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Old 13th September 2010, 11:53   #31
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Originally Posted by airguitar View Post
@hvk : believe it or not, while you posted your response, I was doing that stretch ( atleast partly ) : Dandeli -> Ganeshgudi -> Supa backwater -> Londa -> Khanapur -> Bidi -> Haliyal -> Dandeli : was absolutely awesome ( will write a travelogue soon ) with jackals squatting on the roadside ( esp near Ganeshgudi !).

Also happened to do the Dandeli->Ulavi cross-> Anashi -> Kadra -> Sadashivagad-> Honnavar -> Jog yesterday. Again , a very beautiful and exciting drive. The sore-point really was the bad stretch for a few kms after Anashi. Likewise, quite a few stretches of NH-206 b/w Honnavar and Jog were disappointing. Although picturesque, painful potholey stretches. Has it always been like this or is it due to the rains ( knowing the Bangalore -> Jog stretch , I expected the Honnavar->Jog stretch to be comparable )
Really exciting stuff! You seem to have run all over the mountains in the Dandeli region and seen the bes of them. Looks like the Anshi-Kadra route is in good condition! The last time someone drove on it a few years ago, he almost broke his suspension.
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Old 13th September 2010, 12:34   #32
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Originally Posted by hvkumar View Post
Looks like the Anshi-Kadra route is in good condition! The last time someone drove on it a few years ago, he almost broke his suspension.
Nah : 4-5 kms after Anashi is still very bad, but doable ( but it may not break the car's suspension but our own suspension aka backbone if > First Gear ). One of those stretches where pedestrians should walk on portions where the road once was while the cars should stick to the pedestrian-path at the sides of the road. But thankfully, only a small stretch is bad.

Here's the deal : If one's going from Dandeli to Anshi : the stretch right after Kumbarwada to a few kms after Anashi is still very bad ( and best when avoided ). From the Ulavi road, you restrict the bad stretch to about 4-5 kms after Anashi, and should be the preferred road.
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Old 13th September 2010, 12:51   #33
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I shall let the picture do the talk,
Somewhere between Siliguri and Darjeeling.

I have never enjoyed riding anywhere more than this, It was a joy and I was playing with 2nd & 3rd gear(3rd maxes out at 90kmph) and the sound reverberating through hills added to the fun.
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Best/ Worst Roads you have ever driven?-dscn0044.jpg  

Best/ Worst Roads you have ever driven?-dscn0091.jpg  

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Old 14th September 2010, 14:29   #34
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