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Old 23rd December 2019, 20:12   #4426
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Location: Khalapur toll on Mumbai-Pune Expressway on my way back to Mumbai.

I had topped my wallet with 1000 Rs. before the start of the trip. There were big queues at all the booths. When my turn came in the ETC Tag lane, I requested the attendant to scan the tag please. He tried something and asked for cash. I asked the reason for tag denial. He mentioned that the wallet doesn't have any balance so the system is showing it as invalid tag. I explained him that I had more than 1000 Rs in my wallet. By this time the drivers queuing behind me had lost their patience and started honking. I handed over the cash, collected the toll slip and continued my journey.

After reaching home, while I was about to log into HDFC Fastag site, I saw SMS from HDFC saying Rs 173 have been deducted from your wallet at Khalapur toll. I went through the transaction log and confirmed that my wallet was indeed charged Rs 173.

Felt cheated initially but then knowing the technological glitches decided to give benefit of doubt to the attendant.

The website has a section to raise Service Requests for "Dispute Transactions". I promptly entered all the details (overcoming some weird input validations) and submitted the request. The site asked me to upload an image. I was not sure what to upload and then realized it may be the toll receipt. Rushed down to the car and picked the receipt from the glove box.

Attached the image and submitted the request. "Your request has been submitted successfully" flashed the message. To my surprise, there was no ticket/request number to track the request. Tried calling 1800 number multiple times, it was always busy. No SMSs/Mails etc whatsoever.

So I am not sure

1. How to get the money back?
2. How can this be avoided in future?
3. I keep traveling on Mum-Pune expressway, would it make sense to meet guys at the toll itself?

Last edited by khan_sultan : 24th December 2019 at 07:21. Reason: line spacing
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Old 23rd December 2019, 20:18   #4427
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by Rock 'n' rollz View Post
Attached the image and submitted the request. "Your request has been submitted successfully" flashed the message. To my surprise, there was no ticket/request number to track the request. Tried calling 1800 number multiple times, it was always busy. No SMSs/Mails etc whatsoever.
There have been couple of similar instances with me. For my ICICI fastag, I raise a dispute from account page and a ticket number is generated along with details which I can check online. Refund takes about 2-3 weeks. You should be able to find logged ticket somewhere on the account page. I have not had to speak with anyone and refund process has been seamless every time. Hope you get the refund without hassles.
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Old 23rd December 2019, 23:51   #4428
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Did the airport run tonight. The SMS facility started working again. Of course, the devices reading the tag towards the Bangalore are hit and miss
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Old 24th December 2019, 06:55   #4429
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

On Sunday I had a seamless FasTag experience going out towards Hyderabad at the Post BIAL Toll. And the same on the return journey. Also the single Toll Plaza we passed around the KA-AP Border, also worked perfectly with the FasTag.

This morning just now, I wanted to stretch my Gypsy’s legs. And took a spin along Electronic City Expressway and back. Both times FasTag worked perfectly.

And surprisingly being Christmas Eve, there was very little or no traffic out there - I would have imagined the Toll Plaza to be packed 10 deep with those trying to take advantage of the early morning and get out of the city and those trying to get in as well.

By the way - both Sunday and today, the SMS facility worked perfectly too,
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Old 24th December 2019, 08:33   #4430
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Did Vellore to Banerghetta via attibele yesterday.
Pallikonda, Vaniyambadi and Krishnagiri: the demarcation signs start about 1 km early. As there was not much traffic, it was good. Noticed some delay in getting trucks read. For my car i had to wait for 5 to 10 seconds with my nose close to the boom after a crawl before the boomgate obeyed and opened. Between 6 and 9 in the morning the sms came within half an hour. In the night drive the sms took a few hours to come. The return fare was correctly debited.
I'm not sure how they will be when traffic is at full force.
Attibele Toll:
Does this qualify as the worst toll in India as yet? My gut feeling is that this has been set up by a group of psychiatrists who are running a massive study on human behaviour when they are exposed for a period of time to chaos, disorganisation, bad logistics, failed mechanisms and road rage!
On the return trip even with not much traffic the traffic was backed up a few kilometres. After patiently taking 15 minutes for 1 km to the cash-tag partition there were a group of people doing the directing badly. There was just one entry point to the fastag partition. The guy in front of me gott out and had a major fight with the staff. The last 2 minutes to escape were not bad and navigating the clutter of parked and slow racing trucks after the boom opens took a while before i realised that my Christmas playlist was over!!
The amount has not been debited from my account as yet for attibele.
There were no clear signs to indicate tag and cash partition or they were blocked.
I feel the partition needs to start 3 km before the toll and that we need approximately 20 booths to handle the regular traffic.
One thing i found amusing is that fastag has resulted in lots more staff employed thanks to automation in India where we need more manpower to improve the automation compliance!!
I'm doing Vellore to Chennai today and am prepared for some more entertainment. I've made my Christmas playlist much longer.
Paytm fatstag experience: I've been using this for a couple of years. Loading is a breeze. I've even loaded it 2 km before the booth on one occasion and it's been good! SMS used to happen within half an hour except for yesterday.

