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Old 14th February 2010, 00:34   #1
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Hit & Run case on Sarjapura (near Agara Guy was not moving)

Tonight i went to my friends place near Belandur with my family. I was returning towards silk board and saw a guy lying on the road, after Agara, where road is now narrow due to construction work. I saw other cars/bikes in front of me slowed down and passed. Time was around 11.50PM on 13th Feb 2010.

I stopped my car with hazard on, since road was narrow others were forced to stay. Guy was bleeding profusely. His helmet lying and his head hit road and blood flowing on the road. @ two wheeler guys came and i asked to call the patrol police and i called 108. But before 108 arrived , other ambulance came and police also reached. I asked them to stop the bleeding first, but they just put him on stretcher and sped towards hospital, heard that took him to apolo not 100% sure though. There were 2 more IBM employees reached and they were calling their office.

Concern is the guy was motion less.

I lift his helmet, which was lying on the road and observed it was very light and old one and probably he did not strap it, not sure though. If his helmet was intact he would not have bleeding.

No picture, i di not have time neither feel good to take any pictures. May be i could have been done more, hell i did not even put any clothes on his head to stop bleeding. My son was crying, so i was feeling lttle uncomfort to pick him up.

May be god sent a wrong person(me) to save him.

Last edited by akas_chauhan : 14th February 2010 at 00:35.
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Old 14th February 2010, 00:42   #2
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Dude, Come on. You did what best you could. You at least tried getting help.

I totally appreciate your efforts. May your tribe grow.
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Old 14th February 2010, 00:52   #3
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You can only do what you're capable of and what comes to your mind. There are so many situations where the mind goes point blank and refuses to work. Atleast we know that an ambulance came and took him off to an hospital. Say a prayer for the gentleman and put the rest in the god you believe.
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Old 14th February 2010, 00:56   #4
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Well done akas_chauhan !

Though it is tragic and I feel for the injured man, I am glad to note that the others did not start blaming you at the drop of a hat.

I have a friend who along with other members of his family never used to shy away from accident victims untill they ran into a couple of incidents where the police and victim's kin tried to ensnare them as the perpetrators of the accidents. Harrowing experiences and now even though it torments them they think a million times before getting involved.

As swift8847 said may your tribe grow and also may the police & public at large not cut the hand that is extended to help.
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Old 14th February 2010, 09:25   #5
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akas_chauhan: I think you did what you could. Probably would have done more if the ambulance hadn't come right then.

I don't know why the ambulance may have taken the victim to Apollo when Greenview would have been right there in the vicinity.

I have seen that in Bangalore it takes at least one concerned/courageous person to walk up to the spot in order for others to show their concern. As you may have noticed once you are with the victim others will walk up to you and ask you if you know what happened.

By the way, do you think the guy fell because of all the dug up roads in that area?

Originally Posted by khoj View Post
I have a friend who along with other members of his family never used to shy away from accident victims untill they ran into a couple of incidents where the police and victim's kin tried to ensnare them as the perpetrators of the accidents. Harrowing experiences and now even though it torments them they think a million times before getting involved.
Having grown up in Bombay, I am proud that what you mention seldom happens in Bangalore.

Once a crowd collects, usually everyone tries to defuse the situation be it a nick or a crash. Same applies to the cops too. It is just that sometimes Bangaloreans are reluctant or lack courage to handle medical emergencies.

Not to say that Bangalore cops are saints and won't lose an opportunity. It is just that they will try to get money later at the police station when the owners come to get their vehicles.

Last edited by Dippy : 15th February 2010 at 09:49. Reason: Back to back posts. Please use the edit function if posting within 20 minutes of your earlier post.
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Old 15th February 2010, 01:56   #6
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I went to apolo hospital today and what i heard is that victim was dead bay the time he reached hospital. It somehow broke my heart, though i was expecting the same.

Actually the ambulance reached there was not the ambulance which i called, it was going to attend some other patient, but stopped and picked this accident victim as they came across this accident victim enroute.
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Old 15th February 2010, 03:23   #7
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Sad to hear this news, it will be good share some quick thoughts what we can do in such situations, I have been twice in that situation, 5 years back when I was driving to office on saturday in my friends bike, noticed a old person is lying on the road side (near Ionidea), I went passed but came back and saw man was frothing and got fits, I tried park by bike near him and given bike keys to hold....I tried to stop the passing vehicles but atleast 10-15 vehicles didnt stopped including my company cab, then one private qualis person stopped and immediately came to help with car tools for person to hold. Then man told he came to Shridi hospital for his treatment from bellary. I gave 100 bucks and asked person in qualis to drop him as he was going that way.....its very tough situation and really presence of mind is very important. much appreciated your help in this situation. Agara stertch is really horrible and it will be same till flyover comes up.
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Old 15th February 2010, 06:04   #8
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@akas_chauhan - What you did, that too when you'd your Son with you is really appreciatable. But what you did again, went up to the hospital was something that very very few people would do. As a matter of fact, I myself wouldn't do that because each time I come across such a situation or hear something like this, I'll be left in a very bad state of mind ruining my day(s) & others around me.

A few days back when I read about an accident of our fellow TBHPian, I was left in a very bad state of mind that entire day & it took about a day or two for me to settle down.

Feel yourself proud for what you've done or atleast I'm happy for what you did.
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Old 15th February 2010, 06:22   #9
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truly sad. in an accident case where the victim is hurt it is better for regular lay people not to attempt to move him/her on account of possible internal injuries.
better that paramedics/ ambulance service people are the only ones to attempt to move the patient.
at the same time, here in India we have no proper care facilities easily available. and our attitude to lives is very callous.
sorry to hear such an incident.

Last edited by Rudra Sen : 15th February 2010 at 07:47.
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Old 15th February 2010, 07:15   #10
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Hey man you did what you could. Great job. Like someone said we need more of your kind.
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Old 15th February 2010, 10:50   #11
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Don't be too hard on yourself Akas. You at least did the humane thing under the circumstances. Read in the paper today that he was survived by his wife and a small kid.

Our hurry to save the odd minute or two is costing us a lot of lives.

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Old 15th February 2010, 11:56   #12
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This unfortunate accident is reported in today's paper (read it in The Hindu).

Most likely the offender would be a BPO cab, they are notorious for driving fast & recklessly late nights.
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Old 15th February 2010, 12:12   #13
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Originally Posted by aargee View Post
A few days back when I read about an accident of our fellow TBHPian, I was left in a very bad state of mind that entire day & it took about a day or two for me to settle down.
That was me you were referring to.
Even I had an accident. But for me there was someone like you who helped me to reach the clinic for the first aid before the police/ambulance came.Even you did the same thing.You helped AFA you could.cheer up now.
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Old 15th February 2010, 15:14   #14
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akas_chauhan, I think you did the best you could in those circumstances (especially since your son was with you, and crying).

I think in many countries, law necessitates that anyone around in a hit-and-run case provide the necessary help to the victims.
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Old 16th February 2010, 16:37   #15
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Originally Posted by khoj View Post
I have a friend who along with other members of his family never used to shy away from accident victims untill they ran into a couple of incidents where the police and victim's kin tried to ensnare them as the perpetrators of the accidents. Harrowing experiences and now even though it torments them they think a million times before getting involved.
This has stopped now. Infact, if you report or help a person who has faced some kind of mishap on road, police thanks you with a smile. Which is very very rare.

Lets be optimistic. I don't understand, how could people face the mirror after passing by without help.
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