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Old 28th August 2009, 19:18   #841
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Chill Jassi.
Maybe you can channel this experience into your weekend workout!
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Old 28th August 2009, 20:28   #842
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@Jassi - All's well that ends well

In the end, if I were you, I would have had a slight smirk on my face on hearing the words - You are YOUNG

Enjoy the weekend buddy!
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Old 28th August 2009, 20:29   #843
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Jassi, another crazy incident!

Sadly, these morons & their mow down attitude are on the rise now!
May God grant us the patience to deal with them!
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Old 28th August 2009, 20:43   #844
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I may be the only one thinking this way, but if I ever see a person indicating for a sufficient amount of time (wanting to switch lanes), I almost always allow the person to do so, even if it means having a car in front of me & hence delaying my commute in any which way. Its just a personal thing, I guess. On the contrary, if someone tries to switch lanes without indicating, no way in hell will I let the person jump in front of me.

Also, just because the guy in the Swift was well dressed, there's no guarantee that the guy was educated. A lot of rich lads drop out from school at an early age, in order to take over the family business etc etc. So these guys have the money, but not the brains.

The fact that he tried to punch you many times, Finney, that's really too much to take. I know it was a good thing for you to keep quite and move on, but not one piece of 'junk' has the right to harm you (and for no fault of yours). Patience is a virtue, but not at the cost of being physically harmed.

Drive safely guys. The only thing we can ask for these days, is to be able to get from point A to point B safely and without any issues. What crazy times!
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Old 28th August 2009, 20:56   #845
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Same thing happened yesterday Jassi on Hosur road. I was driving calmly in slow moving traffic near the infy gate on Hosur road. Some idiot in a black getz just wanted to push through the traffic and go in front. I had no place to go on my left as the road was dug up so didn't allow him to go from my right. Later on he went behind me and overtook from my left from the mud road. After that I was going at my own pace and noticed him driving like a mad man cutting others car off and just pushing his way through. Knowing hosur road inside out, I knew which lane to be in for each junction and by the time we reached the next intersection pileup, I was again in front. After the junction I picked up speed and passed the VW showroom. I saw this guy again, cut very close to me on my right and zoom off. Just before the Kudlu gate junction I was parallel to him on his left on the service road. He got stuck behind a lorry and he just blindly cut me off and nearly sideswiped my car. I blew my top and decided to give him a piece of my mind. Chased him a while till the next junction and cut him off the same way. He tried to overtake as much as possible but I kept blocking him and kept reducing my speed. Finally came to a stop and he comes on my left and starts abusing me. I asked him if he was blind and he has the audacity to shout why are you overtaking from left? I was like what the hell do you mean, I was on the left and you were trying to cut me off and overtake the lorry from left. He says you should learn to drive . I tell him to first learn to use the mirror on the left and not keep it folded. After that I start moving and the whole way he tries to catch up and overtake but I ensure I stay in front. If i let him go in front, I know he will try to cut me off and stop the car. This guy was educated and had his wife sitting in the rear and a small kid in front and yet was driving like a maniac. I was doing 80kmph and he clearly overtook me doing way above 100kmph. Not only that, he didn't mind abusing in front of the kid or wife.

Last edited by Vid6639 : 28th August 2009 at 20:58.
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Old 28th August 2009, 21:37   #846
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Some sad experiences there and i know how it feels, whenever i have blew my top that entire day i have felt pathetic!
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Old 28th August 2009, 21:45   #847
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Bangalore is full of these characters. Nothing but a big bunch of good-for-nothing individuals who think they can do anything they like. They may have IT/ management jobs, but not an aorta of common sense & manners. Crude to the core,they don't mind going to any extremes whether or not they have their family around at the time of the incident. Having been in B'lore for 21 long years, I've seen the city perish slowly. All the more visible now,since I don't live there any more.
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Old 28th August 2009, 21:53   #848
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Another singular aspect of these incidents is that they always tend to happen in IT corridors, which basically adorn the periphery of the city. I wonder if such stuff happen inside the city too.

