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Old 22nd July 2019, 18:38   #3451
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

There is HDFC FASTag coming by default with my new car and I hear from dealer it's pre-activated. Can I buy another FASTag from say Paytm and use that and take this one out and never use it? Or do I need to cancel it first?
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Old 22nd July 2019, 18:48   #3452
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by haisaikat View Post
There is HDFC FASTag coming by default with my new car and I hear from dealer it's pre-activated. Can I buy another FASTag from say Paytm and use that and take this one out and never use it? Or do I need to cancel it first?
You'll have to block the new Fastag first, and then get your existing balance transferred to the new Fastag that you purchase.

From the FAQ section on Fastag's official website:
It is strictly prohibited to purchase two FASTag for one vehicle. In case of multiple FASTag, customer will be responsible for operational issues.
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Old 22nd July 2019, 22:38   #3453
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by mpksuhas View Post
There been lots of discussion about Fastag procurement and usage. Hence thought will put across a detailed description about the same.
Thank you so much. It has been a very helpful and informative post. Well when I received my Honda BRV, I found it with the Fastag and that is how I started learning about Fastag. So, the procedures before were completed by the showroom people. It was an ICICI Bank Fastag account. I tried to create an online profile and it did work after registration and providing correct VIN number etc. After that I found I was topped up with RS 200/-, which is obviously from the amount I paid to the car dealer. I used it first in the Atibele toll plaza for a relaxing leisure drive with my family, around midnight. I came back after around 45 minutes. At this time, due to long queues on the lane, they opened the gate for a lane which was beside and asked us to follow that lane. Along with others I also followed the lane and finally reached the toll counter. To my surprise, the toll person said that counter does not have Fastag ready, so I have to pay in cash. So, I claimed that I should pay him the to and fro fare residual amount as I have returned within 24 hours. The person argued and forced me to pay the full one way amount. With lot of vehicles behind me, I had no choice but to pay him. After I started, my wife asked me that if you want to get this rectified, park the car on the side and then go back and talk to the Toll Supervisor. I did that, went back and spoke to the supervisor. He asked me to bring the car back at the toll gate with the Fastag and get it scanned there. When I brought the car there, they made way after stopping the other cars and helped me scan the Fastag. He refunded me the cash I had paid for one way journey. Later I found that even on Fastag, I was deducted charge for single entry and not multiple entry. I raised a case with ICICI Bank Fastag customer care, but they resolved the ticket by saying that the deductions were proper. I called their customer care so many times, along with that I raised several tickets, but all were getting resolved as usual. Finally, I searched on the net and found out their appelite authority and nodal officer's contact details and wrote to him. This time the appelite authority said that the return journey toll is valid only till midnight on that toll plaza and my Fastag was charged at around 11:45 PM first and then 12:08 AM second. Still she said that she has raised a charge-back with the recipient bank and if they approve I would get it back. I left that in despair, but after few weeks happily noticed that my Fastag account was credited with a charge-back of RS 19.75

The amount is very less, but I was afraid as I was not sure if my tag was setup correctly or not and whether it would continue as a practice later as well. Later though, I have recharged and used the tag many times, each time correct toll has been deducted without issues, even for return journeys.

Last edited by aah78 : 22nd July 2019 at 23:38. Reason: Quote trimmed. Do not quote large posts entirely please. Thanks!
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Old 23rd July 2019, 16:28   #3454
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

During the last week, I drove from Chennai to Coimbatore and back via Ulundurpet, Authoor. It was my first trip with Fastag (Axis Bank). Fastag was working well in most of the Toll Plazas. The ones in between Ulundurpet and Salem were well automated that no one was manning the 'Fastag' lane although people were there to monitor the lane standing at the far end. It was surprise to say that these were the less crowded toll plazas in the entire route but yet system was streamlined wonderfully.

On the other side, the ones that are closer to the Chennai were not functioning effectively/Properly; The one at 'Vanagaram' was using hand held reader; During the onward journey the toll plaza at Tindivanam informed that our Fastag was 'blocked', and so we had to pay Cash. Later when we checked with Axis Bank Fastag customer care they said there is no issue with the Fastag account. Probably they may be having an issue at their end and so to force us to pay they may have dropped a word like 'Blocked'.

After dark, it was extremely difficult to find the 'No Cash' lane/s; if they highlight that lane/s it will be easier for the vehicles to drive towards that lane/s.

