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Old 1st March 2010, 12:49   #1726
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Originally Posted by sohail99 View Post
-Glazing (Dupont Highlighting glaze)
-Waxing (megs TechWax 2.0)
Hello Sohail

The results are just too good.

How did you get your hands on the Dupont Glaze and Meg's Techwax ?


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Old 1st March 2010, 13:14   #1727
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My Car (Palio GTX), red colour has been sprinkled with white paint thanks to the neighbour who is painting his house. These are very fine dots barely visible at a distance of 6 feet. But the closer you go, more visible they get.

Is there any solution to get rid of this?

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Old 1st March 2010, 14:17   #1728
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Originally Posted by JVH View Post

My Car (Palio GTX), red colour has been sprinkled with white paint thanks to the neighbour who is painting his house. These are very fine dots barely visible at a distance of 6 feet. But the closer you go, more visible they get.

Is there any solution to get rid of this?

Try using a clay bar or use a blunt plastic piece to remove the spots one by one.
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Old 1st March 2010, 14:19   #1729
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Originally Posted by akshay_b View Post
Try using a clay bar or use a blunt plastic piece to remove the spots one by one.
It'll take a day atleast to remove by this method.

What I'm interested in is a product which can make my life easier in removing these.
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Old 1st March 2010, 14:27   #1730
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Originally Posted by JVH View Post
It'll take a day atleast to remove by this method.

What I'm interested in is a product which can make my life easier in removing these.
If you want the safest method, i will suggest go to a pro detailing center at your service station and get machine used rubbing compound or glaze done. Even if the paint dots are removed by hand, they leave small dots, very diff to see with naked eye but exist. I had the same happen to a black car, went for 3M treatment using the machine for Rs 1600. Worth it as mental peace and no need to sweat it out and experiment.
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Old 1st March 2010, 14:33   #1731
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Originally Posted by mkh View Post
If you want the safest method, i will suggest go to a pro detailing center at your service station and get machine used rubbing compound or glaze done. Even if the paint dots are removed by hand, they leave small dots, very diff to see with naked eye but exist. I had the same happen to a black car, went for 3M treatment using the machine for Rs 1600. Worth it as mental peace and no need to sweat it out and experiment.
Thanks, will check it out.
Which center did you try?
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Old 1st March 2010, 14:35   #1732
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Originally Posted by JVH View Post
It'll take a day atleast to remove by this method.

What I'm interested in is a product which can make my life easier in removing these.
Same principle as stated before. Use diesel/thinner/kerosene to remove them. But since it is paint which is already dried you have to rub hard.
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Old 1st March 2010, 15:12   #1733
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Originally Posted by JVH View Post
Thanks, will check it out.
Which center did you try?
Its only at the authorized centers that actual 3M guys exist( as per the 3M area sales mgr) and the rest are "fakes". I went to Hyundai as it was a hyundai car. You can see at Maruti, Ford, Hyundai if Fiat does not have them
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Old 1st March 2010, 15:13   #1734
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I need your comments, will washing a car daily with a bucket of water and a ordinary cloth lead to any hair line scratches or spoil the paint in the long run. I have observed in many apartments they employ an agency to do this everyday in the morning costing about 250 rs to 300 rs per month. And I have seen even owners of expensive cars dont bother and just trust these guys to clean it for them.

And do you need to water clean daily, is it really required. I usually clean mine on my own atleast once a week/10 days and dust it off on normal days. But its tiring at times and I am lazy and wont get time so was thinking should I give mine to these guys for daily cleaning.

Last edited by samsan02 : 1st March 2010 at 15:16.
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Old 1st March 2010, 15:20   #1735
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Originally Posted by samsan02 View Post

I need your comments, will washing a car daily with a bucket of water and a ordinary cloth lead to any hair line scratches or spoil the paint in the long run. I have observed in many apartments they employ an agency to do this everyday in the morning costing about 250 rs to 300 rs per month. And I have seen even owners of expensive cars dont bother and just trust these guys to clean it for them.

