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Old 23rd March 2015, 15:04   #1
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Bangalore
Posts: 471
Thanked: 467 Times
Houston, we have a situation! Roadbuster - my Kawazaki Z800 - is coming in

10 minutes ! Yes that much time and I couldn't think what I should start with. This is going to be like, just like the way you plot and plan the way you would propose to your first love and mumble and fumble some nonsense later. But, you do get her at the end of the day ! Don't you ? And that is all that matters.

When the bug bit:

Zoom and back to early January in 2009 when I first started riding regularly. Breaking free of the shackles, I was put on, from riding a 2 wheeler for 5 years. A drowsy summer afternoon saw me tiptoeing out of the house as my mom was asleep and take my brother's couple of month old 2008 blue R15 and start and ride it off ! A monumental moment in my life, nevertheless in shorts, a tee and a pair of slippers. I take one round of my locality of around 500 meters, stop in front of my house and grin as my mom, who had woken up by now, hurled abuse at me from a floor up. But the deed was done and there was no stopping till I had my limbs on from there.

The upgrade cross-road:

It is 2014 and I had been happily riding the R15 for almost 6 years now munching up miles, mostly in the city and a little out of town. Not for once had the idea of upgrading occurred to me. I used to be an avid auto mag reader when the first pulsar came into the market and the Matiz looked futuristic and I watched CARTOON NETWORK. I knew all the specs like the back of my hand but time had taken its toll and I was hardly aware of what was going on. I was an aam janta who knew the Hayabusa and the R1 and didn't know how many cylinders those bikes had or which version was running on the roads now or what bikes were available in India. I just knew they were crazy expensive and only for wallpapers and wall posters.

But all this changed one fine day, early in 2014, as I watched an auto show on TV.

They were featuring the Duke 390 (Thank you KTM) . I was astonished by the numbers and the price and wanted to check it out with no intention of buying it as I, just, couldn't think that I could afford a Bike. It was the college mindset somewhere I guess.

I was out for some grocery near my home and there was a KTM showroom just 400 meters from my home so thought of stopping by and I didn't know I would come out with a dream to realise. Went in, looked around, a big green, super bike like bike grabbed my attention. The store guy told it was the Kawasaki Ninja 650R (Thank You Bajaj for putting it there) . It looked wonderful. I was smitten and the cross road was here.

The Road to the Roadbuster:

Thanks to Google, I had more than enough information about the 650R. It was my wallpaper and I had seen uncountable YouTube videos. Also gathered information on how I would have to replace the brake lines and pads and the headlights and how it is a wonderful machine for touring but turns you into steamed broth in city traffic. The paycheck from my job still wouldn't allow me to bite it yet though.

Then TRIUMPH happened in Bangalore and I got myself a better paying job. Did a bit of googling again and again, the wallpaper, the videos, the reviews of the Striple struck me like a hammer. This was, for the first time, I came to know of the existence of the Kawasaki Z800 in this world, as one of the Striple's competitor in chief in Europe. I read about its weight disadvantage, checked out the price that was 70K higher, knew about the absence of a TD and ruled it out without a thought, immediately (Phew ! Close One !).

Loved the Striple during the test drive though I had a slightly aching hand and a few stalls. I had never ridden anything faster than the R15 so the power seemed overwhelming, capable of producing a joker like grin. The Arrow sounded like nothing else on the road.

Just as I was about to bite the bullet, I had to travel abroad for work, postponing the purchase. While I was enjoying myself along the Arctic circle and meeting Santa in his snow laden village,
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A few articles had surfaced and robbed me off my dreams !!! TRIUMPH had displayed the figures wrongly in India since launch. They were caught and a huge fiasco was unfolding and TRIUMPH were keeping mum about. TRIUMPH Striple was out of contention then and there. Soon I was back and found nothing else in the same genre in India. And then made the best decision, out of boredom, by calling Kawasaki again as they told they had a test drive now.

I went for the TD on the planned date and I thanked destiny once the TD was done with. What an idiot I was to not take a TD and rule the Z800 out of the equation !!! It was by far the more matured than the Striple. It was calm. It purred into your senses. It told ' As you wish my Master ! '. The weight and height was a non issue (I am 6 feet and 90 kgs). The surge of power was significantly higher and thanks to Striple's price rise, it was only about 10K costlier.

