Team-BHP - Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

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I am from Chennai, Adayar (living here from 2006 onward).


Originally Posted by headers (Post 2597913)
Rule #1: No overtaking from the left side

Doesn't work when everyone is in the right-most lane irrespective of speed of travel. At the end of the day, if you are on the left lane, you have to deal with people coming in from side lanes without slowing down, buses and auto's stopping without indicating and other things that generally slow people down (a phenomenon that Indians can't seem to bear). This causes everyone to drive on the right lane, forcing others to overtake from the left.


Live streaming of traffic planned

New traffic police website to help motorists plan their routes better

The Chennai City Traffic Police is in the process of designing a new website on which it plans to stream live the traffic flow at 100 intersections. It will also instal cameras for the purpose at the junctions.

Part of the Integrated Traffic Management System that will be put in place within a few months, the real-time video feed will allow motorists to ascertain the level of congestion on arterial roads in the city.

The website will also feature a slew of other citizen-centric measures, such an online payment gateway for settling fine and an integrated complaint management system. “The public forum on the website would be completely integrated with the CCTP's Facebook and Twitter accounts,” said Sanjay Arora, Additional Commissioner of Police - Traffic (incharge). The website would also display real-time availability of parking slots along major roads and next to prominent landmarks.

Once next-generation Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras are installed at the 100 junctions, registration plate details of vehicles that violate traffic rules would be automatically captured and digitally logged along with a picture. The system would then identify the address of the offender from a database of vehicle registration certificates. Fine can be paid at any police station, at service centres that are set to come up, or through any of the 200 e-challan systems that are deployed every day.

“We are planning to equip some policemen with portable cameras to monitor offences in between the junctions. Eventually, the entire process of enforcement – from recording a traffic offence to fine payment – would be digitised. All these measures are part of our push towards evidence-based enforcement,” Mr.Arora said.
Apart from cameras, Variable Message Signboards and public interface systems are also set to be installed in all the 100 junctions. “The traffic signals would be equipped with a microphone and a pinhole camera. Anyone can press a button and talk to control room,” he said.

Terming the Integrated Traffic Management System, which is expected to cost Rs.150 crore over the next five years, as a quantum leap in policing, Mr.Arora said: “It will integrate all our activities – enforcement, traffic regulation, prioritising movement of emergency services and public outreach.”

(For 20 Characters)

Today morning, I was on the way to office (yes!! on a Sunday :Frustrati) at around 8:30am on the new road connecting GST road and Velachery (on the MRTS line). Proceeding towards Velachery, I had just crossed the Madipakkam main road near Vanuvampet when I heard a screeching sound in the opposite direction and people converging at something.

Only then I saw a toppled Tata Indica cab. By the time, I took a U-turn and reached that place, there were quite a few people surrounding the cab and the driver (luckily, the only person in the car) had come out of it by himself pushing the door. By the look of his face, I could easily say that he was shell-shocked. We sort-of comforted him and asked him if he is okay.

This is what has happened (as told by the driver himself): Just as he was taking a turn, his mobile phone had slipped out of his hand and had fallen in the leg-space area. He had tried to take it as he was driving itself and in the process has lost the control of the car. The car went straight into the debris which is kept just under the MRTS line and had toppled.

Classic example of lost control meaning never had proper control.

Mobile in one hand? Trying to steer around around a turn with one hand? Bothering about the phone falling on the floor while driving, even while taking a turn?

Truly :Frustrati


Originally Posted by callvvijay (Post 2606993)
Today morning, I was on the way to office (yes!! on a Sunday :Frustrati) at around 8:30am on the new road connecting GST road and Velachery (on the MRTS line). Proceeding towards Velachery, I had just crossed the Madipakkam main road near Vanuvampet when I heard a screeching sound in the opposite direction and people converging at something.

Only then I saw a toppled Tata Indica cab. By the time, I took a U-turn and reached that place, there were quite a few people surrounding the cab and the driver (luckily, the only person in the car) had come out of it by himself pushing the door. By the look of his face, I could easily say that he was shell-shocked. We sort-of comforted him and asked him if he is okay.

This is what has happened (as told by the driver himself): Just as he was taking a turn, his mobile phone had slipped out of his hand and had fallen in the leg-space area. He had tried to take it as he was driving itself and in the process has lost the control of the car. The car went straight into the debris which is kept just under the MRTS line and had toppled.

Vijay, i was on the same road at around 10:15 this morning and was seeing a two wheeler guy on full throttle with mobile on one hand driving as if the roads are totally empty. I was expecting that guy to be a trouble maker today. Luckily he escaped.


mobile on one hand driving as if the roads are totally empty. I was expecting that guy to be a trouble maker today.
I usually wave to just get the guys attention and see if that works. Else its a disaster waiting to happen.

