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Old 20th June 2011, 12:27   #376
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Re: Hinjewadi Traffic Issues

Check out the mess today. Police were enforcing the "right of way" thing today really well. Best part is , those morons were made to wait till the traffic in the correct part of the road thinned out before they could merge back. A large number were made to turn around too!
Great work PSI Barve , and another traffic warden whose name I couldnt catch!

Hinjewadi Traffic Issues-image129.jpg

People being made to turn around :

Hinjewadi Traffic Issues-image130.jpg

All the cars in this photo were on the wrong side, being made to turn around

Hinjewadi Traffic Issues-image131.jpg

Mr. White 800 was arguing with the warden (standing next to the beige OHC) , presumably because of being asked to turn around and head in the right direction.

Hinjewadi Traffic Issues-image132.jpg

Sad thing is,even people with company i-cards were seen arguing with the warden for stopping them after coming from the wrong side .
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Old 20th June 2011, 13:20   #377
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Re: Hinjewadi Traffic Issues

Originally Posted by sajo View Post
Check out the mess today. Police were enforcing the "right of way" thing today really well. Best part is , those morons were made to wait till the traffic in the correct part of the road thinned out before they could merge back. A large number were made to turn around too!
Great work PSI Barve , and another traffic warden whose name I couldnt catch!
Woo hoo!! Great work there, I hope they continue to make these morons pay in terms of time. This could very well be the best education they received. I am so glad just looking at the pics; I am sure you would have been very pleased to witness this!

In fact in Pune, the dividers should be omnipresent so that no one is able to cut across from the wrong side.
Fortunately though I havent seen such driving/ behaviour on city streets. Perhaps because traffic is flowing (or dripping) in all directions!
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Old 20th June 2011, 13:36   #378
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Re: Hinjewadi Traffic Issues

Originally Posted by sajo View Post
Check out the mess today. Police were enforcing the "right of way" thing today really well. Best part is , those morons were made to wait till the traffic in the correct part of the road thinned out before they could merge back. A large number were made to turn around too!
Great work PSI Barve , and another traffic warden whose name I couldnt catch!

Mr. White 800 was arguing with the warden (standing next to the beige OHC) , presumably because of being asked to turn around and head in the right direction.
@sajo - What time was this? I would have loved to see people having to take the U-Turn to go from the correct side. It would have given me immense pleasure.

Mr.White must be trying his luck convincing the warden that he has some urgent meeting to attend
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Old 20th June 2011, 13:41   #379
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Re: Hinjewadi Traffic Issues

This is the only way to punish those immensly busy IT folks.
We (rules abiding), IT folks seem to have all the time in the world to follow traffic rules.
To make the punishment stricter, make these educated morons wait for 20 mins, then make them take the Uturn and head in the correct direction.
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Old 20th June 2011, 13:51   #380
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Re: Hinjewadi Traffic Issues

This is heartening. The wrong-side driving near HJW chowk is getting really dangeous now.

This morning I saw an Indica emerge out of a gate and immediately turn right into oncoming traffic. Since it's against the flow of peak-hour traffic, it was lightly moving (towards Wakad) but still there were a few buses, bikes etc. coming. Now this smart Indica guy is driving on the extreme right of the road and suddenly realises that there is a lane of wrong-movers but it's on the LEFT side of the wrong lane (picture may help! )

Name:  HJW accident.png
Views: 584
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So you have cars zooming in the left-right trying to block the guy who is on the right-right and all the time the oncoming traffic is tryin to avoid BOTH these morons and almost got hit themselves, for absolutely no fault of theirs!

It was really amusing to see the righteous indignation of the guys in the "correct" lane of the wrong lane shaking fists and blocking the lone "wrong" guy. I wish I had a camera!
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Old 20th June 2011, 13:56   #381
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Re: Hinjewadi Traffic Issues

Originally Posted by selfdrive View Post
I am so glad just looking at the pics; I am sure you would have been very pleased to witness this!
Yep, pleased I was. And you are right, people do not violate rules so blatantly in the city (most of the times.). And in such large percentages.

Originally Posted by amitwlele View Post
@sajo - What time was this? I would have loved to see people having to take the U-Turn to go from the correct side. It would have given me immense pleasure.
This was after 10.30. Actually I was stuck in traffic for well over half an hour.
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Old 22nd June 2011, 15:36   #382
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Re: Hinjewadi Traffic Issues

Didn't see anyone going the wrong way today.

But a bike rider behind me who slowed down due to a pot hole in front of KPIT office got hit from a Innova. Poor chap.

