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Old 11th January 2010, 18:37   #1
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Is there something called "Two Wheeler Lane" on the ECR ?

I was doing a Motorcycle ride along the ECR yesterday. I don't like the ECR for many reasons one of them being the overtaking vehicles from the opposite direction. This being a two lane highway, all of the vehicles tend to center themselves until they see an approaching vehicle from the other direction.

Sadly, most of the speed kings on this road are the individual car owners. Worst of all, most of them simply don't care about the vehicles on the other direction. They just turn on their headlights and start overtaking. How do they expect the vehicles from the opposite side to yield ?

The worst impacted are obviously the motorcycles. Some of the overtakers do step back when they see a car or a bigger vehicle approaching but when they see something on two wheels, they don't give a damn.

I showed my finger to at least 15-20 cars who overtook from the other side without bothering about me approaching. Every time, I was pushed to shoulder of the road. Then there was this innova who did a double overtaking from the other side and he was just inches away from me when he passed.

One Indica taxi who was watching me from behind, came a little close to me and said, "Hey, use that two wheeler lane. Nobody will care about two wheelers on this road". He pointed to the shoulder of the road as he said that.

All that I could do was

1. Why two wheelers cannot use a lane exclusively ?

2. Why everyone's Ego boosts when they something on two wheels going faster than them ?

3. Why is the shoulder of the road called the two wheeler lane and why they don't understand that shoulders are used only in emergencies ?

The "Shoulder" I'm referring to is the part of the road beyond the yellow line on our left hand side.
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Is there something called "Two Wheeler Lane"  on the ECR ?-ecr.jpg  

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Old 11th January 2010, 21:57   #2
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The shoulder doesn't seem like its made for vehicles to be driven on.With a cobblestone like setting,if there's one stone that sinks a little, or pans upwards it could be absolute disaster if some biker were to hit that spot.
And with a solid yellow line, isn't overtaking prohibited?
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Old 12th January 2010, 12:02   #3
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Its the shoulder of the road all right...

But on ECR, Cabs will use or force you to use the shoulder...

Lets hope ECR gets 4-laned soon..

If the toll goes too (now extended till march '09), then its going to be one heck of a congested road..
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