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Old 5th June 2017, 09:56   #106
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re: One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!

^ Wonderful video Sujai

Great to see the whole VBR group in the video and since I met most of them I can relate well to this video.

The drone shots especially are nice. Who shot this video and whose drone was it?
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Old 11th July 2017, 10:54   #107
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re: One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!

5600kms covered. Time for second service which needs to be done before 6000kms milestone.

Booked a slot for Thursday.

Initial impressions -

Heard that the service center is infamous for not answering calls. I called up the land-line, and the lady who answered the call was barely audible. Dialled the number again and it was not answered.

However, immediately got a call back from a mobile number of the service guy, who took the appointment in a prompt manner and confirmed the spares availability as well.

Fingers crossed.

Last edited by CrAzY dRiVeR : 11th July 2017 at 10:56.
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Old 13th July 2017, 23:21   #108
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re: One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!

2nd Service Update - 5,600 kms.

So the D day arrived for service, and thankfully - there were no horror stories to report for the day. Infact, I had a very nice day spent at the service center, with some good bikes and a fellow biker for company. With the amount of negativity revolving around Kawasaki service these days, I might as well do a detailed post of my actual experience. More of a photologue really, as the detailed billing is not yet given.

Arrived at the service center by around 9:45 AM. Job card prepared in around 30 minutes. Vehicle went in for washing around 10:40 AM and was out by 11:25 AM. Really needed the wash since I cannot use pressure wash at my apartment and hence had to visit another center if it were to be skipped here.

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170713113102_800.jpg

I was thinking it would be a boring day ahead, but soon a known biker friend turned up with his Versys 1000, co-incidentally for 2nd service as well.

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170713105512_800.jpg

Ready on the service bay by 11:40 AM.

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170713114003_800.jpg

Oil and oil filter changed as per my request. Company recommended interval is 12,000 kms but I will be going ahead with oil changes every 6000 kms. Oil used was Motul 7100 Fully Synthetic Oil. Oil filter prices have definitely gone up since the Bajaj days.

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170713120231_800.jpg

Tank and outer side panels removed and kept on a scratch resistant surface. Good job since the Bajaj center used to just place the tank on the floor.

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170713121730_800.jpg

And the reason show below! One of the main reasons why the regular service for the 650 twins consume more time is because of the air filter placement under the fuel tank. The tank and outer panels need to be removed to gain access to the air filter.

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170713123526_800.jpg

Air filter condition was checked and we felt it should be good enough for another 6000 kms. The company recommended interval is 18,000kms, but I'll surely be changing it during the 12k service. Shown below is the condition of the filter before cleaning. It was dusted and placed back later on.

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170713122307_800.jpg

We went for lunch at this point and on coming back, there was a crowd outside the showroom and turned out the reason was a monster. A monster of the superbike kind.

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170713140015_800.jpg

Infact, it had come for service from TN, along with this ZX14R. Quite surprising considering the reviews the Bangalore center has been getting (Mostly due to the spares situation, I might add! And yes - Not answering phone calls properly. )

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170713144658_800.jpg

Soon another Ninja 650 joined as well and the place was crowded. Learned from the staff later on that all three new joinees were either late / ahead of their appointments and hence the issues. My Versys is ready for delivery here, but caught in the traffic block inside the center. Work was completed by 3PM (with a lunch break in between).

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170713143323_800.jpg

And the parts availability needs to be blamed as well. All the vehicles seen in the left lane here were waiting for parts. The "green goblin" at the end belongs to Team-Bhp member "atul.ktm" and is waiting for a new radiator.

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170713111455_800.jpg

Focusing more on the scope of improvement -

1. Primary issue (atleast for regular service) still is the parts availability. However, atleast the common parts like oil filter and air filters seems to be getting streamlined now. All the parts were available for both the Versys 650 and 1000 today. But yes, accident bikes are still a concerns and the service center has not received most of the rare parts from Kawasaki. They are still optimistic though as they have started receiving more parts from last week.

2. Place is crowded, but that is mainly due to the accident bikes waiting for spares. Once those bikes are cleared, the place should be more than enough for the number of bikes being sold and serviced by Kawasaki.

3. Third issue (for now) is the billing. Its bad that they haven't sorted out the billing system post GST whereas even small shops have managed to do the same. I will receive the actual bill only via email in the next one or two days. Was charged 6590/- for the service though with a rough bill given for the breakup prices.

Costs -

And the rates (Will confirm once I get the actual bill) as below. I was charged Rs 6590/- for the service.

Labour - 3390/-
Chain Lube - 100/-
Oil Filter - 780/-
Engine Oil - 1800/-

Last edited by CrAzY dRiVeR : 13th July 2017 at 23:44.
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Old 18th July 2017, 15:41   #109
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re: One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!

Took test rides of both the new Dukes today. The 250 and the 390. Posting it here as a perspective of a Versys owner looking at the Duke as a more city oriented bike / backup bike.

Out of the two - my pick is defenitely the 390. No thinking twice about it.

*If the heat is manageable. After the TD - it felt hot but ok. More than Versys but not thigh burning hot as in Harley and Scrambler. But not sure if it can go hotter. Need to have a longer test ride to confirm.


