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Old 9th August 2010, 22:09   #2836
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Originally Posted by mkh View Post
saw it at shell OMR and it costs Rs 350 for a 1 ltr unit. Not sure of the effectiveness though so did not pick it up
Check out the store I have mentioned. They have a 2.5 ltr bottle with a more powerful sprayer about Rs. 750. A good buy I am told.

As sohail mentioned, ONR is Optimum No Rinse. I am very happy with it. 32 Oz will last you almost a year.

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Old 10th August 2010, 06:57   #2837
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MKH - The effect is wonderful, love the way the specks of metal in the paint are twinkling ! It does look better in the bright sun, that way the shine just radiates off the paint. The effect on the Manza is brilliant too !

Btw, I havent noticed any water spots after the Collinite application. That may be because of the good water beading it causes. Water hardly gets a chance to sit on the surface.
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Old 10th August 2010, 10:16   #2838
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Originally Posted by nirmaljusdoit View Post
MKH - The effect is wonderful, love the way the specks of metal in the paint are twinkling ! It does look better in the bright sun, that way the shine just radiates off the paint. The effect on the Manza is brilliant too !

Btw, I havent noticed any water spots after the Collinite application. That may be because of the good water beading it causes. Water hardly gets a chance to sit on the surface.
Thanks man, would have been good that the day you came a little sunshine came out but sadly nothing!
Water beading is not that great with the BF as i found out yesterday, clearly with NXT or pure wax we get better water beading. BF anyways is supposed to sheet off water which it did very well. The car(ANHC) got a little wet in the rain and today morning the surface which was wet had hardly any signs that water had fallen.
Another good find:Found out a very good way to clean the car in this situation when its drenched in the rain: Had been out in the i-10 yesterday late evening and it got fully drenched. Now when this happens, invariably in the morning ,due to ample layers of sealant, most of the after effects do not exist. What we see are round spots of dust, which mostly go off when i wipe with Cal Duster but then some spots remain( these are what i referred to as water spots)
I used the 3M cloth -wet and gently ran it over the surface, the cloth is simply GREAT. It is extremely effective - i used it even to wipe dry and it did the work in a jiffy. The best multi-purpose micro i have seen so far, no wonder its used like 1000's of times in the service centers till it turns almost black!
Easily can run one of them for over 6 months, which is great considering its not that expensive.
This has made my life very easy now and no heart aches to see the car getting drenched in the rain and then trying to instruct the cleaning guy on what to do! Avoids regular shampoo of the car , my own way of doing a ONR
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Old 10th August 2010, 12:20   #2839
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Carpet-soiled. How to clean?

Dear All,

Please give your valuable suggestions on how to clean and maintain the light coloured carpet of a car.
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Old 10th August 2010, 13:26   #2840
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Guys i park my car in my college in an open ground and when i open the door it feels like im sitting in an oven, The dashboard's all heated up and paint surface is too hot to touch because of the sun.

I wax my car with meguiars NXT paste wax which has UV protector, Is it sufficient or should i use any "sunscreen" on the paint?

For interiors i use F1 dashboard protectant.
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Old 10th August 2010, 14:04   #2841
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Originally Posted by akshay_b View Post
Guys i park my car in my college in an open ground and when i open the door it feels like im sitting in an oven, The dashboard's all heated up and paint surface is too hot to touch because of the sun.

I wax my car with meguiars NXT paste wax which has UV protector, Is it sufficient or should i use any "sunscreen" on the paint?

For interiors i use F1 dashboard protectant.
Invest in some good sunfilm and a front reflective sun guard.
The best way to avoid the heat is to keep your windows a little lowered, but I do not think that it is practical (it can rain anytime in open ground and college kids might play mischief/prank by intentionally vandalizing inside of the car)
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Old 10th August 2010, 14:24   #2842
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Tried this Italian product 2 days back. Just spray it and clean it with a soft cloth. No water required. The gloss and smoothness was equivalent to a washed & polished surface..

