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Old 29th January 2010, 22:41   #2596
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Originally Posted by headers
Now, to be on track, though a Pay & Practise session, we need to adhere to the following:
4. All cars to have proper Tyres with sipe depth of atleast 5mm.
Thalai, you sure about this condition ? I remember seeing a Zen without any tread (as bald as one can imagine) and on top of that, with a broken windshield, on the track.

Anyway, for those that are planning their first time on track, it is not really as bad as you guys think. I also felt it would wear off the tyres on my car, but the same tyres are still doing duty on my car at 36K kms, and still look as good as new (ofcourse our Safari D' bhpian would have his comments about tyres being old and hard etc).

The main thing is about having an expert in your car as co-passenger and I can say that I learned a lot from slipstream and nitrous who gladly consented to be my co-passengers while on track. Thanks, guys.
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Old 29th January 2010, 23:03   #2597
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Originally Posted by headers View Post
Now, to be on track, though a Pay & Practise session, we need to adhere to the following:

Lets get the date finalised soon. Looks like the last week of February or March it should be happenning..
sir, Can you also explain the rules of the game.
Will it be each car doing solo or all cars together.
do we need to maintain above a specified speed limit.
how many laps to run?
Should we tank full or half tank, any particular safety norms for this

sorry, if silly questions, but me being a first timer, it helps.
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Old 29th January 2010, 23:23   #2598
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The questions were addressed to Thalai, but still...

Originally Posted by ikoneer
sir, Can you also explain the rules of the game.
Will it be each car doing solo or all cars together.
do we need to maintain above a specified speed limit.
how many laps to run?
Should we tank full or half tank, any particular safety norms for this
Usually many cars run together, no solo.
Speed limit is to your convenience and based on what your car can handle
Laps ? No restriction - till you feel tired or your car feels down.
A half-tank would have fuel splashing around. Full tank would avoid this, but then that is more weight to lug around - leave this one for the experts
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Old 30th January 2010, 01:45   #2599
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Originally Posted by supremeBaleno View Post
A half-tank would have fuel splashing around. Full tank would avoid this, but then that is more weight to lug around - leave this one for the experts
Biju, I doubt if this would happen. One full tank would probably mean the weight of one extra person. Would that make a difference ?
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Old 30th January 2010, 01:59   #2600
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Yes it would. IMHO, the best scenario would be to have just 1 or 2 litres in the tank, but can't work that way in an ideal situation. So best is to fill the tank and keep using it.

the FE would be probably half of your normal FE which means in my case I would be using up almost a litre a lap (long loop)
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Old 30th January 2010, 05:26   #2601
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Originally Posted by headers View Post
I will definitely be there to "guide you all in totality"
LOL... Look forward to that!

Originally Posted by esteem_lover View Post
But thanks Batman/Robin (Goutham - Gotham city) for putting me back. At least I will figure in that list.
But why only on the list? I am sure your esteem would be great on the track...

Originally Posted by neoranjit View Post
Biju, I doubt if this would happen. One full tank would probably mean the weight of one extra person. Would that make a difference ?
More like 1/3rd of a person (~30kgs). For people like me (read 'Newbies'), there are several other more important things to be worried about than those 30kgs... Racing lines, apt gear, braking etc., what say?
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Old 30th January 2010, 06:46   #2602
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Originally Posted by nitrous View Post
I would never intend to intimidate anyone from a track day.
But, those tyres have to be the crappiest tyres to be shod on a 1+ tonne hatchback in the world!
Apart from the atrocious tyre width, the compound is rock hard to deliver Fuel efficiency and tyre life(what our compatriots lust for) at the cost of traction and safety.

From my experience at a track day in 2006/'07, I remember a blue swift with these stock tyres having great fun on the track before going into the barriers spectacularly as I was watching it all happen in my RVM.
What to do sir?
I can get me i10. Its is shod 185/50/14 Yokohama ES100 (stock is 155/80/13 Bridgestone i guess) but you should know how well a handler she is. Adding to that ~50Kg of ICE is not going to help either.

I guess, i ll have to get the stock JK's wear fast - On positive note, in case i end up crashing, there is good chance of a new car itself oh wait it may be a Jeep also

I am eaggerly awaiting for the Track day
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Old 30th January 2010, 10:48   #2603
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@Mi10 Dude swap the ES 100s onto the Swift and Bingo... you got a great car on track.

Guess it makes sense to carry 3/4 tank. More for convenience than anything else. You cant be running around trying to find fuel in case you run dry. And come'on You really think those 30 kgs are going to make a difference?

Please inflate your tires to ideal pressure. The Filling station outside the track did not have the facility the last time I went there. So better get it done from elsewhere on the way.

