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Old 15th September 2022, 21:00   #20236
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Wipro says the obvious. Am sure everyone would say the same.

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Last edited by SoumenD : 15th September 2022 at 21:02.
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Old 15th September 2022, 21:14   #20237
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by SoumenD View Post
Wipro says the obvious. Am sure everyone would say the same.

So these people(companies/citizens) complaining about having sanctioned plans and so, maybe overlook how such encroachments happen in the first place. The tech park where we recently moved to spans across four survey numbers. Bang in the middle, there is a SWD earmarked which is supposed to be the Rajakaluve. The builder, who is one of the biggies has converted this drain into a rather small gutter and has made a garden around it, just to hide the fact that there's an SWD right in the middle of their campus. From what I know of these previously agricultural lands, I am sure that the width earmarked for the drain is much wider than what is being made of by these builders.

So on paper, there is a SWD and the official doesn't care since the builder shows that part of the land is unused. The garden anyway doesn't actually count as construction even though it limits flow of storm water. So technically my company can say that they have all the clearances. But I expect a bulldozer someday to convert the garden back into a super wide drain as per the land records.

The issue is prominent in Whitefield and surroundings because these were not planned areas. Land still exists in the older style of survey numbers and odd sizes with agricultural canals supposed to flow here and there and in between lakes. During the last decade with lesser rains, these lakes almost died whereas in the past few years we have got good rains and every lake is now full. Hence the SWDs which were non relevant earlier have sprung back and so is the attention of the government, because they have to show some action now.
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Old 16th September 2022, 06:14   #20238
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

The existing road from Muthanallur near Nambiar Belezia towards Chandapura was itself a Rajakaluve, today it has become a major connecting road between Hosur Road and Sarjapur Road. The powerful community which encroached upon the adjacent lands have started apartments/villa projects. This year there is an overflow of drainage water from Nambiar Belezia into the narrow Rajakaluve. Prestige World City too is on an encroached land, unfortunately our former Vice President came for inaguration.
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Old 16th September 2022, 06:50   #20239
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

This person has been fighting against corruption and preservation of water resources, if interested follow his interviews in Kannada
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Old 16th September 2022, 06:50   #20240
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Best is for the campus to have some sort of an elevated bridge over this canal, like they do in far east countries (using bamboo etc). Then it wont be an eyesore
Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
The builder, who is one of the biggies has converted this drain into a rather small gutter and has made a garden around it
@Deehunk. This man says Rourkee is in North East. It is in Uttarakhand. So few ignorant people are commenting on another set of ignorants

Last edited by Sebring : 16th September 2022 at 06:58.
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Old 16th September 2022, 08:45   #20241
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by deehunk View Post
The existing road from Muthanallur near Nambiar Belezia towards Chandapura was itself a Rajakaluve, today it has become a major connecting road between Hosur Road and Sarjapur Road. The powerful community which encroached upon the adjacent lands have started apartments/villa projects. This year there is an overflow of drainage water from Nambiar Belezia into the narrow Rajakaluve. Prestige World City too is on an encroached land, unfortunately our former Vice President came for inaguration.
But sir Muthanallur lake receives water from Huskur and Singenaagrahara lakes and flows into Handenahalli and Bidaraguppe to join the D.pinakanini before kodiatalam. Why would there have been a rajakaulve from muthanallur to Chandapura ? Was it connecting chandapura lake to this?
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Old 16th September 2022, 09:45   #20242
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by airguitar View Post
Why would there have been a rajakaulve from muthanallur to Chandapura ? Was it connecting chandapura lake to this?
The missing link here is Narayanaghatta lake, it was first used for dumping waste from surrounding hospitals, later encroached. The lake was partially restored last year, but Rajakaluve encroachment is not cleared. The surviving part of the channel can be found a few meters ahead of Tranquil Residency, as per my relatives, the actual Rajakaluve was adjacent to Asset Placid and connected to Muthanallur lake.
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Old 16th September 2022, 16:25   #20243
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

*Not sure if this has already been shared earlier

I came across this YouTube channel through friends who'd shared the links to couple of well made videos on the floods in Bangalore (why and history), here are the first 2 episodes, do watch to get more insights about the causes of floods we saw recently:

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Old 17th September 2022, 01:52   #20244
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by kovilkalai View Post

Finally, update survey maps showing water bodies and drains, digitize them and display them on government websites. Make it easy for people to verify whether their builder is doing something dodgy.
Karnataka govt had developed this app called "Dishaank'. This app helps in getting the survey number and helps check Karnataka land records even for the remote areas. Once you install the app, you need to do one time registration.
You have map view and you can enter details if you are aware of then.
After that, you will need to enter the district, taluk, hobli, village and the survey number. It will show the survey number and the location along with land record info.

