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Old 27th July 2015, 22:06   #8641
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

It takes a while to get used to driving in Bangalore. You need to know whether staying left will get you out of traffic sooner or staying on the right of the road For ex: Outer ring road it is better to stick to the right lane due to several exits and stupidly located bus stops. Whitefield road it is better to be on the left lane due to several right turns and u-turns. The stretch from ABB to HP building is plagued with turns. If you stay in the right lane your brakes might stop working by the end of it
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Old 28th July 2015, 11:55   #8642
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Noticed yesterday evening that the concrete divider on the curved section at Hoodi Signal (to force vehicles approaching from ITPL side to turn left at Hoodi signal) has been broken and is lying on the middle of the road where there is an old circle as well. This concrete divider was actually blocking 2 lanes of the road forcing people coming from Devasandra side to take the right most 2 lanes (the Hoodi road is a 4 laned one-way!)
Not sure if this another experiment/lesson learnt from the whitefield traffic plan implemented few months ago.
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Old 28th July 2015, 12:45   #8643
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

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Noticed yesterday evening that the concrete divider on the curved section at Hoodi Signal (to force vehicles approaching from ITPL side to turn left at Hoodi signal) has been broken and is lying on the middle of the road where there is an old circle as well. This concrete divider was actually blocking 2 lanes of the road forcing people coming from Devasandra side to take the right most 2 lanes (the Hoodi road is a 4 laned one-way!)
Not sure if this another experiment/lesson learnt from the whitefield traffic plan implemented few months ago.
This will now be used by taxis and trucks to drive down the wrong side of the road from ITPL towards Brigade Metropolis. The job made too easy for them by BTP Vehicles coming from Devasandra needed to take the right 2 lanes but it really is not a hindrance. They can quickly merge into the left lanes virtue of 4 crossings on the road.
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Old 28th July 2015, 14:32   #8644
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by rohanak1 View Post
This will now be used by taxis and trucks to drive down the wrong side of the road from ITPL towards Brigade Metropolis. The job made too easy for them by BTP
This will not be so easy in peak traffic since the left 2 lanes going straight are blocked off for a short distance next to the circle so that the vehicles coming from Brigade Metropolis side can make a right turn onto Hoodi road. Ideally, the old circle should now be expanded to cover these 2 lanes here instead of the current temporary measures of using steel barricades and now the broken concrete section that was removed yesterday.
So coming back to the point I was making, these trucks will need to get to the extreme right lanes at Hoodi signal and these lanes are usually full of traffic coming in the opposite direction, hopefully they will not do this

Last edited by NPV : 28th July 2015 at 14:33.
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Old 28th July 2015, 22:44   #8645
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

What's happening on Old Airport Road? Two days in a row now, in the mornings the westbound carriageway is gridlocked from HAL till Diamond District, while the eastbound one is empty (with a posse traffic cops keeping it clear). On Monday I thought it was security arrangements for Pranab Mukherjee's visit to Bangalore; but later on read that he had landed at Yelahanka AF base. And today the same thing. What gives?
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Old 29th July 2015, 09:03   #8646
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by binand View Post
What's happening on Old Airport Road? Two days in a row now, in the mornings the westbound carriageway is gridlocked from HAL till Diamond District, while the eastbound one is empty (with a posse traffic cops keeping it clear). On Monday I thought it was security arrangements for Pranab Mukherjee's visit to Bangalore; but later on read that he had landed at Yelahanka AF base. And today the same thing. What gives?
I saw this too. The line is long and the traffic is slow.
Anyway since we are on the topic of Old Airport I had read that HAL is considering re-opening the Old Airport for commercial operations since it is almost 8 years since it was closed for those. I can imagine the traffic chaos it will cause if this were to come true. The passengers coming to this airport will find it impossible to connect on another flight from the International Airport since they will definitely miss it out due to the traffic in between. Also there is no rapid transit service existing. So opening this might give rise to a new set of problems. And add to it the administration's complete lack of interest in maintaining the infrastructure.
On the flip side the already high real estate prices will be still higher.

By the way why are only selective pieces of tarmac being laid beyond Old Airport towards Maratahalli ? Could those folks have done the road towards Maratahalli as well ? It is in shambles.
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Old 29th July 2015, 09:07   #8647
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by binand View Post
What's happening on Old Airport Road? Two days in a row now, in the mornings the westbound carriageway is gridlocked from HAL till Diamond District, while the eastbound one is empty (with a posse traffic cops keeping it clear). On Monday I thought it was security arrangements for Pranab Mukherjee's visit to Bangalore; but later on read that he had landed at Yelahanka AF base. And today the same thing. What gives?
I think your answer lies in the previous page. Road work being carried out in inner ring road. Naturally traffic will get backed up to Old airport road.
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Old 29th July 2015, 09:55   #8648
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Article in today's Times of India. Bengaluru has the most vehicles plying after Delhi.
  • 55L Vehicles in Bangalore. 88L in Delhi, 44L in Chennai and 25L in Mumbai.
  • 5L vehicles hitting the road between April 2014 and March 2015. 10% growth
  • Growth Explosion has happened in the last 14-15 years. From 15L vehicles in 2001-02 to 55L today

With only the Metro and commuter rail being talked about as solutions, things are only going to get worse.
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Old 29th July 2015, 10:53   #8649
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj View Post
Article in today's Times of India. Bengaluru has the most vehicles plying after Delhi.

