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Old 12th October 2010, 13:50   #181
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Check this out...
Last Sunday evening we were on our way to R.A.Puram which obviously meant crossing T.Nagar. Can anyone believe the timings?

05:45 - Start from home; ODO clock 0
06:30 - T.Nagar N.Usman road just before the bridge; ODO clock 19
07:15 - T.Nagar N.Usman road right after the bridge near T.Nagar bus stand signal; ODO clock 19.3 or so
7:30 - Parking lot in R.A.Puram

Beware or even avoid T.Nagar, especially with the upcoming Diwali season. The signal said above is worst!!! Just allows vehicle to pass from T.Nagar towards Mt Road only for 15 seconds or so & has a hefty waiting time of 120 seconds!!!

RTO should implement strict driving tests before issuing a driver license
And you know what? This will only resolve 50% of the issues, the remaining 50% lies with the attitude of people on the road. In the present scenario people do not know what's meant by "road sharing" & everyone thinks that their fair part of road is distributed to other on the road. But with the above said being implemented, things are bound to change a little.

Last edited by aargee : 12th October 2010 at 13:52.
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Old 12th October 2010, 14:04   #182
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T Nagar Traffic

Ha! I am going to T Nagar this afternoon! Hoping that the fact that it is Tuesday --- my auspicious day for shopping, simply because for so many others it is their inauspicious day for shopping! --- will save me.

I have often avoided concerts at Narada Gana Sabha because of the thought of Panagal Park. Recently I have realised that the secret is to take Habibulah Road and park well away, on the other side of the park, near to Barbecue Nation, and walk. Chennai drivers seem to be a lazy lot: they want to park immediately on top of the shops they are visiting, causing choas, while empty roads can be found a ten minute walk away!

The Mindless Traffic Mind

Has anybody noticed how bad habits spread? St Mary Road is a two-way road, and it has never been a problem turning into it from TTK Road. For the past few months, however, traffic from St M Road has suddenly "decided" that, when turning right onto TTK, it should occupy the right-hand side of St M Road. There is no real benefit to it, just inconvenience to others.
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Old 12th October 2010, 14:51   #183
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It was not the T.Nagar traffic that I was at yesterday. The traffic was blocked from Brownstone apartments which is right around the corner after the bridge towards the Loyala campus wall.

Infact, I could cross from CIT Nagar to the 2nd bridge in 10 minutes.
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Old 12th October 2010, 15:01   #184
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On Sunday I was returning from City Centre with my mom and wife in the car. Driving down Mount Road, traffic wasn't much. I stopped the car at a signal near Vaanavil (Sun TV).

Suddenly a guy on a Hero Honda CD 100 pulled up next to me and I could see he was shouting at me and waving his hands.

I rolled down the window and asked him, "What?"

He made a gesture as if he's going to hit me, and started shouting choice expletives in Tamil.

I responded in kind, in the best (worst) of Chennai Tamil - with all the T-words, O-words...

Signal turned green, he rode away.

Me, my wife and my mom were all totally confused as to what he wanted, why was he angry and what was he trying to say. Actually strike that. Was he trying to say anything at all?

Theory 1: He mistook my car for some other car

Theory 2: He was angry because I had stopped for the signal

Theory 3: He was just drunk

Theory 4: He was just looking for trouble, and seeing I was willing to come down to his "level" in terms of language, he probably decided we're not that "high class" so probably not worth the trouble

I just drove away confused.
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Old 12th October 2010, 15:15   #185
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Originally Posted by rajushank84 View Post
I rolled down the window and asked him, "What?"
Boy!!! I wouldn't do that; Reason? Remember the thread on Bangalore & mugging? I'm waiting every single day to read the first mugging incident to be reported here.

@Raju - Glad that you got away easily that day. Next time, never even open unless you want to get into trouble, especially when you've family with you. Not an advice, but, just sharing what's on my mind about such incidents & how I would respond to it.
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Old 12th October 2010, 15:25   #186
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Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Recently I have realised that the secret is to take Habibulah Road and park well away, on the other side of the park, near to Barbecue Nation, and walk. Chennai drivers seem to be a lazy lot: they want to park immediately on top of the shops they are visiting, causing choas, while empty roads can be found a ten minute walk away!
After living in Bangalore for close to ten years where getting a parking space is a luxury anywhere around the Central Business District, it has been my habit even in Chennai to park my car where ever I get a place without minding about walking a few minutes to my ultimate destination. The downside is when people ask me why did I not try to park the car closer. When I go with family I make it a point to drop them initially and park the car slightly further.
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Old 12th October 2010, 16:36   #187
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@ rajushank, there is another possibility!

