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Old 3rd December 2012, 17:11   #3916
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by hrman View Post
The BTP does not ask for the licence number for Online payment of offences. I doubt if license is revoked for repeat offences. I have heard that for drunk driving where it is a court fine, it is possible to suspend licenses for repeat offences.

Dont think they classify Signal jumping or stopping on Zebra line a grave offence as drunk driving.
Be careful while providing licence numbers. If at all in the future the BTP decides to suspend licences of repeated offenders, those who have a considerable number of offences will be in great trouble. In Bangalore one, when you pay up for a challan, they ask for the DL number. So in their database, your licence will get an offence against it. However, when you pay fine to an inspector, the DL number will not be entered. The detail of the DL number will be left blank or some invalid characters will be entered.

I had got three challans, on a same day, which was for rash driving, signal jumping and not wearing a helmet. This was against a near scrapped vehicle, which is lying in my garage not even in a roadworthy condition. It belongs to my father who had used it years back. The location was on Commercial street. The scoot is not even drive-able and hence, cant go to such a place! I went to the traffic police station. I was particularly worried about the same thing, ie repeated offences. Hence, I had a photo of the scoot with me. The challans did not have pictured evidences and the number was noted down by a constable. Obviously, it was a mistake. But the inspector told me we would have to go to the court to prove that it was a mistake. When I asked him about the repeated offence part, he assured me that it wont be a problem, as the license number is not entered in the payment receipt. He also told me that these are not considered serious offences and usually, Drunken driving is the only offence that is taken up seriously, in case a suspension is looked at.
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Old 3rd December 2012, 17:15   #3917
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by Shubz View Post
This is turning pathetic by the day. People coming in to eat at Anand Sweets simply park in front of Anand sweets. And if questioned - talk the "I own the road" language. I think the businesses have greased the palms so much that the cops can't get into their act.
Sad but true - this must be the reason for the cars parking without any worries. Greasing ze palms by businesses. Guess it is going to be hard to get that fixed then. I was thinking of taking some photos and posting on the BTP FB page.

And about the honking thing - ever noticed that it is something of a mob-psychology thing. One guy starts honking and many follow. It is worse when it is stopping past the line at signals. One guy creeps forward and many join him. Until then, it is all fine actually!
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Old 3rd December 2012, 17:27   #3918
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by naveenroy View Post
. One guy starts honking and many follow.

One guy creeps forward and many join him. Until then, it is all fine actually!
This got to be something psychological. 1 guy honks - folks from 4-5 lanes behind start honking.

One guy creeps ahead 5 centimeters - the bikes/cars/buses etc also start creeping those 5 cm. There must be some joy in that 5 cm at a time creeping. The vehicles in the first lane -- by then are a a metre or two over the Z crossing line.
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Old 4th December 2012, 10:00   #3919
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

For those who frequently get stuck at the level crossing near Decathlon on Sarjapur road, here is some hope.
There are small boards saying some minister will come for bhoomi puja of railway overbridge. No date is shown though. But I assume the puja is this week.

I give it 3 years for completion.

Edit- another board says the puja is today

Last edited by rohanjf : 4th December 2012 at 10:01.
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Old 4th December 2012, 10:52   #3920
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Is it worth reporting this particular HIT and RUN ?

A Honda Dio that was literally swinging in and out traffic went into my Honda Activa's front wheel; causing damage to the shocks and brakes. I'm thinking of filing a hit and run complaint against him because he refused to stop when I asked him to.

I could probably have it repaired for under Rs. 400 and wanted to know if it is worth filing a complaint.
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Old 4th December 2012, 11:31   #3921
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Watch out for speed gun in the stretch between Hosa road and Kudlu gate signal. They were there as early as 9 am.
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Old 4th December 2012, 12:14   #3922
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Refer this http://www.bangaloretrafficpolice.go...e&id=86&btp=86

A curious question, What is the approx % of issuing challans every time a signal is broken or some rash behavior is captured on cams? On my commute route I repeatedly see some water tankers breaking the rules almost every day at couple of signals. BTP has a camera their and I dont think they have been fined as I doubt they will repeat it once fined. What you guys think? Have you been caught every time you broke some under observation signal?