Since I was already into december and there was no waiting period, I waited a bit, some disappointing news, doing the moolah jugaad, the researches, the wallpaper, the videos all over again. As I was going about this, another music-to-my-ears news hit me, the Z800 was now available in Green ! The color I craved for ! A Kawasaki has to be Green and a Ducati Red and that is how the world works.

2014 turned into 2015. Another news hit me like the cupid's arrow ! A 50K discount till 31st March ! Decision was made. Multiple test drives. A futile visit to the TUSKER HARLEY, thanks to the Street experience, the pathetic customer handling and common sense in me. Back to back test drives of the Z800 and the Striple were all done away with. My heart told, the decision was spot on.

Parents and brothers had to be convinced and turned out pretty supportive in spite of the initial shock ! What-On-Earth-Are-You-Doing-Moments a plenty gave way to acceptance and good wishes ! All good when the Destiny wants you there.

Kawasaki in Bangalore are a bit unimpressive. You would feel like you are dealing with people who are like those ones who would do anything to sell you some chinese stuff by blabbering something or the other. As rest of India got discounts on the ex showroom, Bangalore was getting it on the OTR. It looked all very grey. But, like so many times already, destiny took the driver's seat once more. The prices were slashed further. A massive 75K discount on the ex showroom price. Quite a few great advises (from TeamBHP and the 'other'BHP especially @djay99 ) later and a few dozen emails to the Khivraj's GM later I had finally signed the booking amount's cheque on the 28th Feb and full payment one on 7th March for the, what the GM told, last green Z800 in India, till next batch comes in sometime next month, and was promised to be delivered by the 24th March. The buying process has been smooth thanks to the warnings from the owners and the early clarifications that I made sure of with the mighty Gmail (What would I do without Google I wonder ! ).

The Name, Roadbuster :
Roadbuster would be familiar to the earthlings who have been following 'THE TRANSFORMERS' for the Autobots or the Decepticons or Megan Fox or Rosie Huntington Whiteley (This Woman though ! Nope ! I am Not hitched yet !). The name suits perfectly. I love the Autobot and couldn't think of anything else. The jagged brutality, the Green mean fighter for the good side, the combative leader ! The brawny fighter ! The brawny agile Street Fighter !
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Roadbuster is Here, Almost !
Tomorrow is D - day and the wait is killing me from inside now. All ready ! All set ! Or Am I ? To give wings to my dreams ! It would be to live the dream as I would drive it from Indiranagar to BTM (Not quite the 'Open Road' ) . Even when I went for PDI of my Roadbuster, I did not have the sensation that it was mine, though it had a magical '1' on its ODO. Still felt like I was checking another TD bike. Don't know what emotions would I be subjected to tomorrow !

The day, the monumental day of in life that would finally have my very own name on a RC book, card these days ! The camera is ready, The new gear is on the hangar, The free OLA cab is booked is ready but I guess, I am not but I will be ! She did say 'Yes' at the end of the day !

Delivery Day 24:03:2015

As I told before, this will be the more practical part, nevertheless, a readable one, well hopefully.

The night before was painful ( "All the Interim is like a Phantasma" from 'Julius Caesar', the 10th standard text book rang in my ear vigorously) . After a crazy trip around BTM of 10 kms and, finally, finding a 20rs Allen Key, I was home. I couldn't read. I couldn't game. I couldn't listen to music. I couldn't do a thing. I was like a restless bull dog waging its tongue. Somehow it was midnight, the cake cutting took place, I grew and was closer to my death than ever before, saw my excuse of a face on the mirror a few times, laden with chocolate cake, and wondered ' Me ? !! Super Bike !!! Really !! Today ! Yeah Right ! Would probably wake up without 1 or 2 lesser than limbs tomorrow morning.' Had planned a leave for the delivery day long long back so stayed awake till 3:30 AM, after finding my camera charger at 3 AM and putting the camera in charge ! Phew ! and then went to the bed. I usually sleep like a log and it takes me as much time to sleep as Kim Kardashian takes to create a controversy. This was not an ordinary night. I turned and moved and wrestled my thoughts and finally managed to get some sweet slumber.

