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Old 7th April 2015, 14:26   #7996
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Road update - There has been a shoddy patch up work currently being carried out on Basavanapura road. This road connects OMR to Devesandra Main Road via Ayaapanagar Quary. It's a slight relief because the surface is pretty uneven after patchup but the road has seen worse. May be some respite from dust for bikers using this road.
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Old 8th April 2015, 09:03   #7997
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Looks like there are traffic jams near Kadubeesanahalli. Again caused by broken down vehicles.
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Old 8th April 2015, 19:46   #7998
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Friends, just received this info! Bangalore Traffic Police proposed traffic flow in Marathalli - Bellandur ORR.

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-btp-traffic-01.jpg

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-btp-traffic-02.jpg

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-btp-traffic-03.jpg

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-btp-traffic-04.jpg

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-btp-traffic-05.jpg

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-btp-traffic-06.jpg

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-btp-traffic-07.jpg
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Old 9th April 2015, 07:27   #7999
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Jam alert.
Road : Whitefield Main Road
Location : Shantineketan to Big Bazaar signal (Now Cloud Nine)
The Problem : Road dug up just after the Big Bazaar signal and towards krpuram direction. Bi directional traffic from the Shantineketan commercial entry/exit gate right up to Big Bazaar signal. I was stuck on a motorcycle at 7am and the pile up was nearing Shantineketan Residential Entry/Exit point.

Pop a hyper tension pill even if you don't suffer from it cause this one is going to be a bad jam an hour later.

Last edited by sandeepmohan : 9th April 2015 at 07:36.
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Old 9th April 2015, 07:30   #8000
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Brace yourselves for some nasty traffic snarls today, especially the folks who drive via Prestige Shantinikentan, Whitefield. The retards have dug up the road opposite Prestige and closed it for traffic.
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Old 9th April 2015, 08:25   #8001
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by rjstyles69 View Post
Brace yourselves for some nasty traffic snarls today, especially the folks who drive via Prestige Shantinikentan, Whitefield. The retards have dug up the road opposite Prestige and closed it for traffic.
How do they expect people to commute if every other road in the Whitefield locality is either fully/partially closed.
Borewell road has now been closed for 2 weeks and most of the other main roads have been mutilated by BWSSB converting them into a single lane off-road track.
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Old 9th April 2015, 08:29   #8002
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by SR71-Blackbird View Post
How do they expect people to commute if every other road in the Whitefield locality is either fully/partially closed.
If you are new to Bangalore, Welcome . This is how our civic authorities work , zilch co-ordination and apathy towards the common public.

I pity the traffic cops manning the Big Bazaar traffic signal today.
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Old 14th April 2015, 09:58   #8003
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Took 1 hour 45 minutes to cover 4 KMS from my office to Home yesterday ( 5:25 PM - 7:10 PM). The line of Vehicles at Big Bazaar extended till Vydehi (maybe beyond that too). Traffic was completely stationary for almost 30 mins.

Any idea what was the reason?
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Old 14th April 2015, 11:57   #8004
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by pramodpk View Post
Took 1 hour 45 minutes to cover 4 KMS from my office to Home yesterday ( 5:25 PM - 7:10 PM). The line of Vehicles at Big Bazaar extended till Vydehi (maybe beyond that too). Traffic was completely stationary for almost 30 mins.

Any idea what was the reason?
Rain?? Traffic was sluggish even on roads that see free flowing traffic in peak hours.

Anyways, just to make you feel better , it takes 10 minutes of brisk walking to cover 1km. So your 4km commute on foot would have taken you about 45 minutes!
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Old 14th April 2015, 14:30   #8005
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

This city has probably the funniest weather I've seen, to the extent that its become highly irritating of late. Its ice-cold in the early morning, followed by strong potent sunlight at 8am, followed by dark clouds at 10, showers soon after and then hot again in the afternoon. I've heard of April showers but this is ridiculous. People seem to praise the weather here, I'm not one of them. Of course I dislike extreme temperatures as much as anyone else and I know Bangalore is quite moderate but rapid changing of weather situations within one day is a recipe for allergies & fever. It wasn't this bad a decade back.

I've also finally cracked the code of why traffic comes to a standstill if one drop of water falls on the road - two wheelers & autos known for their daredevilry in dry weather completely whimp out during rains because of the danger of slamming into a pothole. Thus they move at a very slow pace & in the process slow down everyone else. Also in general drivers here assume rain = slow driving (<20kmph). For their information, that isn't safe driving, its bad driving. Move normally at city speeds, rain or not.

Last edited by dark.knight : 14th April 2015 at 14:33.
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Old 14th April 2015, 15:52   #8006
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by dark.knight View Post
I've also finally cracked the code of why traffic comes to a standstill if one drop of water falls on the road - two wheelers & autos known for their daredevilry in dry weather completely whimp out during rains because of the danger of slamming into a pothole. Thus they move at a very slow pace & in the process slow down everyone else. Also in general drivers here assume rain = slow driving (<20kmph). For their information, that isn't safe driving, its bad driving. Move normally at city speeds, rain or not.
Nothing to say about the weather - except that it is indeed becoming extreme these days. Not a good thing at all.

However, as to why traffic comes to a standstill when it rains - bikes/autos are part of the problem. The main problem is that there is water logging on nearly every main road. So bikes and autos automatically have a problem. And spare a thought to us poor bikers too - we don't have a roof over our heads when commuting. BUT, most bikers think it is below their dignity to carry rainwear to office.
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Old 14th April 2015, 16:02   #8007
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by dark.knight View Post
I've also finally cracked the code of why traffic comes to a standstill if one drop of water falls on the road - two wheelers & autos known for their daredevilry in dry weather completely whimp out during rains because of the danger of slamming into a pothole. Thus they move at a very slow pace & in the process slow down everyone else. Also in general drivers here assume rain = slow driving (<20kmph). For their information, that isn't safe driving, its bad driving. Move normally at city speeds, rain or not.
That is because 95% of autos have tyres that look like this

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Old 14th April 2015, 16:15   #8008
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by naveenroy View Post
And spare a thought to us poor bikers too - we don't have a roof over our heads when commuting.
Bikes and Autos are just part of the problem. I've seen so called SUV's avoiding water pools, even if the vehicle in front has safely waded through it. Not sure if its a fear of getting muddy water on them.
I make it a point to give way to two wheelers if it is raining, only loses cool if someone decides to knock behind me. Off late I'm cool about it too.
Yesterday I too got stuck at Vydehi junction as I was planning to avoid the slush pool at Nallaruhalli. But seeing the pileup, took a U turn and went for the 'La Slushina' fest.
Today, I just hope, no vehicles have got stuck in the slush at Nallaruhalli 'byepass'.

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Old 14th April 2015, 16:16   #8009
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by naveenroy View Post
.....most bikers think it is below their dignity to carry rainwear to office.
Now what biker worth their bit of pride carries that contraption? Plus what's the need anyway, when it's their birthright to take shelter under every overpass in sight, never mind blocking the whole thoroughfare in the process. Traffic can wait until the rain stops and the kings can ride their two-wheeled chariots again.
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Old 14th April 2015, 16:46   #8010
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

It was terrible yesterday at Yelahanka with the underpass flooded and queues stretching for miles on both sides. Ultimately the cops had to break the median to let the water flow out and allow smaller vehicles to pass by. Today morningthey were cleaning the drain!
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