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Old 9th July 2010, 08:57   #2611
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Originally Posted by mkh View Post
Good glass cleaner- or car shampoo ( both of them i use are best for me) and microfiber work so properly on glass, wonder why the mystery on good glass cleaning! I had lot of streaks but used the correct solution incl the right micro and all works well now
I had forever been fanatic about only one thing ie. clean windscreen! What I do is spray a very dilute solution of Sonax Wash, wipe with a banyan cloth and lightly buff with 3M blue microfibre. (thanks mkh) Even Formula 1 car wash gives reasonable results. Just avoid hard water and preferably use RO water.
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Old 9th July 2010, 10:40   #2612
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Originally Posted by janitha View Post
I had forever been fanatic about only one thing ie. clean windscreen! What I do is spray a very dilute solution of Sonax Wash, wipe with a banyan cloth and lightly buff with 3M blue microfibre. (thanks mkh) Even Formula 1 car wash gives reasonable results. Just avoid hard water and preferably use RO water.
yeah that is a good method, i use special glass cleaner always, no streaks at all. That 3M cloth is amazing, have not even come to use the 1st one completely, simply superb i must say
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Old 9th July 2010, 13:22   #2613
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In one of the Autoshows on TV new channels (forgetting which one), they claimed not to use ammonia-based spray/liquid on glass - it may erode any special coating present on the glass.

The correct way as per them for clean glass (both inside/outside) is:
- Spray the glass with water - wait for few minutes to loosen up the pollutants
- Wipe with microfibe cloth
- Spray with any ammonia-free glass cleaning solution
- Use some old B/W newspaper to wipe in clean vertical/horizontal movement, not circular. This should make the surface slippery thus reducing chances of dust/water settling on the surface.

While using glass cleaning spray + microfibre does give a streak free clean surface, the problem I find is the surface smoothness is gone (if you run your finger it will make that squeaky sound)..this way fine dust /water simply sits instead of sliding off. Polishing with a newspaper provides that smoothness.

Last edited by sanjayc : 9th July 2010 at 13:27.
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Old 9th July 2010, 14:52   #2614
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Can anyone please advise how to apply the liquid wax which is supposed to be mixed with water and then applied to the paint body? What quantity and would I need to leave it on for a while? Do I to rub it in like the paste wax?
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Old 9th July 2010, 14:59   #2615
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Originally Posted by sanjayc View Post
- Use some old B/W newspaper to wipe in clean vertical/horizontal movement, not circular. This should make the surface slippery thus reducing chances of dust/water settling on the surface.
Polishing with a newspaper provides that smoothness.
Shall try different Malayalam and English newspapers and report back.
Years back, seeing drivers of our department using crushed Jatropha curcus leaves, tried it and found that glass becomes very clean and rainwater just slides off. (They too used newspapers.) Nowadays the plant is not seen along the roadsides! (By the way, Jatropha later on became famous as the source for bio diesel.)
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Old 9th July 2010, 15:52   #2616
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Use tobacco instead of jatropha. Apparently it has water/ants/rat repelling property;-}
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Old 9th July 2010, 16:09   #2617
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Has anyone tried out the 3M series- the swirl remover, the hand glaze and the past wax? I have seen the effects of paste wax after a 3M treatment and it was great. I am referring to the industrial usage series(the show care paste wax etc) which are not sold in retail here( sold in the US)
I will assume 3M to also be top of the line going by their reputation in this field. Any experiences will help( recall seeing a very old post, about 2 years back on paste wax on this thread, cannot locate now)
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Old 9th July 2010, 21:00   #2618
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3M paste it wax does a good job in sheeting and beading, the finish is bit dull, smells good, easy to apply, leaves holograms. There are better products for lesser price then it.

@Applied the second quote of wax(Waxpol) on car, it's not easy to work with it.It's a hard wax, leaves the finish with a haze.Very difficult to buff off.Leaves much to be desired. Don't let it dry, else you are in for a heavy workout. Over all, I not happy with the results, though it's hard to beat it for the price.

Applying wax is not easy as it seems esp with hand, most important thing is layer. At first I applied a thick layer of waxpol, it took 25 mins to wipe and buff it to a finish, end result was dull outcome.Then applied a very thin layer and buffed it immediately, it was easier to wipe.I need to learn alot about waxing.

Last edited by Gill : 9th July 2010 at 21:02.
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Old 9th July 2010, 21:31   #2619
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Originally Posted by mkh View Post
Good glass cleaner- or car shampoo ( both of them i use are best for me) and microfiber work so properly on glass, wonder why the mystery on good glass cleaning! I had lot of streaks but used the correct solution incl the right micro and all works well now
On the subject of cleaning glass, if you have some detailing clay try it. You will be amazed at the result. Wash the glass to get rid of loose grime. Lube the glass with water or glass cleaner, use the clay, wipe off. There you have it.

Two caveats, do not use the same clay for car paint. DO NOT clay the inside of the back windscreen if you have the defroster or the radio antenna painted on it.

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Old 9th July 2010, 22:50   #2620
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Can i clean my verna interior (Light coloured dashboard and door pad ) with a semi strong mixture of tide detergent and water ????
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Old 9th July 2010, 22:58   #2621
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Originally Posted by Gill View Post
3M paste it wax does a good job in sheeting and beading, the finish is bit dull, smells good, easy to apply, leaves holograms. There are better products for lesser price then it.

@Applied the second quote of wax(Waxpol) on car, it's not easy to work with it.It's a hard wax, leaves the finish with a haze.Very difficult to buff off.Leaves much to be desired. Don't let it dry, else you are in for a heavy workout. Over all, I not happy with the results, though it's hard to beat it for the price.

Applying wax is not easy as it seems esp with hand, most important thing is layer. At first I applied a thick layer of waxpol, it took 25 mins to wipe and buff it to a finish, end result was dull outcome.Then applied a very thin layer and buffed it immediately, it was easier to wipe.I need to learn alot about waxing.
are you referring to the show car paste wax which is sold in the US? how come it leaves holograms? its used in all 3m centers here so should be a great product!
Wax needs to be applied as a thin layer- check some videos online, only that much can bond with the car, rest is wasted. applying second and 3rd coats is better and more useful than a single thick layer.
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Old 10th July 2010, 01:15   #2622
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@Gill - Did they use a rotary on your car??

only that can leave holograms(basically a clear-coat defect) if in a hands of a newbie!

(look at the surface in the sun! Does it look like its forming a specific pattern instead of a swirl?)

or are you talking about wax smearing?
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Old 10th July 2010, 09:45   #2623
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I am not sure if this has been covered before in this thread, so please excuse if this is a repeat. My question is: suppose you waxed your car just a day back and today you drove in the rain. How important is it to clean the car ASAP so that there is no water remaining on the car's body?
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Old 10th July 2010, 10:49   #2624
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^ It is always better to wipe of water asap. However, one of the benefits of waxing is that water will bead on the surface and will dry without leaving any ugly water marks. Also, cleaning the body (wet or dry) will be far more easier.
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Old 10th July 2010, 12:51   #2625
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Originally Posted by sanjayc View Post
^ It is always better to wipe of water asap. However, one of the benefits of waxing is that water will bead on the surface and will dry without leaving any ugly water marks. Also, cleaning the body (wet or dry) will be far more easier.
Ok great, thanks. so it was worth it to wipe my car in the office parking yesterday morning, to hell with people calling me crazy
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