Morning came faster than ever. Was up quicker than ever. Soon I was on to my 'morning job' with the attention of a 6 week hungry owl perched on a branch as I was ready to click on the 'RIDE NOW' button on the OLA app as soon as a cab was available. Found one and it was to reach within 5 minutes. Dressed up, packed up, camera - check, helmet - check, new jacket - check, payment receipts with crazy number of digits - check, R15 keys - not needed, keep it back, Idiot ! You're getting late ! I leave from my house and realise I had forgotten my glove !!! Darn !!

Ola Man was great. A great guy. Talked about how corrupt people were spoiling out country and how people didn't have traffic sense creating traffic clogs and how some underpasses and flyovers would solve the Bangalore traffic situation ! Asked me whether I was receiving my bike from servicing and after knowing I was getting a new one, congratulated me and asked a few things and concluded it was better to get a Innova top end diesel version than a ZX14R ! He also told he enjoyed his sunday mornings on Kolar/Bellary road looking at zooming 'colored' bikes being ridden with jacket 'packed' people and making some great noise. Great man found right there and ride was free ! (Thank you freecharge ! ) And I was at the showroom at 1030 AM sharp as I had promised a day before to the GM of Khivraj.

I always knew, Khivraj would disappoint but to what extent I wondered. I had little or no expectation from them. As I entered a dark dungeon with green monsters all around !!! Oh ! Wait ! It was the showroom ! Their lights had gone poof ! No fan either. Sun god was probably getting his Z800 and seemed happy to roast the earth a bit ! Just because I always wanted to, I told ' I have come for my Z800' to the lady and handed over the receipts. The documents were stacked in a dull brown paper bag with no sign of Kawasaki on it. One of them, with a face that looked straight out of bed, grabbed the key and rode the bike up. I waited inside, controlling my desire to punch the guy in his face, take the keys off him and ride off ! I was then told, the number would need sometime to come as the 'guy' is waiting at the RTO for another 'guy' to come in and do the honors (When will they improve the way RTO works I wonder ! )

I went out with my camera and looked at her. Roadbuster, standing in all its glory, grabbing every passer by's attention without even batting an eyelid. She looked poised and waiting to take over the roads ! Bust the Roads Roadbuster !!! Not yet though, the number was not here. Another 15 minutes and the number had arrived. A green permanent marker did the honors with some illegible digits strewn around. The RC would take another 45 days and would be posted. The receipt, a flimsy toilet paper thin with stuff printed with n ultra modern dot matrix printer, would be the RC till then ! Checked the under-seat storage and there was no first aid kit ! He grabbed one quickly, the same one that used to there on my brother's first bike; the Pulsar 180; from the KTM showroom next to it and placed it. Well Bajaj deserves a place here with what they have done to the modern Indian bike scenario.

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2 bars on the fuel gauge, gleaming in the sun shine, shitty number plates on her and she waited patiently for my orders. The showroom took another picture for their 'memories'. Went into the dark showroom another time, told my thank yous, gifted them the box of ladoos and walked out with the key. One of theirs followed. 8 KM on the ODO, congratulations pouring in from the one who followed, I was ready to roll her ! Yes ! This was no more the TD bike ! This was mine ! A super bike under me ! A dream come true. A moment that puts a huge gash on the bucket list ! I turned her on and let her purr a couple of minutes and off I went ! Into the wide open tarma...Oh! Wait ! Office hours, Indiranagar traffic with little pot holes with evil faces ready to pounce on me. Made a quick navigation map in my brain about the route I need to take.
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Soon I was approaching M G Road ! Some more of the lovely traffic with the sun glaring down ! From there straight to Thirumala pit stop while parking Roadbuster amongst the humans in a little space. A cup of hot coffee spilled on my palms and got myself a green and white 'Kawasaki' key ring for 60 bucks ( Same retails for 150 on ebay !) Off I went again, to double road, lal bagh, Banerghatta road. All strewn with lovely Bangalore traffic with the sun still scorching the tarmac and everything on it with utmost ease. Soon I was approaching the trusted Indian Oil fuel pump to tank her up ! I realised how easy it was to ride the thing ! Through the traffic on the hottest day in Bangalore ! Cutting through holes, grabbing attention with only the looks and not the sound, making a bus full of little Bishop Cotton guys go crazy while shouting 'Ninja' ! Its all too easy for her. Kudos to the Japs though ! Tanked her up to the brim and a bit more, thanks to the awestruck guy who was fuelling her ! Some guy came in and started taking photos. Asked him to back off while fuelling as it was too much risk. Post fuelling, called him and gave him his chance to take the photo he wanted to. I know how it feels to look at superbikes, I know how the heart wants to take a picture with it or just touch it. Checked tyre and pressure and, for the first time ever in my experience, a showroom had delivered a bike with the exact suggested tyre pressure ! Kudos to Khivraj for that one ! Questions were asked regarding cost, mileage, top speed and CC and they were duly answered with a smiling face with slight adjustment to reduce the shocks !

