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Old 9th September 2015, 09:12   #9106
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by kp1992 View Post
Any updates on this? I need to go to Divyashree tech park. If the mess is not cleared then i feel its better to take PSN-INORBIT mall route.
I saw this accident around 6 30 AM while going to my office in ITPL by office cab. I do not have any updates on this. I suppose the cops would have cleared the vehicles as the stretch is prone to heavy traffic.
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Old 9th September 2015, 10:01   #9107
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I passed through the area around 9AM and the mess was not cleared. There was huge traffic jam on both sides of the road.
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Old 9th September 2015, 10:10   #9108
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sabsubs View Post
I passed through the area around 9AM and the mess was not cleared. There was huge traffic jam on both sides of the road.
This is what I fail to understand. I saw the cops there by 6 30 AM. Looks like the accident just took place when i passed by.
The cops also know that this stretch is prone to major traffic especially during peak hours. That being the case they should have acted accordingly in moving the vehicles away from that spot to reduce the congestion.
Now the commuters are the ones who are going to suffer.
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Old 9th September 2015, 10:27   #9109
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

I passed the spot at 6:50 AM.
Speaking of the accident, it could have been easily cleared. There was no unusual blocking of the road as such.

The broken tractor was on the extreme left side of the road.
The trailer was lying on the footpath.
The BMTC Volvo was parked on the extreme left behind the broken tractor.

Considering as an usual business day, it was just like another day where vehicles park on the left lane for tea/coffee/smoke etc.
Nothing was out of the blue to block the road.

The problem lies with curious onlookers. Passing traffic cause more jams to small incidents as they stop completely to get a forensic glimpse of what has happened.

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Old 9th September 2015, 11:30   #9110
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sabsubs View Post
I passed through the area around 9AM and the mess was not cleared. There was huge traffic jam on both sides of the road.
Passed by at 11 - absolutely no trace of any accident. Traffic was *normal*.

BTW, heavy rains in last 2 days have created havoc on the roads. Good roads have gone bad and bad ones have lost trace of any tar on them.
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Old 9th September 2015, 12:40   #9111
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

To anyone who tries to pick up a fallen barricade, please be warned that they are surprisingly heavy and sometimes, they are interconnected. Making them heavier.

How do I know? I got a back spasm and a swollen finger from lifting two fallen barricades near RxDx on Monday.
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Old 9th September 2015, 13:50   #9112
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by suresh_gs View Post

A MAJOR TRAFFIC ALERT: On the SAP LABS main road opposite Caterpillar RMZ, a BMTC volvo bus rear ended a tractor trailer resulting in the toppling of the trailer. The front portion of the bus has taken a severe beating.
All the vehicles going towards Graphite India are diverted on the other side of the road. I saw cops on the spot along with other Volvo buses. Not sure whose fault it is.
Hopefully the mess is cleared otherwise there will be MAYHEM.
Picture of this accident -

Fake school bus? - Kid saved from boarding fake school van
BENGALURU: A post on Facebook page, Mums of Bangalore (MoM), lead to panic among parents on Monday afternoon. The post by a mother said a school van claiming to be from Sri Kumaran Children's Home, Uttarahalli, came to pick up her friend's son on Monday morning. The driver and support staff said the bus that usually takes the kids to school had broken down and that the institution had made for an alternative arrangement. The kid studies in 1st standard.

However, when the child's father called the school's transport manager to confirm the driver's claim, they were in for a shock. Authorities declined sending any van. Before the family could alert police, the miscreants fled. The post ended with a warning for all parents that a new group is finding ways to kidnap children. Over 140 mothers commented on the post and shared their distress.

On Tuesday morning, Sri Kumaran Children's Home sent a mail to parents, alerting them about the incident. The mail stated that the school will never use any private van service and in case of a vehicle breakdown, it'll send its standby buses. It further said parents should always look out for notices and SMS alerts whenever there is a change in pickup-and-drop schedules.
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Old 9th September 2015, 14:13   #9113
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

On kadubeesanalli road there is a right turn towards cisco back entrance. The intersection is getting locked up in knots everyday. The amount of cars and bikes is really huge. I am now thinking that jams on ORR and every interconnected road can only get worse with more office buildings coming up. Its a problem that I am not sure can be solved.

Only way elsewhere is to prevent such problems from occurring. Land prices high, more denser dwellings, more vehicles.... Its a nightmare. If you look at a kilometre of raod around ecospace, there will be lakh(s) of vehicles destined just to this place and in addition lakhs using the ORR. I am not sure if such a problem has been experienced anywhere. The campuses on this stretch are also expanding :(
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Old 9th September 2015, 14:29   #9114
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by srishiva View Post
Only way elsewhere is to prevent such problems from occurring. Land prices high, more denser dwellings, more vehicles.... Its a nightmare. If you look at a kilometre of raod around ecospace, there will be lakh(s) of vehicles destined just to this place and in addition lakhs using the ORR. I am not sure if such a problem has been experienced anywhere. The campuses on this stretch are also expanding :(
These problems are specific to India! Rampant commercialization without supporting infrastructure. In any other developed country there will be regulations depending on the occupancy etc. How many of us can say that a builder has build roads etc first and then buildings (both residential and commercial)? Hardly anyone! The infrastructure is the least priority as they are not the ones to suffer .. it's everyday users like you and me. I remember back in 1998 when I was in US, the office building that I used to work had to do shifts as the number of restrooms did not meet the occupancy standards! They had to ask some employees to work in shifts so they can meet the employee/occupancy to restroom ratio! Forget restroom, we do not even have any regulation on parking spaces. What is the incentive to builder for providing any amenities/infrastructure without any regulation/law? Even when the flyovers are build, why aren't there any pedestrian skywalks constructed along with flyover? It's common sense but neither the government nor contractors have any incentive. It's sorry state of affairs where aam aadmi's needs are last in priority list of babus and politicians :(
As you rightly said, it's going to go bad only. Even if they attempt to bring Metro now to Elex City, ITPL, ORR offices (Ecospace/Ecoworld), it will be a nightmare for few years. Encouraging more working from home and flexible timings wherever possible are 2 options that many employers need to actively consider now v/s being rigid on work timings.

