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Old 14th November 2017, 17:15   #1861
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by airbus View Post
I also faced the same issue at Bankapur toll. I have already written to NHAI and raised grievance at
I have received a reply from NHAI regarding FASTag lane at Bankapur toll. It seems to be a plain excuse. I had crossed this toll plaza on 22 Sep (onward) and 26 Sep (return), but they are talking about 28 Sep

Anyone crossed Bankapur toll recently? Please confirm whether FASTag is working or not. Although I have already replied their email, I can again update with recent status.
Attached Thumbnails
FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!-ft1.jpg  

Last edited by airbus : 14th November 2017 at 17:21. Reason: Minor correction.
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Old 14th November 2017, 18:39   #1862
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Some futuristic implementation of FasTag as written by Nandan Nilekani.
First, FasTags can implement congestion pricing. This is a model perfected by London and Singapore. Delhi, especially, with the subcontinent’s most extensive metro network, and yet the 3rd highest density of cars (424 cars per 1,000 people), needs congestion pricing. The pricing itself can be dynamic to affect demand.

Second, the same FasTags can enable the government to have lower congestion pricing for those who are pooling to work. The government does not even have to create its own ride-sharing app, it has to simply provide application programmatic interfaces (APIs) to legitimate ride-sharing app providers.

Third, these tags can regulate parking, while simultaneously creating a revenue opportunity for cities. FasTags can ensure that a no-parking sign is not just a warning, but a serious penalty for those looking to park illegally. Individuals and businesses can ‘switch on’ temporary parking spaces during peak hours.

Fourth, the FasTag readers can also be used to implement many of the policy recommendations of the NGT that are otherwise difficult to implement. Pollution Under Control Certificates (PUC) can be linked to the FasTag accounts, and a tag without a valid PUC can be fined automatically when it crosses a reader. The government can run experiments like it did with Odd-Even last year and then quickly scale them up if needed in an automated way.

Fifth, and the most important, all of these problems are really difficult to solve because the government lacks granular traffic data needed to make better decisions. Every decision from the width of the flyover, to the timing between red lights needs better quality data.
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Old 15th November 2017, 07:18   #1863
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

And the bizarre experience with FASTAG at the Bangalore airport road toll continues...

About a month back, I insisted on backing up and traversing the lane again to open the boom gate. The boom gate opened after the lights turned green, but the toll amount was never deducted from my account.

Yesterday night, at around 10 PM (around the same time of the day as my previous drive above) the boom simply didn't open even when I crawled forward. I was directed to the spillover lane and had to fight off multiple airport cabs who wanted to jump the line. I politely complained to the toll operator that FASTAG never worked there and he just waved me through without collecting any money!

Do these guys intentionally muddle with the sensor and let people through if you complain???
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Old 15th November 2017, 08:14   #1864
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by BackInTheFold View Post
About a month back, I insisted on backing up and traversing the lane again to open the boom gate. The boom gate opened after the lights turned green, but the toll amount was never deducted from my account.

Yesterday night, at around 10 PM (around the same time of the day as my previous drive above) the boom simply didn't open even when I crawled forward. I was directed to the spillover lane and had to fight off multiple airport cabs who wanted to jump the line. I politely complained to the toll operator that FASTAG never worked there and he just waved me through without collecting any money!

Do these guys intentionally muddle with the sensor and let people through if you complain???
This is the norm. I have been through airport till 5 times, twice the gates opened, twice all gates were open with green lights and once I had to argue with the guy at the spillover and he let me through.

I have already recovered the money I spent on fastag and more from just this one toll booth
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Old 15th November 2017, 11:12   #1865
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by airbus View Post
Anyone crossed Bankapur toll recently? Please confirm whether FASTag is working or not. Although I have already replied their email, I can again update with recent status.
I traveled recently on Oct 13 in Bangalore-Hubli direction and on Oct 16 in the Hubli-Bangalore direction. Both times Fastag did not work (the lane was blocked and booth closed) and I paid cash. The attendant mentioned it could take another 6 months or so before Fastag is operational again.
My update on this is here
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Old 16th November 2017, 18:01   #1866
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Had a satisfactory experience with Equitas. Ordered on 9th Nov and got the tag delivered on 11th Nov
Only down side is the local courier they used. Maruti courier don't serve to my address and I collected from their office in person
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Old 16th November 2017, 18:10   #1867
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