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Old 4th December 2012, 12:20   #3923
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by akshay380 View Post
Refer this http://www.bangaloretrafficpolice.go...e&id=86&btp=86

A curious question, What is the approx % of issuing challans every time a signal is broken or some rash behavior is captured on cams? On my commute route I repeatedly see some water tankers breaking the rules almost every day at couple of signals. BTP has a camera their and I dont think they have been fined as I doubt they will repeat it once fined. What you guys think? Have you been caught every time you broke some under observation signal?
My guess would be 5%. Hardly 20% of the violations that I've reported via public eye have been acted on. BTP will have to search and look for violations via a camera, which we made easier by giving them photos directly and yet they don't act on it.

Last edited by vinu_h : 4th December 2012 at 12:24.
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Old 4th December 2012, 13:20   #3924
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Re: Is it worth reporting this particular HIT and RUN ?

Originally Posted by vinu_h View Post
A Honda Dio that was literally swinging in and out traffic went into my Honda Activa's front wheel; causing damage to the shocks and brakes. I'm thinking of filing a hit and run complaint against him because he refused to stop when I asked him to.

I could probably have it repaired for under Rs. 400 and wanted to know if it is worth filing a complaint.
Did you note his vehicle number? IMHO its not worth registering a complaint if you can get it repaired for 300-400 bucks.

Try visiting a police station to complain and you'll notice the careless attitude from the cops and it really pisses us of. Sad but true.
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Old 4th December 2012, 13:54   #3925
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Re: Is it worth reporting this particular HIT and RUN ?

Originally Posted by flyingkolors View Post
Did you note his vehicle number? IMHO its not worth registering a complaint if you can get it repaired for 300-400 bucks.

Try visiting a police station to complain and you'll notice the careless attitude from the cops and it really pisses us of. Sad but true.
Of course I did. You're right. It's not worth reporting. Traffic Police + FIR + Insurance claims.
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Old 4th December 2012, 20:58   #3926
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Lost the outer mirror casing and the indicator housing thanks to a swift driver talking on his mobile while driving.

He ran off immediately and dad saw it pointless to tell the driver to chase such idiots

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Old 4th December 2012, 21:07   #3927
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

The new mirror of an altis costs 14k, as reported by my uncle! Was the case retrieved or not? And are these electronic folding type?
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Old 4th December 2012, 21:22   #3928
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
The new mirror of an altis costs 14k, as reported by my uncle! Was the case retrieved or not? And are these electronic folding type?
14K is correct. Confirmed with the dealer.

14K is for the entire assembly with motor for folding. The outside cover was recovered albeit in 7 pieces.

The outside cover can be replaced which is 1.5K + painting. The indicator housing is part of the entire assembly.
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Old 4th December 2012, 23:59   #3929
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My new duster's right front doir was scratchted by a moron driving tempo traveller or similar 7 seater. I was driving at less than 10kmph in first gear on my way to K R Puram bridge towards hoskote. Suddenly out of no where I see my right OVRM folding. I brake to find a retard pushing his van in efforts to mate with duster.
I rolled down window and shouted where he thinks he is going diagonally? Where the hell is lane discipline? I knew I have damage but had to leave cursing my fortune. All the way home, I couldn't take it out of my mind.

Driving on old madras road in 1st gear and then a scratch ticked me off.
Who gives license to such monkeys? Hopeless.
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Old 5th December 2012, 14:23   #3930
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

I was about to report this bus via Public Eye when I decided to look it up on BTIS.

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-bmtc.jpg

I know its not easy to drive 10 tonnes in heavy traffic, but I wouldn't be surprised if all BMTC buses carry such impressive numbers. There's obviously no point in reporting this one.
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