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Old 26th November 2015, 10:48   #10066
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Offtopic with the hope to calm your nerves after the maddening traffic. Beautiful Agara Lake (HSR Layout) pictures after the recent rains-
(Credit - Agara Lake Citizen Forum)
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Old 26th November 2015, 12:35   #10067
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Got stuck in a disastrous jam this morning at this junction while looking to avoid the jam at Kundalahalli Gate.

Took me a good 20-25 minutes to cross this junction.

By bike.

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-capture.jpg
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Old 26th November 2015, 23:13   #10068
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
From this week, my morning commute to work from Indirangar to Blackhole (earlier known as Whitefield)
Or we could just call Whitefield as Whitefoam (you know, with the Varthur lake). Madiwala also can be renamed to Muddywala. HSR can be a short form for Highly Saturated Road Layout. Sarjapoor Road, Bharamangala (as opposed to the Hindi meaning of Kora meaning blank) can be suitable replacements as well.

Traffic management has become a joke in this city, I guess so many people were never supposed to be living within a span of 20km. I do see a few considerate drivers now and then, an Innova cab shut off his main beams completely for me to see at night in the pitch black roads & I returned the favour, today another Innova asked permission to merge ahead of me giving me more than enough time to stop and did a friendly hand wave after that, that's all that's needed sometimes. The 2-wheelers, smaller cabs, autos & BMTC buses misbehave like there is no tomorrow > stopping to turn when there is no turning allowed, cutting off vehicles, honking & intimidation so on & so forth. One look at this thread is enough for people to realize what we're going through & seeing that there is no hope from all angles i.e govt, public & infrastructure all we can do is watch as the city tears itself apart in its path to decadence.
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Old 27th November 2015, 09:30   #10069
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Escaped from Blackhole (aka Whitefield) last evening via Devasandra and took about 40 minutes, would have been faster if not for some broken roads inside Hoodi.
This morning the slow traffic started from Phoenix and lasted till Hoodi junction, reached office in 1 hr. If we don't manage to "Save Whitefield" soon, we may have to save ourselves from Whitefield by finding a job elsewhere!
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Old 27th November 2015, 10:31   #10070
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Over the last few days they seem to be assembling a lot of heavy construction equipment near the junction of Outer Ring Road and Goshala road (Area mall, EMC office). Looks like a flyover in the making, which bodes ill for users of that particular stretch. (The wait at that signal can already be upto 20m during peak hours).
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Old 27th November 2015, 10:38   #10071
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by ajitkommini View Post
Over the last few days they seem to be assembling a lot of heavy construction equipment near the junction of Outer Ring Road and Goshala road (Area mall, EMC office). Looks like a flyover in the making, which bodes ill for users of that particular stretch.
This could be true, remember reading a recent news report that a flyover will be constructed at that junction soon.
From the last week or so the ITPL main road is also choked, thanks to endless BWSSB work and the Garudacharapalya road being dug up. If the flyover work at EMC/Arena mall junction begins, I'm quite sure it will have a ripple effect on the ITPL main road as well, fingers crossed
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Old 27th November 2015, 11:14   #10072
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Saw this in the paper today. Would be interesting to be near the phone handling this. Pretty sure it will be one continuous stream of messages and photos.

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-img_20151127_1106042.jpg
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Old 27th November 2015, 12:06   #10073
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by dark.knight View Post
all we can do is watch as the city tears itself apart in its path to decadence.
dark.knight remembers Batman Begins it seems.

But yes, there are the odd good Samaritans who are the beacon of hope in the sea of madness that has engulfed this city.

Even yesterday, I saw a cab Innova waiting while the road was free in front of him to help clear a jam on the other lane. The jam was not caused by infrastructure; just people being far too impatient.