Last edited by BenjiRoss : 24th December 2019 at 08:42.
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Old 24th December 2019, 08:45   #4431
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

So, the Fastag saga continues.

The recharge was relatively smooth yesterday. No overcharging by HDFC.

Fastag was scanned at all 4 toll gates on my Nashik- Pune journey and helped me save a few minutes not waiting in cash queues.

I was relatively happy till now and even thinking about updating the thread here. But then, I get this message 30 minutes back while lying in my bed this morning.

Dear Customer, Your FasTag A/c has been debited for Rs. 34 for transaction by Vehicle MAJGXXXXXXXXXXX34 at Toll on 2019-12-23T09:40:41. Balance amount in the A/c is Rs. 122 - HDFC Bank Ltd.
This should not have happened. There are 2 ₹34 toll gates on NH60 marking 2 ends of the oldest toll road section of Nashik Pune highway. The receipt can be shown (in case of cash payment) on the other end of the tolled road to avoid paying the toll twice.

This is the same toll that I have also paid here as per the following message I received yesterday:
Dear Customer, Your FasTag A/c has been debited for Rs. 34 for transaction by Vehicle MAJGXXXXXXXXXXX34 at Toll on 2019-12-23T10:06:22. Balance amount in the A/c is Rs. 156 - HDFC Bank Ltd.
When using the Fastag, I assumed they have made sure that double toll is not charged since this was the last section of NH60 to start offering Fastag payment. They would have had the time to set it up correctly. But that is precisely where they have screwed up.

There will be more toll gates like this in India and surely Fastag should already have the provision to set up such a condition on their end. But clearly they have implemented it shoddily and they couldn't care a damn. Fastag has been in existence for years now and 8 days after final deadline #2, this is what is happening.

I really don't know whom to blame and whom to complain to about this one. I was happy that the govt has implemented during which will save everyone time, but this is just frustrating and taking up more time for everyone. It took me 20 minutes to compose this post on my phone, time I could have spent elsewhere had this not happened. Not to mention the time I will lose while making the complaint and the time people handling these complaints will have to be paid for for making the refunds. All a colossal waste of time!!

Last edited by antz.bin : 24th December 2019 at 08:50.
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Old 24th December 2019, 09:10   #4432
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

For my recent trip of Hyd->Banglore->Mysore->Ooty->Mysore->Banglore->Hyd.

For Hyd->Bangalore stretch, I had put up 900 in my paytm wallet and that worked effortlessly till banglore. And I was left with around 300+ in the wallet. Was able to save few minutes.

Banglore->Mysore stretch, had taken Manglore highway and fastag was flawless.

Mysore->Ooty, the new toll didn't have fastag on any lane and I argued them about the same and they let me go without paying the toll.

Now, Hyd->Bangalore stretch, 5 tolls recognized properly. Only the last two toll plazas started showing my fasttag is low/blacklisted. Even when I had around 815 in my Paytm wallet and 150 in fastag account. I had to pay cash despite telling that I have sufficient balance in my account. I have see many others complaining about tollplaza showing low balance despite having sufficient balance. May be Paytm is holding the money for some reason.
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Old 24th December 2019, 11:32   #4433
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

So the ICICI FastTag that came with my new Venue doesn't send either an SMS or an email for any deduction.

Also, GPay or Paytm do not recognize the UPI "Netc.<RegistrationNo.>@icici" so the only way to recharge my FastTag is to go online to the website.

