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Old 2nd January 2020, 14:18   #166
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

Backseat and Me don't get along with each other. The most I can go at a stretch is about an hour before motion sickness steps in . Its been like that from childhood. But no issues whatsoever with front seats , I can go on for hours. Ofcourse nothing beats the driver seats.

Add to that another "condition" is that I can't sleep while moving. Whether it's Air , rail road or water. Combine both and I would be at my grouchy best if I have to travel long in back seat.
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Old 2nd January 2020, 16:09   #167
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

I too only get carsick in the backseat. That too only in Maruti cars if the drive is longer than half an hour. No idea why. I'm perfectly fine on boats too
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Old 2nd January 2020, 16:20   #168
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

Not entirely car sick but if I drive more than 3 hours at a stretch I start getting motion sickness. It is not really good when I get out of it, everything still feel like moving even though I am standstill.

What is the healthy stretch in terms of hours or kms one must drive continuously?
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Old 2nd January 2020, 16:27   #169
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Re: Do you get car-sick?


What is the healthy stretch in terms of hours or kms one must drive continuously?
Not sure if there is a simple answer to this. It depends on all kinds of factors from age, fitness, ability to concentrate to climate and ambience and of course road conditions and speed . Read somewhere that maximum threshold is about 8 hours at a stretch and each negative factor would reduce this further.

Practice I've followed for years is maximum of 12 hours drive a day and not more than 2 hours at a stretch. There is no science to back this , its just my comfort.

Last edited by JoeMichael : 2nd January 2020 at 16:33.
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Old 2nd January 2020, 16:38   #170
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

Originally Posted by JoeMichael View Post
Not sure if there is a simple answer to this. It depends on all kinds of factors from age, fitness, ability to concentrate to climate and ambience and of course road conditions and speed . Read somewhere that maximum threshold is about 8 hours at a stretch and each negative factor would reduce this further.

Practice I've followed for years is maximum of 12 hours drive a day and not more than 2 hours at a stretch. There is no science to back this , its just my comfort.
8 hours at a stretch at any parameter is not healthy I believe. I too do a 12 hours of drive with 2.5 hours of continuous driving and 1.5 hours of collective break time.
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Old 9th January 2020, 08:58   #171
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

Not at all.
In fact, sometimes I love to sit on the last seats of the bus. Driving, not driving, second row or third row nothing happens to me.

Unortunelty, My wife is prone to motion sickness. And that's one big reason that our trips and drives are reduced from the last two years. However, I find my wife's problem strange. She is fine up to 100km, after 100km she starts complaining about suffocations or vomit and all. So, due to that, I started taking stops after every 100km during a long drive.

But isn't it strange? I think this 100km is a psychological issue or mindset.
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Old 28th September 2020, 21:34   #172
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

I am prone to motion sickness but it has come down significantly over the years since I was extra cautious. These are the standard guidelines which I follow as a passenger (I haven't started driving still).
  • Never use mobile phone. Even if I need to use something like Maps, I don't focus sharply on anything. If there is a slight hint of sickness coming up, I stop it right away.
  • Always sit in the direction of the vehicle motion. Avoid sideways or opposite side of seating(Like the first seat in BMTC buses facing each other). I did this mistake once while returning from Chickmagalur in bus. Though it was a Volvo, I sat in a cross position leaning against the window for seating/sleeping comfort which caused discomfort slowly over a period of time.
  • Take a break and get fresh air. Air-conditioning has always made me feel uncomfortable. Fresh air helps a lot.
  • I always sit at the side of the driver or in any seating position where I can get a clear view of the road.
  • Avoid last seats in seven seaters especially if travelling on uneven village roads.
  • If you have power, always wear glasses without fail to avoid eye strain.

Now, I need some advice from experts.
  • This might be a bit weird, but can an open sunroof help in reducing motion sickness? Has anyone felt anything better in a sunroof opened environment?
  • Which is better for avoiding motion sickness? A compact sedan or a compact SUV?
  • Read in other comments that lesser body roll can avoid motion sickness. But I am confused on this. A lesser body roll is achieved by a stiffer suspension is what I believe. But, wouldn't a stiffer suspension cause a bumpy ride triggering a throw up?
  • Are there any list of cars which should is a 'Strict No' for motion sickness vulnerable folks?
  • Has anyone who gets motion sick as a passenger haven't felt the same when driving?
  • Can an AMT gearbox cause motion sickness due to possible jerks?