Sorry for the offtrack rant!
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Old 9th September 2015, 14:38   #9115
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by srishiva View Post
On kadubeesanalli road there is a right turn towards cisco back entrance. The intersection is getting locked up in knots everyday. The amount of cars and bikes is really huge. I am now thinking that jams on ORR and every interconnected road can only get worse with more office buildings coming up. Its a problem that I am not sure can be solved.
The real cause can be attributed to lack of planning. Permission is given to build huge apartments and tech parks without considering if the existing infrastructure can support the added population. Most of these roads intersecting the ORR are narrow but see the amount of construction on each.

Another example is the Haralur road, off Sarjapur road. The road by itself is too narrow two laned road. See the number of new apartments from big name builders coming up there. Imagine the state of the road once all these are occupied.

I agree with you. The situation has become so bad that it cannot be solved. Unless of course there is a dictatorship regeime where the infrastructure improvement can be forced without any political or personal gain.
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Old 9th September 2015, 14:53   #9116
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Jaguar View Post
Another example is the Haralur road, off Sarjapur road. The road by itself is too narrow two laned road. See the number of new apartments from big name builders coming up there. Imagine the state of the road once all these are occupied.

I agree with you. The situation has become so bad that it cannot be solved. Unless of course there is a dictatorship regeime where the infrastructure improvement can be forced without any political or personal gain.
Initially the govt had the reason WE DID NOT ANTICIPATE BANGALORE WOULD GROW THIS MUCH. Now that it is becoming clear that many IT companies are willing to set up base in bangalore, the govt cannot sing the same song. They should have identified potential areas of development, widened roads accordingly, so on and so forth.
It is not that the govt cannot improve the infrastructure. HSR layout is a classic example where we have wide roads for instance.
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Old 9th September 2015, 15:03   #9117
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by srishiva View Post
On kadubeesanalli road there is a right turn towards cisco back entrance. The intersection is getting locked up in knots everyday. The amount of cars and bikes is really huge. I am now thinking that jams on ORR and every interconnected road can only get worse with more office buildings coming up. Its a problem that I am not sure can be solved.
I use this road for my daily commute to office for last few years. Traffic was 'normal' till 6 months back. In the last 6 months, a lot of new residential complexes have come up along Panathur road and Kadubisenahalli-Doddakannelli road. This resulted in sudden growth of traffic density. Also, if you recall, there was a huge crater, the size of a swimming pool at the right-turn on Panathur road. Before BBMP elections, this crater was filled up with stones, which made the middle part of the turning area un-usable. When there are water tankers or trucks taking a turn, the whole road gets choked. Now the situation is so pathetic that some days it takes me an hour to reach J P Morgan from Cisco back gate (distance of merely 1 KM). This traffic congestion warrants a flyover for cars travelling from Panathur to Kadubisenahalli. The road is already narrow; don't know whether a flyover can be built here.
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Old 9th September 2015, 15:05   #9118
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

The real problem lies with the people who decide to move to Bangalore and after experiencing the mess still decide to stick with it.

The increased income in Bangalore weighs far more than the inconvenience caused by the traffic scene ... isn't it?

Let us stop blaming everyone and everything else.
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Old 9th September 2015, 15:08   #9119
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

It is just an observation from me - no numbers to back it up at all - but has anyone else noticed that traffic has become very bad in the past 4 months or so - max 6 months?

My commute time from Koramangala to EC is usually around 25 mins - to work - around 1 in the afternoon. I usually return back by 7:30 pm - and it would take me a max of 30 mins. But in these past months, it has increased till it stands at around 50 mins. I have tried changing timings - to start back home from EC at 7 pm, 7:30 pm, even 9 pm - makes no difference!

Originally Posted by alpha1 View Post
The increased income in Bangalore weighs far more than the inconvenience caused by the traffic scene ... isn't it?
Increased income? Compared to other cities?

Last edited by naveenroy : 9th September 2015 at 15:16.
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Old 9th September 2015, 16:44   #9120
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post
Haralur road is back to being at a standstill daily.
Guys using this daily please avoid for next few days.
Very true, best to avoid for the next couple of days.
Started quite late today morning thinking that the traffic volume would've abated by mid-day along this route, however was in for a rude shock.
After 'waiting in line' for 30 minutes near the Hanuman-Temple, turned back & caught Central-Jail-Road via Silver-County-Road & made it to Sarjapur-Main-Road.
However a quick respite may not be forthcoming for those who use this route as it appears that the drainage work that has been started is just the beginning.
A couple of weeks back cinder blocks & cement were dumped at regular intervals along Haralur-Road ( right from where the work has started all the way to the junction with Sarjapur-Road ).
It's high time some kind of a height barrier is built at both ends of Haralur-Road so that giant trucks & tippers do not use this narrow road.
Is there anyway to request the authorities to do this ?
Funny thing is that on Central-Jail-Road too some kind of de-silting work has begun at it's narrowest point ( where it meets Sarjapur-Main-Road ).
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