So guess we can all have a good day provided we stick to the basics that thalais pointed out besides ensuring that you watch each others back.
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Old 30th January 2010, 11:41   #2604
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Originally Posted by supremeBaleno View Post
Thalai, you sure about this condition ? I remember seeing a Zen without any tread (as bald as one can imagine) and on top of that, with a broken windshield, on the track.
Such nincompoops were indirectly responsible for the new rules of the game. Infact, next year, cars without roll cages may not be allowed!

BTW, friends, guess most questions have been addressed by Nitrous and SB. Anymore and we'll gladly talk.

BUT..lets not get into sensitive issues like how person A beat Person B while 2 were not in identical vehicles .

Carrying a tank of fuel is good as one can burn more of it on track!

The basic idea is not to "overdo" something and cause panic. Remember, we are all there to "learn".
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Old 30th January 2010, 12:25   #2605
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Originally Posted by fiery enzyme View Post
the FE would be probably half of your normal FE which means in my case I would be using up almost a litre a lap (long loop)
I see the verna has already beaten your baleno in this aspect

Originally Posted by headers View Post
BUT..lets not get into sensitive issues like how person A beat Person B while 2 were not in identical vehicles.

Carrying a tank of fuel is good as one can burn more of it on track!
Thalais I would like to officially challenge bala! You are the witness
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Old 30th January 2010, 13:29   #2606
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Can someone please confirm the dates?
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Old 30th January 2010, 13:57   #2607
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Cars on Track

1. Nitrous - Esteem
2. Venom_rider - Esteem
3. Esteem Lover - Esteem / 800 mpfi 5 speed
4. Manek - 800
5. Mi10 - Swift 1.3
6. 2themax - Swift 1.3
7. Slipstream - Swift 1.3 Ddis
8. Mr. Bean - Baleno
9. Fiery Emzyme - Baleno
10. Neoranjit - SX4
11. Yzfrj - Zen
12. Perkath - Zen
13. Ikoneer - NHC
14. Phoenix - Getz Crdi
15. Pras.Oct25 - Verna Crdi
16. Propeller - Accent Crdi
17. Anachronix - Fiesta 1.6S
18. Gilead - Fiesta 1.6S
19. Petrol_Head - Ikon 1.6
20. Narayan
21. Rahulkool - Palio 1.6
22. Bottle - Palio 1.6 (unconfirmed)
23. Madan
24. Jagfx

As Vikram puts it - Drivers on Hire

1. Headers
2. ex670c

Last edited by petrol_head : 30th January 2010 at 14:11.
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Old 30th January 2010, 14:08   #2608
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Guys a quick question... I am planning to run with the newer XM1+ this time just to see how much I can improve on my previous timing.

Do you think its ok to run 'em on the alloys? its Hi-join multi-pcd alloy (with 8 holes), they've held on pretty well during the high speed run to Mysore last week (~160-170)... lateral forces is a different thing altogether I guess?
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Old 30th January 2010, 16:16   #2609
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Originally Posted by Mr_Bean View Post
Can someone please confirm the dates?
Mr. VinoTH, we will know once we know and you will know that too!

Originally Posted by petrol_head View Post
Cars on Track

1. Nitrous - Esteem
2. Venom_rider - Esteem
3. Esteem Lover - Esteem / 800 mpfi 5 speed
4. Manek - 800
5. Mi10 - Swift 1.3
6. 2themax - Swift 1.3
7. Slipstream - Swift 1.3 Ddis
8. Mr. Bean - Baleno
9. Fiery Emzyme - Baleno
10. Neoranjit - SX4
11. Yzfrj - Zen
12. Perkath - Zen
13. Ikoneer - NHC
14. Phoenix - Getz Crdi
15. Pras.Oct25 - Verna Crdi
16. Propeller - Accent Crdi
17. Anachronix - Fiesta 1.6S
18. Gilead - Fiesta 1.6S
19. Petrol_Head - Ikon 1.6
20. Narayan
21. Rahulkool - Palio 1.6
22. Bottle - Palio 1.6 (unconfirmed)
23. Madan
24. Jagfx

As Vikram puts it - Drivers on Hire

1. Headers
2. ex670c

Not too bad if all the cars actually make it on track. Looks like End February or first week of March seems possible. WIll post details as soon as i get the updates!

Originally Posted by Venom_rider View Post
Guys a quick question... I am planning to run with the newer XM1+ this time just to see how much I can improve on my previous timing.

Do you think its ok to run 'em on the alloys? its Hi-join multi-pcd alloy (with 8 holes), they've held on pretty well during the high speed run to Mysore last week (~160-170)... lateral forces is a different thing altogether I guess?
Gautham, just ensure the wheels are tightened properly. And you cant do 160 - 170 on track anyways!
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Old 30th January 2010, 16:20   #2610
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With a Wagon R which has just completed 1 lakh kms I might not just wear out my A Drives but wear out the Car itself if I opt to take my car on track so may be I would be cheering the so called duels which seem to shape up between Korean and Japenese cars (not the drivers Mind it). So when ever there is a list made for "As spectator only" include me in the list.
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