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Old 2nd July 2010, 20:36   #2521
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Thanks Sohail, You always have an answer
raviShankar eagle products are available in
I got the delivery in flat 2 hours since the delivery happens from Bangalore itself.
eBay Seller: xstatic.concepts: Cars Bikes items on eBay India
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Old 2nd July 2010, 22:24   #2522
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Originally Posted by sohail99 View Post
^ you just need a step down voltage converter(220v to 110v)

its easily available at the electrical shops here!

but do take care that it should be able to handle the wattage(mentioned on the converter) of the PC or Megs DA

Something like this - Dual Voltage Converter 110/120V to 220V - 220/240V to 120V - 60 watts

The electronic converters are not very reliable for higher wattage. The traditional ones are bricks !

Did some search. The non-US Megs model is G-220v2. Same unit with 220V input. Available I believe in Singapore. Anyone knows where ? Price?


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Old 3rd July 2010, 11:41   #2523
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Originally Posted by Garipagol View Post
Applying polish removes a bit of your clearcoat everytime. So stay away from polishing the paint frequently. As for shampoo you can try SONAX. It is available at many places including Metro. Buy the mildest one available (orange in color) not the concentrate. Rs. 250 for one liter. In fact, plain water should do the frequest cleaning job best. Use a wash mitt or a good MF towel or you will introduce swirls on the paint.

You CANNOT layer polish. The job of a good polish is to REMOVE whatever you have layered. I would say you should use polish may be once a quarter.

In your situation I will recommed you use a good paint sealant - Wolfgang, Klasse etc. to seal the paint. Sealant forms a durable thin, shiny and protective layer on your paint (actually your clearcoat) Mild shampoos will not remove the sealant, then you can QD (Turtle ICE is OK) evey week to keep the shine. You can layer the sealant - may be every month. A good sealant will not turn brown with age. If you wish you can layer wax on the sealant (pure wax with no cleaning properties - not Waxpol) to get more depth in the paint appearance.

If you want to stay with wax get the collinite 845 and do not use waxpol - I noticed it has cleaning properties. You can safely layer the 845. It is virtually indestructible in the short run - washing with water willl not remove it so long as you do not "scrub" it off - imagine it is used to waterproof boats !!. You have to use very small qty. I do not know what car you drive, for me one rupee size dab does a section for the Merc two for the bonnet (about 12 in total). For the swift 5 "rupee" is adequate . A 16 oz bottle should see you through the year.

Hope this helps

Clearly Wolfgang and Klasse are aimed at the professionals, the best will be to use them with a rotary machine. I can see that they cost more also. I have a friend going to the US, will surely get Colinite wax and maybe Wolfgang Paint Sealant.
My question is this- if i use Meguiars NXT which is a wax and sealant, do i need to wax on top of it?
Or the best process will be to polish, apply sealant(wolfgang or klasse) and then colinite or Meguiars NXT?
Will they work even with hand application as expected?
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Old 3rd July 2010, 12:13   #2524
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Yup! sealants/waxes are best applied with hand IMO!

most detailers use DA polishers with soft foam pads to apply sealants and waxes as they have to do other cars too and need to spend the least time while keeping in mind the perfection etc.!

AFAIK, Meguiars NXT2.0 is a synthetic sealant with mild paint cleaners(they've written 'Wax' to prevent confusion to ppl who don't know what sealants are)

Products with sealant written on them are meant for professionals(as in ppl who know what sealants are, like us!)

generally, I apply 2 coats of synthetic sealant(NXT2.0, with 24hr curing between the two layers)

and top it off with a pure carnauba wax(again two layers of that with 24hr curing between the coats)

Collinite also contains carnauba and the idea here is, that a carnauba wax adheres better to a cured coat of synthetic polymer(sealant) and provides the depth to the paint!

Therefore, polish > sealant > carnauba(collinite)
but I've read that carnauba starts evaporating at 180F (a dark colored car can easily reach that temp in the sun! :( )

PS- can you get me something too?
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Old 3rd July 2010, 12:24   #2525
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Originally Posted by sohail99 View Post
Yup! sealants/waxes are best applied with hand IMO!

most detailers use DA polishers with soft foam pads to apply sealants and waxes as they have to do other cars too and need to spend the least time while keeping in mind the perfection etc.!

