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Old 27th August 2008, 16:21   #391
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Originally Posted by Spitfire View Post
...if you saw a guy in a black pullover speaking to folks going the wrong way that was me...
for acting and not just speaking. It takes a lot of guts to act! Hats off to you mate!

I hope atleast one of those guys whom you spoke to, went home and gave it a thought of what they did.

Last edited by HappyWheels : 27th August 2008 at 16:25.
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Old 27th August 2008, 16:40   #392
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@HappyWheels: Hey thanks for the kind words mate. The most stubborn were the cab guys, but what was alarming was the attitude of the folks inside the cabs. I am reasoning with the driver that you are making it worse but no one inside the cab is bothered and are getting irritated at me instead of speaking to the driver. My broken Kannada didnt help either.

One tractor(yes i am not joking) - Now tell me why does a tractor of all vehicle needs to avoid the submerged road. Incredible truly. What he does next is even more stupid, because of the jam he drives over the median right into the water logged road, the same road he tried to avoid and came down the wrong side for. Tell me what does a sane person make of that??
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Old 27th August 2008, 16:45   #393
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With You on this buddy, Tractor guy was the barmiest but am sure he was testing the capabilities of downing a median.

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Old 27th August 2008, 17:07   #394
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Originally Posted by Spitfire View Post
...My broken Kannada didnt help either...
you have guts, mate!

Originally Posted by Spitfire View Post
...Tell me what does a sane person make of that??
Sanity? What is that? But as Rocky said, maybe it was testing times!
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Old 27th August 2008, 17:19   #395
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Originally Posted by HappyWheels View Post
you have guts, mate!

If people feel you're making an effort to speak the local language, they will listen. They may not agree with what you're saying but they will appreciate the effort.
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Old 27th August 2008, 17:36   #396
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Use of offensive language is prohibited.

Originally Posted by Spitfire;[B
955392Yesterday proved to me that the people in bangalore are the most foolish and stupid from around the world. PERIOD. I have to give that to the bangloreans, lol. I am ashamed of being one. Some of the folks coming out from where the jam happened have to be probably the most educated in the country.

Bangaloreans i salute you for being the stupidiest and the most thick skinned people on the planet when it comes to driving rules.

Being a localite from the beginning, I or rather we (localites) feel offended by your remarks and your language. Yes, there are some people who care a hoot for the traffic rules this does not mean that you accuse all the Bangaloreans of this. The localities in Bangalore is only around 30~40% and balance are all outsiders. This is for your information.

"Be like a roman when you are in rome" so goes the proverb. Hope you have heard of this. In Bangalore people were very friendly and were good mannered till some 15 years back. When the IT revolution started, then the trouble started. I do not want to elaborate on this you can make your own judgements...

I have seen this city from the beginning from since 35 years things are going from bad to worse. Have you ever thought why this has happened? If yes, then you would not have commented as above. No offences meant though...

Last edited by snaronikar : 27th August 2008 at 17:39.
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Old 27th August 2008, 17:39   #397
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Spitfire I invite you to Hyderabad.
Here everyone follows the traffic rules.
They stop at signals. Never cut lanes. Always smile and let pedestrians cross the roads. No one honks or flashes their lights. No hi beams in the city. Everyone drives on their side of the road.

just kidding.
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Old 27th August 2008, 17:48   #398
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@snaronikar Sorry to barge in but i just feel spitfire is just venting out his feelings buddy. No offence but he didnt mean to hurt anyone.

My 2 cents so that an argument doesnt ensue.
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Old 27th August 2008, 17:54   #399
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Originally Posted by hrag View Post

If people feel you're making an effort to speak the local language, they will listen. They may not agree with what you're saying but they will appreciate the effort.
You are right. But then, I have also faced the other extreme, where people knowing that you are an outsider, take undue advantage.