A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide-080820101154.jpg

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Old 10th August 2010, 20:04   #2843
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Finally! Some sunshine and i got to try out my photography skills to actually see the blackfire effect which is supposedly famous!
A few pics for those who wish to see the "whiplash" effect. Felt a little awkward standing on a service road taking pics, but then seeing this rare chance of sunshine, could not resist. Even though the pics show the fantastic reflection that we get, the real thing is seeing in live, am yet to learn to capture this as best as possible
Note the reflection of the building and the clouds on the bonnet and the roof. The reflection of the board on the roof is so good, one can read whats the board saying!!
Attached Thumbnails
A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide-10082010026.jpg  

A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide-10082010003.jpg  

A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide-10082010024.jpg  

A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide-10082010021.jpg  

A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide-10082010018.jpg  

A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide-10082010022.jpg  

A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide-10082010007.jpg  

A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide-10082010023.jpg  

Last edited by mkh : 10th August 2010 at 20:10.
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Old 10th August 2010, 21:42   #2844
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great job , best is last pic
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Old 10th August 2010, 23:49   #2845
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Originally Posted by NOTORIOUS View Post
great job , best is last pic

the level of reflectivity is amazing!!

I hope I could make a windows dreamscene with your last pic and clouds moving!

We should like mail your pics to Megs and stuff to make them realize that there is a great market for their products here. I'll surely buy em all! lol!


btw today while I was in college, it suddenly rained and I was like WTH!

since I couldn't QD it there, I just set for home. After a few mins the rain stopped and the sun started showing(evaporated all the water)

Generally, ppl would be like "Fine! I'll wash it in the morning". But I just couldnt tolerate dust and water spots.

so I take a service road to the highway, get down Dust the car with jopasu duster(to remove bigger dust particles) > then california duster > take out the UQD > go panel by panel and in the end its shining as ever!

Passers by had that 'What the hell is that guy doing!?' look!

Since I was carrying a few QDs(different types) I tested them out side by side. (right there on the busy service road LOL! but it had enough place on the sides to park and detail!)

UQD - seems to clean waterspots nicely and leaves a clean shining finish. but super horrible overspray!!

Eagle one clear nanowax spray - not much of a QD! I wouldn't use it on waterspots!

Prestone Quick Shine - Has carnauba in it and very effective in removing water spots + imparting a nice deep gloss(but durability questionable in sun) Smells nice too

Zymol Detail(wax enhancer) - I loved the controllable spray nozzle! works nicely but gloss is a bit less than what Prestone can achieve!
but I love it just for the controllable spray nozzle!(virtually no overspray!)

after QDing for quite a while I set off for my home! Fortunately it didn't rain again!

If my i20 becomes dusty I risk going into depression!

Last edited by sohail99 : 10th August 2010 at 23:51.
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Old 11th August 2010, 00:23   #2846
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Originally Posted by deepfusion View Post
Dear All,

Please give your valuable suggestions on how to clean and maintain the light coloured carpet of a car.
I think you will have to remove the seats to completely remoe it so no point trying that. Just scrub with sponge and shampoo and leave it to dry in the sun
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Old 11th August 2010, 10:16   #2847
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Originally Posted by sohail99 View Post

the level of reflectivity is amazing!!

I hope I could make a windows dreamscene with your last pic and clouds moving!

We should like mail your pics to Megs and stuff to make them realize that there is a great market for their products here. I'll surely buy em all! lol!


btw today while I was in college, it suddenly rained and I was like WTH!

since I couldn't QD it there, I just set for home. After a few mins the rain stopped and the sun started showing(evaporated all the water)

Generally, ppl would be like "Fine! I'll wash it in the morning". But I just couldnt tolerate dust and water spots.

so I take a service road to the highway, get down Dust the car with jopasu duster(to remove bigger dust particles) > then california duster > take out the UQD > go panel by panel and in the end its shining as ever!

Passers by had that 'What the hell is that guy doing!?' look!

Since I was carrying a few QDs(different types) I tested them out side by side. (right there on the busy service road LOL! but it had enough place on the sides to park and detail!)

UQD - seems to clean waterspots nicely and leaves a clean shining finish. but super horrible overspray!!

Eagle one clear nanowax spray - not much of a QD! I wouldn't use it on waterspots!

