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Old 9th July 2016, 20:57   #12046
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by etrast75 View Post
I thought it was completely going to be WIPRO..
No, Wipro's land parcel is a different one. It is on the right side after the Carmeralam Overbridge when going towards Sarjapur (Opposite St Patricks School). I read in some other Forum that Wipro has also started construction activities there.

There is no good information about the new tech park. Read online that companies like Accenture and Cap Gemini have expressed interest in it.

At this time, there does not seem to be any concrete plan for Sarjapur Road taking into account all this expansion. Headed towards a major disaster.
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Old 9th July 2016, 21:10   #12047
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj View Post
Got a chance to take some birds eye view pictures of the new massive tech park on Sarjapur Road (Near Carmelaram/Decathlon). It is almost complete and I guess just pending internal fitments and/or waiting for the companies to start occupying.
Oh man that's going to be scary! I am going to be shifting to our Sarjapur campus from next week for work. Thought I would be better off than going to ITPL or Ecospace but this news is making me rethink. I have seen the Sarjapur road stretch go from a quaint looking village road to the mess it is now in a matter of 5 years. So this new campus will definitely create nightmares to the localities as well as all other people. When will the government stop trying to loot the IT sector and think about the common man!!
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Old 10th July 2016, 12:11   #12048
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by airbus View Post
Bengaluru City Police got new Hoysala vehicles - Maruti Suzuki Ertiga.
And this story is also playing out like the usual farce when it comes to civic governance in Bangalore:
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Old 11th July 2016, 12:41   #12049
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by binand View Post
And this story is also playing out like the usual farce when it comes to civic governance in Bangalore:
(The journalist would do better if he/she understands the situation and makes some analysis. Here it is, 'he said that', 'she said that' and then he leaves it to understanding of reader to figure out).

I couldn't figure that what are the teething problems the writer found with new Ertigas???
Originally Posted by sachinpk View Post
A bit critical about the whole scheme.
Yes, you have cut some slack for the police
Especially on the vehicles chosen for the patrol duties. Mahindra vehicles were the earlier champs when it comes to police vehicles .
Which Mahindra do you recommend now? Isn't Maruti cheaper, better service & better work horse?
Originally Posted by TorqueyTechie View Post
When will the government stop trying to loot the IT sector and think about the common man!!
One parameter the Govt is evaluated is on the jobs it creates. People need jobs, tech parks provide them. Don't know this case, maybe the builder planned this 20 years and is executing now. How can Govt stop a builder from going ahead with his plans?
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Old 11th July 2016, 13:10   #12050
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by msdivy View Post
(The journalist would do better if he/she understands the situation and makes some analysis. Here it is, 'he said that', 'she said that' and then he leaves it to understanding of reader to figure out).

I couldn't figure that what are the teething problems the writer found with new Ertigas???
That is a report filed by a beat reporter; you can't expect in-depth analysis in such a report. Plus these beat reporters never name their sources - they rely on their contacts for their stories and need to build trust.

These teething problems are listed:

- Launch delayed because politicians weren't free.
- 3 accidents on the way back to dealer's lot.
- Rookie drivers from civil police force instead of trained drivers from reserve force.

And there are also these (not-so-teething) problems listed:

- Taking away policemen from stations reduce strength at the stations themselves. Bad for an already short-staffed force.
- 4 cops per vehicle are expected to sit around doing nothing until summoned. No patrolling duties.

The reporter has tried to be unbiased by having the view of the other side too - which is basically only the homily that "you have to give the project time to succeed".
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Old 11th July 2016, 13:58   #12051
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

In other news, the median near Tulasi Theatre Road is closed. U-Turn given little ahead on the carriageway towards old airport. Looks like this is primarily done to prevent people from taking right turn to Tulasi Theatre Road from Old Airport Road. Now, when there is no traffic police, I assume there will be more people riding/driving on the opposite side of the road to take Tulasi Theatre Road, which connects to ORR near More Megastore. Even with police presence, I regularly see people taking the opposite side of the road after filling at HP Petrol Pump nearby.
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Old 11th July 2016, 14:12   #12052
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by etrast75 View Post
All this is going to result in some major chaos at that junction. Already the carmelaram station road is getting crowded as there are apartments being built in every nook and corner. The road itself is in a horrible shape.

This situation could easily have been avoided with some proper planning. It is not that the planners did not know of these situations as there is an example in every corner of bangalore. But then who cares. Everyone wants to make their quick buck. City be damned!!
I heard that this tech park is bigger then Eco space in ORR, a space through which even light is not able to escape these days. Once that park is operational, there is no coming and leaving Sarjapur road. Literally !!

Further down the lane, in front of St Patricks school, there is a big SEZ coming up. Looks like it is from Wipro.

Sarjapur road is mostly one-lane as far as usability is concerned, with outer lanes hogged by vehicles coming to shops on the road side. Also, there are a thousand stratosphere touching apartments dotting the landscape on both the side. People will never be able to go in or come out of those structures soon.