Another thing that I noted was that the log time of the vehicle at some of the Toll plaza's found in the Fastag account was not correct; Even though I reached home by 10:15 PM, I find that the time stamp for one of the Toll Plaza which is more than 100KM away from home was mentioned as 11:25 PM. Although it was not an issue for me in this journey, these kind of things may be an issue for travellers who return within 24 hours. NHAI should take action to avoid such simple things.
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Old 23rd July 2019, 16:49   #3455
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by batman View Post
...Another thing that I noted was that the log time of the vehicle at some of the Toll plaza's found in the Fastag account was not correct
The actual debit transaction on the tag account can happen hours after the vehicle passes through a toll booth. My observation makes me believe that the toll booth set up checks whether a tag is valid or not, has enough balance or not and gives an all clear. The deduction is done in batches since this process could take a while and is dependent on the issuer bank. The system calculates the amount to be deducted (for up & down within a day) based on the time at which the vehicle has passed the toll booth.
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Old 23rd July 2019, 17:37   #3456
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by silversteed View Post
My observation makes me believe that the toll booth set up checks whether a tag is valid or not, has enough balance or not and gives an all clear. The deduction is done in batches since this process could take a while and is dependent on the issuer bank. The system calculates the amount to be deducted (for up & down within a day) based on the time at which the vehicle has passed the toll booth.
Suppose if there was a dispute (for same day return) on what basis can we raise an issue with NHAI, if the time stamp on our Fastag account is not sync with actual data and exceeded 24 hrs? Atleast in my case, if there was an issue with this Toll booth, I can say that I crossed the subsequent Toll Plaza before this indicated time.
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Old 23rd July 2019, 20:14   #3457
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by batman View Post
Suppose if there was a dispute (for same day return) on what basis can we raise an issue with NHAI, if the time stamp on our Fastag account is not sync with actual data and exceeded 24 hrs? Atleast in my case, if there was an issue with this Toll booth, I can say that I crossed the subsequent Toll Plaza before this indicated time.
I have ICICI Bank FASTags on our cars, so I can comment only on the interface that I'm familiar with. Here, the time at which the vehicle passes the toll booth is shown, and on another tab, the time of the deduction is shown. Since I was driving on a lean day, the deduction had happened within a few minutes. This isn't the case on long weekends

FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!-fastag_.jpg
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Old 24th July 2019, 08:37   #3458
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by silversteed View Post
Here, the time at which the vehicle passes the toll booth is shown, and on another tab, the time of the deduction is shown.
Thanks silversteed. After seeing your post, I checked in the Axis Bank Fastag account for such Reports/ statements. I was able to find another one indicating the Transaction time and Transaction No. To find out which Toll Plaza that Transaction no. corresponds to, we need the other table too.
Attached Thumbnails
FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!-11.jpg  

FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!-21.jpg  

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Old 24th July 2019, 11:45   #3459
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

I've had Fastag since 2016 and I've been having issues with Fastag similar to ones highlighted in this thread. It works flawlessly at times, and just doesn't work at places. Rather iffy behavior and like someone said, adds a lot of stress. I go on to the exclusive Fastag lane and if it doesn't work and I have to join the queue in a hybrid lane, that is stressful and a lot of time wasted. And all that reversing and going ahead and slowly passing and the security telling me to turn on the wiper to clean the it feels like a circus.

After reading posts here, I checked and my car doesn't have any other RFID tag and I'd pasted this behind IRVM. Anyway, in a recent trip it largely didn't work and I'd got this SMS with a contact number of a CRM. Called him up and he suggested I get a replacement tag and since I live in a different city now, he got the tag couriered to my new address. Got the tag in a week. Let's hope this one works better. BTW, there's a document by Maruti Suzuki on the right way to paste a tag. Attaching it here. Will try it out.FASTag Installation Process.pdf
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Old 24th July 2019, 13:08   #3460
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ICICI FASTag - Recharging over UPI through apps is not guaranteed to work instantly

Ever since ICICI rolled out the option to recharge the tag over UPI using the Virtual Payment Address (VPA) "netc.<vehicle number>@icici", I have never logged into the portal for a recharge. UPI using Google Pay had made it so seamless.

However, I've had 2 instances (one in September 2018 and another one this month) of the recharge taking its own sweet time to take effect. In both the instances, the bank sent me a text alert that made me believe that the tag account "VPA has been credited successfully". On both the instances, I had to go to the ICICI FASTag portal, upload the screenshots of the bank statement and the text alert along with posting the details of the transaction, for the recharge to take effect.

ICICI FASTag support hides behind the "Third party apps can take up to 8 working days to credit the tag account" insurance, despite UPI being based on IMPS which is instantaneous and the FASTag VPAs managed by ICICI Bank.

The only option that they guarantee to work is recharging through the portal.
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Old 26th July 2019, 10:21   #3461
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

A few questions:

What happens to the current tag (with the current provider) when a car is sold?

What happens to any existing money remaining on the tag and how would one get it back (because say I buy a new car after selling this one, I need that existing money transferred to the new car and not lose it)?

What happens off the buyer has an existing tag account and wishes to add either this or a new tag for this car to his account?

What happens if the buyer does not bother to "transfer" the tag to his name etc.?

And when I buy a new car from the showroom that comes with Fastag already installed, would I have a choice of service provider (say ICICI over PayTm or Axis Bank etc.), or am I stuck with whatever the dealer/manufacturer has installed? Would I be able to switch later?