(My to-scale scientific depiction of the same)
Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-untitled.jpg

The white arrows are vehicles looking to join the lane that leads to Marathahalli. The blue arrows are vehicles that are coming from Marathahalli. The blue arrows could not wait for the white arrows to cross the road and ended up causing a deadlock because the white arrows were pushed just after the break in the median. The Innova (red circle) actually waited on an empty lane hoping that the white arrows could move on. I too waited on my bike hoping the jam would clear.

Alas, the incessant honking from the rear got us to move along as well.
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Old 27th November 2015, 13:24   #10074
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by ajitkommini View Post
the junction of Outer Ring Road and Goshala road (Area mall, EMC office). Looks like a flyover in the making
Well, let us hope it is a flyover and not a disastrous underpass of BBMP's patented design (we don't need no freakin' drains!). It is one of the last standing signaled junctions on ORR this side of Bangalore and as you say, can take sometimes up to 30 minutes to get through.
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Old 27th November 2015, 13:56   #10075
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by ashwin.terminat View Post
dark.knight remembers Batman Begins it seems.
Yes I felt that line by my former mentor would be most apt for describing the situation. I remembered the near similarity after having typed it though.
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Old 27th November 2015, 14:20   #10076
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by ashwin.terminat View Post
Got stuck in a disastrous jam this morning at this junction while looking to avoid the jam at Kundalahalli Gate.

Took me a good 20-25 minutes to cross this junction.

By bike.

Attachment 1443902
That stretch of road is always in danger of getting jammed badly. I passed that stretch around 8:30 and was out in 5 minutes. I saw the jam at that junction and took the parallel road a few hundred feet farther which joins cement road from the other side.
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Old 27th November 2015, 16:33   #10077
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Took 3.5 hrs to drive from Coimbatore to Attibelle which is 330 odd kms, and the last 25 kms from Attibelle to Kundanahalli gate took 2 hrs. , Add to that, the last 4kms of the sarjapur varthur road towards varthur end is a place for pure offroading, no roads at all, add to that the big dumper trucks and buses picking up the muck, it was so difficult to see oncoming vehicles as close as 4 car's length (This was at 1:30 in the afternoon). I really pity the people going on bikes in that stretch. The stretch from Varthur to Kundanahalli is not any great to right about either.

The city really feels like, it was shut of living population for 4-5 years and the city had seen few earthquakes & floods and without any repairs, the city was open to living population. I have been in Mumbai as well as Chennai for prolonged period of time and have driven a lot. Those cities are far better when compared to bangalore, Traffic is there everywhere, but alteast roads are flat without potholes at majority of the heavy populated localities in Chennai & Mumbai. I moved to Bangalore 5 months back and I am repenting my decision to move here. Proper flat smooth roads without any potholes itself will solve half of the traffic issues in Bangalore.

Sorry for all the rants, am really frustrated
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Old 27th November 2015, 16:36   #10078
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by karts View Post
Took 3.5 hrs to drive from Coimbatore to Attibelle which is 330 odd kms
Wow - That is amazing, never imagined Coimbatore-Attibele can be done in 3.5 hours
What time did you start from Coimbatore and from where in Coimbatore ?
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Old 27th November 2015, 16:39   #10079
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
Wow - That is amazing, never imagined Coimbatore-Attibele can be done in 3.5 hours
What time did you start from Coimbatore and from where in Coimbatore ?
I started from Saravanampatti. Roads were pretty empty and I could maintain 100-110 all along without any stops
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Old 27th November 2015, 17:22   #10080
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Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

I travel from JPNagar to Prestige Shantiniketan 5 days a week. While going to office we generally reach by 90 mins but coming back is like watching a 3 Hr movie. Yes the Outer Ring Road is pretty wide but it lot of bottlenecks and potholes. To add to it our infamous private buses and some very busy cabbies. It's like a fight to survival.

I used to love this city and admire the people but think I am losing my favourite Bangalore. We need severe restructuring of the city.

Last edited by Arindam_Nayek : 27th November 2015 at 17:24.
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