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Old 2nd February 2020, 20:41   #4786
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
It was clear that the cabbie knew there was no balance and simply chanced upon his cheap trick to escape super long queues in the cash section.
Then they are doing this on purpose I guess, and double toll is not yet being charged. In Tumkur road toll booths they have big banners telling this, but maybe that is causing all the arguments. Maybe they should introduce negative balance on Fastag and deduct toll amount from these black listed tags as well as cash. That will effectively levy double toll and mend these people.
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Old 2nd February 2020, 21:14   #4787
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by Sherlocked View Post
How come you paid only 300 for the Fastag via paytm. I also ordered from paytm and had to pay 500 in total. Break-up being 150 as balance, 250 as refundable security deposit and 100 as tag charges.
There was some offer in December.Tag charges waived off + some cashback/coupon.
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Old 3rd February 2020, 06:35   #4788
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by gopalnayak View Post
They are installing the FASTag scanners. FASTags should be accepted on NICE over the next few days.
Thanks, yes, that's what I was told by a toll operator yesterday.

I wonder how they will calculate the charge (which is destination-dependant). Probably separate lanes for different destinations? In which case looks like FASTag will be enabled only at start and end points (and maybe the clover leaf Mysore Expwy (unfinished) interchange too if that's got many toll booths.
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Old 3rd February 2020, 07:14   #4789
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Well this is just a suggestion

The authorities responsible for FastTag should tie up with the Traffic police instead of warning people about collecting fines on the spot. Just convert it to a traffic fine ticket, which the violating vehicle needs to clear at the police station.

That way:

1. Lanes will not get clogged - fast moving. (no balance -> electronic fine ticket issued on the spot against your vehicle)

2. Within a couple of weeks, everyone will fall in line adhering to the rules.

Last edited by Gannu_1 : 3rd February 2020 at 07:53. Reason: Grammar.
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Old 3rd February 2020, 08:17   #4790
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by vharihar View Post
I wonder how they will calculate the charge (which is destination-dependant). Probably separate lanes for different destinations?
They should in all probabilities install the necessary scanners at every exit and entries as well without which the whole system is going to be useless. And I am sure they will be aware of this and whatever they have been doing to install fastag system since last 6 months should turn out into a reality too. Knowing the not so nice NICE, keeping fingers crossed.

The toll fare would then get deducted appropriately when you cross the exit booth depending on which one you entered.

Last edited by paragsachania : 3rd February 2020 at 08:19.
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Old 3rd February 2020, 12:31   #4791
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

One question on the BWSL in Mumbai - northbound traffic has the 1st 3 lanes on the extreme left as FasTag lanes. They debit 70 rupees but 70 on the way back also, whereas cash is 105 for return.
How do we get the 105 for same-day return via FasTag? Go through the cash lanes and ask them to scan the FasTag?
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Old 3rd February 2020, 14:49   #4792
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by bhairavp View Post
One question on the BWSL in Mumbai - northbound traffic has the 1st 3 lanes on the extreme left as FasTag lanes. They debit 70 rupees but 70 on the way back also, whereas cash is 105 for return.
How do we get the 105 for same-day return via FasTag? Go through the cash lanes and ask them to scan the FasTag?
Not really possible unless as few bhpian's had quoted earlier on few tolls if you a return within 24 hours the fastag deducts the round trip amount. Here in UP most of the tolls have 2 or 3 lanes for cash and used to issue round trip toll receipts but 3-4 days back when I travelled they have stopped issuing it and only issuing one way receipts.

Last edited by revvharder : 3rd February 2020 at 14:51.
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Old 3rd February 2020, 15:50   #4793
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by Fillmore View Post
Well this is just a suggestion

The authorities responsible for FastTag should tie up with the Traffic police instead of warning people about collecting fines on the spot. Just convert it to a traffic fine ticket, which the violating vehicle needs to clear at the police station.

That way:

1. Lanes will not get clogged - fast moving. (no balance -> electronic fine ticket issued on the spot against your vehicle)

2. Within a couple of weeks, everyone will fall in line adhering to the rules.
Why not just open an alternate gate to the normal non toll road and direct these vehicles there? No one *has to* use the toll road if they don't have FASTag or enough currency.