I was looking at FasTag for my Brezza and since it was easier for me to get in touch with ICICI, I filled up the form. I got a call from them after about 10 days of filling the form. The person on other side asked about my address and told me he'll send me all details about documents on sms. I waited for about next 10 days but there was no response. Then I got call from ICICI FasTag department from Kolkata. They also said they'll get back to me in a couple of days. Nothing happened. All this while, a month had passed. Then I read about PayTM FasTag and placed an order on 2nd November. Next day I was asked to upload my RC which I did. Somehow that didn't work so I was asked to send a mail to them with RC copy. After that it started showing as active in next 3 days and today it was delivered to me. Overall a better experience. Now I need to do testing.
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Old 16th November 2017, 18:13   #1868
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Anyone tried to reassign a tag from one car to another (say after an exchange)? What is the process?
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Old 16th November 2017, 23:29   #1869
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by srinivasnvns View Post
A wrong tag # got associated with my Paytm account. A couple of emails and more than couple of calls later, the same lady (coincidentally the call on 10th November connected to her) mentioned that the correct tag has been dispatched and asked me to expect it in 2-3 days. Now onto more waiting.
Well, well. The tag did arrive the afternoon of 13th November.

I think that Paytm is course correcting with respect to customer satisfaction.

I plan to test the new tag next week.
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Old 19th November 2017, 07:36   #1870
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

I wasn't sure if there is a fast tag lane for the Bangalore airport road.
I had a drop at the airport and on the return saw the fast tag lane and took it. There was a security who was manning the lane and when he saw me approaching, he removed the barricade and that's about it. No boom, no green light, no SMS for the toll. I was sure being a huge toll, it will be deducted sooner or later. Still no SMS.
Looks like the minority vehicles with fast tag are being let off.
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Old 19th November 2017, 18:56   #1871
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SlowTag ?

I think the authorities must change the name to SlowTag. I travel frequently on the highways and FasTag has been a boon many times.

Lately however, many toll operators have started allowing non tag vehicles into the lanes thereby defeating the whole purpose of FasTag. I can accept this at toll booth with just 2 lanes (e.g. Lonavala exit on the Mum-Pune Eway), but what about 10+ laned toll booths?

This issue is majorly prevalent in Maharashtra. Few weeks back the FasTag lanes at Kini were blocked citing some lame excuses. Experienced this first hand for the umpteenth time at Mumbai Pune Expressway and at Khed-Shivapur Plazas today. In states of Karnataka, Gujarat and Rajasthan, and others, these lanes are segregated and a man is kept at the entrance who checks the tags before allowing inside.

With the government now asking all new vehicles to come with FasTags from 1st December, I wonder how this is going to help. Technically, the operator can collect 2X toll from vehicles that enter this lane, but it is not implemented.

Here are the couple I managed to get at captured in my dash cam. Agreed the wait is not much, but I can only imagine what it must be during peak hours.

Last edited by blackwasp : 19th November 2017 at 18:58.
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Old 19th November 2017, 20:04   #1872
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Originally Posted by blackwasp View Post

Lately however, many toll operators have started allowing non tag vehicles into the lanes thereby defeating the whole purpose of FasTag. I can accept this at toll booth with just 2 lanes (e.g. Lonavala exit on the Mum-Pune Eway), but what about 10+ laned toll booths?
My experience has been the same. Good that you have a dashcam and captured it on video.

I shall share links to your video on social media.

On another note my fastag never gets read on MPEW. I have to scan it using the handheld gun from the inside to make it work.
What tag are u using? And where have you pasted it? I am okay to exhaust the balance on my axis tag and just move to some other tag. It's too much of a hassle to stop scan manually and then move ahead.

Last edited by mobike008 : 20th November 2017 at 22:14. Reason: Please avoid quoting emoticons, videos and pictures when responding. Thanks!
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Old 20th November 2017, 14:42   #1873
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by Mr.Boss View Post
Had a satisfactory experience with Equitas. Ordered on 9th Nov and got the tag delivered on 11th Nov
Ordered 3 fastags last week and all were delivered in less than 48 hours This time all 3 were dispatched through Bluedart and no hassles what I faced with Maruti Couriers.
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Old 20th November 2017, 21:21   #1874
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Ordered FastTag from PayTM on the 12th, uploaded vehicle details on the 14th, card was activated on the 17th, shipped on 18th and I received it today, looked up status on PayTm, showed up as Active with a balance of 150Rs. Stuck it behind the IRVM, hopefully works fine without any issues. Pretty good experience!
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Old 21st November 2017, 14:23   #1875
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Equitas Upate :-

There are two place holders in Equitas.

1. Wallet Balance
2. Tag Balance

Wallet Balance

This is the place where your money gets deposited once you perform a recharge of the Equitas Tag. You can have it as Zero balance (for example by moving all the amount to the Tag Balance).

Tag Balance

This is the balance which gets deducted while one crosses the Fastag enabled tolls. Minimum balance to be kept here is INR 100. If at anytime balance goes below 100 (e.g after toll charges) Equitas FastTag automatically gets into Deactivated status. One has to call the customer care after transferring money into the Tag balance for reactivation.
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