Pretty inconvenient.
Any suggestions?
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Old 24th December 2019, 11:42   #4434
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by ValarMorghulis View Post
Also, GPay or Paytm do not recognize the UPI "Netc.<RegistrationNo.>@icici" so the only way to recharge my FastTag is to go online to the website.
I updated my ICICI fastag through Amazon UPi with "netc.<RegistrationNo.>@icici" (all small letters, no caps) and it worked fine. Try that.
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Old 24th December 2019, 12:05   #4435
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

How to recharge airtel fastag? Every time i am trying to recharge through airtel app ,the amount is getting added to airtel wallet. But the fastag amount is remaining the same.
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Old 24th December 2019, 15:21   #4436
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Did a Pune - Nathdwara - Udaipur - Pune last week.
Came back Friday.
FasTag worked seamlessly on all tolls start to end.

Only concern - I noticed that people without tags drive into the dedicated FasTag lane even when they station a person to warn them of double penalty. And once they reach the booth, they aren't charged double the amount. On top of that, they also take more time. Noticed this in the first toll in MH after Vapi.

Also, having a fasTag saved me quite some time as there were loooong queues for cash lanes and dedicated FasTag one's were relatively emptier and quicker too.
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Old 24th December 2019, 16:42   #4437
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

So, now the deadline has moved from Dec 01 to Dec 15 to Jan 15. At this rate, I won't be surprised if BS6 kick off happens before these postponements stop.

Last edited by comfortablynumb : 24th December 2019 at 16:43.
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Old 24th December 2019, 18:09   #4438
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by ValarMorghulis View Post
So the ICICI FastTag that came with my new Venue doesn't send either an SMS or an email for any deduction.

Also, GPay or Paytm do not recognize the UPI "Netc.<RegistrationNo.>@icici" so the only way to recharge my FastTag is to go online to the website.

Pretty inconvenient.
Any suggestions?

You need to update ICICI with vehicle registration details. For new vehicle, engine or

the chassis No. Is used to link the tag and the vehicle. Send a copy of the RC and vehicle front photo with number plates visible to the issuer. Use the netbanking or immobile app to view tag details. For tags provided with new vehicles, Till you get the issuer to update the vehicle registration info, the netc.regnno.upi is not going to work.
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Old 24th December 2019, 19:38   #4439
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by antz.bin View Post
So, the Fastag saga continues.

The recharge was relatively smooth yesterday. No overcharging by HDFC.

I really don't know whom to blame and whom to complain to about this one. I was happy that the govt has implemented during which will save everyone time, but this is just frustrating and taking up more time for everyone. It took me 20 minutes to compose this post on my phone, time I could have spent elsewhere had this not happened. Not to mention the time I will lose while making the complaint and the time people handling these complaints will have to be paid for for making the refunds. All a colossal waste of time!!

Here's what I have done so far:
  1. Raised a Dispute Transaction service request on HDFC FasTag website.
  2. Called toll free number multiple times (I doubt if its manned at all)
  3. Called 1033. No one answered the call. (MoRTH/NHAI/IHMCL has launched 1033 helpline number for addressing FASTag complaints at toll plaza level.)
  4. Have tweeted to @HDFCBank_Cares. No response yet.
  5. Have written an email to my HDFC relationship manager
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Old 24th December 2019, 21:03   #4440
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Got my FASTag from paytm fifteen days back. Initially i chose to get it from CUB since i maintain savings account with them. On enquiring at the branch, i am told that it would cost me ₹500 and will take atleast a month to procure one, since they have over 30,000 pending applications for fastag.

I had an upcoming road trip and in need of fastag immediately. So went to a nearby toll plaza (Paranur, near Chennai) and enquired to a paytm representative. After scanning RC and adhar, i was given a fastag for ₹150(minimum balance to be maintained). The entire process took less than 10 mins. Overall an hassle free experience.

Now, coming to the actual experience of FASTag, i did Chennai-Mysuru-Chennai round trip and had a very good experience in all toll plazas except one. Crossing the toll gates were quick and hassle free with reduced travel time.

In one of the toll plaza, i was told that my fastag was blacklisted due to insufficient balance (i had ₹500 in wallet) and to pay in cash. I paid in cash and in about 5 mins, i got a notification stating money deduced from wallet for the same toll plaza. I raised a complaint in their app providing all necessary information and no updates from them for the past ten days. Their 24*7 help sucks! Overall a mixed experience.

Last edited by Ponbaarathi : 24th December 2019 at 21:07.
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