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Old 13th July 2011, 21:40   #1
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Oil check light flickering while engine is ON

2 days back, my lancer diesel's instrument panel had some weird happening, while i was driving back home at 7PM, i saw the oil check light flickering (un timely) as if the wire is loose, some time it will glow, some time, it will glow dim, and fade off. I thought the oil is low, but it is in right level, just below max

Then i have changed oil pressure switch from garage, but still, some time the light glows and fade off in dim light, some time bright and go.

Today morning while driving, it was giving problem, but while returning, it is good, no warning.

Oil service is due now. just crossed 5000 kms . and will do it within a day or two, but before that i want to know the cause.

If oil pump is weak, it should always glow or flicker, right? even if i raise RPM, in idle, there is no difference in the warning, it acts as usual. So i am confused, whats wrong. The pickup is as usual, and i feel no difference. What might be wrong.

Last edited by rajivanoj : 13th July 2011 at 21:44.
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Old 13th July 2011, 21:51   #2
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Re: Oil check light flickering while engine is ON

Originally Posted by rajivanoj View Post
2 days back, my lancer diesel's instrument panel had some weird happening, while i was driving back home at 7PM, i saw the oil check light flickering (un timely) as if the wire is loose, some time it will glow, some time, it will glow dim, and fade off. I thought the oil is low, but it is in right level, just below max

Then i have changed oil pressure switch from garage, but still, some time the light glows and fade off in dim light, some time bright and go.

Today morning while driving, it was giving problem, but while returning, it is good, no warning.

Oil service is due now. just crossed 5000 kms . and will do it within a day or two, but before that i want to know the cause.

If oil pump is weak, it should always glow or flicker, right? even if i raise RPM, in idle, there is no difference in the warning, it acts as usual. So i am confused, whats wrong. The pickup is as usual, and i feel no difference. What might be wrong.
Driving around with the oil pressure lamp flickering could be dangerous for your engine even if you perceive itto be an electrical fault. Since you replaced the oil pressure switch, a few more things to check:

Check oil levels

It could be a faulty oil filter backflow valve that gets stuck. Replace the filter, it costs only a few hundred Rs and well worth the trouble.

A choked oil pump strainer/filter could be the problem. Fixing it means removing the sump and cleaning the filter.

Get the dashboard wiring and the oil pressure lamp checked. It could be an electrical problem after all.

Unlikely but probable just the same - oil pump. Expensive to replace.

Good luck!


If I were you I would not drive the car till this is sorted out.
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Old 13th July 2011, 22:03   #3
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Re: Oil check light flickering while engine is ON

Oil level is okay

Regarding Oil filter faulty backflow - i agree, it may also an cause

Choked oil filter strainer may also be an cause

wiring on dash board, will check tomorrow.

But, i am not sure whether oil pump is problem, if it is, then the light should always glow or flicker, but in my case, it crops only sometimes, if pump delivers low pressure, then if i raise RPM, the light should shut off, but there's no change. But will keep all those points in my mind. will change oil and filter tomorrow, and also check the sump
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Old 13th July 2011, 22:04   #4
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Re: Oil check light flickering while engine is ON

The oil change appears overdue, the oil probably would have come down on viscosity.
Before suspecting the oil pump, change the oil filter and oil. A flushing would also be advisable if the car has clocked more than 50K and not done earlier.
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Old 15th July 2011, 23:12   #5
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Re: Oil check light flickering while engine is ON


On thursday 14th, i drove 5 kms in morning (cold engine) and after an 45 mins stopping, again 6-7 kms drive, no warning sign of oil check

15th Friday, i drove around 14 kms non stop in city, and came back after 10-15 mins stop in between, still there was no warning light of oil check, not even flicker or dim light. Engine is as usual normal.

But still i want to check it again once with oil changed. I am confused what is happening inside engine ?
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Old 24th July 2011, 01:01   #6
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Re: Oil check light flickering while engine is ON

Just like a pain in the chest, a flickering oil pressure warning light is worth checking out urgently, else the consequences could be serious.
If the oil pressure is OK, the oil pressure switch remains off & the dashboard warning light remains off.
A flickering warning light could mean a faulty wiring/contact issue-which won't damage the engine- or wavering oil pressure due to choked oil filter(you've mentioned that the oil level is OK, so thats not the issue), clog/s in the oil lines, or an oil pump which may be on the way to meeting its Maker, which is serious, BUT you won't know whether the symtom portends a small or a serious issue until you have it checked out.
IMHumbleO, please have this checked out immdtly instead of driving around & observing the warning lights' behaviour.
All the best.
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