Prestone Quick Shine - Has carnauba in it and very effective in removing water spots + imparting a nice deep gloss(but durability questionable in sun) Smells nice too

Zymol Detail(wax enhancer) - I loved the controllable spray nozzle! works nicely but gloss is a bit less than what Prestone can achieve!
but I love it just for the controllable spray nozzle!(virtually no overspray!)

after QDing for quite a while I set off for my home! Fortunately it didn't rain again!

If my i20 becomes dusty I risk going into depression!
Planning to send some pics to autogeek etc. They did mention in the flyer that came with Klasse that should send results to them after usage.
Man you are amazing- having so many QD's? I have just UQD and does well enough for me. For spray wax have found 3M also very competent.
You gotta live with a few things, one of them being the car getting dirty so don't bother so much pal, focus on studies Meanwhile got a call from the 3M guys, they wanted a time when the expert comes over for using Megs and swirl removal. I hope the guy is actually an expert and can fulfill our needs which are very demanding to say the least!
I want to tell him that need removal and not hiding the lines and swirls. I guess Megs 105 followed by 205 should suffice? Should i insist of each panel being wiped down by IPA as you said? They will surely be shockes if i tell them that!
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Old 11th August 2010, 12:04   #2848
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Got sonax car polish (325/-) and turtle wax platinum wash (350/-) yesterday from a shop near my office.
I guess now I am ready to try the wash-clay-UC/swirlx/scratchx-polish-wax regime.
Now only waiting for the monsoons to get over (btw its really HOT here in Kolkata now - could use some rain!)
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Old 11th August 2010, 15:31   #2849
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Originally Posted by mkh View Post
Planning to send some pics to autogeek etc. They did mention in the flyer that came with Klasse that should send results to them after usage.
Man you are amazing- having so many QD's? I have just UQD and does well enough for me. For spray wax have found 3M also very competent.
You gotta live with a few things, one of them being the car getting dirty so don't bother so much pal, focus on studies Meanwhile got a call from the 3M guys, they wanted a time when the expert comes over for using Megs and swirl removal. I hope the guy is actually an expert and can fulfill our needs which are very demanding to say the least!
I want to tell him that need removal and not hiding the lines and swirls. I guess Megs 105 followed by 205 should suffice? Should i insist of each panel being wiped down by IPA as you said? They will surely be shockes if i tell them that!
Yesterday was my last theory exam! so I thought I should enjoy a lil' bit! lol

And for the tiny hairline scratches, I would recommend using Megs 205 only!

Megs 105 is a heavy cut compound and is meant for extremely neglected and heavily swirled out finishes!(which is definitely not the case here!)

As usual M205 is the least abrasive, so starting with that should be preferable!

Here's a abrasives chart you might wanna refer to -

This one too - AutoGeek Comparative Polish & Compound Chart - Car Care Forums: Meguiar's Online
(I don't think M105 is needed for anything other than paint restoration!!)

As for pad usage, first pass with a polishing pad(green if CCS pads) > IPA wipedown > analysis under sun or halogen/xenon etc.

If hairline scratches have reduced a lot, then a 2nd pass with the same pad and IPA wipedown > analyse!

If it isnt able to remove those hairline scratches then a pad stepup to a white or yellow! (Pad colors as per CCS code! - Autogeek Buffing Pad Comparison Chart)

btw I think IPA wipe-down is essential(use 50:50 soln. of IPA(91%) and distilled water/drinking water respectively in a spray bottle)

Especially when you're getting the paint polished from someone else. It removes all the fillers and the paint's actual state can be seen under the light!

therefore, no chance of any marring or hairline scratches later on!

(he might say that glaze will remove those scratches, but all that glaze contains are paint conditioning oils and fillers!, after a week or so, the hairline scratches reappear and cause hypertension! lol)

Last edited by sohail99 : 11th August 2010 at 15:33.
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Old 11th August 2010, 17:57   #2850
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My OHC headlamp covers have become pale(Yellowish)...

Need some suggestions on cleaning them or can i get them polished ?!

Need places where its done in Mumbai !
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