Soon I was back home with a couple of biriyanis to celebrate her and a digit change in my age with my mom. The Biriyani guy looked super happy with the bike too. Wish he would pack in another piece of chicken maybe :P Parked her next to my trusted Prime (The R15) and my stable looked so much beautiful. neither looked out of place. Each made the other look more menacing. One was green and mad and ready for the kill. One was blue and serene and ready to take on every little thing with the accuracy of a surgeon ! Biriyani, bath, etc in home and I was back on the road as Sun god was slowly sliding down to sleep.
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I entered the little stickering shop, to the jaw dropped shock of the owner, and parked in front. Soon the superbike previlege was seen again, In return of a photo, I got my work done quicker ! All going fine when lightning struck and I started cursing lady luck and felt like someone had stabbed me with a ice cold knife. There was a nail ! In the lovely rear bridgestones ! Its head had turned and looked like it is resting deep inside. Limped her with a sad face to the 'punchure' shop. He took his pincer and pulled the nail out. A happiness, never before experienced, surged in me ! It was like I tripped against a rock and found the treasure of Tutankhamen ! The nail had broken and fallen off ! Only the head went in. No 'punchure' ! Soap water spray showed no bubbles ! Check the tyre pressure and it was a perfect 42 like the last time checked ! All was well ! Close shave but nevertheless, staying true to its name, Roadbuster had busted some road, rather some annoying stuff on the road !!!

Since I was really small, I had little or no belief in Gods and the superstitions that are associated with it ! I never found a reason why I should either !

Yet I wear 1 astrologer's ring and pray with my family and celebrate religious festivities. Am I a downright hypocrite then ! This is because my family wants me too and, for me, there is nothing above them. So, as long it doesn't harm me or anyone else and makes my family happy and satisfied, I would join in and enjoy. The bike had to go for 'pooja' as my mom wanted it to ! Yes it was painful to wait 1 hour, Yes I couldn't convince myself why I was wasting coconuts, lemons and flowers, Yes, nothing of what was done made any sense to me ! But everything did when I saw my mom grinning when she saw the neat chandan swastika on the fender and the little dots of sandalwood on the headlight and the meters. But, I must admit, it was painful to watch as the sandalwood marks were being carved into Roadbuster as she stayed calm and almost, told 'As You Wish Master !'

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Back home with Kawaswami Z800 :P and parked. Let it cool and put the fork protectors after that and covered her to sleep for the night !
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What a day it was ! The 27 kms that I clocked on the ODO in the rush hours traffic ! The almost puncture ! The everything ! Till yesterday, I wondered how many people are actually active on FB. And the notifications flooded ! Good wishes ! Warnings ! Dream come true statements ! Should have got a 4W instead ! Etc ! Etc ! Etc !

Indeed this was one of the very best days in my life ! A day that will not be forgotten ! The few hand-full days that we live and make memories. The ones that are etched in Gold in our memories ! The ones that flash in front of your eyes as you breathe for the very last time ! The ones that make a mark in the cycle of life !
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Welcome Roadbuster ! Let's have fun And apologies for yet another impractical part, straight from the passionate 27 year old heart of mine !

The Riding Experience !

