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Old 16th April 2012, 14:02   #3211
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by amitoj View Post
Isn't that "service road" just a continuation of the road that people would take if they want to get onto the Old Airport road from IRR and go towards the Command Hospital? I dont think it can be called a service road. Are there any building entrances on that side road?
You are right. This road was opened up since the flyover construction started. It was used to allow vehicles from Airport to go towards Indiranagar (it was free of debris then). Now only the vehicles needing to go towards Command hospital and U-turn use it.
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Old 17th April 2012, 14:08   #3212
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

First week of office commute in my Nano. Feels sooooo good not to take out Rs.150 from my purse when i reach my office

One odd thing i noticed while driving is the bikers dont have any second thoughts to cut across a Nano. Didnt observe this behavior when driving the Ikon. Any reason why?
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Old 17th April 2012, 15:19   #3213
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by Pallavi View Post
One odd thing i noticed while driving is the bikers dont have any second thoughts to cut across a Nano. Didnt observe this behavior when driving the Ikon. Any reason why?
Congrats on bringing a nano home!

I can think of a few reasons why you find more bikers cutting across a Nano than an Ikon:
- Almost non existent bonnet in Nano compared to ikon gives them more space to manouver closer to the car
- General bullying of a small vehicle
- underestimating the peppy acceleration that a Nano provides.

Wish you many a safe mile with the nano
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Old 17th April 2012, 15:21   #3214
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by selfdrive View Post
Congrats on bringing a nano home!

I can think of a few reasons why you find more bikers cutting across a Nano than an Ikon:
- Almost non existent bonnet in Nano compared to ikon gives them more space to manouver closer to the car
- General bullying of a small vehicle
- underestimating the peppy acceleration that a Nano provides.

Wish you many a safe mile with the nano
Thanks for your wishes..

The reasons you mentioned make perfect sense. Especially, the second one.
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Old 17th April 2012, 15:48   #3215
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by Pallavi View Post
First week of office commute in my Nano. Feels sooooo good not to take out Rs.150 from my purse when i reach my office

One odd thing i noticed while driving is the bikers dont have any second thoughts to cut across a Nano. Didnt observe this behavior when driving the Ikon. Any reason why?
Congratulations on getting freedom from thugs on three wheels.
And all the best for dealing with idiots on two wheels.
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Old 17th April 2012, 15:57   #3216
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by amitoj View Post
Congratulations on getting freedom from thugs on three wheels.
And all the best for dealing with idiots on two wheels.
nice one

@Pallavi: if you feel you're not being bullied enough, please feel free to call us
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Old 17th April 2012, 16:15   #3217
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by selfdrive View Post
Congrats on bringing a nano home!

I can think of a few reasons why you find more bikers cutting across a Nano than an Ikon:
- General bullying of a small vehicle
Bullying of a Nano by Bikers?? But then, which is the bigger vehicle in this case??
or are there so many Harley Davidsons and Hayabusas on our roads these days??
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Old 17th April 2012, 18:11   #3218
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by Pallavi View Post
Thanks for your wishes..
The reasons you mentioned make perfect sense. Especially, the second one.
Originally Posted by sandsun7 View Post
Bullying of a Nano by Bikers?? But then, which is the bigger vehicle in this case??
maybe I should have stated that the idiots on two wheels think anyone in a Nano is a learner driver and/ or cannot manouver fast enough to retort.

A biker got a taste of his own medicine recently when he cut across the left of my Nano. That day I didnt have much to do, so chased him down and gave him a few reasons why he should not cut across a Nano from the left:
- no left ORVM in most Nanos, especially earlier models
- repair work wont cost a Nano owner much so drivers may not think too much about scratches
- if he wanted to commit suicide he should have tried a bigger vehicle, perhaps a bus
- a few other kind words!

Perhaps some of the above can be reused in Blr traffic?

He was a bit taken aback by the fact that I managed to catch up with him despite traffic. Not that I expect him to have learnt anything but I had my cheap thrills.
fortunately, I get to drive the Nano a little more these days than I used to.
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Old 17th April 2012, 19:55   #3219
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by amitoj View Post
Congratulations on getting freedom from thugs on three wheels.
And all the best for dealing with idiots on two wheels.

Solemn pledge: I shall not be bullied by idiots on two wheels . I'd rather run them over.