This is something I have noticed recently in Chennai, 2 wheeler riders & autorikshaws (specifically the Piaggio diesel maniacs) drive with the head light OFF. Overtaking you all the way through the left, you wont notice them until they have passed you. In that case, you may not have noticed this 2 wheeler in your mirror and he must have got squeezed in between your car and the wall.

Add this theory as well
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Old 12th October 2010, 16:47   #188
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Originally Posted by rajushank84 View Post
On Sunday I was returning from City Centre with my mom and wife in the car. Driving down Mount Road, traffic wasn't much. I stopped the car at a signal near Vaanavil (Sun TV).

Suddenly a guy on a Hero Honda CD 100 pulled up next to me and I could see he was shouting at me and waving his hands.

I rolled down the window and asked him, "What?"

He made a gesture as if he's going to hit me, and started shouting choice expletives in Tamil.

I responded in kind, in the best (worst) of Chennai Tamil - with all the T-words, O-words...

Signal turned green, he rode away.

Me, my wife and my mom were all totally confused as to what he wanted, why was he angry and what was he trying to say. Actually strike that. Was he trying to say anything at all?

Theory 1: He mistook my car for some other car

Theory 2: He was angry because I had stopped for the signal

Theory 3: He was just drunk

Theory 4: He was just looking for trouble, and seeing I was willing to come down to his "level" in terms of language, he probably decided we're not that "high class" so probably not worth the trouble

I just drove away confused.

I totally second that. I work in MEPZ Tamabaram and live near Cenotaph road. I take the Tambaram - Airport- Guindy - Raj bhavan - Kottur - Teynampet or Tambaram - Airport- Guindy - Saidapet - Nandanam signal - Chamiers road.

When i stop at signals, that too before the stop line, Almost everyone shouts at me. I feel what did i do wrong ? It is the law to stop at the red light and to stop before the stop line. We need to follow this whether we like it or not. Everyone from TVS 50s to Volvo Buses show some signs of displeasure. some keep honking till I move, but i never move till the lights turn green. If the police catch me, that honker would not even say a sorry, let alone pay the fine for me .

On all roads, in chennai, including one ways / no entrys, you can see someone or the other driving on the wrong side of the road. It is further more appaling to see that Police encourages that. Today I saw a policeman near Perungudi Petrol pump facilitating the 2W guy to go on the wrong side. Heck, on the other hand, he should have fined him then and there. The most ridiculous part is the guy on the wrong side will scold us, who is coming on the right side, following all traffic rules.

I think i should say "Welcome to India".

Have any of you faced similar incidents and is there a way to handle this better. As of now i just ignore them and turn up the Music.
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Old 12th October 2010, 17:10   #189
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Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
I have often avoided concerts at Narada Gana Sabha because of the thought of Panagal Park. Recently I have realised that the secret is to take Habibulah Road and park well away, on the other side of the park, near to Barbecue Nation, and walk. Chennai drivers seem to be a lazy lot: they want to park immediately on top of the shops they are visiting, causing choas, while empty roads can be found a ten minute walk away!
I agree. For this very reason I make it a point to visit T'Nagar only by bike or by train. Whenever I have to take the car, I will go past Vivek's, park in any of the side streets and walk back. Alternatively I will park in any of the streets linking V'Narayana Road and Pondy Bazar, and take an auto from there to Usman Road. That fellow will of course bang and cut a swathe through the traffic to drop me right in front of the shop I want! Ah, sheer peace of mind!

There is a paid parking lot for two wheelers near Bank of India, adjacent to HSB. They charge Rs 10.00 for two hours!

Last edited by Gansan : 12th October 2010 at 17:13.
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Old 12th October 2010, 17:28   #190
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Originally Posted by anachronix View Post
^^ I completely agree with you on this fact. RTO should implement strict driving tests before issuing a driver license. A tougher theoretical exam would make it more interesting. I was issued a theory paper with all the answers marked when I went for my driving test back in 97.

