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Old 18th September 2009, 12:02   #31
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Originally Posted by nitroxx View Post
My point is whatever anyone does for a living why would he have 6 of each???why not jaguar xkrs, Aston martins and more. And by the way i've noticed a trend where all these funky cars exist pretty much towards the punjab side. Does anyone have an idea as to how and why??? Is there a way out of taxes in that state?? And do containers with a particular BL get verified on the port for its original contents?? Does this place even have a port, pardon my Geography.

all I'm saying is there's an awful lot of money being thrown around openly there, and its pretty much visual. Hell if someone had this collection quality in Mumbai, he'd have a separate room built in his villa for IT officers to come visit.
Well, every car in the photos is sold through official dealers in Punjab, and AFAIK, only very few like the Q7 or 730Ld is an import.

ALL the cars I see in the pictures are sold through dealers, and need a PAN card while registering with the MVD. So let the ITO worry about that, let us not.

Further, look at the cars- S Class, E Class, Q7, A6, M3, 650i, 5series, 7series- each belongs to a different segment, so that explains why 6 each.

Excellent collection, excellent choice of colour, excellent taste!
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Old 18th September 2009, 12:04   #32
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Nice set of wheels. New gen 7 series in white is pretty gracious. 6 series and M3 stand apart. Looks like the family is in love with white color.
Kudos man!

Originally Posted by nitroxx View Post
My point is whatever anyone does for a living why would he have 6 of each???why not jaguar xkrs, Aston martins and more. And by the way i've noticed a trend where all these funky cars exist pretty much towards the punjab side. Does anyone have an idea as to how and why??? Is there a way out of taxes in that state?? And do containers with a particular BL get verified on the port for its original contents?? Does this place even have a port, pardon my Geography.

all I'm saying is there's an awful lot of money being thrown around openly there, and its pretty much visual. Hell if someone had this collection quality in Mumbai, he'd have a separate room built in his villa for IT officers to come visit.
Punjabi's make a lot of money buddy. It has nothing to do with taxes. They always live their life king size. They don't believe in making fix deposits, they believe in spending it.
And about astons and jaguars, its completely their choice what to buy and what not to.

Last edited by Dante : 18th September 2009 at 12:06.
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Old 18th September 2009, 12:06   #33
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Originally Posted by Yeldo View Post
Well, every car in the photos is sold through official dealers in Punjab, and AFAIK, only very few like the Q7 or 730Ld is an import.

ALL the cars I see in the pictures are sold through dealers, and need a PAN card while registering with the MVD. So let the ITO worry about that, let us not.

Further, look at the cars- S Class, E Class, Q7, A6, M3, 650i, 5series, 7series- each belongs to a different segment, so that explains why 6 each.

Excellent collection, excellent choice of colour, excellent taste!
Just because some of them are sold through dealers, doesn't mean they're not imports!
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Old 18th September 2009, 12:36   #34
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Huh!. Wow! too many exclamations, one for each car owned. Does your brother have a favourite among the 22 rides?
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Old 18th September 2009, 12:58   #35
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Nice collection, I'm sure he's more into the practicality quotient of his cars. I mean owning an M3 and the 650 which are everyday sports coupes means he could afford the Masseratis and the Porsches and the Aston Martins, but chose a more realistic approach.

So that makes him a collector beyond reproach. And yeah north India has a lot of nicer cars and collections than elsewhere. They love showing off their wealth, and it's highly appreciated too. Here in Mumbai the wealthiest of people can still be seen traveling the Mumbai local LoL
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Old 18th September 2009, 13:12   #36
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Originally Posted by DocG View Post
Nice collection, I'm sure he's more into the practicality quotient of his cars. I mean owning an M3 and the 650 which are everyday sports coupes means he could afford the Masseratis and the Porsches and the Aston Martins, but chose a more realistic approach.

So that makes him a collector beyond reproach. And yeah north India has a lot of nicer cars and collections than elsewhere. They love showing off their wealth, and it's highly appreciated too. Here in Mumbai the wealthiest of people can still be seen traveling the Mumbai local LoL

Do keep in mind that there is a Lamborghini and a Porsche on their way. At least the Porsche could be considered as an everyday sports car. But the words 'Lamborghini' and 'Practicality' are poles apart

Last edited by suhaas307 : 18th September 2009 at 13:20.
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Old 18th September 2009, 13:15   #37
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Originally Posted by suhaas307 View Post
Do keep in mind that there is a Lamborghini and a Porsche on its way. At least the Porsche could be considered as an everyday sports car. But the words 'Lamborghini' and 'Practicality' are poles apart
Well it's not here as yet. which goes to show the same thing. The owner has got practicality out of the way for his entire family. He can now take the risk of getting a highly impractical car.

Oh and about the Lambo, I have driven the old gen Gallardo spyder for an entire day around Mumbai, and it's not all that bad, just avoid large speed bumps, keep a keen eye out for large potholes. Other than that it was ok, apart from the feeling that your stones are about to fall off since you're manouvering your friend's 2cr + car around town
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Old 18th September 2009, 13:29   #38
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Originally Posted by DocG View Post
Well it's not here as yet. which goes to show the same thing. The owner has got practicality out of the way for his entire family. He can now take the risk of getting a highly impractical car.

Oh and about the Lambo, I have driven the old gen Gallardo spyder for an entire day around Mumbai, and it's not all that bad, just avoid large speed bumps, keep a keen eye out for large potholes. Other than that it was ok, apart from the feeling that your stones are about to fall off since you're manouvering your friend's 2cr + car around town
HAHA! The fact that modern Lamborghinis come with that button that raises the front end a few inches so that you can clear some bumps on the way also adds a hint of practicality. Not to mention, the optional reversing camera as well!
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Old 18th September 2009, 13:44   #39
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Originally Posted by suhaas307 View Post
HAHA! The fact that modern Lamborghinis come with that button that raises the front end a few inches so that you can clear some bumps on the way also adds a hint of practicality. Not to mention, the optional reversing camera as well!
lemme guess, the forthcoming porsche as well as the lambo are both going to be white in colour. and it'll look just perfect too.
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Old 18th September 2009, 13:59   #40
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Originally Posted by Tarz View Post member here. Just curious to know. Where did you and your buddy race your cars. What speeds did you guys hit...

Just friendly runs around town nothing serious Although we did hit close to our limiter on the speedo during a late night run with the sea-link completlyyy empty
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Old 18th September 2009, 14:11   #41
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Awesome collection. Now we know how BMW managed to exceed their sales targets! 6 in a family!
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Old 18th September 2009, 14:21   #42
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So his favourite colour's black then right? Nice cars. I'd have the M3 and leave
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Old 18th September 2009, 14:22   #43
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That's one awesome collection!

I wish I was the brother.

(To self: Need to save for a rear BMW! No more scale models!)
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Old 18th September 2009, 15:50   #44
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Originally Posted by smalhotra_93 View Post
Here are my brothers cars . He's presently living in ludhiana . In all , he has 22 cars which include 6 BMWs , 6 Audis , 6 Mercs and rest include innovas , monteros and camrys .
curiosity question. what car do you drive if your brothers got these in his stable?
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Old 18th September 2009, 15:52   #45
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Originally Posted by aniguchisan View Post
So his favourite colour's black then right? Nice cars. I'd have the M3 and leave
That M3 is almost sinful. I'd prefer it in white, just like this. With the exact wheels Ecks has on his. Infact, Ecks has the perfect M3 in the perfect colour, with the perfect wheels and the perfect exhaust setup.

Last edited by suhaas307 : 18th September 2009 at 15:57.
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