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Old 20th December 2023, 14:05   #21451
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
That on the ORR will be impossible because there are just so many violators, and few cops. Stopping them will also attract brickbats as this would also affect traffic.
So how will informing the company solve this problem? Won't the cops have to stop the employees now to take company details?

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Few months ago, there used to be a long queue of HAL employees who would take the wrong side to reach the office gate on HAL airport road.
This is a specific case where all the offenders are from one particular company, in that case it makes perfect sense for the police to work with the company to solve the issue. That will not be the case in the ORR.

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
If there are still people who believe Bengaluru's traffic problem can be solved in a theoretical manner going by the book, then I guess then thats the reason why nothing much has changed so far.
Automated, ruthless enforcement, the solution. And regular enforcement drives. Just like how the BTP tackles drunken driving, and very effectively. Nothing about theory, or stopping every offender on the road everyday. Planning to inform companies is not 'out-of-the-box' thinking, it's pushing the onus of what has to be BTP's job on to someone else. (And I don't blame the everyday traffic cop on the road for this- they are overworked and underpaid. Their top brass needs to give them support and more teeth to enforce the law.)

Last edited by am1m : 20th December 2023 at 14:09.
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Old 20th December 2023, 16:21   #21452
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

What next? Resident Welfare Associations and Housing Societies to notify the companies about "flower pluckers", "Late maintenance payers", "dog poop leavers", "loud music players"?
After all, these companies employed them and because of that these folks are in Bangalore!

Imagine your manager saying to you "You know you played loud music last night and disturbed your neighbour! No hike for you this cycle especially since you jumped a traffic light last month"

There is no death of stupidity and BTP at times just epitomizes it.
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Old 20th December 2023, 19:13   #21453
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by audioholic
If there are still people who believe Bengaluru's traffic problem can be solved in a theoretical manner going by the book, then I guess then thats the reason why nothing much has changed so far.
I do understand your thought process as well. But law & law enforcement is a double edged sword. This move by BTP actually has many flaws, even thinking from a legal perspective.
1. BTP has still not clarified under what legal rights they plan to inform a private entity (a company) of a traffic violation done by a private individual (the IT company employee). At least from my reading of the M.V Act, there is no provision to inform any 3rd party about a traffic violation done by an individual. Violators can be asked to come up with their names and addresses, when juveniles get involved the vehicle owner/parent can be informed and prosecuted. But for adult offenders every thing is between that person, BTP and the judicial courts.
2. This action is also not uniformly applied against all traffic violators but only target one group of people (IT company employees). Generally such laws are not allowed in India (legal terms are "class legislation v/s reasonable classification"). Punishments cannot be different for two people who do exactly the same offence. If a lawyer violates the rule, BTP will not inform the court where he practises. If a doctor violates the rule, BTP will not inform the hospital which he works for. Why target IT employees alone?
3. IT employees essentially work on an employment contract with the IT company. Contractual obligations are only for doing the work for the company and get paid for the same. If any IT company tries the trick of using these BTP notices to harass an employee, then the employment contract itself can be questioned. And last but not the least, BTP is making the company and its management act like a kangaroo court.

I am a very pro-police person, as I know how hard their work is. But this move is nothing but a way to harass people, who are too young (and disinterested) to know the law of the land and the relationship they have with the IT company they work. Most of them may not know local language, which also make them sitting ducks. Let the BTP try this trick with even some one has finished his LLB/law course; the officials will find themselves in a very sad position.

Originally Posted by ValarMorghulis
There is no death of stupidity and BTP at times just epitomizes it.
This trick was tried by Hyderabad Traffic Police a couple of years back. Looks like they have abandoned it without much fanfare. (Driving drunk? Hyderabad cops will tell your employer)
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Old 22nd December 2023, 16:28   #21454
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sachinpk View Post
I am a very pro-police person, as I know how hard their work is.
Same here, I have complete sympathy for traffic police. The have an incredibly hard job. And there are proven ways to reduce particular traffic offenses, but staying within the law itself:

"At 2,840 a year, Bengaluru drunk driving cases under check"

"Bengaluru police have decided to send decoys in a bid to counter allegations of corruption while booking Drunk and Driving (DD) cases. Besides that, Police Commissioner B . Dayanand has made it mandatory for all patrolling personnel to wear body camera."

Even if you disregard the stats, personally I can say I don't have the guts to drink and ride/drive now in Bangalore. I've seen so many checks, I won't even have a single drink, even if it is 'below the limit' or whatever, if I'm riding/driving back after that. That was not the case 20 years ago, when I was in my 20s and (I'm very ashamed to say!) I used to ride home after going out with my friends. Mainly because there were hardly any checks in the city and never on my way back home (and because I was an idiot!)

So increase enforcement, a mix of technology, random checks and cameras/automation. Just like drunken driving, start with wrong side riding/driving, vehicles going on the footpath (even for parking!), or waiting on the side of the road and blocking traffic. Crack down mercilessly. Spare no one- not techies, not cab or auto drivers, not vip vehicles. Amend the law if required to seize the license, a whole day spent in court to pay the fine, seize the vehicle for these offenses.

I think that will work better and do more to improve traffic flow, than calling my parents...I mean, manager!

