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Old 21st December 2024, 09:41   #22321
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by itwasntme View Post

170-km of tunnels, flyovers and double-deckers: Blueprint to decongest Bengaluru traffic unveiled

Please upload this report here if anyone can locate it.
Great idea to decongest Bangalore! A solid chunk will likely die from frustration navigating all the digging on their commute, another chunk might finally reach breaking point and leave town for good.

Voila, decongested!
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Old 21st December 2024, 09:49   #22322
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
No wonder the investments keep flowing into Bangalore. On paper, it seems amazing and advertising this along with the proposed metro and suburban rail network, Bangalore seems like the city of dreams.

Snapping back to reality, just imagine the digging up, chaos and total neglect during the period (i would count it in decades). Just yesterday, I visited Koramangala and the 100 feet road from St John's auditorium till Sony signal was totally jam packed, not because of a broken down vehicle or excessive traffic at the signal, but just because the road is in absolute tatters. You can barely cross 20km/hr with the lingering fear of suspensions components in the car and your back slowly coming loose.
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Old 21st December 2024, 10:20   #22323
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

As usual, heavy traffic jam at Attibelle toll (at 8ish).Welcome to holiday season!

Isnt there some rule that if the queue exceeds 100 ft(??) they are meant to allow free flow of the vehicle until it reduces? (I have seen it happen couple of times in Kerala)

Last edited by SideView : 21st December 2024 at 10:39.
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Old 21st December 2024, 10:37   #22324
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

And on the North side, Toll booths seeing lines well past Tumkur .. Even the Karajeevanahalli booth is seeing ques of more than 5 minutes. Holiday season ..
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Old 21st December 2024, 14:08   #22325
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Thank you all for the greatly helpful suggestions and pointers. I reached there on the 19th at 11:41 PM, happily slept, finished my work before 5:30 PM the next day, and started back home before 6. The traffic I witnessed on roads in Bangalore around midnight was a real surprise to me: It WAS quite a lot.

I wanted to drive through whatever Bangalore traffic meant - hoping to have to go through a milder one - on Friday evening. Maybe I was overly cautious not to have a fight with anybody or damage anything, or probably the traffic at some stretches was dense as usual, it took me quite a while to reach peaceable road conditions - more than an hour and a half. I might have reached halfway from the Raman Research Institute to Hoskote by this time, just didn't want to distract myself with the screen to pinpoint.

Had a solo drive, so could listen to a lot of songs that I used to listen long long time ago as a bachelor. It reminded me of the fairly recent enough heavenly departure of those great souls - Lata Mangeshkar, Mehdi Hasan, Bhimsen Joshi, Kishori Amonkar, BB King, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis...; and the grip of father time on the others - Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Willie Nelson... Without these people, life would have been a miserable sentence. I wish and hope to develop more liking for the newer music. Otherwise, I am stuck in a time capsule.

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
My bad, thanks for noticing that!
Originally Posted by kavensri View Post
Same here... then Hebbal circle mess, ORR has become most unpredictable.
Originally Posted by srvm View Post
As a frequent visitor to IISc and living near Old Madras Road: +1 to the above suggested route. It has fewer uncertainties.
Originally Posted by kavensri View Post
This is correct. drive straight from KR Puram till Ulsoor lake, then take Nandi Durg road via St John's Road.
This is the route that google offered while going to Bangalore. This route was forced in the return journey due to the diversions from some of the roads as pointed out.

Attached are two images: the route from the MG app for the beginning of the return trip; and a happy observation about the mileage of petrol Hector despite the long congested drive in the beginning. It may be off by at most 2kmpl.
Attached Thumbnails
Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-screenshot_20241221121111.png  

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-screenshot_20241221005952.png  

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Old 23rd December 2024, 09:47   #22326
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Re: Proposed one ways in Electronic City Phase 1

Originally Posted by rohan_iitr View Post
So, the one-way trial started today in Electronic City Phase 1.
The one-way chaos continues in Electronic City Phase 1.

The trial was launched on Friday morning, which apparently took a lot of commuters by surprise.

