We rode on last Sunday as against our preferred day of riding-Saturday, due to majority of votes aye'ing for this day. We have a rather small group and add folks to it only after knowing them for a little while and is just about 15 odd folks. And, this ride it was highest turnout with almost 12 folks turning up for this breakfast ride.
Plan was to ride to KVR Food Village which is owned by a fellow rider Amar (Ducati Daviel) which he rides almost as fast as he flies (Yup, he is a pilot)
A day before, I got an unexpected ping from "Forester" who is a BHPian as well as an Autocar Journalist who was visiting town from Delhi. I met him during one of my reviews for the forum and he became a friend since then since we share some common interests and have kept in touch. He wanted to meet me for lunch/dinner but, my weekend was already packed with family stuff. I told him that there is a ride planned next day (Sunday) and would he like to join? He jumped at the idea and was elated to join us. I had to carry my top-case just to carry a helmet and gloves for him.
We met at 6:30am at Pillar 45, under the PVNR Expway which is our standard meeting point for all rides towards the Bangalore Highway and all of us enjoyed a hot cuppa Irani tea from cafe where we met and headed out around 7:00am
Since it was a large group, I requested all to ride in smaller groups till we cross the airport as there were a couple of instances were we were hauled up by cops which is usually the case as soon as they see a large bunch of motorcycle riders in full gear and assume that we are out "racing"...Wake up our law enforcement guys...it's a very naive and empty headed thought process
We rode out in smaller groups and rejoined at our regular petrol bunk after the airport where we top up our tanks before heading out. It was a beautiful morning and me
riding with a pillion was little different experience than most rides as I needed to be cognizant of a pillion and ride accordingly. Forester being a young guy with passion for motorcycles was working with me all through the ride. When I bend down-he too would bend with me, when I lean left-he too would lean left etc. It made things little easier for me. However, my honest opinion is that motorcycle riding has to be solo as you needn't really think for an additional person. But, this ride was cool since the pillion was a fearless guy
We reached the venue to find the Triumph group already there with the showroom manager being the nice guy that he is was quite liberally giving out test rides of the new Street Triple RS which was a super-fun experience.
Brief test ride report of Striple RS below
After the test rides, we proceeded to enjoy some outstanding Kheema Dosa and Poori Kheema followed up hot cuppa coffee. After a few snaps were clicked, Amar who owns the place had to leave urgently as he was called in as a stand-by to fly Hyd-KOL-Del-Hyd sector and said he will be back in town by 11:00pm...Whew, the jet setting lifestyle.
He and Haseeb raced (not literally) back to city
Rest of us enjoyed some more conversations and clicked a few more pictures before returning back to home around 11:30am. Forester had a ball of a time since he took a test ride of the Striple RS as well as rode the Versys for nearly 40kms
It was a fun weekend ride even though such rides are beginning to be little boring due to the nature of it's short distance
Time for a few pictures that can tell the story better........