Attention Grabbing Capabilities-

Well, since it is a naked, the attention grabbing capabilities are slightly lesser than a cruiser or a super sport. The exhaust notes under 4K rpm means hardly anyone will notice you as you whizz past them. The looks are a different scenario. They will grab dollops of unwanted attention. And the 'fat' rear tyres too. You could get away with parking at good places but not at your road side momo place.

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City - Horrendously Easy to cut through traffic. Indicators. not jutting out, helps. For sharper U turns, you would need strong and long pair of legs. There is absolutely no issues riding behind an auto. No sudden jerks of acceleration either. It is absolutely smooth and linear and that helps. Used a tank full of Indian Oil normal fuel that I used to use for my R15 and there is no sign of anything holding it back. New tank fill was done at SHELL. Bit of broken/dusty trails does not put it off either. Takes it in its stride like it was made to bust these roads ! Suspension is plush enough and the weight helps when you encounter irregularities on the road. Just avoid parking among public to avoid annoying people fiddling with the machine.

Just for information, I am using it as my office commuter for past week too. Absolute breeze, considering Bangalore is boiling and my commute is from BTM Layout to Yamlur (near Marthahalli) taking on all the horrendous traffic just like she does to open highway stretches. The sheer fun it is and fills you up with as you twist the throttle ever so slightly is unbelievable and I am still under 4K RPM restrictions till first 800kms.

Highway - Absolute hoot even though she is still in her break-in 'period'. If a car suddenly decides to accelerate and stop you from over taking as their ego was getting hurt, just dab the throttle, see the RPMs rise by 200-400 rpms and you would soon see the car in the RVM, which are not the best, on highways, as elbows are the most of the things that it shows.

Fuel Consumption. For the first fill, out of 235 kms, 50 was done in heavy bangalore traffic and rest 185 kms in the highways at 4-4.5K RPM with 2 bursts of 5.5K RPM.

Positives -
The engine and way it delivers power be it city or highway. They way the heat is taken away from the rider. The few heat shots that you get from the engine into your leg can be done away with by fitting the engine guard which insulates the heat from the leg. The thing cuts through traffic like butter. Tyres stick really well. Suspension is plush enough for decently broken roads. Ground clearance of 150mm means I am yet to scrape the bottom even with 2 up on the highway. Pillion felt comfortable on the seat. The clutch is comfortable enough, much better than most super bikes. The lights are great, maybe because I come from a stock R15 from 2008. The console looks right from the future.

The information on the console is pretty accurate and useful. I don't find any use of a gear indicator but some, who want/use that, would miss it.
The lights are very adequate for moderate speed rides. I really enjoy them especially that I come from a R15 headlights which are almost not there, in comparison.

The mirrors are great for city rides. You can spot exactly what is immediately around your back. Highway these turn into negatives.

Negatives -

The weight ! This is a relative problem. A person used to a RE won't feel much of a difference but one use to a Duke or a R15 will, with the engine not running. More than strength, what is needed from the rider, is long and strong legs, especially during U turns in little lanes in our cities. The switch for the horn is a little way off and I have found myself searching for it a few times. It is some distance away. The console would take sometime for someone to get used to. I struggled with reading the RPMs initially but changing the graphics helped that. The switches could have been a little lighter to be used with gloves easily. Maybe, with time, it will be.

The biggest negative, though, has to be the Sales and Service for Kawasaki in Bangalore, Khivraj motors ! They are the most incompetent lot I have seen in a long long time. A absolute debacle of a showroom and sales staff save a couple. A service center that would return you a scratched motorcycle. All very pathetic and probably the only reason one should think against a Kawaski but then again, seldom do we find good service in out country.
The Mirrors are not as useful on the highways as they are in the city since they do not show something that is a bit away from you, behind you.

Under-seat storage is very low. Maybe they could have used the beautiful front seat's underside for some more space. Maybe ! Maybe Not !

The Damage to the Wallet

Had put in a lot of effort in searching for ways to gather the moolah ! Found multiple options from multiple sources ! It was all very confusing !