The commute (distance and time) has become so much longer because of the one-ways that short distance commuters have started considering walking, instead of taking an auto. The auto drivers realized this immediately and staged a protest in front of ELCIA office on Saturday and demanded that the one way trial be rolled back immediately.

Now the funny bit - some people started circulating photos of this dharna on WhatsApp groups and started claiming that the one-way trial has been rolled back. Subsequently, on the weekend, some commuters started using the one-way roads like two-way roads because of the above confusion.

This confusion continues on Monday morning. The auto-drivers are refusing to follow the one-way rule. The 2-wheelers are also adding to the confusion. (If a 3-wheeler can go wrong way on a one-way, why can't I ?)

Only the poor 4-wheelers are following the one-way rule while the 3-wheelers and 2-wheelers drive dangerously the wrong way on the one-ways.

Honking is the only option available to 4-wheelers. Still some people get offended when a 4-wheeler driver honks.
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Old 23rd December 2024, 10:10   #22327
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

The auto drivers and many delivery 2-wheelers drive on the wrong side even in a two way road.

Now the big confusion is, which side do they ride against the traffic in a one-way street? On the left or right :-)?
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Old 23rd December 2024, 10:27   #22328
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Re: Proposed one ways in Electronic City Phase 1

Originally Posted by rohan_iitr View Post
This confusion continues on Monday morning. The auto-drivers are refusing to follow the one-way rule. The 2-wheelers are also adding to the confusion. (If a 3-wheeler can go wrong way on a one-way, why can't I ?)

Only the poor 4-wheelers are following the one-way rule while the 3-wheelers and 2-wheelers drive dangerously the wrong way on the one-ways.

Honking is the only option available to 4-wheelers. Still some people get offended when a 4-wheeler driver honks.
Civil Disobedience at its peak .

In seriousness though, what else is expected? When these 2/3W can come down the wrong side on bridges (double decker, ORR etc) 6-8 lane highways (Hosur road, NICE Road etc) and narrow, 2-way by lanes just to save a couple of mins of their precious time, in this case savings are significant with distances practically halved, security and self preservation be damned. They know that any collision with a 4W will immediately turn into a fight between the union (organized and otherwise) and individual with the bigger vehicle. By the grace of the police, nothing but a hefty payday for all stakeholders involved except one.

Dashcam is perhaps the only way a genuine 4W can stay somewhat safe, thanks to naming / shaming possibilities on social media.

Last edited by ShreyG : 23rd December 2024 at 10:34.
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Old 23rd December 2024, 10:41   #22329
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Lobogris View Post
Why don’t you guys use the metro? A quick check of the map reveals that it is a quick 15 minute ride from Whitefiled to the Decathlon. Even if the metro station is a little ways, use the auto to the nearest metro and avoid the traffic. I spent a couple of weeks in Bangalore last month and always used the metro as far as possible. Even though the metro network isn’t as big as NCR, it does help a lot.
The nearest metro station to my house is 5 kms. Autos will charge Rs. 150 at a minimum, feeder buses are not frequent. And there is no metro near my office ( Outer Ring Road, Bellanduru ), the nearest metro is 11.5 kms. Yes, that is how Bengaluru development happens. Areas of Bengaluru that need the metro more will not get it, but "Old Bengaluru" which is where the lobbies reside get the best of everything first, generally.
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Old 23rd December 2024, 11:54   #22330
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by airguitar View Post
The nearest metro station to my house is 5 kms. Autos will charge Rs. 150 at a minimum, feeder buses are not frequent. And there is no metro near my office ( Outer Ring Road, Bellanduru ), the nearest metro is 11.5 kms. Yes, that is how Bengaluru development happens. Areas of Bengaluru that need the metro more will not get it, but "Old Bengaluru" which is where the lobbies reside get the best of everything first, generally.
Its called inside out implementation. Seniority based

At least they should do the ORR one faster. Since the feeders need to be more frequent, govt or BMRCL should try to have something bigger than autos. Buses are of no use on our small roads. They can charge including this fare. EVs would suffice too.
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Old 23rd December 2024, 21:41   #22331
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Re: Proposed one ways in Electronic City Phase 1

Originally Posted by rohan_iitr View Post
The trial was launched on Friday morning, which apparently took a lot of commuters by surprise.
As long as it eases the traffic, I am all good for this 1-way route. Once the Autos fall in line, people will work out shorter ways to reach Elevated Flyover on Hosur Road.
There are few junctions that they need to normalize (by stopping 2 wheelers and auto into forced 2 way), rest seems good. Evening traffic used to take 15 mins just to cross the BHEL deadlock, those will get resolved.