And do you need to water clean daily, is it really required. I usually clean mine on my own atleast once a week/10 days and dust it off on normal days. But its tiring at times and I am lazy and wont get time so was thinking should I give mine to these guys for daily cleaning.
IMO it is not needed to wash your car daily. Just dry clean is enough. mainly to remove dust on the car. The agency uses the same cloth and same water many times for many cars if the owner is not seeing. i.e he washes one car and used the same water to wash other cars. Whenever he dips the cloth he doesn't rub them or wash them. he just dips, squeezes the water and then cleans. The sand particle already present in the cloth will damage the car surface.There are chances of getting fine scratches. But as time passes this can be seen.
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Old 1st March 2010, 15:57   #1736
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Originally Posted by samsan02 View Post

I need your comments, will washing a car daily with a bucket of water and a ordinary cloth lead to any hair line scratches or spoil the paint in the long run. I have observed in many apartments they employ an agency to do this everyday in the morning costing about 250 rs to 300 rs per month. And I have seen even owners of expensive cars dont bother and just trust these guys to clean it for them.

And do you need to water clean daily, is it really required. I usually clean mine on my own atleast once a week/10 days and dust it off on normal days. But its tiring at times and I am lazy and wont get time so was thinking should I give mine to these guys for daily cleaning.
Most people do not really care that much for the car. Daily washing with water can have many effects
1. If the water is not dried off from the edges and gaps, leaves salt deposits and hence that white residue you can see
2. IF the cloth is harsh, can leave swirls over a period of time and dullness of paint
3. Dusting can also cause hairline scratches BIG time- more than step2, if done with a normal cloth and improper technique used
I see that you are in bangalore and there are about 4-5 months( since nov to maybe march) that it does not rain hence washing regularly is not needed if done once in 10 days and ur car is waxed. I use the california duster daily now and no shampoo wash since about 20 days now!
When it rains- you will need a shampoo wash more often- maybe about 3 times week sometimes, that time you really need these guys but they should be monitored till you know what they are doing. Even then using a normal cloth is risky. Safest is the old baniyan cloth ( other than microfiber- wet)and should tell them to use ONLY for your car and not use the same cloth on yours what has been already used.
Use a micro fiber cloth to wipe once washed, avoids scratches
I got a big collection and posted pics too- have some extra also.

Last edited by mkh : 1st March 2010 at 16:09.
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Old 1st March 2010, 15:58   #1737
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Originally Posted by samsan02 View Post

I need your comments, will washing a car daily with a bucket of water and a ordinary cloth lead to any hair line scratches or spoil the paint in the long run. I have observed in many apartments they employ an agency to do this everyday in the morning costing about 250 rs to 300 rs per month. And I have seen even owners of expensive cars dont bother and just trust these guys to clean it for them.

And do you need to water clean daily, is it really required. I usually clean mine on my own atleast once a week/10 days and dust it off on normal days. But its tiring at times and I am lazy and wont get time so was thinking should I give mine to these guys for daily cleaning.
I agree with you. Those guys damage the paint finish. I have experienced the same in my old santro and the case is same with different persons(I have tried tried 3 guys). They re-use the water and cloth and also rub the dirty cloth soaked in dirty water leading to fine scratches. Sometimes they will simply lift the wiper blade, pour some water on tyres and clean only the windscreen. Since it was an old car I let him continue with some warnings. But now I have decided not to give my new car to thiese people. So if you are comfortable in washing yourself atleast once in a week, then better do it yourself. Daily water wash is not at all required except for rainy days. You can get a high pressure washing machine like Bosch Aquatak for ~6K and do professional style washing once in a while.
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Old 1st March 2010, 16:41   #1738
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^ I fired my car cleaning guy for the same reason!!

And believe me, my i20 still outshines all the cars washed by him(daily)!
(maybe cuz its new and well maintained! )

(even though I've washed my i20 like 3-4 times since out of the showroom!)

Originally Posted by csateesh View Post
Hello Sohail

The results are just too good.

How did you get your hands on the Dupont Glaze and Meg's Techwax ?


I got hold of the DuPont glaze from a bodyshop guy I know! He used to think it was 'Teflon'!

TechWax 2.0 I got from!

Last edited by sohail99 : 1st March 2010 at 16:42.
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Old 1st March 2010, 16:49   #1739
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Hey Shishir, mkh, salbin
Thanks guys for your response.
Yes rainy season is a pain, when you need the car most to commute without getting wet or get held up at office.

Can someone suggest me a good wax polish for the car and where in Bangalore can I buy it from. I couldn't find the right shop to look for thou. And how often is ideally required to wax them up.
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Old 1st March 2010, 18:41   #1740
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Originally Posted by sohail99 View Post

I got hold of the DuPont glaze from a bodyshop guy I know! He used to think it was 'Teflon'!
In fact, DuPont is a company and Teflon its product.
Polytetrafluoroethylene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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