Moolah Options I Found
1. Take what finance is being offered at the showroom if how much you are paying is not an issue for you and you travel from Goa to Lakswadweep in your own yatch.
2. Collect money. Give up on life for some time. Use FDs. Use trading if you are good at it. Pay the coins to the showroom and give that evil smile as they count on.
3. Take a finance of the minimum amount you have to, from a Nationalized bank. Vijaya bank, BTM was very willing to offer a loan with no extra charges at nationalized bank rates.
4. Find a better option yourself. I have heard of Tata Capital giving a loan at 7% daily reducing basis. I don't know how or what fine print awaits in the dark corner to eat you alive after some time.

Discount - A discount of Rs 50000 was running in India on the Z800 from Jan to March 2015. Bangalore started off with a difficult to comprehend Rs 50000 discount on the OTR initially but on being question multiple times by multiple people, it was updated to 75K on ex showroom price.

Booking Amount - They were charging Rs 80,000 from every one, but after all the conversations I had with their GM, I was asked to pay Rs 50,000.

Full Amount - This was paid almost 3 weeks before delivery date as I wanted to have it one the date mentioned any way. The leave was taken from work and all prepared. The GM arranged the last Z from the February import for me.

Insurance - A range of rs 10500 from NIC to Rs 21,000 from ICICI for a zero dep insurance for it were the options. After much thought, talks with service center and people using these already, decided on HDFC ergo, bought it online and saved a few thousands and this also does not have the 2 0 dep claims per year claim limit like ICICI.

Paperwork - A few forms at the showroom which is pretty easy. FORM20, later, needs to be verified properly for the correct specification of the bike, your details etc. Nothing much, a couple of autographs suffice. Get the receipts for every payment and record them as they might ask you for them during delivery. Warranty card will have the bill date and will reach by post within a week of delivery. Service book will have delivery date.

Gear - Well, I had a MT Revenge, DSG Nero, a Sector Knee guard and Scorpion gloves that I used with my R15 daily. New additions are ADVBreed jacket and Komine PK718 riding jean. Boots on their way. Till then I am using my high ankle tractor soled woodlands !

Front to Back,
1. R&G Fork Protectors - Black - from PRS, Mumbai
2. Evotech Radiator guard - Black - along with a black and green cover with elastic from BSS, Mumbai
3. Puig R12 frame sliders - Black - Retro Rides, Delhi
4. Kawasaki Engine Guards - Black/Grey -, bangalore - @djay99
5. Paddock Stands with dual support - G&A industries, Mumbai from FB
6. Tank Pad - Green One - Ebay for which I paid Rs 7 for around a couple of weeks it stayed and - Black One - Keiti from Orion Motors which is staying.

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Fuel -

First fill was IO from a company pump. Last 235kms till last bar. 185 on highways with little traffic and rest in very heavy traffic in bangalore office hours in top traffic congested areas. Refill was 11.8 litres to brim at SHELL, giving an average of around 20kmpl.
Still going on this fill and feels slightly better. A bit cooler and I can do even slower speeds in higher gears. Mileage indicator is suggesting 17.8 KMPL and all the riding has been in the city to my office,etc.

DO NOT OVERFILL FUEL !!! - There is a mechanism that makes the excess fuel drip off a little pipe along the side stand, when the bike is parked after the fill. People at the tanks often try to overfill to get round figures. Be vigilante to avoid that from happening else it is a bit nervy to see fuel drip from the bottom of your brand new machine ! That dollop of liquid on the floor is pure petrol !!!

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All this and so much more to come, to see, to leave and to make memories !

A Journey of a Lifetime Begins !
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Last edited by Sojogator : 9th April 2015 at 00:24.
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Old 7th April 2015, 00:13   #2
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Re: Houston, we have a situation! Roadbuster - my Kawazaki Z800 - is coming in

Let me be the first one to congratulate you Sojogator!!! Excellent review and you seem to have covered almost every point that I had a query on.

Front to Back,
1. R&G Fork Protectors - Black - from PRS, Mumbai
2. Evotech Radiator guard - Black - along with a black and green cover with elastic from BSS, Mumbai
3. Puig R12 frame sliders - Black - Retro Rides, Delhi
4. Kawasaki Engine Guards - Black/Grey -, bangalore - @djay99
5. Paddock Stands with dual support - G&A industries, Mumbai from FB
Could you please provide the breakup costs of the accessories you have installed :

The Name, Roadbuster :
Nice name!! I am waiting for my per monster (GodZilla) to come home!
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Old 7th April 2015, 01:26   #3
Join Date: Feb 2015
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Originally Posted by v12 View Post
Let me be the first one to congratulate you Sojogator!!! Excellent review and you seem to have covered almost every point that I had a query on.