Originally Posted by IronH4WK View Post
@Pallavi: if you feel you're not being bullied enough, please feel free to call us
Sure. Please post your phone number so that i can pass on to all the lady drivers i know *Wicked Grin* (Ran out of the quota of smileys)

Originally Posted by sandsun7 View Post
Bullying of a Nano by Bikers?? But then, which is the bigger vehicle in this case??
or are there so many Harley Davidsons and Hayabusas on our roads these days??
It is more of attitude than the size of vehicles. The bikers think that they can cut across cars because the car owners will be scared of the damage to their vehicle and the resulting costs and they will back down.

Sometimes feel like running them over. But i just dont like the decor or ambience of jail

Originally Posted by selfdrive View Post
- if he wanted to commit suicide he should have tried a bigger vehicle, perhaps a bus
Nah. I can help him provided he gives me in writing that he begged me to do it.

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- a few other kind words!
Please print a small handout. Will be a real hot seller in Bangalore
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Old 17th April 2012, 20:05   #3220
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Congratulations Pallavi.

How do you find the steering in the Nano. Is it difficult? I found it hard to maneuver the car. The steering felt quite heavy. What works in your favour though is that it's a tiny car.

Personally, I love small cars. They're the best way of getting around in the city. What with the crazy traffic. And it's unbelievably and surprisingly spacious too.

And I know exactly how you feel about them two-wheelers. They're highly annoying and always believe that they have every right to cut you off. And oddly, it's the four-wheelers that get bullied by them, as drivers of cars are forced to back off when a two-wheeler makes his move.
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Old 17th April 2012, 20:15   #3221
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by Pallavi View Post
The bikers think that they can cut across cars because the car owners will be scared of the damage to their vehicle and the resulting costs and they will back down.
May be not all think that way!! having driven around 40K kms in past 5 years in a bike, mostly across Bangalore city, I personally never had that kind of an attitude! It is just the maneuverability of a two wheeler which is being exploited and there are a lot of idiots who use this maneuverability without caring for anything or anybody, sometimes even their own lives!! Even I had a near miss last week, when I was driving my car at around 70kmph on international airport road early morning and a biker suddenly swerved to my lane right in front of me to avoid a pothole!! My wife let out a scream perhaps louder than the engine itself and that is when he realized how nearly he had come to being knocked off!!
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Old 17th April 2012, 21:54   #3222
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Yesterday night, I was driving home on Sarjapur road and the road after Decathlon was pretty much empty. Then I came across a helmetless hero biker riding in the left lane and a BMTC bus in the right lane.
The biker was happily chatting with a passenger of the bus!! I drove behind the biker, but he did not move. Flashed twice, but the man is busy chatting. Honk once, and the biker is still chatting like a woman. So i gave a continuous honk. And he suddenly woke up and started riding his bike zigzag, blocking me completely.

Luckily then the bus driver showed kindness and moved to extreme right and I managed to speed away.
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Old 17th April 2012, 22:36   #3223
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Originally Posted by Pallavi

Solemn pledge: I shall not be bullied by idiots on two wheels . I'd rather run them over.
easy there madam; when I feel green, I take out my CBZ. If you ever find a black KL registered CBZ fella bullying you, don't run him over

Originally Posted by Pallavi
Sure. Please post your phone number so that i can pass on to all the lady drivers i know *Wicked Grin* (Ran out of the quota of smileys)
Sure; write down - 1-800-BLR-BULLY-ME (please share)

Originally Posted by Pallavi
Sometimes feel like running them over. But i just dont like the decor or ambience of jail
I agree; please avoid (phew) *green grinning fella*
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Old 18th April 2012, 09:40   #3224
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

The other day wife and self returning from kadugodi at 1030 pm sitting behind the driver of a BR7 Volvo 335R. Suddenly a guy on a bike who had a kid with him obstructs our bus by stopping in front of it. A few blasts of the horn and the biker moves ahead slowly still obstructing our bus and gesticulating something. About 30 -40 seconds of this and the bus driver got mad. He and the conductor stopped the bus got out and started hammering the biker with their hands.

Result- biker bruised, kid OK and us wondering how someone can be so foolish to play around with their lives as well as their kids lives.
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Old 18th April 2012, 10:18   #3225
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Talking of bikers, 2 days ago in Jayanagar, there was a biker who is in the middle talking on the phone. There is no clear way either to the left or right. I am on the right side behind him and had to honk continuously. He stops talking on the phone and I go ahead.

After this, he suddenly accelerates and starts to drive zig zag in front of me while looking back at me. Looks like he didn't like the honk

Honda used to have a nice tagline to their ads, "you find the nicest people on Hondas".
You need to modify that with "you find the greatest Idiots on two wheelers" (not blaming all of them ofcourse)
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