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Old 6th June 2011, 19:15   #2356
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by libranof1987 View Post
Nice work there Anil!
Having a kid on the lap is not only a huge distraction, it is terribly risky for the car as well as others.

The fathers who think they are being "cool" by doing this are actually lousy dads.
Absolutely! What you did was right Anil and whoever's mistake it was, the Ikon guy should be punished if he had the baby in his lap.
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Old 6th June 2011, 22:10   #2357
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by libranof1987 View Post
Found this Alto in TCS' parking lot in Pioneer.

Now when you have educated people doing this, who do we start blaming?
hey can we have a separate thread for Parking in India? would be fun see the inputs from around the country! there are a lot of examples in my office itself
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Old 7th June 2011, 19:55   #2358
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by IronH4WK View Post
this happened last night around 8:20pm

my wife and i were heading to Garuda Mall for a movie and were taking the Banaswadi main road route.
Attachment 555926
phone camera + bad light = not so awesome picture!
Wow, man! I guess that driving has become a totally emotional one. Egotistic, to be more precise. I have seen lots of guys who are comparatively smaller
in stature and who are kind of not so strong & bold in their everyday life become very arrogant and abusive towards other motorists, the moment the get behind the wheel! And tolerance level has ceased to exist.

Anyways, kudos to you mate. What you did was truly Team BHP'ism!
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Old 7th June 2011, 21:13   #2359
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

This thought came into my mind over a few times. We talk about insane driving/riding, not following rules, lane discipline etc. Have you guys ever thought in Bangalore if people start following lane discipline, how long the queue would be considering the amount of vehicles on the road? Now please don't get me wrong here, I'm all up for following rules and discipline. I have driven in India and abroad and it boils down to this
1) Population - We have a lot number of people on the road at any given point of time.
2) Strict Enforcement of rules - Everybody in India knows we can get away with anything, let alone traffic rules, even murder! It's not the same in other countries.
3) Education / Common Sense - We lack big time in this. Education doesn't necessarily mean academic, I meant knowledge about traffic rules and sometimes it's just plain common sense which people need to have while driving/riding.
I know a lot of people will agree/disagree on this, but it's just the way I see it, just my observation.

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Old 7th June 2011, 21:30   #2360
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by Zombie69 View Post
Have you guys ever thought in Bangalore if people start following lane discipline, how long the queue would be considering the amount of vehicles on the road?
Ever seen a single line queue of ants running up to their anthills?
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Old 7th June 2011, 21:43   #2361
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by Zombie69 View Post
1) Population - We have a lot number of people on the road at any given point of time.
2) Strict Enforcement of rules - Everybody in India knows we can get away with anything, let alone traffic rules, even murder! It's not the same in other countries.
3) Education / Common Sense - We lack big time in this. Education doesn't necessarily mean academic, I meant knowledge about traffic rules and sometimes it's just plain common sense which people need to have while driving/riding.
1) That is something we just cannot help.
2) One gets away with it only if that person has contacts. Else, there is no justice. It is like 0 and 1.
3) A lot of people have the education but they also have a huge ego that prevents them from using that education.

Most vehicles are driven as if they are the only ones on the road and the road has been inherited.

The day people have a conscience to at least accept their mistakes, our roads will be much better.
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Old 7th June 2011, 22:28   #2362
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by Spitfire View Post
Ever seen a single line queue of ants running up to their anthills?
Ever seen intersections / Crossroads / traffic lights when they run up to their anthills? You are right, we need some discipline but the question in everybody's mind is when nobody is doing it, why should I? I know one person can't make any change nowadays, I tried and got shouted at and was about to get physically abused, but I stood my ground!
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Old 8th June 2011, 09:58   #2363
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by Zombie69 View Post
Ever seen intersections / Crossroads / traffic lights when they run up to their anthills?
That's a reply for arguments sake. You know I am not saying the way you mention it.

You are right, we need some discipline but the question in everybody's mind is when nobody is doing it, why should I?
I don't think its that. Everyone very well knows they are breaking rules. Each one of them trust me. They do it not because the other one is doing it. They do it only because they have no fear of being caught.

I know one person can't make any change nowadays,
I believe one can.

I stood my ground!
See "ONE" can.
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Old 9th June 2011, 23:19   #2364
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

For the last few days, Carmelram-Varthur road is heavy with truck traffic To make the matter worse we have morons like this who creates a seperate lane making a 5 minute traffic hold up to a 50 min traffic Jam. I am sure all of you have noticed such moronic actions by fellow road users!

Going in disciplined way will allow everyone to reach their distination in reasonable time...not cause traffic jams like this! Lot of this problem I would blame the authorities, unless someone reign in, you can not bring discipline!
Attached Thumbnails
Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-vartroad_morons.jpg  

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Old 9th June 2011, 23:30   #2365
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

This is seriously a very irritating habit of people. What makes them believe that there right of way is superior to ours is beyond my understanding. In the end they make a nuisance right at the end and a person standing in the proper lane has to suffer even longer. Autowallahs are the most notorious of the lot who start this. And 1 person is followed by everyone else and in no time all lanes are blocked.