Could you please provide the breakup costs of the accessories you have installed :

Nice name!! I am waiting for my per monster (GodZilla) to come home!
Thank you so much!

Naming was quick.

Ygpm with the details
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Old 9th April 2015, 01:08   #4
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Re: Houston, we have a situation! Roadbuster - my Kawazaki Z800 - is coming in

Thread moved from the Assembly Line to the Superbikes & Imports Section. Thanks for sharing!
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Old 9th April 2015, 06:48   #5
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Re: Houston, we have a situation! Roadbuster - my Kawazaki Z800 - is coming in

What a write-up! I could feel every bit of excitement you felt. As a biker, I can imagine the sheer joy of getting to own your first big bike. Hope to be there someday soon.

Ride safe! She is beautiful!

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Old 9th April 2015, 09:09   #6
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Re: Houston, we have a situation! Roadbuster - my Kawazaki Z800 - is coming in

Congrats on the Mean Green Monster! Had already read the entire thread on the 'other'Bhp
If I may ask, Do you use the bike for daily commute? How does the z800 live upto that?
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Old 9th April 2015, 09:19   #7
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Re: Houston, we have a situation! Roadbuster - my Kawazaki Z800 - is coming in

Congrats mate Sojogator on your new ride. Excellent write up and it reminded flashes of my earlier biking days.

Drive safe! Happy Revving and Touring.
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Old 9th April 2015, 10:39   #8
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Re: Houston, we have a situation! Roadbuster - my Kawazaki Z800 - is coming in

Originally Posted by Viju View Post
What a write-up! I could feel every bit of excitement you felt. As a biker, I can imagine the sheer joy of getting to own your first big bike. Hope to be there someday soon.

Ride safe! She is beautiful!

Thank you so much. Oh! Yes! Am I on the Cloud 9 since then or what

Originally Posted by trumpcard View Post
Congrats on the Mean Green Monster! Had already read the entire thread on the 'other'Bhp
If I may ask, Do you use the bike for daily commute? How does the z800 live upto that?
Haha ! Yeah ! More info here probably due to the 'stringent' rules and a lazy me with more time with Roadbuster.

Yes, I have been using it for daily commute. Infact, first 2 days was one of those (or two of those) traffic days in Bangalore when you just hope you reach your destination. The weather is blinding hot and temperature gauge has recorded a max of 102 degs. No heat felt on legs. A bit felt on the shoes but nothing shocking. I have had more heat waves on my R15 in this kind of heat. I don't see any negatives. I mean takes everything in its stride without a fuss. You could cut through like a Duke and by chance if you are feeling bored, just twist her and let her moan to turn your senses on

Originally Posted by VJ_MAVRICK View Post
Congrats mate Sojogator on your new ride. Excellent write up and it reminded flashes of my earlier biking days.

Drive safe! Happy Revving and Touring.
Sure thing ! And thanks for wishes !
Can't wait for revving. This break in period !!!

Last edited by Sojogator : 9th April 2015 at 10:44.
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Old 9th April 2015, 10:46   #9
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Re: Houston, we have a situation! Roadbuster - my Kawazaki Z800 - is coming in


Haha ! Yeah ! More info here probably due to the 'stringent' rules and a lazy me with more time with Roadbuster.

Yes, I have been using it for daily commute. Infact, first 2 days was one of those (or two of those) days in Bangalore when you just hope you reach your destination. The weather is blinding hot and temperature gauge has recorded a max of 102 degs. No heat felt on legs. A bit felt on the shoes but nothing shocking. I have had more heat waves on my R15 in this kind of heat. I don't see any negatives. I mean takes everything in its stride without a fuss. You could cut through like a Duke and by chance if you are feeling bored, just twist her and let her moan to turn your senses on