Also saw the new road being constructed from Phase 1 (Blue Ridge) towards Balewadi. But that's another 2-3 years (IMHO) since the river bridge is under construction.
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Old 24th June 2011, 15:29   #383
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Re: Hinjewadi Traffic Issues

For the first time today, I saw a PMPML bus heading from Kothrud towards Hinjewadi. Predictably, it was completely empty, given the time :12.30pm.
Why the huge inertia by PMPML in studying the market a bit, and then launching AC buses at the right time?
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Old 28th June 2011, 09:47   #384
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Re: Hinjewadi Traffic Issues

Did anyone get stuck in the jam on the kalakhadak exit (MyCar). I was standing still, no movement whatsoever, for over 20 minutes. Once the traffic started moving, there was no evidence of what caused it. This around 8:30-40 in the morning today.
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Old 28th June 2011, 11:16   #385
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Re: Hinjewadi Traffic Issues

^^MMXylo: You come way too early to office man! Dont do this .

The traffic conditions seem to be improving a bit. Lately, I've seen people following the right directions. Of course, there are nuts who still use the wrong way.
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Old 28th June 2011, 11:22   #386
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Re: Hinjewadi Traffic Issues

How to maintain lane discipline on Hinjewadi Roads ?

- In my experience, the middle lane moves considerably faster than the rightmost lane, no idea why this happens, but it does.
- Instead of a single middle lane , there are two middle lanes most of the times, and even 3 middle lanes, provided vehicles are at an angle to each other. Which they are, more often than you think.
- If i stick to the middle of middle lane, I am staring at the backs of two cars side by side. Not to mention being cursed by motorists behind me.
- Sticking to the left most lane sucks too, because 101% of the time, there will be idiots trying to squeeze in from your left (left side of the leftmost side) and will try to merge into the left lane if there is an obstruction in their path as if we dont exist.
- Right most lane does give you the satisfaction of sticking to your lane, but it also means you will take almost 50% more time to cross the main road.

Pray, is there a way out of this ?

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Old 28th June 2011, 12:30   #387
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Re: Hinjewadi Traffic Issues

Originally Posted by sajo View Post
How to maintain lane discipline on Hinjewadi Roads ?

- In my experience, the middle lane moves considerably faster than the rightmost lane, no idea why this happens, but it does.
- Instead of a single middle lane , there are two middle lanes most of the times, and even 3 middle lanes, provided vehicles are at an angle to each other. Which they are, more often than you think.
- If i stick to the middle of middle lane, I am staring at the backs of two cars side by side. Not to mention being cursed by motorists behind me.
- Sticking to the left most lane sucks too, because 101% of the time, there will be idiots trying to squeeze in from your left (left side of the leftmost side) and will try to merge into the left lane if there is an obstruction in their path as if we dont exist.
- Right most lane does give you the satisfaction of sticking to your lane, but it also means you will take almost 50% more time to cross the main road.

Pray, is there a way out of this ?

This depends on which part of the road you're talking about.

1. On the Wakad Bridge (one over NH), its always faster to take the left lane. Why ? There are always autowallahs, cab drivers and even idiotic "educated" IT peeps, not to forget bikers, take the wrong lane at the bridge and then force entry into the right lane at the bottom.

2. Same occurs at the Hinjewadi signal (where you take left for Infosys circle). Errant drivers take the wrong side and enter at the signal or just before, again slowing down the rightmost lane.

At both these points, there is a small problem though : If you're getting off the bridge from the left lane, you suddenly find yourself in the middle of 3 lanes and are pinched from both sides. The same thing happens at the Hinjewadi signal as well. Buses from the left most lane and cars from the right lane will pinch you, so you have to be careful not to get a nice little scratch on your car from either side.

I always take the left lane on both the bridge and the signal though and stick to it, saves me a lot of time.

EDIT : Saw a ford figo Titanium on friday near the Hinjewadi signal with T-Bhp stickers plastered all over. Identify yourself over here, soldier !

Last edited by PuntoMania : 28th June 2011 at 12:33.
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Old 28th June 2011, 12:39   #388
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Re: Hinjewadi Traffic Issues

PuntoMania , I join from the NH4 onto the Hinjewadi main road while coming in. The reason I stick to the middle or the right most lane because I have to head straight from the signal (and not take a left towards Infy PH1).
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Old 28th June 2011, 13:29   #389
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Re: Hinjewadi Traffic Issues

While coming from Phase 2,

1. Best to stick to right lane at the Wipro roundabout. Merging traffic from Infosys side + pedestrians + vehicle stopped to pick up people will make progress slow on left lane
2. Left lane as you go past the BP pump. Broken road on the rightlane slows down traffic.
3. Left lane at the Advinus 'T'. Traffic taking a right to phase 1 stops and piles up.
4. Right lane on the Kalakhadak underpass to join NH4. You can go under NH4 using incoming lanes and merge into the ramp. This is permitted by the traffic police.
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Old 28th June 2011, 13:29   #390
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Re: Hinjewadi Traffic Issues

Originally Posted by PuntoMania View Post
EDIT : Saw a ford figo Titanium on friday near the Hinjewadi signal with T-Bhp stickers plastered all over. Identify yourself over here, soldier !
If it was black with awesome alloys, it is anilisanil.
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