AFAIK, Meguiars NXT2.0 is a synthetic sealant with mild paint cleaners(they've written 'Wax' to prevent confusion to ppl who don't know what sealants are)

Products with sealant written on them are meant for professionals(as in ppl who know what sealants are, like us!)

generally, I apply 2 coats of synthetic sealant(NXT2.0, with 24hr curing between the two layers)

and top it off with a pure carnauba wax(again two layers of that with 24hr curing between the coats)

Collinite also contains carnauba and the idea here is, that a carnauba wax adheres better to a cured coat of synthetic polymer(sealant) and provides the depth to the paint!

Therefore, polish > sealant > carnauba(collinite)
but I've read that carnauba starts evaporating at 180F (a dark colored car can easily reach that temp in the sun! :( )

PS- can you get me something too?
Wow, thats called expertise!! Klasse and Wolfgang in the prod description recommend using orbital polisher.
I have a list of things to order, which were asked by folks but are pending
1. NXT Tech wax Liquid- 2 nos
2. NXT Paste Wax - 2 Nos
3. Ultimate Compound - 2 Nos
4. Ultimate Q Detailer
5. Ultimate Q Wax- maybe
6. Supreme Shine - 6-7 packs ( of 3 each)
7. Wolfgang/Klasse polish and sealant
Guess can't load him more than this. V interesting that eagle one products are the SAME price in india as the US!!! Kudos to them for this!
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Old 3rd July 2010, 12:53   #2526
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Ok! Klasse polish and sealant(basically a all in one product) might work best with a DA because it includes glaze and pre-wax cleaners, meant to strip off the old wax and reduce swirls and surface oxidation(it has mild abrasives) and then leave a acrylic coat! (its a acrylic sealant)

NXT2.0 and other sealants made by megs are polymer based!

the thing with klasse is, you cant layer it with the same product!
you'll need to layer it(after curing) with a pure sealant or wax(the one without any sort of paint cleaners)

(NXT is layerable as the paint cleaners in it are very mild and don't damage the previous coat of NXT)
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Old 3rd July 2010, 13:11   #2527
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Guys, many of u may be surprised but i haven't a car perfume in my vehcile for last 2 years. am planning to put 1 each in both of them. Request tips for the same.
Am based in navi mumbai.
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Old 3rd July 2010, 16:00   #2528
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Collinite Waxes available in India!!

Hey guys!! got a mail frm the importer of collinite waxes!!

Hi Suhail,

Thanks for the Good words. You will not find collinite in any store in India. We sell it directly to interested customer.

476s & Marque D` is currently out of stock, will be there sometime in September end, but 845 is available.

The price of one 845 bottle is Rs. 1359.00 includes all Taxes & shipping within delhi or any where in India by Air.

To TeamBHP members we can offer a discount of 10% along with a free imported Microfiber cloth & 5 average joe twin pack perfumes with each bottle.

Let me know how many bottle you guys need & we can work on it.



Bringing Best IMPEX (P) Ltd.
New Delhi
Company Contact Phone: 9971199457
Thanks a lot Mr. Sanjay

I'm ordering mine!!

Last edited by sohail99 : 3rd July 2010 at 16:18.
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Old 3rd July 2010, 17:03   #2529
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^I'm interested as well so what would you recommend ? first polish and then a layer of this on top ?

I tried turtle wax and swirl remover last week to good results, so was wondering if I should apply a coat of wax on top

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Old 3rd July 2010, 17:55   #2530
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yup! its a pure wax! you can layer it on any wax you like!

+ its super durable!

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Old 3rd July 2010, 17:57   #2531
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are you conducting a group order or can we contact them directly ? please post the email id if so
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Old 3rd July 2010, 18:08   #2532
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Here's the website - B B Impex (P) Ltd. All India car accessories importers, distributors & Branding Agents, Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kolkatta, Chennai, hyderabad

and email -
Dunno! you can ask them, but he said that they deal directly![FONT=Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif][/FONT][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif][/FONT][/COLOR]
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Old 3rd July 2010, 18:43   #2533
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Thanks, sent him an email
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Old 3rd July 2010, 19:27   #2534
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@Sohail99- Can you post a tutorial on how you went about making Foam Buffing Pads at home?
I made some yesterday for my Drill machine which turned out quite good, what were yours like?
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Old 3rd July 2010, 19:30   #2535
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can someone recommend a good leather seat cleaner?
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