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Old 7th January 2023, 16:33   #16
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Re: Dreams do come true | Harley Davidson Heritage Softail | Ownership Review

Originally Posted by mh09ad5578 View Post
Wow, what a bike! I ride a Harley for the same reasons, saw the T2 when i was in standard 7, loved the Fatboy so much it became a life goal, brought a sportster as a stopgag and loved it every bit. Planing to add a adv for touring needs and am still sure I'll add that pre M8 Fatboy to my garage and it will be the one Harley I own for my lifetime. Love the Heritage too ,but brain can't fanthom the spoke wheels. Kudos on getting a great bike and being in peace of achieving a life goal! Freedom!
Thank you so much! The Heritage although it has spoke wheels they are tubeless so the fear of punctures is ruled out. Like you I too was a fatboy fan but the heritage is just a step above. It also suits my cruising speeds of 100 perfectly and in retrospect would have been a mistake going in for the Fatboy. Also the heritage is completely loaded out of the box.

Originally Posted by themotohead_doc View Post
Have always been a Harley fanboy! Read your review and felt a personal connection with this beauty! She’s an absolute stunner of a brute, wishing you many happy miles with her.
Thank you for your kind words appreciate it!

Originally Posted by bf1983 View Post
Was waiting for this review ! Extremely detailed as usual and great set of photos to go along with it.

Congrats and wish you many happy miles of riding.
Hahaha yes i was writing it for a while and finally completed it. Its a perfect companion to Ninja in the garage and they both are so simple yet so different from each other. Love both of them to the core.

Originally Posted by the_skyliner View Post
Congratulations, Hamza on acquiring one of the most iconic two-wheelers!

The custom paint-job is amazing and I agree that it is adding to it's crowd puller characteristics.

I remember you talking passionately about this acquisition of yours when we met last month. Yet to see and ride alongside this beauty. Let's plan that sometime this month.

Once again, congratulations and wish you many happy miles of cruising!
Thank you Sumeet. We should plan a ride soon although i doubt i can keep up with your Italian stallion.

Originally Posted by bj96 View Post
Congratulations Hamaza and welcome aboard the HOG and "Softail" family .

Wishing you miles and miles of happiness and hope to meet on the road sometime soon.

Thank you so much. If you remember i have bugged you years ago on your fatboy over pm. Do you still have it? Lets ride soon together.

Originally Posted by sushanthys View Post
Simply wow!
Wish you many happy miles with your awesome ride.

Originally Posted by Alisiddiqui View Post
Remove the windshield to get rid of the buffeting. Nothing else will work. And it’s quite irritating. I had it on my fatboy (installed by previous owner who didn’t use the bike- just 38kms) but I got it removed when I bought the bike. My friend in the road king also got rid of his on day 1. That’s what’s causing it. Drop it.
The wind deflectors have made a huge difference. I anyways will take the windshield off in summers. That time will be able to compare what it is with and without the windshield.

Originally Posted by anand.shankar82 View Post

I just wondering if I found a long-lost friend on this forum and whether you used to stay in Fatima Nagar too (in Parekh Towers)?

Sorry for silly questions
Thank you for your kind words. No i never lived in Fatima Nagar i stay at Kalyani Nagar. Which batch did you pass out from? Am from 1999.

Originally Posted by Alka panwar View Post
Beautiful paint on that one. Classic.
I am not fan of that heat shield at all.
Will give this a though for sure. Am planning to get cooling fans installed whenever i have someone coming in from the states. Hopefully that should take care of the heat once and for all

Originally Posted by abhi_tjet View Post
Congratulations Hamza on the HD Heritage! A beautiful bike this is and splendid pictures as always.