Last edited by skarthiksr : 28th September 2020 at 21:56. Reason: Added one point
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Old 27th September 2021, 09:36   #173
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

Does a car with stiffer suspension help reduce symptoms of car sickness?
For example my family suffers while on long drives in my boat-like i10. Wondering if i should switch to a stiffer VW Polo?
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Old 27th September 2021, 10:18   #174
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
While travelling on the backseat? I just realised that I cannot sit on the backseat for too long.....I actually get car sick and all whoozy / pukey!!! Whats funnier is that this happens within the city. So the only option I have when being chauffeured around is to take the front seat.

I guess we car guys are only made to drive. And not be driven around.
Yes, me too. I cannot sit in the backseat, even while taking the cab to the airport I sit next to the driver. The most comfortable place for me is behind the wheels.

I feel a very weird thing when I sit behind, I feel extremely gassy and burp a lot and sure to puke if I don't change my place. If I'm forced to sit behind, then I just try and sleep. Don't know how this is sorted when I sit in the front or on the driver's seat. However, no such scenes while on flight.
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Old 8th October 2021, 13:12   #175
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

I echo many BHpians thoughts about sitting in the drivers seat which never affects me while driving. But the moment i jump into the backseat, I get dizzy and nauseated. Now I have a 5 year old with the same issue. We used to give her Emeset drops but the effect starts slowly waning away as she grew older. Maybe need to try some tablets and wrist band as suggested by few. Open windows and frequent stops reduce the effects of sickness to some extent but as suggested by many, there isn't a permanent solution to this. When NASA couldn't figure it out we are just mere earthlings!
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Old 12th June 2023, 12:12   #176
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

My daughter has extreme motion sickness in any journey beyond 20mins. The intensity is less in sedans and more in SUVs or vehicles with soft suspension.

I was recommended Stugeron as a remedy before long drives. I use it sparingly only for such drives. But it works wonders. Only caveat is to have it at least one hour before a journey.
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Old 12th June 2023, 12:54   #177
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

My daughter has this problem and recently she started sitting in the rear middle seat but forward leaning and looking through the windscreen. This seems to have helped her. Otherwise from the moment she enters the car she usually sleeps off this problem only getting up for the breaks and at the destination. So having a clearer view of the road (horizon) ahead seems to make a difference.
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Old 12th June 2023, 13:10   #178
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

I get car sick only when someone else is driving, mostly during slow-moving traffic, sudden accelerations, and frequent braking.
Reading, using a mobile phone also make me feel the same.
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Old 12th June 2023, 16:51   #179
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

I too suffer from motion sickness. Sometimes it is so extreme that I start getting nauseous and throw up even after travelling less than 1 km that too in the plains forget about travelling in the hills/ghats. I have been suffering this condition right from childhood. Due to this condition, I try to avoid travels as a passenger in cars. I have tried many remedies but to no avail. I even tried medications like avomine, but all it does is to make me drowsy and till the time I am not drowsy I will vomit. Another issue is that once I start vomitting, I cannot stop it. I will keep on vomiting after every few minutes. This puts a lot of strain on me physically and after reacching the destination I am not able to do anything for the rest of the day.
However, when I driving, I am totally unaffected by this syndrome. Even if I am driving in the hills I do not vomit or even feel nauseous.
I am perplexed by this paradox. So, I am the designated driver when going out with friends or family. I do not mind driving, but my motion sickness condition puts severe limitions to my travel plans where I cannot drive myself.
Just sharing here with the hope of getting some novel idea which might alleviate my suffering.

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Old 12th June 2023, 20:09   #180
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

I start getting nausea within minutes of trying to read something in a moving car/bus. I have a 1 hr commute one way to office everyday, so I tried a couple times to use this time by checking emails, etc. but always end up getting nausea and have to let go within a few minutes.
So, now I just put on noise cancellation over-the-ear headphones, play some good music - and I literally doze off within minutes.
I've never had nausea while driving though, or while sitting in train/airplane (including small 10 seater propeller planes).
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