1. Both have poor Low end. Duke 250 is slightly better in that there is no shuddering at low rpm. 5th gear and 35 kmph was like shaking my helmet off in 390. 250 feels dead but not violently so.

2. BUT - What a gearbox! The difference with the Versys is night and day. I don't mind shifting at all. It's butter smooth. So I actually didn't find the low end an issue that can't be overcome.

3. Dimensions are perfect for city. It's almost as if you're on the handlebar. Again so much different to the likes of Versys and Ninja and even my old pulsar. This can cut through traffic with ease.

4. And when the road opens up, the 390 is way better. I never felt anything missing even as compared to the Versys. It felt so natural and quite unlike the price difference would suggest.

Whereas in the 250, the rpm between 3k and 6k felt weird. Like the bike is out of fuel. There is a flat spot I feel, or it could just be the Versys and 390 experience playing spoilsport. 390 just kept pulling in comparison and goes maniac above 7k rpm.

5. 250 is not worth the price comparing the 390. No ABS, no Metz tyres, no TFT screen, no LED headlamps. And 2.52L on road as compared to 2.9L of the 390. Somewhere around 2.25 would have been more justified I feel.

The biggest surprise for me though was the gearbox for sure. It's a beauty. Slick and precise. Was absolutely enjoying going up and down gears. The 390 has slipper clutch also I believe? I banged down the gear while braking and it felt so controlled.

Verdict -

The all new Duke 390 makes for a perfect backup bike - one that can be taken anywhere without a doubt and can double up as a second bike for the highways as well. A boon for those who like adventure bikes which are getting heavier with each iteration and totally impractical for the city.

It cannot replace the feel these bikes provide though, and that question is for anyone who would consider picking up the 390 as an easier to maintain option over the 650s. However, it doesn't need to match them as well, as the bike is offering total bang for the asking price of 2.94L on road in Bangalore.

Versys waiting outside the showroom. Incidentally, this is the showroom where I first saw the V upclose.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_20170718_151132.jpg

Beautiful LED headlamps. Also some orange to break the monotony of green on this thread.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_20170718_151111.jpg

Brilliant TFT console. KTM surely has more technology on display than most Japanese premium bikes.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_20170718_151044.jpg

The 250 looks like an LXi variant of the ZXi 390 in comparison. Should have been priced better in my personal opinion.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_20170718_154150.jpg

Beautiful weather on the way back from the test rides.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_20170718_151148.jpg

Last edited by CrAzY dRiVeR : 18th July 2017 at 15:44.
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Old 30th July 2017, 18:25   #110
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Solo Breakfast ride - Krishnagiri Dam.

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170730083920b_800.jpg

Saturday was a long working day this time!

Woke up with a heavy head on Sunday early morning. A cup of coffee later, decided to hit the road. Started by 6AM without a proper destination in mind and reached Shoolagiri A2B by 7:30 AM. Pleasant surprise - there was already a biker group there. Had a quick chat with one of the riders, and it seems most of them are from BROZ group, but the ride was not official and just a friends group (included other brands as well).

Parked with a good lineup of big bikes!
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170730072655_800.jpg

Consisting mostly of Z800s -
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170730072955b_800.jpg

But there were a couple of Tigers, a Benelli and even a Duke 390.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170730073000_800.jpg

Post breakfast, decided to visit the nearby Krishnagiri Dam for a couple of pictures -

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170730083700b_800.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170730084929b_800.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170730085044b_800.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170730082616b_800.jpg

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Old 6th August 2017, 19:18   #111
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re: One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!

Yet another weekend, but this time with a beautiful monsoon ride to boost the spirits.

Some pics from the ride -

Photogenic Ninja 650 -
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_5294b_800.jpg

Versys tries as well, but is not as photogenic.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_5284b_800.jpg

The beautiful location -
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170805090649b_800.jpg

Beautiful weather made the 400kms round trip worth it!
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170805091849b_800.jpg

Started early on in the ride. The Ninja seen posing here, whereas I am struggling to put on my rain protection. Fast expressways and rain = fun.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170805wa0048_800.jpg

But well surfaced two lane roads have their own charm -
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_5271b_800.jpg

Not to mention flowing corners as well -
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_5273b_800.jpg

The destination was pure bliss! With not a single soul in sight and beautiful skies all around!
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170805wa0057_800.jpg

The Ninja 650 belongs to a BHPian and friend "rbp", and was waiting for a suspension replacement since more than a month.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_5288b_800.jpg

With the new suspension, it had become a sleek highway scorcher once again -
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_5299b_800.jpg

Versys on the other hand looks brute and stands tall -
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_5297b_800.jpg

Could have gone further, if not for the road tyres! The drizzle had made the ground a lot softer than it looks.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_5282b_800.jpg

Similar pose as last weekend, this time 200 kms to the north of Bengaluru.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_5280b_800.jpg

Last edited by CrAzY dRiVeR : 6th August 2017 at 19:20.
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Old 6th August 2017, 20:59   #112
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re: One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!

