No Luck, again occassionally the smell starts, I am having a suspicion now that, my sore throat and cough is due to this :(

There seems to be no option left, but to get the dash dismantled and get the whole thing cleaned up, will give one more try with the Lysol thing tonite.

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Old 19th September 2015, 19:56   #120
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Re: Understanding Car Air-Conditioners

Originally Posted by aspire View Post
Hi Experts,

Been plagued with foul smell in the ac, when running on blower mode only, if I switch on the ac, I dont get any bad smell.

Seems there is some mould or fungi, have tried to spray in all kinds of things from Herbal stuff to ABRO spray etc, even left the car in bright sun, nothing helped.

Now thinking of spraying a Lysol disinfectant spray, costs close to 2.2k! Seems it has to be sprayed from the outside air vents, which are just below the wipers, is there a way that these vents can be opened in the elite i20?
Does the water outlet and air intake share the same path? Wouldn't water leak inside if this is the case, can anyone help.

Originally Posted by joybhowmik View Post
A possibly easy & cheap fix follows:
1) Change the AC filter below and to the right of the glove box, if you have not done so recently (in the past year or two), and if you live in a dusty area (possibility of clogging with mites).
2) Pour 1:20 Mixture of Lysol 3 In 1 and plain water in an empty bottle of colin spray
3) Turn the car on. Switch off re-circulation mode in the car (fresh air mode), and cabin blower on full speed. Open all doors.
4) Ask someone to sit on the front seat with nostrils covered with a cloth - so he/she does not inhale too much too deeply
5) Spray the Lysol mix into the air vents for a good minute or so, until the person inside can just smell the fragrance inside the car.
6) Stop spraying now, and keep the blower running in fresh air mode until the fragrance is reported to have gone.
7) Turn on the cabin heater to full heat (maximum temperature), and blower on full speed.
8) Repeat steps 5 and 6.
9) Stop. Close all doors, and crack the windows open about an inch. Leave the car outside (not in a closed garage).

The mold/mildew infestation should have gone with this treatment or at least abated significantly. If it comes back in a week or two - repeat treatment.
The best way to avoid this in the first place, is to use fresh air mode, and heater at least once a week. That helps keep the ducts free from mildew.
I have experienced the milddew smell in few times in monsoons.

The most effective way to get rid of it is get up early morning. take the car out for a spin. 5 mins into the drive,

Roll down the windows
Turn on the Heater to MAX
Set the blower speed to 1
Drive on for 5 mins.
Increase the blower speed to 3-4 and drive for 10 more mins
Done. Come back home and park the car

I have done this multiple times and has fixed the foul smell.

One in a while buy fresh flowers (cheap and effective is Mogra) and keep in your car. This beats all artificial perfumes any day.
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