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Old 13th August 2012, 11:03   #136
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

Just wondered if the cars would be thinking about us the same way.

Imagine what the cars would be talking at the car park -

'Hey, do you get sick of the guy who drives you?',
Do you get sick of the boisterous lady in the passenger seat?, or
Do you get sick of the noisy ill-mannered kids in the back?'

hee, hee, just kidding.
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Old 8th March 2013, 18:29   #137
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

I actually never knew that I would not be able to take it! During my recent trip to Bhutan, we booked a car for the entire tour. & the Bhutan roads were twisty all along. As I was sitting in the backseat with my wife, within an hour, I was almost on the verge of throwing up....Moved to the front seat but later I threw up indeed.
From there on, I decided to keep myself in the front seat and I did not had any problems during the entire trip.
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Old 29th May 2014, 13:37   #138
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

My 4 year old daughter shows signs of sickness the moment we encounter curvy roads and finally vomits.These days my son also complaints about the same but only when he travels with his sister. I try to engage them during such journeys and was lucky a couple of times , but not always. I am not planning to give any medication at this point, will wait till they grow up and then see.

Like most of us i find it very difficult to be a co-passenger. The most weird thing that i do is to contribute to breaking and accelerating , and might even end up breaking the foot board !
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Old 29th May 2014, 14:19   #139
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

I have experienced motion sickness during a trip to the mountains of Sikkim. The road from Bagdogra (WestBengal) to sikkim is a tiwsty and mountainous uphill road, i threw up thrice during the trip. Note that i was being driven - not driving myself.

Any tips or medications available that can curb this problem?
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Old 29th May 2014, 16:36   #140
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

Originally Posted by DCEite View Post
I have experienced motion sickness during a trip to the mountains of Sikkim. The road from Bagdogra (WestBengal) to sikkim is a tiwsty and mountainous uphill road, i threw up thrice during the trip. Note that i was being driven - not driving myself.

Any tips or medications available that can curb this problem?
Take a few cloves and put them in your month - start with one or two only.
You can also chop small pieces of ginger and eat them 30 minutes before the trip.
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Old 29th May 2014, 17:15   #141
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

I face this problem in two situations:

1. Passenger sitting anywhere in a Tavera
2. Sometimes when my driver drives the car with a somewhat rolling motion (slight sway to the left and right sometimes similar to what we see in the old movies perhaps)

Have not found a solution to the issue yet.
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Old 30th May 2014, 17:21   #142
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

I don't really have a problem sitting anywhere and have been in the rear seat of a hatch for an overnight journey in the mountains (really twisted roads), absolutely no issues.

However, recently we took a road trip with another couple in the backseat of our swift and within just 70 kms of mountain roads the girl in the back threw up 6 times, yes 6 times and that was on our way up. On our way back she broke her record and threw up 8 times!

I was very slow when coming back but this girl just couldn't stop puking. The 1.5 hour drive turned out to be 3 hours for us as every time we would stop she would roam around for 10 mins saying that if she inhales more fresh air outside of the car she wouldn't puke. Every single time she said this and every 15-20 mins she would ask me to stop the car, what an experience!
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Old 30th May 2014, 17:38   #143
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

The only time I felt like I might puke is when I sat in my friend's Hyundai Verna. New Driver+Soft Suspension+Potholes=Motion sickness. Although the ride was only 5km but it still got me. It seemed like he chose to drive on potholes by avoiding the good part of the road!
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Old 30th May 2014, 17:55   #144
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

Originally Posted by DCEite View Post
Any tips or medications available that can curb this problem?
Some solutions to the problem:

1. Avoid back seat. Sitting in the front seems to lessen the tendency a lot.
2. Try chewing gums.
3. Keep the windows open. This keeps the visual & feel in sync. What actually results in sickness is that you would be viewing twisty turns, high speeds but the closed windows would keep you isolated from the atmosphere out there. This results in a contradiction in the visuals & what you are feeling. Thus keeping the windows open will allow the blasts of air come in, along with natural sound, which helps a lot.
4. Take an avomine. Ondansetron does not help, but Avomine does.
5. Do not travel empty stomach, neither full tummy. A light to moderate breakfast/ lunch is what one should take.
I use these techniques to solve my problem.

Last edited by saket77 : 30th May 2014 at 17:56.
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Old 17th September 2016, 18:00   #145
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

Domstal advised for kids and Avomine advised for adults twice a day starting from a day prior to the day of journey.
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Old 17th September 2016, 18:18   #146
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

Have been riding in cars for almost 40 years and driving them for last 24 years or so...I have never experienced any discomfort whatsoever .

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Old 17th September 2016, 18:20   #147
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

The major factor I feel is the way the driver drives the car.
As long as he handles the accelerator and the brake with a light foot you should be ok.
Soft suspensions also can tend to make one sick if going fast.

I don't feel sick in a car, but get that nausea feeling often on the Bangalore city BMTC Volvos. Most of the drivers drive with a lead foot either slamming the accelerator or the brake all the time.

Another point in buses is never sit backing the direction you are moving. That too can cause motion sickness.
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Old 17th September 2016, 19:31   #148
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

I normally get car sick only when I am reading something while the the car is motion. It also depends on the driving style of the person at the wheel. If the driving style is too jerky I get sick even when I am not reading anything. I also hate sleeping in a moving car.
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Old 17th September 2016, 20:15   #149
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

I dont get car sick at all except when Im sitting in the back seat of our diesel Swift, that too on longer 1hour+ journeys. I havent puked but I feel nauseous. My sis in law and a friend get very car sick and while we didnt have raw ginger handy, ginger flavour Vicks sweets and candied ginger also works.
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Old 18th September 2016, 13:24   #150
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Re: Do you get car-sick?

aah relieved!! I thought I am in the minority until I read this thread.

I get car sick if I sit at the back or read something while the car is moving. Just can't take that for long. Seating at front seat is allright comparatively. My family always makes fun of me saying I am making excuse to take the wheel.
As GTO mentioned in the first post I guess we car guys are meant to drive, period.
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