Thats why sometimes I feel all roads in India should have a divider.
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Old 9th June 2011, 23:34   #2366
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by Gany View Post
For the last few days, Carmelram-Varthur road is heavy with truck traffic To make the matter worse we have morons like this who creates a seperate lane making a 5 minute traffic hold up to a 50 min traffic Jam. I am sure all of you have noticed such moronic actions by fellow road users!

Going in disciplined way will allow everyone to reach their distination in reasonable time...not cause traffic jams like this! Lot of this problem I would blame the authorities, unless someone reign in, you can not bring discipline!

But there is only so much that the authorities can do.

I realized today, that a governing body will not be able to change one's way of though. If that person has made up his mind about behaving like that, he will do it and will not feel guilty about it, because he believes that what he's doing is not against the law.

And he will even question the law, if stopped.

Such people will never learn or change for the good. They will continue making life hell for those who follow rules. It is ingrained in them to behave this way.

Those who actually feel guilty and are ready to set their egos aside and accept their mistakes are the ones who are looking to change and be better, be it at driving, or at anything.

If one believes that they are doing right, even if they aren't, then no one can help them but them alone.

Let's just hope our future generation is a smarter bunch and realize that trying to do such things on the road will not only inconvenience everyone else, but will affect their own health, what will all the cussing and flared tempers.
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Old 10th June 2011, 01:49   #2367
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by Gany View Post
For the last few days, Carmelram-Varthur road is heavy with truck traffic To make the matter worse we have morons like this who creates a seperate lane making a 5 minute traffic hold up to a 50 min traffic Jam. I am sure all of you have noticed such moronic actions by fellow road users!

Going in disciplined way will allow everyone to reach their distination in reasonable time...not cause traffic jams like this! Lot of this problem I would blame the authorities, unless someone reign in, you can not bring discipline!

The same situation happened to me day before on a road parallel to Bannerghetta Road whilst moving towards Jayadeva. There is normally only 2 lanes on one side of this road, especially at this particular '+' junction in a 2 way road. The left lane is for those wanting to go left and straight. The right lane for those taking a right turn. I was in the left lane moving straight and there is traffic waiting on the other side of this junction. A black santro to my right, moves diagonally from the right lane towards me. He thought he could push me into the footpath if he approached me from the right to overtake the queue. What actually shocked me was that he was driving a vehicle with atleast 3 TBHP stickers. I had put my head out to see when he would ram into the right side of my slow moving vehicle. On seeing the TBHP stickering on my car, the fellow (assuming he is a BHPian) pulls back behind me. He then stays far behind me so that I do not get to see his plates, even though I slowed down to the left to let him pass me. On reaching the next junction, the signal just turns green and our hero overtakes from the left side in no time and turns left towards Bangalore Central, JP Nagar.

Driver of this Black/ Dark colored Santro, if you were trying to overtake me and the rest of the long queue in that junction, it was very dangerous and would have led to a traffic jam. If you were simply trying to get my attention, you were still endangering me and yourself.
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Old 10th June 2011, 06:59   #2368
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I have been in and around Patiala for the past few days. The audacity with which people use their cellphones when driving or riding shocked and awed me! I have many times spotted students riding bikes and texting at the same time.
It is almost as if it is a status symbol to use your cellphone while driving or riding.
Getting out of your city really does sometimes put things in perspective.

Last edited by amitoj : 10th June 2011 at 07:01.
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Old 10th June 2011, 09:29   #2369
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Originally Posted by amitoj
Getting out of your city really does sometimes put things in perspective.
Yeah, had the same feeling when I got back from Chennai
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Old 10th June 2011, 09:45   #2370
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

IMO, Bangalorean drivers/riders are more "sensible" (to some extent) than some cites, BUT the traffic police of Bangalore is a big time FAIL.

MY observations:
1) On OA road, they FORCE motorists coming from Wind Tunnel road into jumping their red.
2) They have little or no common sense; a group of 3-4 of them had a BMTC bus stop IN FRONT OF my apartment's gate late y'day evening, and it had devoured not only the one lane it was parked on, but also, 1/4th of the only other lane that was free.
The cops looked like elaborate fools, as the bus didn't have its hazard lamps on, and (because of the bottleneck cause) bikers whizzed past them on the footpath! I've long lost faith in the BTP.
3) They are busy collecting fines from signal jumpers, but don't give 2 hoots to motorists blocking the "free left" lane, or sraping between lanes of traffic.
4) The police are among the many audacious law-breakers.
5) They seldom take action against rampant violations occuring under their noses except for signal breaking, and a couple of other violations.

Only when Mr Sood and his department do their duty properly, there will be hope of us seeing this thread close.
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