My solution would be to have a single lane of vehicles, equipped with a pre-scanner, approach the toll gates, reject the vehicles with invalid tags into the non-tag stream with a penalty loop to delay them by about 1 KM, by dropping them at an exit point that would be 1 KM behind the entry point.
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FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!-whatsapp-image-20200203-3.45.48-pm.jpeg  

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Old 3rd February 2020, 16:10   #4794
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

So - my 2nd trip using Fastag, and already I have been stuck with a wrong deduction. On the way from Pune to Mumbai on the expressway, I should be charged 173 + 57, but i was charged 173 + 173. On studying the fastag statement, I guess the error MUST BE due to wrong TIME set on their computers / equipment used by them to record the toll. The Talegaon toll plaza records my time stamp as 00.57 (i.e. 12.57 AM, just after midnight), whereas I would have actually passed through there at 12.57 *PM*, i.e. just after noon.

Last edited by //HB : 3rd February 2020 at 16:12. Reason: typo
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Old 3rd February 2020, 17:06   #4795
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@Sahil @reverse_gear
Is there a possibility to transfer the balance from the MEP tag to the FasTag ? I have a decent balance on my MEP tag and since I'm not an everyday user of the BWSL I fear that the MEP tag will be shut down before I've exhausted it.
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Old 3rd February 2020, 23:44   #4796
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by mvadg View Post
Why not just open an alternate gate to the normal non toll road and direct these vehicles there? No one *has to* use the toll road if they don't have FASTag or enough currency.

My solution would be to have a single lane of vehicles, equipped with a pre-scanner, approach the toll gates, reject the vehicles with invalid tags into the non-tag stream with a penalty loop to delay them by about 1 KM, by dropping them at an exit point that would be 1 KM behind the entry point.

BUT the problem is these morons will not take the Reject Lane.
They will stand there and start fighting with the toll booth operator to open the main lane gate.

If there is no operator they don't care that they are delaying the others. They will simply stall their car right in the middle and block up the entire traffic behind them.

Last edited by Fillmore : 3rd February 2020 at 23:46.
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Old 4th February 2020, 09:30   #4797
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by Fillmore View Post

BUT the problem is these morons will not take the Reject Lane.
They will stand there and start fighting with the toll booth operator to open the main lane gate.

If there is no operator they don't care that they are delaying the others. They will simply stall their car right in the middle and block up the entire traffic behind them.
Yes. Thought of that too! Just move them sideways via a conveyor belt and dump them. They must suffer a penalty otherwise our people will never learn. Once they are penalized they will silently fall in line. This problem is created with the connivance of officials within the system, and if we do not fix the corruption in the system, nothing will work.
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Old 4th February 2020, 11:20   #4798
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by mvadg View Post
Why not just open an alternate gate to the normal non toll road and direct these vehicles there? No one *has to* use the toll road if they don't have FASTag or enough currency.
We are just moving the choke point a little backwards. Traffic will be chocked behind.
Removing officials will further add to the confusion and people may start taking the wrong side to exit the highway.

Originally Posted by Fillmore View Post
BUT the problem is these morons will not take the Reject Lane.
They will stand there and start fighting with the toll booth operator to open the main lane gate.
Agree. What I think is that the banks must deduct the balance and let it go negative.
Negative balances must be charged with a penalty and charged on a monthly bill. (they must be have the customer details via KYC). Like a postpaid plan.
The more people start arguing with the toll operators, more time they will waste on the road.
Its better to move these kind of discussions off road.

However to implement this successfully, banks and fast tag operators must increase their customer support staff first to address customer complaints swiftly. Only after this should they make any other new changes.
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Old 4th February 2020, 11:24   #4799
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by bhairavp View Post
One question on the BWSL in Mumbai - northbound traffic has the 1st 3 lanes on the extreme left as FasTag lanes. They debit 70 rupees but 70 on the way back also, whereas cash is 105 for return.
How do we get the 105 for same-day return via FasTag? Go through the cash lanes and ask them to scan the FasTag?
Should have happened automatically. Raise a complaint to NHAI or to your Fastag Bank and they will have the refund arranged. This has probably happened due to incorrect mapping of the lanes.

If you read through this thread, you will find a response provided by NHAI for a similar instance, where the direction of the lane was mapped incorrectly.
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Old 4th February 2020, 14:05   #4800
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

There was a news item about a volatile situation at the Paliyekkara toll in Kerala. A lady got frustrated due to waiting at the toll for half an hour and so decided to open the boomgate and allow vehicles to pass through. As per reports, she did this for 20 minutes while arguing with officials and authorities. There was a resultant fight which looked ugly. Police were finally called, but no case or arrests were made.

What do you think of this situation? Was the lady wrong to forcefully allow vehicles to pass through, or should the authorities have realised the long toll queue and allowed vehicles to pass through.
What is the official stand on long toll queues? Are we allowed to pass without toll if waiting times are high? I have waited for > 20 minutes at Attibele - another toll that is horrendous.
The Paliyekkara toll booth features prominently for a few years now in this thread and the Kerala thread!
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