The TeamBHP thread on "how to sell your car" has a lot of information, but I believe it needs to be updated with Fastag information, considering how it is now mandatory to have Fastag.

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Old 26th July 2019, 10:34   #3462
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by tilt View Post
What happens to the current tag (with the current provider) when a car is sold?
Remove the tag (which means it will get destroyed anyway) and then call the customer care and request for cancellation of the Tag and refund.

What happens to any existing money remaining on the tag and how would one get it back (because say I buy a new car after selling this one, I need that existing money transferred to the new car and not lose it)?
In which case you can request for Cancellation of Tag along and not refund. So when you get another Tag, you can place a request in such a way that your unique customer ID is not disabled and you can link your new Tag to the existing customer ID Itself.

What happens off the buyer has an existing tag account and wishes to add either this or a new tag for this car to his account?
I am not sure if this will be easily possible because the system needs to make a lot of changes - New Owner name and other KYC details, Update Phone number of the new owner etc. I prefer the easier option - Cancelling the tag.

What happens if the buyer does not bother to "transfer" the tag to his name etc.?
He may still continue to use it by doing UPI recharge while you will continue to get all the text messages for all the transactions .

And when I buy a new car from the showroom that comes with Fastag already installed, would I have a choice of service provider (say ICICI over PayTm or Axis Bank etc.), or am I stuck with whatever the dealer/manufacturer has installed? Would I be able to switch later?
Answered recently on another thread:

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
Yes you can and it is certainly tryable if not impossible.

For a friend who had picked a Ciaz last year from a Nexa Dealership (Mandovi), I had insisted that he gets a Tag from ICICI and the Sales Rep. readily agreed and he got one. I had also told not to paste the Tag during delivery and hence the Tag was handed over as part of other documents during the time of delivery.

However, this will really depend on the dealership and their banking partners. Mandovi being one of the largest dealers for sure will have multiple banking partners and it was easy for the Sales Rep to agree to a specific bank when I insisted. Another dealer that I know gives tags only from HDFC because of their banking relationship and they are not that big a dealer in Bangalore.

Hence, getting a tag of your choice is not totally impossible due to these reasons. The dealers are also not bound by any rules that mandates them to purchase and affix tags only from specific banks.
Additionally, Hemant has recently posted details that should also help your query:

Originally Posted by hemanth.anand View Post
If you still see the old tag in your account when you login, there's a small issue. You can't transfer all the balance amount from the old tag to the new tag. 100 rupees has to be left behind. Of course you could still use it if the old tag is not damaged or there won't be any promblem if there was not balance at all. If we have to take out that amount, we can't cancel just one tag in your account but the account has to be closed completely. I have 100 rupees left idle in my fastag of my previous car. Tag is not with me anymore and i don't want to close the entire account as there are more tags in that account. Lesson learnt. Empty the balance before replacing a tag
On how to De-activate your existing tag (ICICI):

Originally Posted by pcpranav View Post
I had ICICI Fastag and used it pretty well in various parts of India. Few months back I sold the vehicle and forgot the sticker on the windshield, and card was loaded with about Rs.1500. I got an SMS of Toll Transaction and then I realized about the card.
I contacted ICICI Fastag team and requested for :
a) cancellation of this particular Tag
b) Refund of Money to bank account
c) keep my Account Login intact/active (will be used to add another Tag for next vehicle)

I submitted a request letter, Cancelled Cheque. The service was prompt, money refunded well. And I have the account login still working.
Now Im applying for another Tag for the current car.

Last edited by paragsachania : 26th July 2019 at 10:37.
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Old 26th July 2019, 12:26   #3463
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

I had an Axis Bank Fastag and creation of an account for full KYC turned out to be a pain. I got the Fastag account cancelled and Axis Bank refunded me the amount.

Got a PayTM Fastag, which was very simple process. Also using the PayTM Fastag is very convenient since it directly debits the money from the wallet.
So I would recommend the PayTM Fastag for relative ease of use.
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Old 26th July 2019, 14:18   #3464
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by CrankShaft05 View Post
I tried speaking to the people at toll booths on ORR and they asked me to reach out to HDFC FASTag for this. I raised a complaint on the HDFC portal more than 20 days ago but no response received till date. Then I called up the helpline number and they gave some vague responses and suggested me to send an email to, which I have done this morning. Can somone help me reach the right forum to get this issue resolved?

Can you please update us on whether HDFC was able to resolve the issue and also whether they refunded the excess charged? How has the experience been since then?

I am trying to decide between ICICI & HDFC.
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Old 26th July 2019, 15:01   #3465
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

I had a ICICI bank fastag which was issued when I bought my Jazz.
However, due to windshield replacement, the fastag sticker was torn. I have the torn sticker with me.
I have also reported the sticker as damaged in the ICICI fastag portal, and the amount in the tag has been credited back to my fastag (not bank) account.
Question is how can I get a fresh sticker, assign it to my fastag ID, and then load the balance from the account to the sticker.
Has anyone faced this issue earlier ?
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