@Snaronikar: you are right. when too many outsiders comes, there is a limit as to how much can be controlled or originality maintained when we so many outside components coming in. Dilution is bound to happen. Unfortunate that Bangalore has become a victim of its own success / beauty!
But then, this being a very sensitive topic, and I think I am going OT.
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Old 27th August 2008, 18:21   #400
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Snaronikar, dude, perhaps this thought didnt cross your brain that when Spitfire referred to "Bangaloreans", he meant people who are living here at this moment, and not specifically people who have been living here for the past 35 years or so. You need to look beyond the shortsighted view of native vs non native.
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Old 27th August 2008, 19:06   #401
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Originally Posted by Spitfire View Post
I have to give that to the bangloreans, lol. I am ashamed of being one.
@snaronikar: Firstly apologies. I didnt mean to be offensive, but you really had to be there to understand. Other people coming from the right side minding their own business had to be delayed for no fault of theirs. I have a 3 month old baby at home who was waiting for his mother and in turn his mother was waiting for her husband to pick her up as it was late and raining very heavily. That husband was getting drenched in the rain trying to make sense to the "bangaloreans". I am one too. Now imagine a ambulance stuck in the jam because of some bangaloreans stupidity. Until you go through a situation you will never really get it. Oh i do come from a different state but that dosent matter to me i am an Indian first. If i offended any other Indian it is because of his fault and not because he is in Bangalore. It was never about the natives. Your post is really going OT try and restrain yourself before jumping on someone.

@Amitoj: Thanks dude
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Old 27th August 2008, 19:47   #402
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Originally Posted by bblost View Post
They stop at signals. Never cut lanes. Always smile and let pedestrians cross the roads. No one honks or flashes their lights. No hi beams in the city. Everyone drives on their side of the road.
I almost got a heart attack!!

@Spitfire, being from north, and been seen the changing face of bangalore since last 9 years, my conclusion is that the core bangalorean is very humble, very honest (25% of the times very pretty).
i dont know what class do these cab wala fellows belong to.

for being
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Old 27th August 2008, 20:11   #403
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Originally Posted by amitoj View Post
Snaronikar, dude, perhaps this thought didnt cross your brain that when Spitfire referred to "Bangaloreans", he meant people who are living here at this moment, and not specifically people who have been living here for the past 35 years or so. You need to look beyond the shortsighted view of native vs non native.
. I do not want this to be one more post of native, non native, Indian or non Indian. All he has to do is use the proper language when he is writing and refrain from using some words which are not meant to be used in public. Hope you understand what proper language means...Let him not hurt the feelings of other people. As far as my experience goes with t-bhp, I have never heard of such language being used. Hence when you touch some sensitive topic, it is bound to rebounce back to you. The t-bhp rules clearly states that you have to refrain from using the offensive languages. Hope you have read the board rules.

@bblost: Thanks for understanding.
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Old 27th August 2008, 20:28   #404
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Abusive words?? I used Stupid, Moron and Foolish. I did a quick search and i found these words listed as below in the number of threads.

Moron: 503 times.
Stupid: 7576 times.
Foolish: 468 times.

What was abusive in my post dude? I dont get it why you are getting worked up? I read and reread the rules. what i have used above is not at all abusive. What is getting your goat i dont understand.

You are trying to tell me i should not call people morons, stupid or foolish who were coming down the wrong side on an arterial road of one of the big cities of the 7th largest country in the world?

Seriously man - no one said anything about the natives.

Sensitive topic?? What are you saying the jam created my these morons could have easily take the life of a serious person being rushed to hospital. Dont know how many cumulatively lost so many hours in their life because of the stupid bangaloreans who went up the wrong side. And mind you not one person stepped out of his car to try and sort out the mess.

I am myself ashamed to be a part of this city, but i from my small gesture yesterday tried to redeem myself by trying to do something which one else wanted to do.

For heavens sake read and reread my post and you will understand the frustration i had to go through for 2 hours yesterday night.

How many here just drove off or sat put in their cars waiting for the chaos to end?? Let me get on a high pedestal here just because another keyboard activist thinks he is the sole protetor of the natives.

Grow up man. There was no offense meant to anyone.

Just by your above lines you will probably make me think twice before doing something like what i did yesterday. If you cant be positive dont be negative atleast.

Last edited by Spitfire : 27th August 2008 at 20:37.
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Old 27th August 2008, 20:35   #405
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Originally Posted by Spitfire View Post
You are trying to tell me i should not call people morons, stupid or foolish who were coming down the wrong side on an arterial road of one of the big cities of the 7th largest country in the world?

nothing wrong in cursing ppl who are breaking rules..but what some ppl(including me ) felt bad about was the generalization to "all bangloreans" by using the words like "i am ashamed of being called a banglorean!".

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