Last edited by am1m : 22nd December 2023 at 16:41.
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Old 25th December 2023, 07:36   #21455
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Mall of Asia wrecking Bellary Road traffic flow! BTP needs to take some drastic action but I cannot fathom what.
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Old 25th December 2023, 09:17   #21456
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation


NICE road on its way to become the new ORR
NICE road is already plagued with overtaking trucks on a 4 lane highway. Add the BMTC nightmare to it and the NICE road will join the famed and shamed ORR for its traffic nightmares with the BMTC stopping and dropping every commuter in front of their house and a 2nd BMTC standing next to it for reasons known to them.

Last edited by Chetan_Rao : 26th December 2023 at 09:25. Reason: News article URL.
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Old 25th December 2023, 09:44   #21457
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao View Post
I needed a ride to Indiranagar Metro from EGL Domlur earlier in the week
Chetan, have they opened up the divider in front of EGL yet ? Or does one still have to go half-way down that road to turn around ? (It's been a long time that I came that way)

(Back in 2009, I had reached out to BTP asking them to open the divider so that traffic flow is smoother instead of clogging half stretch of that road. Cops were deployed for observation, but nothing happened. ... )
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Old 25th December 2023, 13:25   #21458
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by condor View Post
Chetan, have they opened up the divider in front of EGL yet ? Or does one still have to go half-way down that road to turn around ?...
Still have to go about a km towards Ejipura and make a U-turn.

Honestly, don't think it will help much now. Traffic volume is so high, it'll block everything up to Indiranagar or even OMR (Vivekananda Rd Metro signal). It's terrible enough now as it is during rush hour.

They should probably consider an elevated loop U-turn.

Last edited by Chetan_Rao : 25th December 2023 at 13:29.
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Old 30th December 2023, 21:24   #21459
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Mall of Asia on KIAL Road ordered closed till 15 January 2024.

Very well-reasoned order in my opinion:
Attached Thumbnails
Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-img_9864.jpeg  

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-img_9865.jpeg  

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-img_9866.jpeg  

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-img_9867.jpeg  

Last edited by itwasntme : 30th December 2023 at 21:49.
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Old 30th December 2023, 22:57   #21460
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by ShreyG View Post
NICE road on its way to become the new ORR
NICE road is already plagued with overtaking trucks on a 4 lane highway. Add the BMTC nightmare to it and the NICE road will join the famed and shamed ORR for its traffic nightmares with the BMTC stopping and dropping every commuter in front of their house and a 2nd BMTC standing next to it for reasons known to them.
This is a given; the rate at which the city is expanding. The only solution for the same would some how provide trucks an alternative solution. The city traffic on NICE is going to be a not-so-distant eventuality.

I just hope the STRR opens up in full very soon. That should give one sense of relief.
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Old 30th December 2023, 23:37   #21461
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by itwasntme View Post
Mall of Asia on KIAL Road ordered closed till 15 January 2024.

Very well-reasoned order in my opinion:
I really hope they can enforce it amidst any legal pressure. This element of planning must have been present right from the beginning. The order may seem anti capitalist, but this should be a wake up call for better and scientific urban planning; both on the parts of the developers and civic bodies. Though, I must say that the herd mentality of the public is equally responsible.

Very pleased with the order!
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Old 31st December 2023, 14:54   #21462
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by theabstractmind View Post
I really hope they can enforce it amidst any legal pressure. This element of planning must have been present right from the beginning. The order may seem anti capitalist, but this should be a wake up call for better and scientific urban planning; both on the parts of the developers and civic bodies. Though, I must say that the herd mentality of the public is equally responsible.

Very pleased with the order!
I liked the fact that it was factual. I can't believe the Mall of Asia has such limited parking.
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Old 31st December 2023, 15:14   #21463
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

I was to write this a week and a half back when I did the Bangalore Pune drive. When exiting Bangalore I found the Goreguntapalya flyover to be closed at 4.30 am. This is the 3rd time I am encountering this, any reasons why this flyover is closed early mornings? This makes one lose 15-20 precious minutes in the mornings when going below the flyover with as many as 7-8 traffic signals slowing you down.
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Old 31st December 2023, 16:42   #21464
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by ghodlur View Post
I was to write this a week and a half back when I did the Bangalore Pune drive. When exiting Bangalore I found the Goreguntapalya flyover to be closed at 4.30 am. This is the 3rd time I am encountering this, any reasons why this flyover is closed early mornings? This makes one lose 15-20 precious minutes in the mornings when going below the flyover with as many as 7-8 traffic signals slowing you down.
Eversince the flyover got closed for heavy vehicles this has been the norm. Flyover is closed for all traffic from 12am to 6am.
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Old 31st December 2023, 17:43   #21465
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by ghodlur View Post
When exiting Bangalore I found the Goreguntapalya flyover to be closed at 4.30 am
Originally Posted by _chikku View Post
Eversince the flyover got closed for heavy vehicles this has been the norm. Flyover is closed for all traffic from 12am to 6am.
Usually the plastic barricades on the side are open, while the main flyover entrance is barricaded. You just need to slow down and drive through the gap onto the flyover. There are no barricades on the other side and you can exit at the toll.
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