Helps in identifying rajakaluve/SWD, other water bodies, settlement areas and has tools to do measurements as well.

Please check if this helps in identifying the storm water drain in your community.
I had checked for some other places and the storm water drains, water bodies are visible for doing preliminary checks for any land / property by comparing against Google Maps satellite / default view of the same area.

Last edited by Gannu_1 : 17th September 2022 at 05:46. Reason: stor > storm
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Old 17th September 2022, 11:53   #20245
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by achilles101 View Post
Karnataka govt had developed this app called "Dishaank'.

Helps in identifying rajakaluve/SWD, other water bodies, settlement areas and has tools to do measurements as well.
Thank you achilles101! This is useful. I downloaded the app and registered myself. I am able to see the survey numbers and the outlines for the survey numbers. However, I am unable to see the storm water drain on the map. If I click on where I expect the storm water drain to be, the pop up does tell me that it is a stream. The trouble is we are not accused of encroaching the entire drain, just a few feet on the banks of the drain. I am not sure that the survey number outlines are accurate enough to capture the boundary within a few feet.

That aside, this is indeed very useful!
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Old 17th September 2022, 13:40   #20246
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by kovilkalai View Post
Thank you achilles101! This is useful. I downloaded the app and registered myself. I am able to see the survey numbers and the outlines for the survey numbers. However, I am unable to see the storm water drain on the map. If I click on where I expect the storm water drain to be, the pop up does tell me that it is a stream. The trouble is we are not accused of encroaching the entire drain, just a few feet on the banks of the drain. I am not sure that the survey number outlines are accurate enough to capture the boundary within a few feet.

That aside, this is indeed very useful!
Dishaank is useful only for agricultural and revenue land. However for BDA and other planned layouts it doesn't represent the actual plan since the layouts are formed after combining many pieces of land and completely remodeled. So the drain layout should be as per the layout approved plan and not what Dishaank shows.
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Old 18th September 2022, 20:52   #20247
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

A scooter hit he rear left wheel of my Thar - was hit as he seems to have not noticed the car at all or seems to have accelerated to squeeze behind the car as I was taking a U turn after ensuring everything was clear. The guy hit the wheel area, before trying to screech to a halt and skidded hitting the rear tire. He was unhurt and even before I could park the vehicle to the side, was gone.

1) Should I have done anything additional procedure-wise before he got away?

2) It seems we now need a multi angle Dashcam - rear dashcam at the least. Front alone isn't good enough.

3) I plan to take the vehicle to have it checked once this upcoming weekend. Will an axle and tyre check and get the rear wheel alignment/balancing checked. Anything else that I need to? Any other possibility of vehicle damage?
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Old 18th September 2022, 22:05   #20248
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Sebring View Post
@Deehunk. This man says Rourkee is in North East. It is in Uttarakhand. So few ignorant people are commenting on another set of ignorants
He says North East in English and repeats just North in Kannada. Where Rourkee is, is irrelevant to the interview/discussion, or does it affect it? Is his work/effort valid without the exact location of Rourkee?
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Old 19th September 2022, 09:16   #20249
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

BBMP to start underpass work at Jalahalli junction in three months

Read more at:

Much needed but I dread the interim mess.
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Old 23rd September 2022, 17:18   #20250
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Had a pretty harrowing experience today. We know that skywalks in Bangalore are far and few. But I was astounded by crosswalkers stubbornness to not use them. My experience is limited right now to the skywalk in front of Adobe building on ORR and the one at the end of Marathalli bridge going towards Kundanhalli gate.
On the down slope, it is difficult to apply emergency brakes owing to the momentum, more so for a two wheeler without ABS.Today, I saw a lady getting nearly knocked over by an old uncle on a scooty. Fortunately no one was hurt as the scooty came to a screeching halt. When confronted with availability of skywalk (which is right there), I remember somebody actually shouting "Nahi use karenge". I don't understand whether it was a random shoutout or does it actually represent some sort of denial mentality.
I see people waiting and fidgeting for minutes before actually getting a chance to cross, but not using the skywalk. And this is in addition to the risk involved.
Anybody noticed similar trends across other areas?
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