With only the Metro and commuter rail being talked about as solutions, things are only going to get worse.
Well, as I have said before Bangalore needs new and innovative roads to take the load off from main/artery roads.
- A new road from Rainbow children's hospital to the entry to EPIP in whitefield, to take the load off from marathalli and kundanhalli gate.
- Wider yemlur/wind tunnel road to take load off from HAL Airport and ORR
- Make PRR on war footage to bring some sanity back on ORR
- Make a tunnel for ORR before KR Puram and join it near Kasturi Nagar to completely avoid KR Puram and NH4 junction (mess)
- New road from Agra to Ejipura, behind ST bed to lessen the load on Koramangala sony world junction

I am no expert on road transport or city planning but these are so obvious solutions, I wonder why government doesn't want to look at these.
But then, I know how government functions, planning/citizen matters are not the reason for any government work
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Old 29th July 2015, 11:41   #8650
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
I have some acquaintances in that area so visit that side sometimes. Though I've had the very same bad experiences at the level crossing, last couple of visits (maybe 3 months ago) were very peaceful due to the presence of cops who made sure that no one took the wrong side of the makeshift divider (concrete blocks).
Have they stopped manning that place during evening peak hours now ?

@NPV I really feel pity for the cops who have to work in the middle of absolute chaos there. They still try their best to control the traffic there, but the people who are on the road are worse than cattle. When I say cattle, I am talking about people in big cars and motorcycles in formals with the ID card of some software giant caring a pigs bottom about traffic rules. May be the cops should be provided with some really heavy machine guns to shoot the crap out of someone who comes from the wrong side. I don't really know why it is so difficult for people to understand that you have to keep left and the reason is because there are vehicles coming from the other side of the road. A couple of weeks ago there was an ambulance that was stuck there and nobody was bothered to make way for it. The cop who was there somehow tried his best to keep the traffic halted on one side to let it go but people were still jumping in from the wrong side. No matter if you have a 100 policemen there, the thing is that our attitude on the road while we drive has to change. Nobody is bothered about the safety of others or personal safety as well.

Just hope it's not a narrow underpass, hopefully that underpass will have enough space and a wall in the middle to separate the 2 sides of traffic, else it will be a mess again. How can we teach our motorists some discipline, no it can't be taught and has to come from within *sigh*
If they make an underpass there, during monsoons it will serve only as a storm drain and they will need to start a ferry service there . What they need there is an over bridge.

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Old 29th July 2015, 12:12   #8651
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj View Post
Article in today's Times of India. Bengaluru has the most vehicles plying after Delhi.
  • 55L Vehicles in Bangalore. 88L in Delhi, 44L in Chennai and 25L in Mumbai.
  • 5L vehicles hitting the road between April 2014 and March 2015. 10% growth
  • Growth Explosion has happened in the last 14-15 years. From 15L vehicles in 2001-02 to 55L today

With only the Metro and commuter rail being talked about as solutions, things are only going to get worse.
Chennai has MRTS, suburban rail and good bus connectivity. This reflects in lesser no. of vehicles there. Infact MRTS is not running to its capacity. If the second phase connecting Velachery to St Thomas Mount is done, then we may see a shift in the number of customers using MRTS.
Bangalore does not have any other public transport system apart from BMTC buses. Hence the city is burdened with so many vehicles.
I believe Bangalore has the highest number of 2 wheelers in the country. I do not have data to substantiate this statement of mine.

Last edited by suresh_gs : 29th July 2015 at 12:14.
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Old 29th July 2015, 12:24   #8652
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Folks, query on how to get to Golden Palms resort, off Tumkur Road.
If one takes the elevated flyover, after getting down and paying the toll, where does one get to the service road to be able to reach Golden Palms ? I don't remember seeing an entry point to the service road after the toll plaza, so wondering if we need to be on the service road before the elevated flyover and avoid it completely.

Last edited by NPV : 29th July 2015 at 12:26.
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Old 29th July 2015, 13:27   #8653
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
Folks, query on how to get to Golden Palms resort, off Tumkur Road.
If one takes the elevated flyover, after getting down and paying the toll, where does one get to the service road to be able to reach Golden Palms ? I don't remember seeing an entry point to the service road after the toll plaza, so wondering if we need to be on the service road before the elevated flyover and avoid it completely.
There must be an Exit just after the Himalaya Drug House.
Use this Exit to get to the service road.
Then there is an underpass a few metres ahead for you to get to the service road on the other side.
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Old 29th July 2015, 21:23   #8654
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Not sure why the cops close the U turn near diamond district (old airport road)on a few days. Yesterday evening it was open and today it was closed.
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Old 29th July 2015, 21:36   #8655
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
Folks, query on how to get to Golden Palms resort, off Tumkur Road.
If one takes the elevated flyover, after getting down and paying the toll, where does one get to the service road to be able to reach Golden Palms ? I don't remember seeing an entry point to the service road after the toll plaza, so wondering if we need to be on the service road before the elevated flyover and avoid it completely.
Originally Posted by hemanth.anand View Post
There must be an Exit just after the Himalaya Drug House.
Use this Exit to get to the service road.
Then there is an underpass a few metres ahead for you to get to the service road on the other side.
The only exit from NBTL Expressway are these:

1. Soon after the toll booth for NICE
2. Nelemangala Town Exit
3. NH4-NH48 Junction Exit

I had been to attend an office event on 3 occasions and realized that if you take the Elevated section:

1. You can drive all the way till the toll but you will have to exit either at the exit soon after the toll and continue driving on the Service Lane, make U-Turn under the expressway and drive back in the opposite direction on the service road and take left for Golden Palms

2. Take the Nelemangala Exit and make U-Turn below drive in the opposite direction on the service lane and then turn left for Golden Palms

I found both these options almost same in terms of time taken.

Last edited by paragsachania : 29th July 2015 at 21:37.
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