Sure thing ! And thanks for wishes !
Can't wait for revving. This break in period !!!
I can truly understand what you mean by that, I have a Similar experience on my Duke 390 which was recently bought!
Even with the Infamous Delhi Heat returning to its full glory I have been finding reasons to ride my bike and ditching the 4 wheels .
Cheers Bro

Last edited by trumpcard : 9th April 2015 at 10:48. Reason: touchscreen issues
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Old 9th April 2015, 11:10   #10
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Re: Houston, we have a situation! Roadbuster - my Kawazaki Z800 - is coming in

Originally Posted by trumpcard View Post
I can truly understand what you mean by that, I have a Similar experience on my Duke 390 which was recently bought!
Even with the Infamous Delhi Heat returning to its full glory I have been finding reasons to ride my bike and ditching the 4 wheels .
Cheers Bro
Well, i don't have a 4W yet anyways !
Can't wait to get the RC card with my name on it.
So either the my good old Prime or Roadbuster for my commute
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Old 9th April 2015, 15:28   #11
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Re: Houston, we have a situation! Roadbuster - my Kawazaki Z800 - is coming in

The console would take sometime for someone to get used to. I struggled with reading the RPMs initially but changing the graphics helped that.
Hi Sojogator, could you explain this in more detail? Is it possible to change the graphics or the RPM pattern on the console?
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Old 9th April 2015, 15:52   #12
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Re: Houston, we have a situation! Roadbuster - my Kawazaki Z800 - is coming in

Congrats Sojogator and that was one lovely writeup!

Wishing you that your good times are always on the roll. BTW, did you mean that the heat from the engine is well managed that it is comfortable even in BLR B2B traffic?
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Old 9th April 2015, 16:24   #13
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Re: Houston, we have a situation! Roadbuster - my Kawazaki Z800 - is coming in

Originally Posted by v12 View Post
Hi Sojogator, could you explain this in more detail? Is it possible to change the graphics or the RPM pattern on the console?
Yup. It is either of the 3. You can select it.
1. A surge of black horizontal lines filling up from bottom to the current RPM. Rest, above, is space.
2. A surge of white space filling up from bottom to the current RPM.Rest, above, is black.
3. A single black horizontal line at the current RPM

Originally Posted by man_of_steel View Post
Congrats Sojogator and that was one lovely writeup!

Wishing you that your good times are always on the roll. BTW, did you mean that the heat from the engine is well managed that it is comfortable even in BLR B2B traffic?
Thanks for the the wishes

Yup. I expected the heat to not allow me to ride it everyday, especially with weather, in Bangalore, making mercury go like a teenage guy would, at the sight of a victoria secret's angel show. Doesn't look like it will be the case.
BTW, I am in my office formals so no protection from thick pants or something. As I told, just the shoe portion feels a bit hot if the temperature goes very high. That too, you feel it when you start moving and the hot air gushes out. You would get some burns from the engine case but engine guards controls that too a great extent. I hear the heating reduces post 1st service/1000 kms. Let's see how that goes. Also, i am considering engine ice sometime in future. It claims a 10 deg fall I guess. Even it helps by 5, it will be end of all heating woes.
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Old 9th April 2015, 17:04   #14
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Re: Houston, we have a situation! Roadbuster - my Kawazaki Z800 - is coming in

Thought I will share some how-to s too.

Toggle RPM graphics/animation -

Hold down both the buttons for a few seconds with the key in ON position. It will start blinking. Toggle with bottom button and confirm by holding the two buttons again.

Toggle immobilizer-armed light -
By default, when you lock your handle and leave, a red light keeps blinking indicating that your bike is immobilizer armed. If you do not want it to keep blinking all day and night, you would need to do the following:
1. Turn ignition/engine on
2. Switch off.
3. Withing 20 secs, you need to hold both buttons above the left panel for a few seconds. This will switch off the light.

Repeat process to switch it on.

Reset Trip -
I remember the showroom guys struggling and making calls to reset the TRIP . It is as simple as holding down the bottom button for a few seconds.
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Old 10th April 2015, 12:53   #15
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Re: Houston, we have a situation! Roadbuster - my Kawazaki Z800 - is coming in

Congratulations Sojogator. Lovely write up and the Buster looks amazing. Wish you many happy and safe miles. Any exhaust upgrades planned for the future? I know its early days still.
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