Cheers to your work rides to Mahabaleshwar so that we can check out more clicks of this beauty
Thank you although i doubt i will ever be able to use this for work. My client who has his shop in the main market and the Ninja just about barely fits into his parking spot. I dont know if this fatso with the saddle bags would squeeze in
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Old 20th January 2023, 13:53   #17
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Re: Dreams do come true | Harley Davidson Heritage Softail | Ownership Review

Had two lovely rides both of which I enjoyed immensely as the roads were tailor made for the Harley

First one was to see the last sunrise of the year to Bhigwan bird sanctuary

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This was was to Veer dam. I reached here by dawn and could catch the first light. It was beautiful
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Old 16th February 2023, 13:33   #18
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Re: Dreams do come true | Harley Davidson Heritage Softail | Ownership Review

So after a quite few weeks the big boy was back in action this time to Bhimnoi Koyna Dam backwaters. Was a long 350 kms ride through some tight twisty roads. Used the faster kaas road on the way back Dreams do come true | Harley Davidson Heritage Softail | Ownership Review-img20230204wa0019.jpg

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Old 19th February 2023, 23:13   #19
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Re: Dreams do come true | Harley Davidson Heritage Softail | Ownership Review

Another weekend and another ride.
This time to Matheran which is famous for its Toy train . As usual the bike performed flawlessly although it was a bit steep and twisty .

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Old 4th April 2023, 14:46   #20
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Re: Dreams do come true | Harley Davidson Heritage Softail | Ownership Review

So the customization of a harley does not need to stop on just the bike .

Ever since I got the bike I had been on a lookout to get a perfect matching helmet. Something harley/American themed . But after a lot of searching could not find any and decided to customize and make my own. Picked up a smk retro helmet . I explained the theme and vision what I had in mind to an artist friend of mine and I think the results speak for themselves !

The original helmet stripped of the paint
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The base design applied
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Adding the eagle and Harleys motto in 3d at the back
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Close up
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Finishing up
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Final result
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The helmet is surprisingly comfortable and silent . I only wish it came with an optional dark visor which is not available for this model.

Until next time

Last edited by Hamza123 : 4th April 2023 at 15:03.
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Old 23rd May 2023, 18:45   #21
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Re: Dreams do come true | Harley Davidson Heritage Softail | Ownership Review

Updating this thread after a while. Not much riding happened during the month of April due to ramzan and a bit of may due to traveling. I took advantage of this and gave the bike for its annual service. The previous owner had serviced it in March of 22 and I wanted to keep it the same. Of course will change if I pile on more kms

Went in for
A complete oil change
New front brake pads
Changed the rear wheel bearing and steering bearing. More of a precaution than a requirement

The bike at Hyperion in for service
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A cool little accessory. Have added the same for the back too
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Along with its Japanese mate
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Most of my family wonder why I need two bikes which are essentially weekend toys. But they are so so different from each other. One goes about quietly doing its job where as the other makes its presence felt wherever it goes. I was never used to so much attention on the Ninja but the Harley is a people magnet. Still have to be on a ride where people have not stopped and asked for pics
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Old 29th October 2023, 10:28   #22
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Re: Dreams do come true | Harley Davidson Heritage Softail | Ownership Review

It was absolute delight to ride with you earlier this month. You have maintained your bike perfectly, befitting Heritage name tag. Custom paint job is well executed.
Bike exhaust is too good, noticeable only while riding along; sweet and smooth just like your riding.

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Old 23rd December 2023, 12:23   #23
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Re: Dreams do come true | Harley Davidson Heritage Softail | Ownership Review

So updating this thread after a really long time and there is a lot of updates for sure!