And i may sound rude but i really dont have any pity for these guys if they fall or meet with an accident. I will try to beak my conscience to not help if i see some one meet with an accident but it may not work. But will try hard to resist helping these morons.

Does someone who has decided to use their phone while driving, whether car or bike, is respond to questioning that behaviour? Unless it is by a policeman, and even then, the response is not, "I'm doing wrong," but, "I should not get caught."

I don't even approve of my wife using the phone when I'm driving! I tell her that I find it very distracting, and that also it makes me feel like a taxi driver!

Checked out a site "sabkatraffic" dot com yesterday. They claim to give real time traffic updates. Also having mobile apps for BB and Android. I haven't really tried to know how the updates are changing real time. Not sure if it is crowd sourced "alone" or what else is the input for them. They have FB and Twtr pages. Apps have some incident reporting features. Did not find it much useful as of now. will wait and see.
For now, expecting an iphone app to check this out.

Another day... Yet another dent

T Nagar Sunday afternoon, and doing just what I say others should not do: trying to squeeze past a lorry as it was making a turn... front right wheel arch dented and scratched. Luckily, I had some space to turn away, to minimize the damage, and my judgement was that I should not have been there in the first place, so best to shrug off the accident.

The worst thing though is that it was the wing that was replaced after a major crunch just a year or so ago :(

Anyway, I think it can be knocked out and painted.

Frankly, I just don't rate myself as a very good driver any longer!

This incident happened in July, 10 days before my daughter was born. Thankfully my wife was not there in the car. My dad was coming back from his tour so i thought lets be a good son and pick him up from chennai airport.

I stopped at the signal just before the airport i think nearer to the BMW showroom. All of a sudden a sound and and little shake. Auto fellow came from no where hit my car from behind, then an alto in front of me. The auto passenger was thrown outside and injured. I was shocked. All passers by was seeing and smiling at the situation.

Made the car to the side and stood. The ALto said i will claim insurance and left, his car had less damage. I did not know what to do, tried calling insurance company. Dad took a call taxi and reached home instead.

Lesson 1: Never use touch phone, horrible to use during panic situations.

Lesson2: Police walah requesting me to claim insurance for the auto as he has no insurance, as if its my mistake. I said i will see it myself and left the scene. I did not have the patience to sort out with auto fellow.

Total Damage: 32K
Insurance :22k
My pocket: 10K

:)Moral of the story: Never try to be a Good Son :)!

Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai-photo0491-copy.jpg
Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai-photo0492-copy.jpg

Even if we drive safe, auto drivers at Chennai drive as if the entire road belongs to them. Space available for a person to stand is sufficient for an auto driver to drive his vehicle, he will poke his front wheel first and make way for the entire auto without bothering the near by vehicle.
A similar experience I had when I was commuting regularly to office in Santhome Road. From Adayar I was travelling towards beach road, an auto walla who was travelling in the opposite direction suddenly made a U turn, resulted in scratches with yellow paint and a dent above the rear wheel. Parked my vehicle and tried to get hold the auto, but that guy took a U turn once again and vanished from the place....


Originally Posted by accentgiri (Post 2640518)
Even if we drive safe, auto drivers at Chennai drive as if the entire road belongs to them. Space available for a person to stand is sufficient for an auto driver to drive his vehicle, he will poke his front wheel first and make way for the entire auto without bothering the near by vehicle.
A similar experience I had when I was commuting regularly to office in Santhome Road. From Adayar I was travelling towards beach road, an auto walla who was travelling in the opposite direction suddenly made a U turn, resulted in scratches with yellow paint and a dent above the rear wheel. Parked my vehicle and tried to get hold the auto, but that guy took a U turn once again and vanished from the place....

In share auto's specially there will be 2 or 3 people in the front, we may not know who is the one driving the auto :). They charge more than low cost airlines if you compare price to km ratio. Example:

Spicejet Chennai to kolkatta: 1600km Rs 3000 =1.8 Rs /km
Auto: velachery to chennai central: 20km Rs 350 = 17.5 Rs/km


Originally Posted by krish82

In share auto's specially there will be 2 or 3 people in the front, we may not know who is the one driving the auto :). They charge more than low cost airlines if you compare price to km ratio. Example:

Spicejet Chennai to kolkatta: 1600km Rs 3000 =1.8 Rs /km
Auto: velachery to chennai central: 20km Rs 350 = 17.5 Rs/km

Nice way to compare the fares :lol
But if one try this comparison with them, they will ask the person to better go and take a flight to have him dropped at Central ;) They are so adamant in asking such insane fares without a hint of any shame

Nice little song about Chennai from the Marina movie promo :D


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