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Old 26th November 2008, 22:25   #271
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Mini Cooper Spotted In Chennai

hi all,

I have been noticing a blue cooper at nungambakkam for the past ten days.I is parked in a apartment .the exact place is ,if you travel from aruna inn hotel towards loyola college you need to take left at the road end(after passing italica) and then take deep right turn for loyola?? just look at your left side from that spot.your eyes will not miss the blue mini.

It is also featured in this thread.dont know who is the owner,that apartment has a s class....and lot many cars parked.
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Old 9th December 2008, 09:16   #272
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LOL! The pic with the S-class and the Indica standing next to each other look like father and son!
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Old 9th December 2008, 09:39   #273
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@nickatnite: Something is written on the SLK 200 (2nd pic) do you know what it was?
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Old 9th December 2008, 09:42   #274
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Originally Posted by nickatnite View Post
Some import cars i have spotted in Chennai.
tht audi a4 used to belong to a guy in vv who now has the new v6 a4, a6, cayenne, s class...
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Old 9th December 2008, 14:10   #275
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Originally Posted by joshguy View Post
hi all,

I have been noticing a blue cooper at nungambakkam for the past ten days.I is parked in a apartment .the exact place is ,if you travel from aruna inn hotel towards loyola college you need to take left at the road end(after passing italica) and then take deep right turn for loyola?? just look at your left side from that spot.your eyes will not miss the blue mini.

It is also featured in this thread.dont know who is the owner,that apartment has a s class....and lot many cars parked.
yeah i have also seen the car last time when i was stuck in a jam that same place ....
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Old 10th December 2008, 09:45   #276
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Bentley Arnage

I will try and get pics of the cooper and the mazda in the apartment in nungambakkam.I have also seen a blue bentley arnage. It was going to the airport. got a nice set of pics.will upload once my computer gets alright.
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Old 10th December 2008, 12:03   #277
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Imports in kotturpuram

Apparently There is a shipping magnate in kotturpuram who owns quite a bunch of Imports. The list goes as Mustang, Jaguar xf, BMW 7 series and the likes.he stays in Ranjith road in kotturpuram. If anyone has access to these cars or sees them, please try and get some pics.
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Old 10th December 2008, 14:01   #278
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@charan23: If youre talking about Mr. Ranjith Pratap, I dont think he is into shipping but a ton of other things. I think its okay to divulge this owner as his cars are always doing the vintage and classic car circuits. I dont know about a Jag XF or 7 series, maybe they are new additions. Last I remember him have a Porsche Boxster S, Audi Q7, E Class or 5-series, some such sedan. The classics, he has a Red Mustang V6 Auto, an older Mini Cooper, a Beetle, A Morris Minor, A Jaguar Mark III, some Volvos, Fiats, an E28 or older 7 Series, And had a bunch of Mercs, a Studebaker, and other classics being restored. His estate is a fascinating place for car lovers with over 14 acres, numerous garages and his own team of mechanics constantly restoring cars.
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Old 10th December 2008, 14:19   #279
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Yes.the jaguar is a new had not been registered when i saw it a month you have any idea about who has a bentley arnage? i saw a blue arnage on the way to the airport.
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Old 10th December 2008, 15:05   #280
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Pics of a Bentley Arnage

These are the pictures of a bentley arnage i took near the airport.
Attached Thumbnails
Supercars & Imports : Chennai-image_1.jpg  

