Team-BHP - Have people lost it??

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Way too much roadrage here, but the positive side is that there are loads of ppl with suggestions on how to handle road rage. Especially liked the one by Srikanth abt listening to Yanni etc....

Hope your 800 is repaired now. Enjoy your drive.

Traffic nowadays is getting more and more unruly. Just this morning, I started a little late from home for office. Driving down Andheri Malad Link road I was getting bugged with the wayward traffic.

In the mornings with office timings at the back of their minds, almost everyone drives on the edge. People flout red lights and cut lanes at random. To be honest, sometimes even I do.

By the time I crossed Oshiwara, the traffic had slowed me down a lot and I was way behind schedule. Then as I turned right towards Lokhandwala, an auto coming from the other direction also turning towards my direction swerved towards me. I swerved right to avoid it and in the process missed the road divider on my right by millimetres.

Then I did something I rarely do. I lost my temper and engine roaring through all the traffic and horn blaring, cut that guy off and shouted all I could at him. Then, steam let off, I drove on quietly.

Now I feel I did not do a great thing by reacting this violently. It could have led to incidents with other road users. But it did help me in cooling off. :)

Humyum's incident though, is beyond any acceptable limits. I think Humyum did pretty well by keeping his nerves and getting the cops into the picture.
Hope you got the guy's registration number.

I try to molify the other guy some way, usually. To fight over traffic incidents is just not worth it. It does not accomplish anything and it is dangerous. In North America throw plentiful hand guns and racism into the mix and you can imagine the trouble they have with road rage.


Originally Posted by prabuddhadg (Post 700573)
...Then I did something I rarely do. I lost my temper and engine roaring through all the traffic and horn blaring, cut that guy off and shouted all I could at him. Then, steam let off, I drove on quietly...

Now I feel I did not do a great thing by reacting this violently. It could have led to incidents with other road users. But it did help me in cooling off. :)...

Its good to let off the steam once in a while. Hopefully it does not lead to anything else, pray.

And your feeling is because you are not used to this and this was something totally out of your character! :)

But as mentioned, letting of steam, especially to an auto driver, gives you a good feeling. I am sure the auto guy is used to this and would have taken it in his stride as an everyday affair. cheers:


Originally Posted by humyum (Post 700270)
Risking the car seemed more sensible than risking the cycle kid.So i had to go very near to the palio guy which in turn pissed him off.

The most sensible thing to do. clap:


Originally Posted by humyum (Post 700270)
I switched on my pressure horn.Moved to his right and he tried to move to the right too but i did not give him way.Just kept the 3 pipe horn blaring moved ahead of him and what he does next is way beyond my understanding.
HE BANGS HIS PALIO into my 800 from behind.

The least sensible thing to do. I think you should have just let it go and carried on, instead of enraging the guy even more. :Frustrati

No offence meant, just my opinion.



Exactly the same thing happened to me y'day morning when I was going to office. Of course, the only difference in this is I tried to overtake a slow moving jeep (government) from left side and this guy from nowhere appeared on left. It was also my mistake. The only difference was he stopped his scooter in front of my car and started yelling at me in bad words. Yeah. I was totally pissed off with his bad words. I kept my cool as I did not want to spoil my mood. There was a persentation to be done at office. He kept on abusing me and after some time he himself started his scooter and went his way.

Ooh! sad to hear about your incident. Btw, which is the premier road? the one that leads to the university?? and what color was the Palio?

Whats an "NC"? Couldnt figure that out. Anyways- i think lucks on your side because he cut the police jeep and went off, doesnt he realise that he's in bigger trouble now?

Sanket Sonawane, the 23-year-old who mowed down two women and injured five near Bandra last weekend, was also driving a Palio. I hope this doesn't prompt a new thread on why Palio drivers are rash/homicidal/dangerous, in the vein of Scorpio and Skoda drivers. :)


Originally Posted by madan80 (Post 700703)
Whats an "NC"? Couldnt figure that out. Anyways- i think lucks on your side because he cut the police jeep and went off, doesnt he realise that he's in bigger trouble now?

Madan, do you expect our Police to chase & nab that Palio guy?
I don't think that will happen unless some contacts at higher-ups.

hmmm welcome to india, we all have similar stories with diff degrees of seriousness.

Lets all try to avoid it, thats all.


Originally Posted by phamilyman (Post 700512)
Chill bro.

Expecting people to be reasonable is downright unreasonable.

Live and move on - you did the right thing. Peace.

Good words. I should print that out and put it in front of my eyes when driving.

It is so hard not to react to stupidity (eg the six bikes that overtake on the left when you are indicating and already taking that left turn), let alone rudeness and arrogance.

I have no muscle; I don't know how to hit someone, and I don't know how to shield myself. My wife, wisely, says, "If you go for fighting, first learn to fight". But still I find it hard not to react.

Often the reaction is completely wasted anyway: the guy barely notices. Or else he's a heap cleverer than I am, and just moves on.

I do feel that we are suffering from the increasing congestion on our roads, and that we are not the only animal to react to overcrowding by becoming aggressive.

I guess that we should try to be aware of this, and try to resist it.

First, I need to learn this lesson myself!

Apologies to humyum for posting something different from the reason why he started this thread. But considering the number of times this has hapened to me in a very short period of time and the TITLE of this thread, it seemed perfect to vent my anger here.

What is wrong with the bikers who just cut you off from the other end and barely miss you or you manage not to run them over.

There could be a chance that they were oblivious of the vehicles around them but there are these guys who do this deliberately. And both are not an excuse.

I am a cautious driver and tend to be even more cautious when my family is with me. I am so sure that sometimes if I had not braked instantenously, there definately would be a crash.

Come on, there is hardly a couple of inches of a gap. Do they think that they are made of steel? Do they value life? Do they care about others property? Have they lost it?

You had a real bad time, humyum. The nut managed to irritate you.
Hope you have his regn number and also that he wasn't driving a stolen car.

please please please can i also vent my frustration regarding these two wheeled manical morons?

On my way home, there is a left turn followed closely by a right turn. This is close to Bannerghatta road, when coming from Madiwala lake road. Here, every day, there will be a biker who will squeeze in at the left turn from the inside, and then, before the right turn, cut across to make another tight right turn. All this at less than 20 kmph.

I heard in Delhi they make traffic rule offenders watch a 3 hour video as punishment. and also heard that its very effective.

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