Last edited by diabloo : 28th August 2009 at 21:59.
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Old 28th August 2009, 21:57   #849
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Today while coming from office, an Innova abruptly stopped in the middle of the road and then took a turn to the left to make a final halt. When I over took the Innova, read from their body language that they were confused whether to go under the flyover or to take a left. Imagine if I was doing good speed or a late running Sumo or an Indicab must have done.
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Old 28th August 2009, 22:06   #850
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yeah guys i have been thinking - and all i can come up with is, I can't change these morons, so i need to be more tolerant and keep my cool. i am not a hot head but bangy traffic has changed me - i don't even listen to rock cos it makes me aggressive if some such incident were to happen!
Gotta stay cool and tolerate ppl more i guess :-)
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Old 29th August 2009, 03:42   #851
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Originally Posted by benbsb29 View Post
Ajmat, this particular company's way of dealing with the traffic around their location makes you wonder if you wonder if you are treading on holy ground wearing your footwear.
I've been fighting with the Infosys security for about three years now. *I'm serious*. At their main entrance, they tell you which direction your car should face. During Aug 2006, I's told that the cars should face the wall of another campus. After couple of weeks, I's told that the cars should face the other way. Remember, all this was for parking outside their campus. I inquired the security guys who monitors this as to what was the reason behind this and as expected, they've no answer.

Since then, I usually go there to drop and pickup a friend very regularly at the same gate you were referring to. I had many very heated arguments with the Infosys security, their supervisors and even the E-City cops and none have any logic/answers but only their divine duty to guard that public parking. They never even bothered to fix that patch for ages or even clean that stinking place if you go further.

I even made friends with some of those security guys after these frequent fights . Nothing works there and with all the hype in media, they're as powerful as the government is. But remember, you hear someone arguing with the Infosys security and find a forest dew Accent GLS nearby, that's me.

Originally Posted by ajmat View Post
Last Friday - E-city. I needed to visit the large offices of Bangalore Chief Toilet Cleaner to hear his now No 2 speak. For a 50000 people campus. Visitor parking was only 15 cars as no cars are allowed on campus.
Bangalore Chief Toilet Cleaner? God's largest cleanest toilet bowl? I can't get this analogy out of my head even after 2 days. Is there some obvious reference to your remarks I'm missing?
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Old 30th August 2009, 08:18   #852
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Yesterday evening there was a huge traffic block near to Marthahalli bridge, from HAL to Marthahalli direction. I was waiting in the traffic, i was in left side of the road and there was not enough space for a two wheeler to squeeze in. Then all in sudden i saw a "Luna Maron" tried to squeeze through my left side, then a big screek sound and he happily continue through the left side. There was big scratch mark on left side of back bumber and little portion on left rear door. didn't try to catch up that maron.
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Old 31st August 2009, 09:04   #853
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Originally Posted by Nitin View Post
I may be the only one thinking this way, but if I ever see a person indicating for a sufficient amount of time (wanting to switch lanes), .....
+1 to this Nitin, i prefer to allow the person indicating to take a right rather than fight for the space. When we speak about the "space", an interesting quote strikes my mind which my English professor told us in the year 1994

"An accident happens, when two people wants to be at the same place same time"
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Old 31st August 2009, 11:17   #854
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Originally Posted by balajird View Post
i prefer to allow the person indicating to take a right rather than fight for the space.
If the person indicates little bit in advance of his intention to take a turn, we should allow him.
At the same time, the person taking the turn should check for any vehicle coming fast & close on that lane, if so, he should he wait for the vehicle to pass before taking his turn.

But in Jassi's case, the Innova guy puts the right indicator & immediately takes the right turn, this is wrong & Jassi was rightly irked!
Also there are lots of smart guys like cabbies etc, who go to the left on Service road or to the right on opposite lane & then tries to join the main lane by putting the indicator!

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Old 31st August 2009, 11:35   #855
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Originally Posted by finneyp View Post
.....Also there are lots of smart guys like cabbies etc, who go to the left on Service road or to the right on opposite lane & then tries to join the main lane by putting the indicator!
Sorry if i sound like arguing, In most situations, i would rather dont mind giving the way and save me and my car from any unfortunate incident, as everyone knows the way the cabbies behave on the road and why to fight a "pig in mud" (everyone knows the pig enjoys the fight).

Moreover as Jassi mentioned, it actually spoils your mood (especially Fridays and weekends) and makes your life miserable while the other person actually enjoys doing this and laughs this off.
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