Nice pics. Which two lane road is that one?
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Old 6th August 2017, 22:44   #113
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re: One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!

Originally Posted by androdev View Post
Nice pics. Which two lane road is that one?
Thank you.

That's the stretch from Hiriyur to Vani Vilas Sagar Dam. Instead of going to the dam itself, we took the road that goes around it to get to the waterfront.
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Old 29th August 2017, 11:57   #114
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re: One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!

Some experiences are hard to describe in words. Last weekend ride was one such! From rain to even more rain leading to thick fog, to navigating potholes, broken roads, no roads, cattle, leech bites and what not! Surely was one of the best rides with the Versys till date, with member 'rbp' on his Ninja 650 for company!

Route Taken - Bangalore - Hassan - Sakleshpur - Bisle and back to Bangalore.

I'll just let the pictures do all the talking -

Started from Bangalore by 5AM. Reached A2B on Hassan Road by around 7:15 AM. Nice breakfast to start the day!
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170826wa0002.jpg

No sunrise and light drizzle!
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170826080638_800.jpg

Raincoats had to come out rather soon.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170826wa0030b.jpg

Soon it was raining cats and dogs, but with good surfaced and fast two lane roads...
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-g0141350_800.jpg

... With scenery all around.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170826wa0007.jpg

Ninja blends in with the green.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170826wa0017.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170826090324b_800.jpg

Versys does the posing too.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170826wa0050.jpg

Our condition while the photoshoot was going on!
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170826090420b_800.jpg

Back on the road again. Broken roads + Rain + No ABS on the Ninja meant - that I thought its better to go in front for this route.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-g0141994_800.jpg

But soon had to find cover to take out the mobile and check for directions.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-g0142741b_800.jpg

Navigating the roads was easy, navigating a big elephant of a bike between cattle was proving to be tough work.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-g0143646_800.jpg

And then the roads started to deteriorate.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-g0145587_800.jpg

And then we couldn't see if it was bad or not up ahead.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-g0145453_800.jpg

Visibility was much worse than the pics suggest.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-g0145474_800.jpg

But the scenery was still beautiful all around.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170826100404b_800.jpg

Time for a selfie. Whatsapp DP, this one!
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170826100440b_800.jpg

Entrance to Bisle Ghats. It was raining so hard that I consider it lucky the mobile phone is still working after clicking these pics!
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170826102829b_800.jpg

On the way back, member 'rbp' noticed blood on the neck and handed me a tissue. I casually wiped it thinking it would be some squished mosquito, only to see him handover more tissues.
The bleeding looks like a leech attack, but no idea how it got to the neck, and nowhere else instead!

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170826133941_800.jpg
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Old 29th August 2017, 12:00   #115
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re: One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!

Saving the best set of pics, for the last -

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170826104257b_800.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170826104227b_800.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170826110128b_800.jpg

The monument at Bisle read "RIDGE - ARABIAN SEA | BAY OF BENGAL". Interesting indeed and the story behind it turned out to be quite a nice read.

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170826110100b_800.jpg

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Old 31st August 2017, 19:49   #116
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re: One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!

Foggy pictures are tempting me ride there this weekend itself, last time we went, there were no roads, from the pictures it looks like they have laid some roads on the ghat. Just hope, we don't have any physical encounter with leeches

That ridge is a very unique place, a friend had made a video on the same:

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Old 26th September 2017, 23:39   #117
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re: One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!

Did a ~750kms ride last weekend. Due to scarcity of time (and my poor writing skills), leaving a small photologue of the ride -
Route Taken: Bangalore - Preeti Canteen, Birur (breakfast) - Bhadra Dam, Koppalli (Kavyasala) - Balehonnur - Chikmagalur - Bangalore.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-screen-shot-20170924-10.12.23-pm.jpg

Reached the 7000kms milestone few kms into the ride, before the meetup point itself. Should be around 7740 kms now.
One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_5360_1200.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_5361_1200.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_5362_1200.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_5364_1200.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_5366_1200.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_5368_1200.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img_5369_800.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170923wa0012_800.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170924wa0027_1200.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170924wa0030.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170924wa0034.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170924wa0035.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170923114730_800.jpg

One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!-img20170923114656b_800.jpg

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Old 26th September 2017, 23:45   #118
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re: One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!

Great pics. The green bike with local Stonehenge backdrop is looking wow Can almost imagine myself driving through those lovely roads. Safe driving!
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Old 27th September 2017, 09:12   #119
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re: One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!

Originally Posted by androdev View Post
Great pics. The green bike with local Stonehenge backdrop is looking wow Can almost imagine myself driving through those lovely roads. Safe driving!
Thank you.

Only wish it was raining though! That would have added to the beauty of the ride. Yet to see a more beautiful scene that tea estates with the lush green mountains just after a rain.
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Old 27th September 2017, 12:21   #120
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re: One bike to tame them all! 'Black Panther' - My Kawasaki Versys 650. Edit: Now sold!

Crazy Driver,

The route and pics look fantastic! Some of us are planning a similar route to ride this weekend. Can you please elaborate on where you had lunch and your start and return times? I am assuming this was a one day ride.

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