Supercars & Imports : Chennai-image_2.jpg  

Supercars & Imports : Chennai-image_3.jpg  

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Old 10th December 2008, 15:31   #281
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Originally Posted by BEEM3R View Post
@charan23: If youre talking about Mr. Ranjith Pratap, I dont think he is into shipping but a ton of other things. I think its okay to divulge this owner as his cars are always doing the vintage and classic car circuits. I dont know about a Jag XF or 7 series, maybe they are new additions. Last I remember him have a Porsche Boxster S, Audi Q7, E Class or 5-series, some such sedan. The classics, he has a Red Mustang V6 Auto, an older Mini Cooper, a Beetle, A Morris Minor, A Jaguar Mark III, some Volvos, Fiats, an E28 or older 7 Series, And had a bunch of Mercs, a Studebaker, and other classics being restored. His estate is a fascinating place for car lovers with over 14 acres, numerous garages and his own team of mechanics constantly restoring cars.
Why on earth did a guy with this kind of a car background go for a Boxter?
I can understand if a female in the family uses it but not otherwise.
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Old 10th December 2008, 15:55   #282
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Originally Posted by Jayabusa View Post
Why on earth did a guy with this kind of a car background go for a Boxter?
I can understand if a female in the family uses it but not otherwise.
Have you driven one ? It is one of the most balanced cars I have ever driven. Suggest you look beyond appearances/ perceptions
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Old 10th December 2008, 22:38   #283
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Originally Posted by ajmat View Post
Have you driven one ? It is one of the most balanced cars I have ever driven. Suggest you look beyond appearances/ perceptions
Am I the first one to comment on a car that I haven't driven?
If only the ones who have driven exotics were to comment on them, then this forum would have been accessed only by the classes(those who own them or have driven them) and not by the masses.
Have all those on the forum who have commented on the bad handling/ ride quality of American cars or given critical acclaim to certain luxury cars(MB, BMW, RR) or supercars(Lambos Ferraris, Porsche etc.)actually driven them?
A very minute segment has access to exotics/luxury cars and hence these cars are addressed to as exotics/luxury cars. People who don't have access to them, form their opinions based on what is shown and said on TV shows, magazines and by experienced senior/distinguished members on such respectable, civilised forums loved by one and all.
I don't think this site was founded with the intention of catering to a niche audience.
And sorry to say, I never expected this kind of a comment(especially the tone) from a Moderator and fellow member, whom I have tremendous respect for, which was built during my journey of more than 2 years as a Bhpian.

@Charan23: Awesome find and awesome pics. I like the Arnage, it's very stately but I find it's tail very hideous.

Last edited by Jayabusa : 10th December 2008 at 22:43.
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Old 10th December 2008, 23:51   #284
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I agree with Jayabusa on your comment Ajmat...

Yes it is an amazing car. Otherwise it wouldn't have the porsche badge on it. But at the same time, there are all kinds of other thoughts that go into a car's evaluation. And an almost equal thing to performance is the way the car looks. You can give me the best performance car that looks like a russian Lada and i wouldn't touch it (i used to have a modified russian lada about 6-7 years ago). Also, to most, the status involved with a car is very important too. And why not? If you are spending your money on a car, you might as well get the most out of it. After all why are we seeing so many Lambo's in india? The GT2 out does the entire Gallardo line up... Including the LP 560. and for more than £60,000 less than the LP 640 its only .2 seconds off. So i guess the bottom line is personal taste and what you're looking for.

But, having driven the Boxter and Cayman, i'd rather have gone for the Cayman. and the choice between a 911 and either of the two... there is no thinking that needs to be made (wallet permitting). I understand that if the person wanted a convertible, there is a large price diff in the 911 cab and the Boxter. Which is why he may have chosen the Boxter S. At the end of the day you can't do much with these cars on Indian Roads. And we dont have a track in most parts of India.
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Old 11th December 2008, 00:09   #285
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Originally Posted by liv2drv View Post
I agree with Jayabusa on your comment Ajmat...

Yes it is an amazing car. Otherwise it wouldn't have the porsche badge on it. But at the same time, there are all kinds of other thoughts that go into a car's evaluation. And an almost equal thing to performance is the way the car looks. You can give me the best performance car that looks like a russian Lada and i wouldn't touch it (i used to have a modified russian lada about 6-7 years ago). Also, to most, the status involved with a car is very important too. And why not? If you are spending your money on a car, you might as well get the most out of it. After all why are we seeing so many Lambo's in india? The GT2 out does the entire Gallardo line up... Including the LP 560. and for more than £60,000 less than the LP 640 its only .2 seconds off. So i guess the bottom line is personal taste and what you're looking for.

Not to deviate from the mod bashing here. The 560 is faster and maintains a good length over the GT2 in a drag race and would also do so on normal road conditions ( E gear vs 6 speed) ... On the corners too , unless one is an extremely good driver and can control the GT2 , it would not out do the LP560.
As for you comments on the 0 - 62 mph for the Lp640 and the GT2.. If the 560 can take it , then I won't even come near the 640.

See the Top gear video of the race between the Gt2 and the Lp560 for more info.

Rest all of what you said is logical.
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