First let me start by showing a few accessories I have made. I seriously feel this addiction to add accessories to the Harley is scary and I hope I dont need professional help soon

Got this lovely illuminated back fender light
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Added the same matching one for the front too
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Got this gorgeous Air filter cover which I had always wanted
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Swapped the all black switch housing and switches to chrome
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The Other side
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Also added chrome levers
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The other side
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Also replaced the black master cylinder to chrome
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Added screaming eagle wires and plugs, slight difference in performance
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Despite having an all Led setup the lights were a bit inadequate in the rains. After a bit of research and speaking to a few fellow Harley owners I decided to go for Gold Runway. They are pretty decent for their size.
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Close up
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The Switch. The lights also have 3 patterns of strobe function. They are also dimmable.
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The entire bike had led lighting except the indicators. Switched them to Kuryakyn ones for both front and back. They are super bright.
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Switched the standard mirrors to Led illuminated ones. I had a choice to keep the DRL on or Indicators. I chose to keep the DRL on and have attached them with the fog lights
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Got this beautiful chrome pulley. The rest of the black parts seen here will also be chromed in the next round of updates.
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Added the guards at the rear for extra protection and hope I never need to put them to use.
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All the lights had visiors except the tail. My OCD would not let it slide and i got one for the tail too
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I have never been one that would listen to music in my helmet. I find it very distractive and unsafe. So got these Go Hawk speakers installed. They are decent for the price of course you do get far better ones for double or triple the money but am very happy with these for now.
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Simple controls for the speakers
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to be continued....
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Old 23rd December 2023, 13:04   #24
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Re: Dreams do come true | Harley Davidson Heritage Softail | Ownership Review


So one of the biggest identity of the Harley Heritage classic is its retro studded look, including the lovely leather saddle bags. Leather in general needs good upkeep especiallyin weather like ours. Unfortunately unlike the bike the bags were in terrible condition when I got them.

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I was keen on restoring them for sure. After asking around in my Heritage and Harley groups I got the contact of Mr Ankur Gupta a leather specialist. What started was a two and half month process of sending the bags unexpected delays but I think the end result was worth it. Although Mr Ankur was honest that the bags were more for show than function as putting too much load on them was not very advisable.
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I was happy with the bags been restored to perfection but that still left me with a problem to solve once i start attending HOG rallies and start doing longer rides. I wanted a bit more permanent solution, which would be weather proof, lockable and usable. I had a look at a few but they basically looked like suitcases bolted onto the back of the bike. Then one day came across a company called BYKOLOGY on Instagram. Their bags were nice and went a bit more with the overall look of the bike. Took the plunge when they had a discount running for Independence Day. But they made only one tone colors

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Once I got the bags I was keen on getting some artwork done on them. Gave a quick call to my friends at the Frenzy Art Studio from whom I had got my helmet customized ,gave them a brief of what I wanted and they got to work on the same. I was keen on incorporating the dual tone colors of the bike along with the American theme

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The final result
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Some chrome badging a friend of mine picked up to complete the look
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final result
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Old 23rd December 2023, 13:35   #25
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Re: Dreams do come true | Harley Davidson Heritage Softail | Ownership Review


When I was not a Harley owner and a group of Harleys would go by me I would always wonder if my chance would ever come to be a part of one of the most well known motorcycle groups in the world. Well now was the time. I got my HOG membership issued, which is Rs 5000/- a year. That includes some tie ups with establishments across the city and benefits when you book for the zonal rallies

A mix of solo and group rides with the 2 Rivers Harley Chapter.
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A ride with some local BHPians to Varandha Ghat
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A late night Diwali Spin
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First Hog Rally and winning the custom bike of the
So before the year ran out I was keen on attending my first HOG rally to see what it was all about. What I witnessed and experienced was amazing. I love Harleys, but at this event I got to see people who live breath and smoke Harleys. Everything in their life revolves around their Harley. Great Property, food, music, catching up with old friends and making new ones. What more can one ask for.

200 Harleys rumbling across Nasik
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My bike was declared the best custom bike of rally. Was not expecting this!
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Signing off till next time!
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Old 22nd December 2024, 21:53   #26
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Re: Dreams do come true | Harley Davidson Heritage Softail | Ownership Review

Hi Hamza, thoroughly enjoyed reading your thread, I’m deciding between a Fatboy and a Heritage classic, any solid and definite suggestions?
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