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Old 31st July 2014, 12:44   #6376
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

30 mins up or could've edited my earlier post itself.

New record - reached office in some 23 minutes from home.

No signs of any violence or mobs or any trouble along the way. Less traffic is always better in Bangalore. Though I see buses plying - maybe their numbers are lesser. But private cars are way less than usual. Love it!
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Old 31st July 2014, 12:58   #6377
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sachinpk View Post
I did not explicitly check for Vayu Vajra. But Volvos included pretty much any route number plying between Majestic as far as to the state border at Attibele. Tamil Nadu buses are all off road. And I did see cabs as well. So I don't think your friend would be stranded.
I drove to the airport - quickest I've ever done at 50 minutes from Marathahalli :-) Vayu Vajra and radio cabs are operating as usual. Shops are pretty much all closed.

It is not a friend, it is my in-laws.
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Old 2nd August 2014, 10:13   #6378
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Looks like there was a huge traffic jam in Outer Ring Road with vehicles jammed right from Marathahalli till Bellandur and beyond. Any one enjoyed the fun? .
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Old 2nd August 2014, 12:16   #6379
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

I need to go to wipro sarjapur today from forum value mall. Given the last post regarding traffic jam on outer ring road, planning to take varthur - gunjur. Can anyone let me know if this is a good option or should i stick to outer ring road?

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Old 2nd August 2014, 12:24   #6380
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by procrj View Post
I need to go to wipro sarjapur today from forum value mall.
That traffic block mentioned in earlier post was yesterday night.

Today there are no issues. You can opt for either of the two options ( ORR or Varathur) road.
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Old 2nd August 2014, 18:46   #6381
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sachinpk View Post
Looks like there was a huge traffic jam in Outer Ring Road with vehicles jammed right from Marathahalli till Bellandur and beyond. Any one enjoyed the fun? .
Is this a regular occurrence or is this only a weekend phenomena??. More often than not the main culprit is marathahalli.
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Old 2nd August 2014, 19:23   #6382
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by suresh_gs View Post
Is this a regular occurrence.
This happens when ever it rains or there is even a hint of rain.
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Old 5th August 2014, 11:56   #6383
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Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

My rant

I was on wheeler's road fly over.

Was on the way to the traffic light near the Robertson Road signal

I see a white swift VDi (realized it after it crossed my car) approaching extremely fast and he realizes that the curve on the fly over can't be taken easily.

Squealing tyres , smoking exhaust and they managed to take it. Guess they just got very lucky.

I knew these kids were on a joy ride as they had intentionally removed the rear no. plate.

They missed the walls of the flyover by a whisker

Damn it was scary

Last edited by csateesh : 5th August 2014 at 12:12.
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Old 5th August 2014, 13:16   #6384
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by naveenroy View Post
Some of you might be aware of the "service road" that joins Hosur Road from the JNC College Road. A few months back, the cops had put in a signal here to prevent motorists from jumping the signal on the main Hosur Road. What these jokers usually do is - to prevent getting caught at the signal, they would move into this "service Road" and since there was no signal, just ride/drive off to Hosur road towards the St.Johns junction.

But even after they have put in a signal here on the service road, no one stops when it is Red. It is bugging to be the only one stopping at this signal and I have been honked at, shouted at and abused. I was even abused a few days back by a cop (in mufti nonetheless) for not giving way when the signal was red.

But what is most bugging is just the attitude of the people. I mean, how many seconds longer is it going to take you if you stopped at the signal? seriously?

(Pardon my amazing skills at MS Paint though!)
For the past few days, this signal wasn't working. Thankfully it is back on and also saw a cop posted there. Not sure for how many days. It will surely go back to only me stopping at that signal
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Old 5th August 2014, 13:20   #6385
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It always surprises me how such idiots get away unhurt while an innocent driver/pedestrian get into an ugly accident.
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Old 5th August 2014, 13:33   #6386
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Not a rant actually, but today I was stuck on the wind tunnel road on the way to EGL for a while for no apparant reason, however everyone just stuck to the left even though the queue was long and it was taking time. No honking, no shouting just plain simple cars moving in uniform. Of course, the same did not apply to our auto wallahs and the two wheeler guys, they just cannot wait and they were the only ones squeezing and zooming on the opposite direction.
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Old 5th August 2014, 13:53   #6387
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by dass View Post
Not a rant actually, but today I was stuck on the wind tunnel road on the way to EGL for a while for no apparant reason, however everyone just stuck to the left even though the queue was long and it was taking time.
Boy oh boy... I was also stuck in that jam. It is in fact a frequent occurrence nowadays. Took me 90 minutes today to cover the 6.5 km to office - should be some sort of Bangalore record?

And strictly speaking, it wasn't that great discipline - as you neared the junction at Challaghata, you'd have seen all sorts of vehicles including private and yellow-board cars breaking ranks.

The root cause of the jam is the slow entry of vehicles into EGL from Wind Tunnel Road both ways. There is some digging work happening in Challaghata market area and then of course, the EGL security checks and stuff.
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Old 5th August 2014, 14:06   #6388
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by naveenroy View Post
For the past few days, this signal wasn't working. Thankfully it is back on and also saw a cop posted there. Not sure for how many days. It will surely go back to only me stopping at that signal
On one of those few days when the signal wasn't working, I remember seeing the cop trying to make motorists stop, if the signal on the main road is red. Last evening, for a while, I felt like an idiot, to have stopped at the red signal while most of the cars and bikes zoomed ahead - only to get stuck at the St.John's hospital signal.

Entry to this "service road" should be allowed only from JNC side, and the break in the median should be closed/barricaded. On countless instances, I've had a narrow escape from buses and yellow-boards that cut left into this service road, from the right lane of the main road, to bypass the signal.

We might've run into each other at this signal many times, as it's almost my regular route back home ;-)

Last edited by silversteed : 5th August 2014 at 14:26.
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Old 5th August 2014, 14:08   #6389
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by silversteed View Post
Entry to this "service road" should be allowed only from JNC side, and the break in the median should be closed/barricaded. On countless instances, I've had a narrow escape from buses and yellow-boards that cut left into this service road, from the right lane of the main road, to bypass the signal.
Yes, I do not know why they haven't done that. Yes, even buses fly into this "Service lane" from the main road!
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Old 5th August 2014, 15:29   #6390
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by binand View Post
And strictly speaking, it wasn't that great discipline - as you neared the junction at Challaghata, you'd have seen all sorts of vehicles including private and yellow-board cars breaking ranks.
I agree, I was actually surprised that before that intersection not many were leaving the line and building up another line, which in itself was a good thing.

90 mins for 6.5kms, boy guess I was lucky. I took about 15 minutes to clear that stretch and about 20 mins additional for the total of 12 kms, not bad eh?
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