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Old 17th May 2015, 11:32   #1216
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

We suspect the driver of the BMW was drunk. The rider of the two-wheeler suddenly took a turn, causing the accident, but we are investigating further
This is from the DNA article, looks like the police will never tell us the real cause of this accident. I hope I am proven wrong by them.
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Old 17th May 2015, 13:04   #1217
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Originally Posted by ashwin.terminat View Post
The pictures suggest otherwise.

Usually, when people drive on the wrong side, they stick to their right.

So in this case, if the M3 was being driven correctly, the scooter would be on the left side of the M3. And the collision would also happen with the front left portion of the M3. And as is evident from the pictures, the left side of the M3 seems to have taken most of the brunt.

Highly unlikely that someone would drive a car, no less an M3 on the wrong side of the road and then stick to their left where chances of colliding with oncoming traffic is highest. This is the only way the car could be driving in the wrong direction and get impacted on the left portion. But if this is the case,
Actually, if you look at all the pics, you'll observe that the m3 was in the wrong side. Look at the pics where the car is down to ashes. The traffic, all of it is facing the same side of the road as the m3. Even the traffic in motion is the same. The bikes, the autowala. It seems it was indeed the m3 which was travelling at the wrong side.

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Old 17th May 2015, 15:28   #1218
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

seems to be on the same road as in AutoArmy's youtube video of this car. the building under construction is the same

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Old 17th May 2015, 18:43   #1219
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Such a sad sight. The problem arises as a lot of owners want to get the thrill these super cars give but our roads and infrastructure just are not built for driving these cars.

Owners need to be responsible and respect the limits of ours roads and not test the limits of these cars for their own thrill.

Last edited by kartavya : 17th May 2015 at 18:47.
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Old 17th May 2015, 19:44   #1220
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

If a mob set fire to the M3, I imagine that would have been a spontaneous reaction in the heat of the moment. In the initial pics of the M3 after the incident, I do not see any such angry mob. Setting the M3 on fire seems to be a well thought-out move.

The M3 is on the wrong lane, but I also noticed that the road changes from undivided 2-lane to 4-lane only a few metres further back. So I guess it is also possible that the M3 hit the scooter while on the 2-lane part (maybe during an overtake) and came to rest on the wrong lane.
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Old 17th May 2015, 19:51   #1221
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Apart from infrastructure deficit in our country, a big part of the problem lies in the inability of the vehicle user to understands the limits of the powerful machine he / she have purchased.

It is very easy to pin down the right pedal to the firewall, but what to do / how to react & control in case the machine hits a damp / oily patch and goes off into a potentially skid / understeer / oversteer etc; is a totally different ball game. Frankly speaking, you can kill yourself in a motorised bathtub also, if one is not sure of its limits!

Driver training & alertness was always considered to be the first bedrock in safe driving across the globe. Possibly in our country this is the only safety net which may help in mitigating / lessening or even avoiding a potential crash.

I sincerely wish the Government sets up a advanced car control driving course, at least across key metropolitan cities and it should be made mandatory at the time of getting a new licence and renewal of an old licence, for the licence holder to pay a reasonable sum and obtain a pass certificate from such institutes.
The whole administration and management can be outsourced to third parties for efficient functioning and management, (witness how nicely the Passport Seva Kendra's are working under TCS!)

In fact, if the Government is serious, it can easily pilot such an exercise in places like Chennai, Coimbatore and New Delhi, where tracks, (for a controlled environment) are already available.

Let's hope some day we may be able to see such things in our country.
End of the day, the most important part / component in a car is the person behind the wheel - the more educated he/she will be on the joys and perils of driving, the safer we will be.
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Old 17th May 2015, 22:48   #1222
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Oh my god , isn't this Ecks M3 ?

Let's not jump into conclusions and wait for the final report from the cops. We need to know first if the driver was drunk or not , second why was the M3 on the wrong side , third was the scooter taking a U-turn from the wrong side.
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Old 17th May 2015, 23:41   #1223
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

I love the scenarios where the immature driver dies from his own wrongdoings. Lots of young rich kids with fancy cars have perished from their lack of discipline.

But when innocents are involved, that's when it hurts the most !

I remember a few years back, a 22 yr old was gifted an F430 Scud by the father. The kid died the same night, the body was barbecued. Statistics show that some serious stuff is about to happen when young ones are gifted serious toys by successful baaps !
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Old 18th May 2015, 00:31   #1224
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by stanjohn123 View Post
Oh my god , isn't this Ecks M3 ?

Let's not jump into conclusions and wait for the final report from the cops. We need to know first if the driver was drunk or not , second why was the M3 on the wrong side , third was the scooter taking a U-turn from the wrong side.
Nope , not my car. This is insiderman's former car.
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Old 18th May 2015, 00:37   #1225
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Originally Posted by D33-PAC View Post
I remember a few years back, a 22 yr old was gifted an F430 Scud by the father. The kid died the same night, the body was barbecued. Statistics show that some serious stuff is about to happen when young ones are gifted serious toys by successful baaps !
What are you talking about ?! The owner of the country's only 430 Scud is alive and is a bhpian. You're mistaken mate.
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Old 18th May 2015, 00:57   #1226
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by A.K View Post
What are you talking about ?! The owner of the country's only 430 Scud is alive and is a bhpian. You're mistaken mate.
We're talking about different people then. The family I am talking about is about an NRI family living in USA. They are based in Georgia, USA I think.

On a lighter note, I am so happy to see via the pics uploaded the firefighters have some serious flame resistant clothing. Where I live firefighters are fighting fires in their khaki uniforms !
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Old 18th May 2015, 06:13   #1227
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by D33-PAC View Post
I remember a few years back, a 22 yr old was gifted an F430 Scud by the father. The kid died the same night, the body was barbecued. Statistics show that some serious stuff is about to happen when young ones are gifted serious toys by successful baaps !
OT -Yes they are based in GA, I know this accident location, it is a narrow 2 lane road. 18 year old boy was driving it @ 120mph, that is 200 kmph..

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Old 18th May 2015, 09:45   #1228
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

The guy who was involved in the accident is out on bail now.

Report from TOI.
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Old 18th May 2015, 10:22   #1229
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Supercar & Import Crashes in India

I do not know which side the m3 was on but I feel it must've been in a very high speed as it has broken the activa in two

Wouldn't happen easily I'm sure

So irrespective of whether he was on the right side or the wrong I feel he was at fault simply because of the speed
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Old 18th May 2015, 10:41   #1230
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by samyakmodi View Post
I do not know which side the m3 was on but I feel it must've been in a very high speed as it has broken the activa in two
I was informed that the M3 went into the wrong side at high speed and knocked of the biker and his pillion. They also mentioned he was under the influence of alcohol.

I also feel the last part of the article is a grey area.

Last edited by speedy : 18th May 2015 at 10:43.
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