Even God would be helpless here

Last edited by B103 : 11th July 2016 at 14:14.
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Old 11th July 2016, 14:30   #12053
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by airbus View Post
In other news, the median near Tulasi Theatre Road is closed. U-Turn given little ahead on the carriageway towards old airport. Looks like this is primarily done to prevent people from taking right turn to Tulasi Theatre Road from Old Airport Road. Now, when there is no traffic police, I assume there will be more people riding/driving on the opposite side of the road to take Tulasi Theatre Road, which connects to ORR near More Megastore. Even with police presence, I regularly see people taking the opposite side of the road after filling at HP Petrol Pump nearby.
Yes, I learnt this the hard way today as I took ORR> Mthalli Ramp> U turn> Kundalahalli. Fortunately, traffic was relatively light today 9-10 PM on this route. This is not a normal barricaded block. The median has been closed by cementing the whole recess and hence a more permanent block.
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Old 11th July 2016, 17:02   #12054
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by airbus View Post
In other news, the median near Tulasi Theatre Road is closed. U-Turn given little ahead on the carriageway towards old airport. Looks like this is primarily done to prevent people from taking right turn to Tulasi Theatre Road from Old Airport Road. Now, when there is no traffic police, I assume there will be more people riding/driving on the opposite side of the road to take Tulasi Theatre Road, which connects to ORR near More Megastore. Even with police presence, I regularly see people taking the opposite side of the road after filling at HP Petrol Pump nearby.
Oh this Right / U turn (Right for 2 wheeler and U turn for 4 wheeler) which was being used at the whims and fancies of the cop manning the junction was a savior for me to reach the ORR on service road en-route to PTP. Last week on one day the cop allowed the U turn and couple of days later was merrily clicking photos of vehicles taking the U turn.

Today when we saw the new U-Turn I wished that it was just another gap, but to my dismay the Tulasi Theater turn is completely closed with concrete dividers which even adventurous two wheeler can't negotiate.

With the Yemlur offroad route battered, becoming near impossible to navigate due to huge pits and ruts, guess my only route to PTP would be Kaggadaspura - Marathalli (right turn) - U Turn on Kadbeesnahalli bridge - PTP.
This route on an average takes 55 - 60 minutes daily and the maximum has been 1hour 45 minutes till date.

All I can do is pray that the right turn on Marathalli bridge is not closed anytime soon

Last edited by alokgunhal : 11th July 2016 at 17:03. Reason: typo error
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Old 12th July 2016, 00:12   #12055
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Looks like railway bridge near Bellandur railway station (Kadubeesanahalli - Varthur road) is going to get signal lights. Saw these lights today AM. They are yet to be connected to power.
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Old 12th July 2016, 06:38   #12056
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation


I saw a swift that met with with an accident on the Kadubeesnahalli underpass. Looks like the car rolled over as it had substantial damages. I do not foresee a major traffic jam though.
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Old 12th July 2016, 07:28   #12057
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Guys be careful. Right before the U-Turn at ISRO junction on ORR after Marathahalli towards K R Puram, there is a sheet of chipped stones on the road. Most probably a truck off-loaded some of it on to road.
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Old 12th July 2016, 07:37   #12058
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by alokgunhal View Post
my only route to PTP would be Kaggadaspura - Marathalli (right turn) - U Turn on Kadbeesnahalli bridge - PTP.
After they blocked off the Tulsi theatre right turn on OA Road, I find that the time it takes me to get to Marathahalli bridge signal from Yemalur signal has substantially decreased. However, this does not result in any net saving because the time it takes me to go up the Kadubisanahalli bridge has gone up correspondingly. It seems to me PTP folks were major users of the Tulsi Theatre road and now they have moved en masse to ORR/Kadubisanahalli.

Btw, they have left the Chowdeshwari Temple street open; you could turn into it and connect to Tulsi Theatre road through the bylanes of Marathahalli village. Similarly there is a lane next to the IOCL petrol pump near Yemalur signal which connects to Tulsi Theatre road. Both these are bike-optmised routes, though.

As things stand, pretty much all the traffic meant for PTP converges atop the Kadubisanahalli bridge.
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Old 12th July 2016, 08:42   #12059
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by binand View Post
These teething problems are listed:

- Launch delayed because politicians weren't free.
- 3 accidents on the way back to dealer's lot.
- Rookie drivers from civil police force instead of trained drivers from reserve force.

And there are also these (not-so-teething) problems listed:

- Taking away policemen from stations reduce strength at the stations themselves. Bad for an already short-staffed force.
- 4 cops per vehicle are expected to sit around doing nothing until summoned. No patrolling duties.

The reporter has tried to be unbiased by having the view of the other side too - which is basically only the homily that "you have to give the project time to succeed".
The writer exposed teething problems in the department but blamed it on the new Ertigas (in the title)

A neat commentary on the city - Bengaluru's infrastructure mess taints Karnataka's future
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Old 12th July 2016, 08:51   #12060
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by msdivy View Post
The writer exposed teething problems in the department but blamed it on the new Ertigas (in the title)
Sorry to nitpick, but teething problems are associated with newly initiated projects. The idiom comes from the fact that little kids are cranky and irritable when they start to grow their first milk teeth.

Edit: Thanks for the Rediff link. Looks like very good coverage of Bangalore's problems.
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