Btw, I was caught in the wrath of the Nelson Manickam road traffic yesterday. It looked unusual though. It took me 1HR+ to reach from Brownstone apartment to Loyola college front gate.
hey , there was power failure at lot of signals across the city (thats what i heard over FM). Also they said that N'bakkam was the worst hit.

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Old 12th October 2010, 17:56   #191
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Originally Posted by aargee View Post

And you know what? This will only resolve 50% of the issues, the remaining 50% lies with the attitude of people on the road. In the present scenario people do not know what's meant by "road sharing" & everyone thinks that their fair part of road is distributed to other on the road. But with the above said being implemented, things are bound to change a little.
This attitude can be changed. Slap a hefty fine. the amount should be big enough to make him think 10 times before breaking a traffic rule.

My Office Cab makes it from Teynampet to Tambaram in 20-25 minutes, driving Rash and not following any traffic rule. Needless to say, zooming thorugh all red signals.

Simple - In Bangalore most of them, i would say 99% wear a helmet. I see the police promptly catching people without a helmet. If the Police can "enforce" the law, it will be followed.
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Old 12th October 2010, 18:08   #192
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^^ I guess its your responsibility to inform your company authorities about your cab being driven around dangerously.

I lived for over 6 years in Bangalore and have experienced quite a lot of the chaos before I finally gave up and moved to Chennai an year back. Trust me, the Chennai cops are much more effecient from my personal experience.
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Old 12th October 2010, 18:31   #193
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Originally Posted by Gansan View Post
I agree. For this very reason I make it a point to visit T'Nagar only by bike or by train. Whenever I have to take the car, I will go past Vivek's, park in any of the side streets and walk back. Alternatively I will park in any of the streets linking V'Narayana Road and Pondy Bazar, and take an auto from there to Usman Road. That fellow will of course bang and cut a swathe through the traffic to drop me right in front of the shop I want! Ah, sheer peace of mind!

There is a paid parking lot for two wheelers near Bank of India, adjacent to HSB. They charge Rs 10.00 for two hours!
I avoid T.nagar all together because of these parking issues.if its really necessary to go to T.nagar for shopping(with mom and wife) then i will try to park it in chennai silks parking lot. No parking fees as long as you buy something from chennai silks.
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Old 12th October 2010, 18:35   #194
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Originally Posted by anachronix View Post
^^ I guess its your responsibility to inform your company authorities about your cab being driven around dangerously.

I lived for over 6 years in Bangalore and have experienced quite a lot of the chaos before I finally gave up and moved to Chennai an year back. Trust me, the Chennai cops are much more effecient from my personal experience.
I have informed them numerous times, but it is their carefree attitude that does not solve the problem.

Chennai cops stop Lorries and Tempos plying on the road. I seldom see them stopping 2 wheelers and fining them. At all junctions, 2 wheelers come on the opposite side. The Govt would earn much more if they catch 2 wheelers, as the number of 2 wheelers that err are much more than erring lorries.
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Old 12th October 2010, 20:24   #195
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Similar incident at Coimbatore

Originally Posted by rajushank84 View Post
Suddenly a guy on a Hero Honda CD 100 pulled up next to me and I could see he was shouting at me and waving his hands.

I rolled down the window and asked him, "What?"

He made a gesture as if he's going to hit me, and started shouting choice expletives in Tamil.

I responded in kind, in the best (worst) of Chennai Tamil - with all the T-words, O-words...

Signal turned green, he rode away.

Me, my wife and my mom were all totally confused as to what he wanted, why was he angry and what was he trying to say. Actually strike that. Was he trying to say anything at all?
Similar incident happened to me at Coimbatore a week back!
I was waiting at a signal with a red-light, suddenly a biker behind me started shouting abusive words ordering me to move (he appeared drunk). I held my ground. He then used his feet to hit my rear bumper a couple of times. I still held my ground. I moved only after the light turned green.

I was with my wife and children and my children were shocked. I explained to them that the world is filled with both good and bad people and we have to live with that. (Coimbatore is supposed to be a more friendly city and more literate comparatively!).

I am planning a Chennai holiday trip this December and worried after reading this thread!

(p.s: I did have this urge to put my AT in R and hit this bike!)
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