Some drivers are opposed to this 1-way idea by just considering the extra distance. People should understand that extra 3 kms of moving traffic is better than sitting in deadlock with running engine.
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Old 23rd December 2024, 22:15   #22332
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by airguitar View Post
The nearest metro station to my house is 5 kms. Autos will charge Rs. 150 at a minimum, feeder buses are not frequent. And there is no metro near my office ( Outer Ring Road, Bellanduru ), the nearest metro is 11.5 kms. Yes, that is how Bengaluru development happens. Areas of Bengaluru that need the metro more will not get it, but "Old Bengaluru" which is where the lobbies reside get the best of everything first, generally.
Saying that old Bangalore is not priority is not correct. Not sure if you have travelled in Metro in CBD areas, it is being used for the maximum extent. Of course ORR, Manyata and EC also needs connectivity at the earliest
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Old 24th December 2024, 09:35   #22333
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Blr_RK View Post
Of course ORR, Manyata and EC also needs connectivity at the earliest
Some of it may have to do with when the original proposal was drafted. Apparently it was in 2003 that the original proposal for what became the Purple and Green Lines was put forward by DMRC and accepted.

I started working around that time, in Whitefield. We had to come all the way to Marathalli to go out for lunch, riding home was scary at night with hardly anyone on the road and no streetlights. I also remember teaching my cousin to ride a bike on the ORR back then, it was that empty in the middle of the day! So it would be hard to justify a Metro line in those areas back then. The main requirement for a Metro is sufficient population density along the line.

What is really inexcusable is the slow implementation. And the lack of co-ordination and planning. When BMRCL can get the big things right- tunneling under Bangalore's rocky terrain, getting the trains running, all the engineering side of things, some of which are nothing short of a marvel, it's sad that the allied agencies (bureaucrats mainly) mess up the last bit. Not ordering enough train sets and the mess with the Chinese order, because of which the Yellow Line is being delayed for over a year. Not bothering about pedestrian infra, or enough scanning machines at the busy stations, bad co-ordination when it has anything to do with the Indian Railways, because of which a whole section of a line gets delayed for a year till some few hundred meters can be sorted out.

But ultimately, with a city like Bangalore, build it, they will come. The Metro is already being used by lakhs (average daily ridership, 7L+). It will only increase and those who find a way to make it work for them (and it will take some adjustments, there will never be perfect coverage or doorstep pickup/drop with public transport), will have an alternative to the road traffic, that will only get worse.

Last edited by am1m : 24th December 2024 at 09:38.
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Old 24th December 2024, 09:43   #22334
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by airguitar View Post
Yes, that is how Bengaluru development happens. Areas of Bengaluru that need the metro more will not get it, but "Old Bengaluru" which is where the lobbies reside get the best of everything first, generally.
Originally Posted by Blr_RK View Post
Saying that old Bangalore is not priority is not correct. Not sure if you have travelled in Metro in CBD areas, it is being used for the maximum extent. Of course ORR, Manyata and EC also needs connectivity at the earliest
I agree with RK. I happened to chat up an employee of BMRCL while riding a metro about this very point. Routes and priority are planned purely based on their ability to acquire land quickly, cost & RoI and this logic would hold good for any city in a democratic country. A proven method to bypass land acquisition problems is to go underground at 3x cost of overground.
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Old 24th December 2024, 11:15   #22335
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

I have to pickup elderly relatives tomorrow early morning around 5am from the Kempegowda bus station. What are the best car parking options where parking spots are available at that time?
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